Sudden increase in pageviews on google analytics? - google-analytics

As you can see the pages per session almost dupplicated overnight. Doesn't make sense to me so I investigated and GA only tracks one page once. I refresh the website and only one event is sent to GA. I move around and only 1 event per page is sent.
At the moment on a new page refresh it loads: (from service worker)
What do you think it might be?
Average time on page also decreased... but average session duration increased
The only thing that happen at that time, were those 2 peaks. Since then things got messed up for some reason. Also the website has been rebuild in at some time after the 2 peaks and I don't see any differences. Maybe the previous tracking thing was not working properly?
Any other explanations?
Code for GA:
window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []
window.gtag = function() {
window.dataLayer && window.dataLayer.push(arguments)
window.gtag('js', new Date())
const trackingId = config.trackingId
window.gtag('config', trackingId, {
send_page_view: false,
Tracking with:
window.gtag('config', trackingId, {
'page_title': '...',
'page_path': '...',
Bounce also decreased to around 60%.


Incremental Static Regeneration doesn't work without redeploying

This is my very first time building and deploying a website so bear with me if this is a dumb question. I'm building a Heardle style clone. The idea is that every day there's a new song and people have 6 guesses to figure out which song it is from short clips of the song. Every part of this seems to work with one major exception -- I can't seem to reload today's song dynamically.
I have a function:
export async function getStaticProps() {
const allSearchableSongs = songHelper.getSongData()
const todaysSong = await songHelper.getTodaysSong()
const songURLs: string[] = (todaysSong) ? await songHelper.getTodaysSongClips(todaysSong!) : []
let valid = false
if (songURLs) {
valid = true
return {
props: {
revalidate: 10
Note that getTodaysSong() and getTodaysSongClips() both make calls to AWS to get data from S3. Whenever I rebuild the website this works well. However, I would like for this to refresh after 60 seconds so that nobody is ever looking at a stale website. But this doesn't change ever. The song is always out of date until I redeploy. I've checked to make sure that the data is changing daily and that's all well and good -- but the website doesn't ever reload.
I'm currently hosting this on Vercel.
What am I doing wrong? How can I ensure that this reloads after 60 seconds?

I am noticing double entry (cpc and organic) for the same user ? little confused

I'm noticing double entry in google analytics. I have multiple ocurrences where it looks like the user came from the CPC campaign (which always has a 0s session duration) but that very same user also has an entry for "organic" and all the activities are logged under that.
My site is not ranked organically for those keywords. Unless a so many users come to my site, leave, and google for my "brand name" on google and revisits, this doesn't make sense.
I'm a little confused. Here's the report:
preview from google analytics dashboard
Based on the additional information in your comment, that the sites is a Single Page Application (SPA), you are most likely facing the problem of 'Rogue Referral'.
If this is the case, what happens, is that you overwrite the location field in the Analytics hit, losing the original UTM parameters, whereas referral is still sent with the hit, so Analytics recognizes the second hit as a new traffic source. One of the solutions is to store the original page URL and send it as the location, while sending the actual visited URL in the page field.
A very good article on this topic with further tips, by Simo Ahava, is available for your help.
Also please note, that as you have mentioned, that the first hit shows 0 second time on page, you might need to check, whether the first visited page is sent twice. E.g. sending a hit on the traditional page load event, and sending a hit for the same page as a virtual page view.
I have come up with a solution to this problem in a Gatsby website (a SPA), by writing the main logic in the gatsby-browser.js file, inside the onRouteUpdate function.
You can use this solution in other contexts, but please note that the code needs to run at the first load of the page and at every route change.
If you want the solution to work in browsers that do not support URLSearchParams I think you can easily find a polyfill.
Function to retrieve the parameters
// return the whole parameters only if at least one of the desired parameters exists
const retrieveParams = () => {
let storedParams;
if ('URLSearchParams' in window) {
// Browser supports URLSearchParams
const url = new URL(window.location.href);
const params = new URLSearchParams(;
const requestedParams = ['utm_source', 'utm_medium', 'utm_campaign', 'utm_content', 'gclid'];
const hasRequestedParams = requestedParams.some((param) => {
// true if it exists
return !!params.get(param);
if (hasRequestedParams) {
storedParams = params;
return storedParams;
Create the full URL
// look at existing parameters (from previous page navigations) or retrieve new ones
const storedParams = window.storedParams || retrieveParams();
let storedParamsUrl;
if (storedParams) {
// update window value
window.storedParams = storedParams;
// create the url
const urlWithoutParams = document.location.protocol + '//' + document.location.hostname + document.location.pathname;
storedParamsUrl = `${urlWithoutParams}?${storedParams}`;
Send the value to analytics (using gtag)
// gtag
gtag('config', 'YOUR_GA_ID', {
// ... other parameters
page_location: storedParamsUrl ?? window.location.href
gtag('event', 'page_view', {
// ... other parameters
page_location: storedParamsUrl ?? window.location.href,
send_to: 'YOUR_GA_ID'

