Unable to draw graphs with plot_ly function - r

Today I've been asked to draw some charts using plotly package for a Shiny application but i can't figure out how to solve my problem, so i've decided to ask for some help !
Everytime I try to use the function "plot_ly" I get the same error :
Error in arrange_impl(.data, dots) :
Evaluation error: as_dictionary() is defunct as of rlang 0.3.0.
Please use as_data_pronoun() instead.
I tried to remake the example from the official website of plotly and the result stay the same !
For instance, when i try the following code I get the message above :
USPersonalExpenditure <-
data <- USPersonalExpenditure[,c('Categorie', 'X1960')]
p <- plot_ly(data, labels = ~Categorie, values = ~X1960, type = 'pie')
I also re-installed the package, updated every package i had installed but their is nothing to do i'm still stucked with that error.
I didn't found anything revelant on google neither.
Thank you in advance and happy new year !

I solved my issue ! I didn't had the package dplyr installed actually...
The answer that helped me was given by cderv (https://community.rstudio.com/t/plotly-unable-to-draw-graphs/20639) :
This seems like a compatibility issue between :package: version. rlang version seems to be newer than your installed dplyr can deal with


Error when using ggstatsplot - Error in 'mutate()': Caused by error in vapply()':

Just installed ggstatsplot and tried running the Example in the Documentation to just see what inputs it requires and how to manipulate the function.
ggbetweenstats(mtcars, am, mpg)
I was immediately met with the error:
Error in `mutate()`:
! Problem while computing `n_label = paste0(am, "\n(n = ", .prettyNum(n), ")")`.
Caused by error in `vapply()`:
! values must be length 1,
but FUN(X[[1]]) result is length 3
I have tried multiple examples I found online of how to use the package and all result in the same error. I also tried ggwithinstats and received the same error. I updated all of my packages and have restarted R Studio at each step.
Any help would be appreciated, please let me know if I can provide any other information.
Sorry for the troubles.
This is due to update to insight package (https://github.com/IndrajeetPatil/ggstatsplot/issues/749).
EDIT on 21 May 22:
Both statsExpressions and ggstatsplot updates are now on CRAN, so all these issues should go away.
I get the exact same error.
#for reproducibility and data
data = bugs_long,
x = condition,
y = desire
May it is a bug?

ggplot2 error: Error in default + theme : non-numeric argument to binary operator

I have been getting the error Error in default + theme : non-numeric argument to binary operator. I have been using R and teaching R for a long time but I can't find this problem. I have included a reproducible example that fails this way below:
brains <- as_tibble(brains)
brains <- brains[1:10, ]
ggplot(brains, aes(x = BodyWt, y = BrainWt)) +
The error occurs when executing the ggplot() statement.
My hardware is an HP Laptop 15-ef0xxx. I am running Windows 10 Home version 2004. I am running RStudio community edition "Water Lily" and R version R x64** 4.0.2.
I know this is a simple error and it is driving me crazy.
So I finally solved this problem. On the github issue I had opened Hiroaki commented that "One possibility is that you might set a invalid default theme in your .Rprofile, but I'm not sure..." (see link to issue below).
I'm not sure if your R file is part of a project but mine is.
So I went back and deleted the theme_set() line in my R file, went in and double checked all my project options and selected the option "Disable .Rprofile execution on session start/resume" and "Quit child processes on exit". And then I restarted the R session and now everything works. Including on the default R editor console.
I'm not sure if all those steps are necessary but that seemed to do the trick for me! Hope it helps.
I thought this was an RStudio issue but it seems it's possibly a ggplot2 > problem. I have verified using two different datasets that the same >error comes up when I try using ggplot2 in RStudio or using the default R >console. I get the exact same error with code that's been working fine >but now suddenly won't. I have opened an issue on Github (ggplot2) with a >reprex. Might be worth checking there: >https://github.com/tidyverse/ggplot2/issues/4177
I know this is not an answer per se but I don't have enough reputation >points to add a comment to the previous answer but I thought linking to >the issue on Github might help.
I think you have numbers quoted somewhere and you are trying to perform mathematical operation on character values. Consider
x <- c("5","6")
y <- x/1
> y <- x/1
Error in x/1 : non-numeric argument to binary operator
Now try converting x to numeric and perform the same operation.
y <- as.numeric(x)/1
> y
[1] 5 6
So, you need to use as.numeric on your variable.
The following should resove this issue
ggplot(brains, aes(x = as.numeric(BodyWt), y = as.numeric(BrainWt)))

