For instance, if I have a Text object called foo and another Text object called bar, is there a way to consolidate
foo.setFont(Font.font ("Courier New"));
bar.setFont(Font.font ("Courier New"));
And how would it be possible if these Text objects were in an ArrayList?
Without a List:
You could use a method with varargs to set them:
private void setStyles(Text... texts) {
for (Text text : texts) {
text.setFont(Font.font("Courier New"));
Now, to set the style for multiple Text objects, just pass them all to this method:
setStyles(foo, bar);
The ellipses (in Text...) basically tells the method to accept any number of Text objects, so you do not need to call it for each one.
With a List:
This method is almost identical, but accepts a List<Text> for the parameter instead:
private void setStyles(List<Text> texts) {
for (Text text : texts) {
text.setFont(Font.font("Courier New"));
Now you can just pass your list of objects to the method:
With Inline Stylesheet:
Bonus answer: You can also achieve the same result by using the setStyle method of your Text object. For this, just replace the body of the loop in your method like this:
text.setStyle("-fx-text-fill: green; -fx-font-family: 'Courier New'");
I've created a small text editor window that allows the user to change some basic properties of a text area included within the screen. Two of the options available to change the properties of the textArea are font color and font color fill, which are both handled by separate color pickers.
I ran into an issue when testing these buttons using the setStyle method that only one property could be saved at a time. Example, if text color was set to BLUE, and afterwards fill color was set to YELLOW, text color would not remain blue, but instead revert back to its default defined in the stylesheet (black).
To fix this problem, I have created the following method;
private void updateTheSyle()
this.textArea.setStyle("-fx-control-inner-background: " + toRgbString(this.colorPickerFill.getValue()) +
"; -fx-text-fill: " + toRgbString(this.colorPickerFont.getValue()) + ";");
The toRgbString() method is also called, this is simply passing the user input from the color picker into a string such that the setStyle method can pass the correct parameters to the stylesheet.
This solution does work, as it enables me to change both the fill and the font color without reverting back to default upon selection. However, my program includes more than just fill and font color, which will contribute to a far longer setStyle statement as these options are added.
TLDR: Is there a way to edit a single style included in a CSS stylesheet without affecting the other styles in a given class?
For your first question (longer setStyle statement), If we take into account that the style is defined by a String, and it takes a whole set of details to provide for a single Style, so why not use a List<String> :
List<String> example = new ArrayList<>();
String style = "";
//For example if you use 2 textField to get the (value) and (type):
example.add("-fx-"+textFieldType+":"+textFieldValue + "; ");
//To gather all the properties in a single string
for(String property: example){
style += example;
I do not know if there is a better approach but it works, good luck !
Edit :
I think this tip answers your second question:
private void Update(String type,String newValue){
for(int i = 0; i < example.size(); i++){
example.set(i, "-fx-"+type+":"+newValue + "; ");
//Here you add a (break;) to not alter the other similar styles !
//Here you use a loop to update the new elements changed
I hope this will help you solve your problem !
I have a string id of an object I need to find in QML tree.
For example:
var idToFind = "myBtnId"
Can I do something like the following?
var objectThatINeed = myMainWindow.findObjectById(idToFind)
As far as I understand I can use objectName for this purpose (at least from C++). Can I still reuse existing ids somehow without introducing the names?
I want to use this object as a parent for some other dynamically created controls.
No, you have to use objectName or some other property.
The id Attribute:
Once an object instance is created, the value of its id attribute cannot be changed. While it may look like an ordinary property, the id attribute is not an ordinary property attribute, and special semantics apply to it; for example, it is not possible to access in the above example.
If you know the IDs of all items you want beforehand, you can create an object map for them and use that to look them up. For example:
Item {
property var idMap: ({ foo:foo, bar:bar })
Rectangle { id:foo }
Item { id:bar }
function findItemById(id) {
return idMap[id];
Component.onCompleted: console.log(findItemById('foo'), findItemById('bar'))
// qml: QQuickRectangle(0x1479e40) QQuickItem(0x148fbf0)
QJSValue MyEngine::getQmlObjectById(const QString& id) {
QV4::ExecutionEngine *v4 = QV8Engine::getV4(m_JSEngine);
QV4::Scope scope(const_cast<QV4::ExecutionEngine *>(v4));
QV4::ScopedString name(scope, v4->newString(id));
return QJSValue(v4, v4->currentContext->getProperty(name));
Based on the answer from Phrogz, if you don't want an explicit map, you can assign the components to properties and then reference these with the [] operator:
Item {
id: page
property Component foo: Rectangle { color: "yellow" }
property Component bar: Item { }
Component.onCompleted: console.log(page["foo"], page["bar"])
//qml: QQuickRectangle(0x...) QQuickItem(0x...)
I need to assign different styles for the same typed widget instances. Specially for QActions. Following style sheet sets QActions' background images, actualy tool buttons'.
background-image: url(bg.png);
But I need to assign different backgrounds for tool buttons like this.
background-image: url(close.png);
background-image: url(open.png);
Is there any easy way like this or is it not possible?