User Timing Data is not showing up in Google Analytics

I want to find the time difference between two events.(two button clicks)
After computing the time difference, the time in minutes is sent to GA using gtag method.
The event Resolution Time is showing up in Real Time. But the data is not showing up in User Timings tab in under Behaviour Tab.
why GA is not showing up the data sent?
function sendResolutionTime(time) {
gtag('event', 'Resolution Time', {
'name': 'Resolution Time',
'value': time,
'event_category': 'timingCategory',
'event_label': 'timingLabel'
if parent = *time*
then ping [*host*]
That should give you some results^

How is Google analytics gtag supposed to work in a SPA?

From what I can tell, how google recommends to set up gtag, it's a function that is always pushing more variables onto an array:
window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];
function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);}
Following the docs on how to use it in a SPA, it seems I'm actually creating a memory leak.
gtag('config', 'GA_TRACKING_ID', {'page_path': '/new-page.html'});
console.log('window.dataLayer', window.dataLayer);
My console shows that every time I navigate to a new page the window.dataLayer array gets larger.
I'm assuming there's something I'm not understanding, because I doubt that Google wants me to create a memory leak in my app, but I'm stumped now.
The size of the dataLayer is capped at 300 (FIFO style) currently.
That's not currently documented and likely to change in the future. But the limit is there exactly to avoid blowing up memory in case repeated events happen inside the same page.
I do not know thoroughly but I assume this is just a normal array initialized before gtag is loaded. If the sole concern is to prevent this array from getting larger, then can't we create an array that prevents itself from getting larger than a set limit? Something like this?:
function createDL(limit){
var dL = [],//the array
iCounts = [];//the log of arg. length every time push is called
dL.push = function(){
if(this.length >= limit) {
return (
return this;
return dL;
window.dataLayer = dataLayer || createDL(5);
I did not touch the first things pushed to dataLayer since they contain the "config" directive and some optional arguments. If the first things pushed to array are larger than the limit, obviously it will always return false and you can't push any longer.
In your case a limit would be 300.
Or am I missing something?