Geomorph not functioning after update

I recently updated my MacBook air (2017) to the Mojave OS and proceeded to update my version of R and Rstudio. Unfortunately, ever since the 'plotTangentSpace' command no longer functions appropriately even when attempting to run the example 'plethodon' code from the Geomorph vingette, I always receive the following error in the output (bolded below):
Y.gpa<-gpagen(plethodon$land) #GPA-alignment
|====================================================================================| 100%
gp <- interaction(plethodon$species, plethodon$site)
plotTangentSpace(Y.gpa$coords, groups = gp)
Error in plotTangentSpace(Y.gpa$coords, groups = gp) :
unused arguments (Y.gpa$coords, groups = gp)
I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling R for a MacOS many times including versions 4.0.2, 3.6.3, 3.6.1, and 3.2.1. I have also uninstalled and reinstalled XQuartz several times.
If anyone has encountered a similar issue or has any other ideas I can try I would really appreciate the help. Thank you!
If you execute:
You should see that this is a deprecated function. That means you should not be using it. It says:
Notes for geomorph 3.3.0 and subsequent versions
I suspect you have not updated your copy of the vignette. There are instructions on the help page for an alternate approach. The example in the help page for the suggested function is:
Y.gpa <- gpagen(plethspecies$land) #GPA-alignment
### Traditional PCA
PCA <- gm.prcomp(Y.gpa$coords)
plot(PCA, main = "PCA")
For the plethodon data they suggest:
PCA.w.phylo <- gm.prcomp(Y.gpa$coords, phy = plethspecies$phy)
plot(PCA.w.phylo, phylo = TRUE, main = "PCA.w.phylo")
So start a new session (to unload the currently loaded geomorph namespace, and execute this at the r session command line:
You should be getting version 3.3.1 of the geomorph package.
I think I found the problem! In my case, the error was due to a old version of the package RRPP, which is required by Geomorph. After updating it, Geomorph is working perfectly! Hope this can be useful for you too.
I came across the same error but after updating the RRPP and rgl packages required for geomorph, the gm.prcomp() function worked for me. I hope this helps if you haven't figured it out already.

Error in R with highcharter library

I have a problem with this code , what is wrong with this code ?
and the results is this :
Error: !is.null(type) is not TRUE
The interface for this package doesn't seem very intuitive (and that error needs better handling) but try:
hchart(mtcars, "scatter", x=mpg, y=disp)
The highcharter docs for hchart show examples with code that might be useful.

GoogleVis, Geomap Plot error

When I want to create the map using the gvisGeoMap() from googleVis, I get error:
## Using the google visualization API with R
input<- read.csv("data.csv")
select<- input[which(input$Subgroup=="Total 5-14"),]
select<- input[which(input$Subgroup=="Total 5-14 yr"),]
Map<- data.frame(select$Country.or.Area, select$Value)
names(Map)<- c("Country", "Percentage")
Geo=gvisGeoMap(Map, locationvar="Country", numvar="Percentage",
options=list(height=350, dataMode='regions'))
#starting httpd help server ... done
#Error in ifelse(interactive(), getOption("browser"), "false") :
#replacement has length zero
The above is the error in the "RGui". The error message in "RStudio" is differet:
#object of type 'closure' is not subsettable
and the browser does not fire at all. The HTTP server works fine since I can simply call help pages.( for example ?googleVis will fire up the browser and give the help page). The "Geo" object in the code above is fine and contains the html code only that the plot() does not do what it is supposed to do (I can manually run the html file in the temp folder and see the results). The example above is available here.
I would appreciate your clues.
Thank you
This is the result of correspondance with the the Authors of the packages. It seems that there was a bug that prevented the plot to work properly. The released a new version. You can find the link below.
Yesterday evening I realised that with version 0.3.0 of googleVis I unfortunately introduced a bug in RStudio and R on Windows.
The bug has been fixed already and a new version (0.3.1) is available from our project site (here is the link), but not on CRAN yet.
I have put a note on my blog (here is the link) to inform others as well.
I hope this helps.
Best regards