You can set object name for instances of QToolButton
QToolButton *button = new QToolButton;
button = new QToolButton;
and next use them in Style Sheet
background-color: gray
background-color: red
It helps if you can post c++ code that creates the QToolButton and associates with QActions.
Cite from QToolBar's reference "Toolbar buttons are added by adding actions, using addAction() or insertAction(). " and "QWidget * QToolBar widgetForAction (QAction *action )const
Returns the widget associated with the specified action."
So if you are creating QToolBar and call QToolBar::addAction(QAction*) to fill it, it is possible to get pointer to the tool buttons. Try QToolBar::widgetForAction(), and call setObjectName("") and Blueman's method can be applied.
while applying Style Sheet to widgets, "#" is used after class name to specify object name, ":" is used after className of objectName indicating the object's status such like "enabled", "::" is used to specify the subcontrols such as "ListView::Item", unfortunately QAction is neither of QToolBar.
I have a bunch of QLineEdit boxes that I want to remove the borders from. Ideally I want to just do this with one line of code, rather than having to set no border for each QLineEdit box. I am trying to use QLineEdit::setFrame(false); but this returns illegal call of non-static member function. Suggestions?
You can set the style sheet for the application, or for the parent of those line edits:
window()->setStyleSheet("QLineEdit { border: none }");
window()->setStyleSheet("QLineEdit { qproperty-frame: false }");
The latter is equivalent to executing the following code:
for(auto ed : window()->findChildren<QLineEdit*>())
The window() refers to QWidget * QWidget::window() const.
Since you want to do it application-wide, you can simply set the style sheet on the application:
qApp->setStyleSheet("QLineEdit { qproperty-frame: false }");
You can further use CSS selectors to override the frame on certain objects. You've got the power of CSS at your disposal.
Use QLineEdit::setFrame() for that. But yes, it isn't a static method. So, you have to call it on an object : myLineEdit->setFrame( false );
I've managed to style my QLineEdit to something like this:
alt text
void Utilities::setFormErrorStyle(QLineEdit *lineEdit)
"background-color: #FF8A8A;"
"background-image: url(:/resources/warning.png);"
"background-position: right center;"
"background-repeat: no-repeat;"
I called the function using
Utilities *util = new Utilities;
The flow should be something like this:
User open form
User fill data
User submit data
Got error
Use setFormErrorStyle()
User edit the text in the QLineEdit and the style disappear
This function should be reusable over and over again, but how can I connect QLineEdit signal such as textChanged() to a function in other class that will reset the Style Sheet and then disconnect the signal so that it won't be running continuously every time the text changed ?
Qt also allows dynamic properties in its stylesheet, that means you don't need to code your own class for every widget type in your form.
Customizing Using Dynamic Properties
There are many situations where we need to present a form that has mandatory fields. To indicate to the user that the field is mandatory, one effective (albeit esthetically dubious) solution is to use yellow as the background color for those fields. It turns out this is very easy to implement using Qt Style Sheets. First, we would use the following application-wide style sheet:
*[mandatoryField="true"] { background-color: yellow }
This means that every widget whose mandatoryField Qt property is set to true would have a yellow background.
Then, for each mandatory field widget, we would simply create a mandatoryField property on the fly and set it to true. For example:
QLineEdit *nameEdit = new QLineEdit(this);
nameEdit->setProperty("mandatoryField", true);
QLineEdit *emailEdit = new QLineEdit(this);
emailEdit->setProperty("mandatoryField", true);
QSpinBox *ageSpinBox = new QSpinBox(this);
ageSpinBox->setProperty("mandatoryField", true);
Works also in Qt 4.3!
Allright, this is not compile but should work in principle, you should be able to change the look by calling editWidget->setProperty('isError',true) or editWidget->setError(false)
class ErrorTextEdit : QLineEdit
QPROPERTY(bool isError, READ isError, WRITE setError);
ErrorTextEdit(QWidget* parent) : QLineEdit(parent), m_isError(false)
m_styleSheet = "" // see below
void setError(bool val)
if (val != m_isError)
m_isError = val;
bool isError() {return m_isError;}
QString m_styleSheet;
bool m_isError;
for the stylesheet
optional ...
Style for textedit that is NOT an error
background-color: #FF8A8A;
background-image: url(:/resources/warning.png);
background-position: right center;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
the term
restricts the application of the stylesheet to instances of the class whose <property> has the appropriate <value> the only caveat is that the style is not changed when the property changes its' value, so the stylesheet has to be reapplied for the look of the widget to actually change, see Stylesheet Documentation -> Property Selector
This construction moves the stylesheet into the widget that uses it and makes switch internal to the widget, the widget changes in accordance to its state.
In general you have a couple of ways to handle invalid inputs in your form
a) observe every change and update the style appropriately, you should be able to use QValidator for that too, but that is a separate topic, using QValidator you will probably be able to completely internalize the state of a single QTextEdit and not have to deal with its validity from the outside
b) Do it in the submit loop that you have described above, whenever the user clicks on submit change the state of the correct and incorrect fields
it all depends the structure of your app and the view
See, the other idea is you need to override the paint evet of line edit and then set the background image and color.
here the implimentation is presetn here button, follow up the same to your line edit