How to register a class by convention that implements two interfaces? - unity-container

Let's say I have a class that implements IFoo and IBar. I want to register the class by convention in Unity so that I can inject it via either IFoo or IBar. Is there a way to do this?

Let's start from the unity without using the convention. In that case, you want to register the implementation and bind it to multiple interface you would probably do something like this:
container.Register(typeof(BarFoo), lifetime);
container.Register(typeof(IBar), typeof(BarFoo));
container.Register(typeof(IFoo), typeof(BarFoo));
The points using convention is to archive something like this. The example is really simplified and tries to point out what should be done. The assumption is that type is BarFoo but generally the type is each type which is defined within assembly so some additional logic should be applied to detect multi interface implementations.
type => new[] { typeof(BarFoo), typeof(IFoo), typeof(IBar) },
The point is to register the implementation itself next to the interface, then the interface will be mapped to the implementation. If you don't register implementation then each interface will be bound to the separate instance of the implementation. IMO this doesn't make sense with TransiendLifetime...however, you have the possibility to tweak the lifetime per type as well.
n.b. Just as a showcase how it could be implemented
type =>
var types = WithMappings.FromAllInterfaces(type).ToList();
if(!type.IsAbstract && type.GetInterfaces().Count() > 1) //more than one interface
return types;


Dart - Casting List<SuperType> to List<SubType> using generics

I am new to Flutter and Dart, coming from native Android.
Android has a very nice database abstraction architecture called the Room Persistence Library. As far as I am aware, no such database abstraction architecture exists for Flutter using the MVVM / MVC design patterns.
My solution was to create a Dart version of it myself. I got it pretty much done after a few headaches, but I cannot seem to get LiveData to work properly using generics.
I set up my class like this:
class LiveData<T> {
Now when I want to return some data, it can either be an Object or List<Object>. I found a neat hack for differentiating the two from T:
// Parse response
// This checks if the type is an instance of a single entity or a list.
if (entity is T) {
cachedData = rawData.isEmpty ? null : entity.fromMap(rawData.first) as T;
} else {
cachedData = => entity.fromMap(e)).toList() as T;
The problem lies in the second block:
cachedData = => entity.fromMap(e)).toList() as T;
With the error:
- Unhandled Exception: type 'List<Entity>' is not a subtype of type 'List<Vehicle>' in type cast
The question then becomes: How can I cast Entity to Vehicle when I do not have access to the Vehicle class. Only an instance of it is assigned to an Entity entity variable.
Here's a snippet to demonstrate my access to Vehicle:
final Entity entity;
...assign Vehicle instance to entity...
print(entity is Vehicle) // True
I've tried using .runtimeType to no avail. I have also thought about splitting LiveData into two classes, the second one being LiveDataList. Although this seems to be the easiest solution to not bug the code- it would bug me (bad pun is intentional) and break the otherwise pretty direct port of Room.
As a temporary solution, I have abstracted out the build logic into a generic function to be passed to the LiveData in the constructor.
final T Function(List<Map<String, dynamic>> rawData) builder;
And now I call that instead of the previous code to build the cachedData.
// Parse response
cachedData = builder(rawData);
With the constructor for the LiveData<List<Vehicle>> called when accessing all vehicles in the Dao<Vehicle> being:
class VehicleDao implements Dao<Vehicle> {
static LiveData<List<Vehicle>> get() {
return LiveData<List<Vehicle>>(
(rawData) => => Vehicle.fromMap(e)).toList(),
In Dart (and indeed in many languages) generics screws with the concept of inheritance. You would think that if Bar inherits from Foo, that List<Bar> would also be castable to List<Foo>.
This is not actually going to be the case because of how generics work. When you have a generic class, every time you use that class with a different type, that type is treated as a completely separate class. This is because when the compiler compiles those types, class MyGenericType<Foo> extends BaseClass and class MyGenericType<Bar> extends BaseClass are basically converted to something like class MyGenericType_Foo extends BaseClass and class MyGenericType_Bar extends BaseClass.
Do you see the problem? MyGenericType_Foo and MyGenericType_Bar are not descendants of one another. They are siblings of each other, both extending from BaseClass. This is why when you try to convert a List<Entity> to List<Vehicle>, the cast doesn't work because they are sibling types, not a supertype and subtype.
With all this being said, while you cannot directly cast one generic type to another based on the relationship of the generic type parameter, in the case of List there is a way to convert one List type to another: the cast method.
List<Entity> entityList = <Entity>[...];
List<Vehicle> vehicleList = entityList.cast<Vehicle>(); // This cast will work
One thing to note though, if you are casting from a supertype generic to a sub-type generic and not all the elements of the list are that new type, this cast will throw an error.

netcore DI container returns different instances for same registration with overloads