Race condition and using Google Analytics Asynchronous (_gaq) synchronously

I have a website which is using Google Analytics newer asynchronous tracking method (_gaq). The problem I've run into is that I want to institute some specific link tracking and am worried that I will be creating a race condition.
Basically, it's a news website so it has headlines which link to stories all over the place. A headline for a story might appear in 3 different places on a page, and appear on hundreds of other pages. Thus, in order to understand how our audience is interacting with the site we have to track how each specific headline block is used, and not just the destination. Because of those two stipulations tracking individual pages, nor tracking referred pages won't be enough, we have to track individual links.
So if I have a link.
Because _gaq.push() is an asynchronous call, isn't it possible that the page change will occur prior to Google's completion of the click tracking? If so is there a way to prevent that, or do I have a misunderstanding about the way that Google Analytics Async functions (
You're right. If the browser leaves the page before it sends the GA tracking beacon (gif hit) for the event, the event will not be recorded. This is not new to the async code however, because the process of sending the tracking beacon is asynchronous; the old code worked the same way in that respect. If tracking is really that important, you could do something like this:
function track(link) {
if (!_gat) return true;
_gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'stuff']);
setTimeout(function() {location.href=link.href'}, 200);
return false;
This will stop the browser from going to the next page when the link is clicked if GA has been loaded already (it's probably best to not make the user wait that long). Then it sends the event and waits 200 milliseconds to send the user to the href of the link they clicked on. This increases the likelihood that the event will be recorded. You can increase the likelihood even more by making the timeout longer, but that also may be hurting user-experience in the process. It's a balance you'll have to experiment with.
I've got this problem too, and am determined to find a real solution.
What about pushing the function into the queue?
// Log a pageview to GA for a conversion
_gaq.push(['_trackPageview', url]);
// Push the redirect to make sure it happens AFTER we track the pageview
_gaq.push(function() { document.location = url; });
From Google's documentation for universal analytics (new version since most other answers for this question). You can now easily specify a callback.
var trackOutboundLink = function(url) {
ga('send', 'event', 'outbound', 'click', url, {'hitCallback':
function () {
document.location = url;
For clarity I'd recommend using this syntax, which makes it clearer which properties you're sending and easier to add more :
ga('send', 'event', {
'eventCategory': 'Homepage',
'eventAction': 'Video Play',
'eventLabel': label,
'eventValue': null,
'hitCallback': function()
// redirect here
'transport': 'beacon',
'nonInteraction': (interactive || true ? 0 : 1)
[Here's a complete list of parameters for all possible ga calls.]
In addition I've added the transport parameter set to beacon (not actually needed because it's automatically set if appropriate):
This specifies the transport mechanism with which hits will be sent.
The options are 'beacon', 'xhr', or 'image'. By default, analytics.js
will try to figure out the best method based on the hit size and
browser capabilities. If you specify 'beacon' and the user's browser
does not support the navigator.sendBeacon method, it will fall back
to 'image' or 'xhr' depending on hit size.
So when using navigator.beacon the navigation won't interrupt the tracking . Unfortunately Microsoft's support for beacon is non existent so you should still put the redirect in a callback.
In event handler you should setup hit callback:
_gaq.push(['_set', 'hitCallback', function(){
document.location = ...
send you data
and stop event event processing
I'm trying out a new approach where we build the URL for utm.gif ourselves, and request it, then only once we've received the response (the gif) we send the user on their way:
trackPageview(url, function() { document.location = url; });
Code (CrumbleCookie from:
* Use this to log a pageview to google and make sure it gets through
* See:
function trackPageview(url, fn) {
var utmaCookie = crumbleCookie('__utma');
var utmzCookie = crumbleCookie('__utmz');
var cookies = '__utma=' + utmaCookie + ';__utmz=' + utmzCookie;
var requestId = '' + (Math.floor((9999999999-999999999)*Math.random()) + 1000000000);
var hId = '' + (Math.floor((9999999999-999999999)*Math.random()) + 1000000000);
var utmUrl = '';
utmUrl += '?utmwv=4.8.9';
utmUrl += '&utmn=' + requestId;
utmUrl += '&utmhn=' + encodeURIComponent(window.location.hostname);
utmUrl += '&utmhid=' + hId;
utmUrl += '&utmr=-';
utmUrl += '&utmp=' + encodeURIComponent(url);
utmUrl += '&utmac=' + encodeURIComponent(_gaProfileId);
utmUrl += '&utmcc=' + encodeURIComponent(cookies);
var image = new Image();
image.onload = function() { fn(); };
image.src = utmUrl;
* #author: Danny Ng (
* #modified: 19/08/10
* #notes: Free to use and distribute without altering this comment. Would appreciate a link back :)
// Strip leading and trailing white-space
String.prototype.trim = function() { return this.replace(/^\s*|\s*$/g, ''); }
// Check if string is empty
String.prototype.empty = function() {
if (this.length == 0)
return true;
else if (this.length > 0)
return /^\s*$/.test(this);
// Breaks cookie into an object of keypair cookie values
function crumbleCookie(c)
var cookie_array = document.cookie.split(';');
var keyvaluepair = {};
for (var cookie = 0; cookie < cookie_array.length; cookie++)
var key = cookie_array[cookie].substring(0, cookie_array[cookie].indexOf('=')).trim();
var value = cookie_array[cookie].substring(cookie_array[cookie].indexOf('=')+1, cookie_array[cookie].length).trim();
keyvaluepair[key] = value;
if (c)
return keyvaluepair[c] ? keyvaluepair[c] : null;
return keyvaluepair;
Using onmousedown instead of onclick may also help. It doesn't eliminate the race condition, but it gives GA a head start. There's also the concern of someone clicking on a link and dragging away before letting go of the mouse button, but that's probably a negligible case.
