I have large XML files that I want to turn into dataframes for further processing within R and other programs. This is all being done in macOS.
Each monthly XML is around 1gb large, has 150k records and 191 different variables. In the end I might not need the full 191 variables but I'd like to keep them and decide later.
The XML files can be accessed here (scroll to the bottom for the monthly zips, when uncompressed one should look at "dming" XMLs)
I've made some progress but processing for larger files takes too long (see below)
The XML looks like this:
<ROW_DUASDIA NUM="150236">
I hope that's clear enough. This is my first time working with an XML.
I've looked at many answers here and in fact managed to get the data into a dataframe using a smaller sample (using a daily XML instead of the monthly ones) and xml2. Here's what I did
raw <- read_xml(filename)
# Find all records
dua <- xml_find_all(raw,"//ROW_DUASDIA")
# Create empty dataframe
dualen <- length(dua)
varlen <- length(xml_children(dua[[1]]))
df <- data.frame(matrix(NA,nrow=dualen,ncol=varlen))
# For loop to enter the data for each record in each row
for (j in 1:dualen) {
df[j, ] <- xml_text(xml_children(dua[[j]]),trim=TRUE)
# Name columns
colnames(df) <- c(names(as_list(dua[[1]])))
I imagine that's fairly rudimentary but I'm also pretty new to R.
Anyway, this works fine with daily data (4-5k records), but it's probably too inefficient for 150k records, and in fact I waited a couple hours and it hadn't finished. Granted, I would only need to run this code once a month but I would like to improve it nonetheless.
I tried to turn the elements for all records into a list using the as_list function within xml2 so I could continue with plyr, but this also took too long.
Thanks in advance.
While there is no guarantee of better performance on larger XML files, the ("old school") XML package maintains a compact data frame handler, xmlToDataFrame, for flat XML files like yours. Any missing nodes available in other siblings result in NA for corresponding fields.
doc <- xmlParse("/path/to/file.xml")
df <- xmlToDataFrame(doc, nodes=getNodeSet(doc, "//ROW_DUASDIA"))
You can even conceivably download the daily zips, unzip need XML, and parse it into data frame should the large monthly XMLs pose memory challenges. As example, below extracts December 2018 daily data into a list of data frames to be row binded at end. Process even adds a DDate field. Method is wrapped in a tryCatch due to missing days in sequence or other URL or zip issues.
dec_urls <- paste0(1201:1231)
temp_zip <- "/path/to/temp.zip"
xml_folder <- "/path/to/xml/folder"
xml_process <- function(dt) {
url <- paste0("ftp://ftp.aduanas.gub.uy/DUA%20Diarios%20XML/2018/dd2018", dt,".zip")
file <- paste0(xml_folder, "/dding2018", dt, ".xml")
download.file(url, temp_zip)
unzip(temp_zip, files=paste0("dding2018", dt, ".xml"), exdir=xml_folder)
unlink(temp_zip) # DESTROY TEMP ZIP
doc <- xmlParse(file)
df <- transform(xmlToDataFrame(doc, nodes=getNodeSet(doc, "//ROW_DUASDIA")),
DDate = as.Date(paste("2018", dt), format="%Y%m%d", origin="1970-01-01"))
unlink(file) # DESTROY TEMP XML
}, error = function(e) NA)
dec_df_list <- lapply(dec_urls, xml_process)
dec_df_list <- Filter(NROW, dec_df_list)
dec_final_df <- do.call(rbind, dec_df_list)
Here is a solution that processes the entire document at once as opposed to reading each of the 150,000 records in the loop. This should provide a significant performance boost.
This version can also handle cases where the number of variables per record is different.
<ROW_DUASDIA NUM="150236">
#find all of the nodes/records
nodes<-xml_find_all(doc, ".//ROW_DUASDIA")
#find the record NUM and the number of variables under each record
nodenum<-xml_attr(nodes, "NUM")
#find the variable names and values
#create dataframe
df<-data.frame(NUM=rep(nodenum, times=nodeslength),
variable=nodenames, values=nodevalues, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#dataframe is in a long format.
#Use the function cast, or spread from the tidyr to convert wide format
# NUM variable values
# 1 1 variable1 value1
# 2 1 variable191 value2
# 3 150236 variable1 value3
# 4 150236 variable2 value_new
# 5 150236 variable191 value4
#Convert to wide format
spread(df, variable, values)
I am a novice with R and a total newbie with the NHL API. I wrote an R program to extract all of the goals recorded in the NHL's data repository accessed through the NHL API using the R "nhlapi" package. I have code that works, but it's ugly and slow, and I wanted to see if anyone has suggestions for improving it. I am using the nhl_games_feed function provided by nhlapi to pull all events, from which I select the goals. This function returns a JSON blob (list of lists of lists of lists ...) in R, which I want to convert into a proper data.table.
I pasted a stripped-down version of my code below. I understand that normal practice here would be to include a sample data blob with the code so that other users can recreate my problems, but the data blob is the problem.
When I ran the full version of my code last night, the "Loop through games" portion took about 11 hours, and the "Convert players list to columns" took about 2 hours. Unless I can find a way to push the column or row filtering into the NHL's system, I don't think I am likely to find a way to speed up the "Loop through games" portion. So my first question: Does anyone have any thoughts about how to extract a subset of columns or rows using the NHL API, or do I need to pull everything and process it on my end?
