Previously executed migration are not registered migrations - symfony

I'm trying to update my database with those commands
php bin/console make:migration
this return success
But when I try
php bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate
I have this error:
WARNING! You have 5 previously executed migrations in the database >>that are not registered migrations.
>> 2018-12-17 10:42:04 (20181217104204)
>> 2018-12-17 13:19:24 (20181217131924)
>> 2018-12-17 13:40:58 (20181217134058)
>> 2018-12-18 10:41:38 (20181218104138)
>> 2018-12-18 13:15:49 (20181218131549)
Thing is, the database listed here are not in my migrations table from my database and they are not in my Migrations folder either.
How can I remove those wrong migrations ? Thanks.

This is a year old, but I've had problems a few times where I delete old migration files because they aren't relevant or whatever reason and had the same issue. I think the correct way to handle this is to delete references from the table directly.
php bin/console doctrine:query:sql "delete from migration_versions where version = '2020181217104204'";
EDIT - newer versions of Symfony are now using a "doctrine_migration_versions" table.
php bin/console doctrine:query:sql "delete from doctrine_migration_versions where version = '2020181217104204'";

Encounterd the same probleme : I had previously copied already executed migration to the newly created migration table (due to doctrine update).
Renaming all version names as follow saved the day : 20190408092436 --> DoctrineMigrations\Version20190408092436


remove test database when tests ends (Symfony / PHP Unit)

I am using PHPUnit (9.5) with Symfony (5.3).
For my tests, I use the default test database config from config/packages/test/doctrine.yaml :
# "TEST_TOKEN" is typically set by ParaTest
dbname_suffix: '_test%env(default::TEST_TOKEN)%'
So my tests use the same database as prod with the suffix '_test'.
I added some code to tests/bootstrap.php to automate database creation / reset before each test runs :
// delete database if exists, then create
passthru('php bin/console doctrine:database:drop --env=test --force --if-exists');
passthru('php bin/console doctrine:database:create --env=test');
// run migrations
passthru('php bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate --env=test -n');
and I use dama/doctrine-test-bundle for automatic transactions for each tests.
That is working very well, but I have a question :
Is there a way to delete the database at the end of test run ? (like I did in bootstrap.php)
I understand that your bootstrap.php file is running before the test, you need a solution to launch something after your test.
First, create a command that drop the test database.
In anyway, be very careful that the code in your command stop all execution, if you aren't in an explicit test environment (because it means you are in a production environment).
Then, you can alter your composer.json file to launch the created command after your test in a chain of scripts.
Here is an exemple
"scripts": {
"test-and-remove": [
"#putenv APP_ENV=test",
"phpunit --configuration phpunit.xml",
"php bin/console app:drop-test-database"
Then you only have to launch your test via this new command:
composer test-and-remove

generate initial migration after creating entity and repository for an existing database

After creating an Entity and Repository from an existing pre-doctrine database, I am unable to make an initial migration. It gave me this error [ERROR] The version "latest" couldn't be reached, there are no registered migrations. Any idea how to do an initial migration without starting fresh? And for some reason, the migration folder exists outside the src folder, why is it so? In a previous project, the migration folder exists inside the src folder.
Any insight would be appreciated. Thank you for reading.
EDIT: doctrine_migrations.yaml:
# namespace is arbitrary but should be different from App\Migrations
# as migrations classes should NOT be autoloaded
'DoctrineMigrations': '%kernel.project_dir%/migrations'
The commands I used to generate the Entity and its Repository is as follows:
php bin/console doctrine:mapping:import "App\Entity" annotation --path=src/Entity
modified the #ORM\Entity => #ORM\Entity(repositoryClass="App\Repository\UserRepository") in the entity .php
php bin/console make:entity --regenerate
Then when I run bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate, the error pops up.
Work for me
'App\Migrations': '%kernel.project_dir%/src/Migrations'
and use for migration classes
namespace App\Migrations;
THis is my migrations config.You can test it :
dir_name: '%kernel.project_dir%/src/Migrations'
# namespace is arbitrary but should be different from App\Migrations
# as migrations classes should NOT be autoloaded
namespace: DoctrineMigrations
For migration commande i use : php bin/console d:m:diff and after this you can use the migration number with this commande :
php bin/console d:m:e --up the_migration_number
I tried most of the methods but it seems that it is possible to generate the migration. However, changes to the entity will not be detected by doctrine.
For example, if I change the field of name to username, php bin/console doctrine:migration:diff does not detect the changes.
What I found worked was exporting the database as .sql, creating the entity the normal way, and manually typing in the fields. Delete the generated table in phpmyadmin, and importing the data back in. Only then would it be working as I want it to be.

Symfony 4 : execute the latest migration file

I have two migrations file and I want to execute the latest one, after show versions I got :
Latest Version:2019-10-01 13:23:06 (20191001132306)
and I execute :
php bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate 20191001132306
symfony still execute the first one which have some errors, should I delete it or there a way to execute a specific migration file !!
you can delete the migration file and delete the record on your database from the table
But I'd like to suggest to delete all migration.php files, delete * from migration_versions where 1 = 1 on the database and do again "diff", "migrate" from console.

"Modules are Outdated" Error

I get this error when I create a new module:
"Please upgrade your database: Run "bin/magento setup:upgrade" from the Magento root directory.
The following modules are outdated:
Sangeeta_Octan data: current version - none, required version - 0.0.1";i:1;s:1781:"#0
I searched on google and found no solution other than reinstalling Magento. Such as:
version has been changed from "" to "2.0.0" during development,
so update tool can't recognize that "" <= "2.0.0". Please,
re-install your application from scratch to get latest version. `
Do I have any options apart from reinstalling?
Change the setup_version of your module (Sangeeta_Octan) in
app/code/Sangeeta/Octan/etc/module.xml. Try a different version
name like setup_version="2.0.1" or setup_version="3.0.0"
Run bin/magento setup:upgrade
If that doesn't work, disable your module by changing your module name in app/etc/config.phpfrom Sangeeta_Octan => 1 to Sangeeta_Octan => 0. Then run bin/magento setup:upgrade
I hope below solution also solve your problem.
in mysql find the table setup_module It will have 3 fields. Find the NULL values in data_version & have them match the schema_version
As an alternative, you can access your magento database and look at the table setup_module
You will see a list of all installed modules and you can manually set the schema/data version numbers here.
Delete the offending rows from the setup_module table (if they are there) and run the command bin/magento setup:upgrade from your Magento 2 root directory.
This is happens because of something wrong while running "bin/magento setup:upgrade" and the data_version in Module versions registry is null. It is loaded from DB, We can just proceed by manually changing it in db.
Go db via php myadmin and check "setup_module" table, the
data_version which are mentioned "null".
Login to Mysql database => then update table setup_module of the "data_version" column same as "schema_version"

Create Entities from existing DB

Newest Version Symfony2 and using MAMP on a MAC. Following command:
php app/console doctrine:mapping:convert yml ./src/Acme/DemoBundle/Resources/config/doctrine/metadata/orm --from-database --force
My Error:
Unknown database type enum requested, Doctrine\DBAL\Platforms\MySqlPlatform may not support it.
Don't have any idea. What is wrong?
A connection to my db is working. Because I tried to create a table and the output was that the table exist.
Sorry, I missed it and here is the solution of my question.