I encountered a Problem with the DI framework of netcore. I am aware about the different ways to register an type in the DI container.
Specifically I am interested in the .AddSingleton method. There are many overlaods of this method.
My Problem is that I want to ensure that when I register the same class in different ways (with an interface and just with the class type), then two instances are created, one for each "registration" way.
Lets say I have an Interface called ISomeInterface an one implementation of it named ImplementationOfSomeInterface.
In my case I want the DI system to create an instance whenever the ImplementationOfSomeInterface is requested. Further I have some places where I define the dependency just with the interface ISomeInterface.
The Problem is that the DI system returns 2 instances of ImplementationOfSomeInterface. One for the case where the dependency is related of the class and one for the case where the dependency is given by the Interface.
I already checked many documentation and tutorials, but they all just explain the differences of AddSingleton, AddScoped etc...
// registration with the class type
//registration with an interface and the corresponding 'same' class type
services.AddSingleton<ISomeInterface, ImplementationOfSomeInterface>();
//--------- now the usage of it -------------------
public TestClassA(SomeInterfaceImplementation instance)
var resultingInstA = instance;
public TestClassB(ISomeInterface instance)
var resultingInstB = instance;
//I would expect that resultingInstA is pointing to the very same object of
//resultingInstB => but they are different!
I would expect that resultingInstA is pointing to the very same object of resultingInstB => but they are different!
How can I achieve that I get the same instance back?
You can do it by registering an instance of the class rather than just the type.
var instance = new ImplementationOfSomeInterface();
Now any attempt to resolve ImplementationOfSomeInterface or ISomeInterface will both return the instance initialized here.

How can I let Rebus determine an endpoint for an interface and not for an implementation of that interface

When I Send an instance created by AutoMapper.Mapper.DynamicMap() I run into an error where Rebus seems to want to determine an endpoint for proxy type returned by DynamicMap. This instance will contain an implementation of T assuming T is an interface type.
Is there a way in which I can let Rebus determine an endpoint for the interface type T and not for the implementing type returned by DynamicMap()?
I tried playing around with IDetermineMessageOwnership but had no luck so far.
public static void Send<T>(this IBus bus, object source)
var message = Mapper.DynamicMap<T>(source);
Thanks in advance!
Sure! In your case, you could create your own implementation of IDetermineMessageOwnership which is the service that Rebus uses to map a message type to an endpoint.
If you want to leverage Rebus' existing logic, you could decorate any chosen strategy and extend it with a keep-looking-at-all-implemented-interfaces-until-one-can-be-mapped strategy like so:
.MessageOwnership(o => o.FromRebusConfigurationSection())
.Decorators(d => d.AddDecoration(DecorateOwnershipMapping)))
where DecorateOwnershipMapping would install a decorator on top of whatever is configured like so:
void DecorateOwnershipMapping(ConfigurationBackbone b)
b.DetermineMessageOwnership = new CustomizedEndpointMapper(b.DetermineMessageOwnership);
and a possible implementation could look like this:
class CustomizedEndpointMapper : IDetermineMessageOwnership
readonly IDetermineMessageOwnership wrappedEndpointMapper;
public CustomizedEndpointMapper(IDetermineMessageOwnership wrappedEndpointMapper)
this.wrappedEndpointMapper = wrappedEndpointMapper;
public string GetEndpointFor(Type messageType)
var mappingCandidates = new[] {messageType}
foreach (var typeToTry in mappingCandidates)
return wrappedEndpointMapper.GetEndpointFor(typeToTry);
throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("Could not determine the owner of message of type {0} - attempted to map the following types: {1}",
messageType, string.Join(", ", mappingCandidates)));
thus iterating through the concrete type as well as all inherited interface types when trying to determine the owning endpoint.
In your case, I believe this would work flawlessly when determining the message owner. Only problem is that the serializer will most likely complain, because the dynamically generated type cannot be recognized again when the message is received.
Hence, this trick requires customization of the serializer as well. If you're using the (default) JSON serializer, you might get away with some custom resolvers like so:
.Serialization(s => s.UseJsonSerializer()
where CustomNameResolver and CustomTypeResolver are methods that must then take care of mapping the type to a type name and mapping the type name to a type that can then be deserialized into. In order to make this work with AutoMapper, you'll probably need to either
a) somehow use AutoMapper to look up the type of the received message and return that type from CustomTypeResolver, or
b) customize the serializer to have AutoMapper somehow participate in generating the object to be returned
but I must admit that I'm unsure whether the last part will play out smoothly.
A final note: if you succeed in making this work, I suggest you pack up your configuration spells into a reusable extension method on RebusConfigurer so that your endpoints can just go
in all your Rebus endpoints...
I'll appreciate it if you'll let me know how this works out for you! :)

