Symfony - background task from form setup - symfony

Would you know how to run a background task on Symfony 4, based on the setup of a form ? This would avoid that the user has to remain on the form until the task is finished.
The idea would be that when the form is validated, it starts an independant background task. Then the user can continue its navigation and come back once the task is finished to get the results.
Thanks for your help,

You need to use pattern Message Bus. Symfony has own implementation of this pattern since version 4.1 introducing Messenger Component.
You can see documentation here:
To get it work you need some external program that will implement AMQP protocol. Most popular in PHP world IMHO RabbitMQ.

A very simple solution for this could be the following procedure:
Form is valid.
A temporary file is created.
Cronjob gets executed every five minutes and starts a symfony command.
The command checks if the file exists and if it's empty.
If so, the command works of the background task. But before this, the command write it's process id in the file to prevent from beeing excuted a second time.
Remove the file when the command has finished.
As long as the file exists you can show a hint for the user that the task is running.


How to reschedule a coordinator job in OOZIE without restarting the job?

When i changed the start time of a coordinator job in in oozie, the job is not taking the changed time, instead its running in the old scheduled time.
The job is not running at the changed time:07th minute,its running at 08th minute in every hour.
Please can you let me know the solution, how i can make the job pickup the updated properties(changed timing) without restarting or killing the job.
You can't really change the timing of the co-ordinator via any methods given by Oozie(v3.3.2) . When you submit a job the contents properties are stored in the database whereas the actual workflow is in the HDFS.
Everytime you execute the co-ordinator it is necessary to have the workflow in the path specified in properties during job submission but the properties file is not needed. What I mean to imply is the properties file does not come into the picture after submitting the job.
One hack is to update the time directly in the database using SQL query.But I am not sure about the implications of it.The property might become inconsistent across the database.
You have to kill the job and resubmit a new one.
Note: oozie provides a way to change the concurrency,endtime and pausetime as specified in the official docs.

Any code can trigger a batching override action?

I am working on a project which will batching some 834 records in file.
I setup the batching trigger as when the record count reaches a number, a batch file will release. But I also want release a batch even the record count is not reached (for example, every night, release all queueing record as a final file).
I know it can be done by click the override button in Batch Configuration window, but it need be done automatically.
So, basically, my question is, what did BizTalk do when I clicked the override button? Does BizTalk prove anyway to let me do that in a program?
I must say I did not try to send a controlmessage to a batch setting as release per record count, if you know this works, please let me know.
You're almost there and to complete the process isn't that difficult.
Leave the Batch configuration at the records count as it is.
Then, setup a process where an External Release trigger is sent at the appropriate time. A Windows Scheduled Task is a viable option, it can copy a file to a File Receive Location.
This article describes how to create the trigger message:

How to get the user who initiated the process in IBM BPM 8.5?

How to get the user who initiated the process in IBM BPM 8.5. I want to reassign my task to the user who actually initiated the process. How it can be achieved in IBM BPM?
There are several ways to get that who initiated a Task , But who initiated a process Instance is somewhat different.
You can perform one out of the following :
Add a private variable and assign it tw.system.user_loginName at the POST of start. you can access that variable for user who initiated the process.(It will be null or undefined for the scenario if task is initiated by some REST API or UCA.)
Place a Tracking group after Start event . Add a input variable to it as username , assign it a value same as tw.system.user_loginName. So whenever Process is started entry will be inserted to DB Table.You can retrieve this value from that view in PerformanceDB.
Also there might be some table ,logging the process Instances details , where you can find the user_id directly.
I suggest you to look in getStarter() method of ProcessInstanceData API.
Official Documentation on API
This link on IBM Developerworks should help you too: Process Starter
Unfortunately there's not an Out Of The Box way to do this - nothing is recorded in the Process Instance that indicates "who" started a process. I presume this is because there are many ways to launch a process instance - from the Portal, via a Message Event, from an API call, etc.
Perhaps the best way to handle this is to add a required Input parameter to your BPD, and supply "who" started the process when you launch it. Unfortunately you can't supply any inputs from the OOTB Portal "New", but you can easilty build your own "launcher".
If you want to route the first task in process to the user that started the process the easiest approach is to simply put the start point in the lane, and on the activity select routing to "Last User In Lane". This will take care of the use case for you without requiring that you do the book keeping to track the user.
Its been a while since I've implemented this, so I can't remember if it will work elegantly if you have system steps before the first task, but this can easily be handled by moving the system steps into the human service to be executed as part of that call, rather than as a separate step in the BPD.
Define variable as string type and using script task to define the login user that use this task and assign it to your defined variable to keep to you in all of the process as initiator of the task.
You can use this line of code to achieve the same:

Symfony2 calling console command in controller from vendor

I want to use a console command from this bundle within my controller:
The developer proposes cronjobs, however I want to use the command to backup my database from within my controller.
How would I do that?
I am getting this error message when i simply try to register this command as a service:
You have requested a non-existent service "backupcommandservice".
Thanks for the help!
commands don't quite work that way. Per the note on
registering a command as a service doesn't do much other than control location and dependency injection.
if you want to call a command:
that being said you shouldn't call commands from within a controller since you're basically asking to wait for this command to finish executing before you return a response. You'd be better off just sending a request to a queue box (for example beanstalk) and have a worker perform the job.

build queue issues in

Having a question on how the build queue is configured in
I believe we have an issue , when trying to “force” build a scheduled project, the server tries to run several builds at the same time and fails
Most of them except the one that started first.
We need to get to a state when regardless how many builds are scheduled or how many we “force” start in about the same time, all build requests are placed in to a build queue and
executed one after finishing another in the order they were placed, and no extra request are generated.
Build Failed email is sent but the build was actually successful.
In short,The erroneous email is likely due to an error in the build server’s build scheduler/queue, trying to run 2 builds instead of one when asked for a “forced” build, as a result the first one is successful and the second one fails.
How to correct/resolve this issue....?
To specify your projects' queue you need to set the queue property like this :
<project name="MyFirstProject" queue="Q1" queuePriority="1">
The default value is a queue per project. If you manually set the same queue (for example Q1) for all you project then, you will have a unique queue.
As for the queuePriority, the project (not yet started) in the queue are ordonned by queuePriority, low queuePriority projects start first.
It's all described in the cc net documentation which is now offline due to a problem at sourceforge.