Using IOC Container for multiple concrete types

I want to implement IOC in my application but i am confused, in my application i have multiple concrete classes which implement an interface. Consider this scenario:-
I have an Inteface ICommand and following concrete types which implement this interface:-
Basically user performs all this action in UI and then List is passed to the service layer where each command is executed.
So in GUI layer I will write
ICommand command1 = new AddAddress();
ICommand command2 = new RemoveContact();
In command manger
List<ICommand> listOfCommands = List<ICommand>();
Then finally will pass listOfCommands to service layer.
Now as per my understanding of IOC is only one concrete class is mapped to the interface. And we use this syntax to get our concrete type from StructureMap container.
ICommand command = ObjectFactory.GetInstance<ICommand>();
How should i implement IOC in this scenario?
In this scenario you're better off making your commands into value objects, i.e. not created by the IoC container:
class AddAddressCommand {
public AddAddressCommand(string address) {
Address = address;
public string Address { get; private set; }
When you create a command, you really do want a specific implementation, and you want to parameterise it precisely, both concerns that will work against the services of the IoC container. This will become even more relevant if you decide at some point to serialize the command objects.
Instead, make the service-layer components that execute the commands into IoC-provided components:
class AddAddressHandler : IHandler<AddAddressCommand> {
public AddAddressHandler(ISomeDependency someDependency) { ... }
public void Handle(AddAddressCommand command) {
// Execution logic using dependencies goes here
In your case, the component that accepts the list of commands to execute will need to resolve the appropriate handler for each command and dispatch the command object to it.
There's some discussion of how to do this with Windsor here: - the community supporting your IoC container of choice will be able to help you with its configuration.
As mentioned by Mark, StructureMap will allow you to set up and call named instances of an interface:
ObjectFactory.Initialize(x =>
You can still add a default instance for that particular interface, of course:
ObjectFactory.Initialize(x =>
When you call ObjectFactory.GetInstance<ISomeInterface>(); the default instance (the one initialized with Use instead of Add) is the one that will be returned.
So in your case, the set up would look something like:
ObjectFactory.Initialize(x =>
// names are arbitrary
These would be called as pointed out by Mark:
Hope this helps.
Most IOC containers allow you to register "named instances" of interfaces, allowing you to register several implementations of ICommand, each with its own unique name. In StructureMap, you request them like this:
Have a look at this question to see how you setup the container in StructureMap.

Get instance of type inheriting from base class, implementing interface, using StructureMap

Continuing on my quest for a good plugin implementation I have been testing the StructureMap assembly scanning features.
All plugins will inherit from abstract class PluginBase. This will provide access to common application services such as logging. Depending on it's function, each plugin may then implement additional interfaces, for example, IStartUpTask.
I am initializing my plugins like so:
Scan(x => {
assembly => assembly.GetName().Name.Contains("Extension"));
The difficulty I am then having is how to work against the interface (not the PluginBase) in code. It's easy enough to work with PluginBase:
var plugins = ObjectFactory.GetAllInstances<PluginBase>();
foreach (var plugin in plugins)
But specific functionality (e.g. IStartUpTask.RunTask) is tied to the interface, not the base class.
I appreciate this may not be specific to structuremap (perhaps more a question of reflection).
Do you know all of the specific interfaces at registration time? If so, you can make a custom registration convention that registers each type with the plugin "family" of the interface it implements. An IRegistrationConvention gets each type, one at a time. You could do a simple check to see if the current type implements the desired interface, and if so, add it.
if (typeof(IStartUpTask).IsAssignableFrom(currentType)){
Then later in the code, you can retrieve plugins for each specific interface individually:
var startupTasks = ObjectFactory.GetAllInstances<IStartUpTask>();
This approach has the benefit of allowing you to inject an enumerable of your custom interface plugins into a class that needs them, instead of making the service location call.
Alternatively, if you don't want to make a registration convention, you can just do the filtering at runtime using the handy OfType linq extension method:
var startupTasks = ObjectFactory.GetAllInstances<PluginBase>().OfType<IStartupTask>();
In case it helps others, I followed Joshua's advice and added my own registration convention:
public class PluginConvention : IRegistrationConvention
public void Process(Type type, Registry registry) {
if (type.BaseType == null) return;
if (type.BaseType.Equals(typeof(PSAdmin.Core.Domain.PluginBase))) {
if (typeof(IStartUpTask).IsAssignableFrom(type)) {
I couldn't get the .Add method to work, no matter what I tried, so had to use TheDefault.Is.OfConcreteType(type).
Then in my bootstrapper I am scanning like so:
Scan(x => {
assembly => assembly.GetName().Name.Contains("Extension"));
I can then grab my IStartUp task types like so:
var plugins = ObjectFactory.GetAllInstances<IStartUpTask>();
foreach (var plugin in plugins)
That said, after reading up on some of the new features of StructureMap, I'm not sure I need to do any of the above. For example I could just change my Scan delegate function to:
Scan(x => {
assembly => assembly.GetName().Name.Contains("Extension"));
And to use my interface concrete types (that inherit from PluginBase):
var tasks = ObjectFactory.Model.GetAllPossible<IStartUpTask>();
foreach (var task in tasks)
Both methods seem to achieve the same thing.