My other question related to the second chunk of code ("Convert players..."), which converts the resulting event data into a single row of scalar elements per event. The event data shows up in lblob_feed[[1]]$liveData$plays$allPlays, which contains one row of scalar elements per event, except that one of the elements is ..$allPlays$players, which is itself a 4x5 dataframe. As a result, the only way that I could find to extract that data into scalar elements is the "Convert players..." loop. Is there a better way to convert this into a simple data.table?
Finally, any tips on other ways to end up with a comprehensive database of NHL events?
assign("last.warning", NULL, envir = baseenv())
# create small list of selected games, using NHL API game code format
cSelGames <- c(2021020001, 2021020002, 2021020003, 2021020004)
liNumGames <- length(cSelGames)
# 34370 games in the full database
# =============================================================================
# Loop through games
# Pull data for one game per call
dtGoals <- data.table()
for (liGameNum in 1:liNumGames) {
# Pull the NHL feed blob for one selected game
# 11 hours in the full version
lblob_feed <- nhl_games_feed(gameId = cSelGames[liGameNum])
# Select only the play (event) portion of the feed blob
ldtFeed <- as.data.table(c(lblob_feed[[1]]$gamePk, lblob_feed[[1]]$liveData$plays$allPlays))
setnames(ldtFeed, 1, "gamePk")
# Check for games with no play data - 1995020006 has none and would kill execution
if ('result.eventCode' %in% colnames(ldtFeed)) {
# Check for missing elements in allPlays list
# team.triCode is missing for at least one game, probably for all-star games
if (!('team.triCode' %in% colnames(ldtFeed))) {ldtFeed[, ':=' (team.triCode = NA)]}
if (!('result.strength.code' %in% colnames(ldtFeed))) {ldtFeed[, ':=' (result.strength.code = NA)]}
if (!('result.emptyNet' %in% colnames(ldtFeed))) {ldtFeed[, ':=' (result.emptyNet = NA)]}
# Select the events and columns for the output data table
ldtGoals_new <- ldtFeed[(result.eventTypeId == 'GOAL')
,list(gamePk, result.eventCode, players, result.description
, team.triCode, about.period, about.periodTime
, about.goals.away, about.goals.home, result.strength.code, result.emptyNet)]
# Append the incremental data table to the aggregate data table
dtGoals <- rbindlist(list(dtGoals, ldtGoals_new), use.names=TRUE, fill=TRUE)
# =============================================================================
# Convert players list to columns
# 2 hours in the full version
# 190686 goals in full table
# For each goal, the player dataframe is 4x5
dtGoal_player <- data.table()
for (i in 1:dtGoals[,.N]) {
# convert rows with embedded dataframes into multiple rows with scalar elements
s_result.eventCode <- dtGoals[i,result.eventCode]
dtGoal_player_new <- as.data.table(dtGoals[i,players[[1]]])
dtGoal_player_new[, ':=' (result.eventCode=s_result.eventCode)]
dtGoal_player <- rbindlist(list(dtGoal_player, dtGoal_player_new), use.names=TRUE, fill=TRUE)
# drop players element
dtGoals[, players:=NULL]
# clean up problem with duplicated rows with playerType=Assist
dtGoal_player[, lag.playerType:=c('nomatch', playerType[-.N]), by=result.eventCode]
dtGoal_player[, playerType2:=ifelse((playerType==lag.playerType),'Assist2',playerType)]
# transpose multiple rows per event into single row with multiple columns for playerType
dtGoal_player_t <- dcast.data.table(dtGoal_player, result.eventCode ~ playerType2
, value.var='player.id', fun.aggregate=max)
# =============================================================================
# Merge players data into dtGoals
dtGoals <- merge(dtGoals, dtGoal_player_t, by="result.eventCode")
I'm new to R and trying to parse over 100k xml files into 1 csv file. I used a formula from a previous question asked and it works perfectly if I state the specific column name. My xml files are rather long to specifically write them out so I want to add all the columns into data frame without explicitly writing the column headings. I'm using this exact same formula except I have more rows listing column names rather than just zip code and amount.
xmlfiles <- list.files(pattern = "*.xml")
dat <- ldply(seq(xmlfiles), function(i){
doc <- xmlTreeParse(xmlfiles[i], useInternal = TRUE)
zipcode <- xmlValue(doc[["//ZipCode"]])
amount <- xmlValue(doc[["//AwardAmount"]])
return(data.frame(zip = zipcode, amount = amount))
write.csv(dat, "zipamount.csv", row.names=FALSE)
Hopefully the xmlToDataFrame() function will do what you want.
It assumes the XML document is a a root node whose child nodes are a sequence of records and that each record has simple elements. Then it extracts them into a data.frame
Consider a sample XML document
xmlToDataFrame() returns
a b c
1 1 2 <NA>
2 10 20 bob
3 20 30 <NA>
I'm very new to R but do program. I'm probably just getting fed up with my own progress at this stage, so here's my issue;
Lots of .csv files, large (6MB) with spectrum data that I need to do analysis afterwards. I'm trying to read in the data - two columns of Frequency and Voltage (V as dB values), 500,000 data points per file. I would like to "merge" the data from the 2nd column in a new data set for every 10 files.
Eg: 10 files, ten Frequency (all the same for each so can be ignored for the moment) and ten Voltage. Take the data from the Voltage in the 2nd column and merge it into a data set. If I have 10 files = I end up with one data set, 100 files = 10 data sets. Hopefully in the end each data set will have 11 columns | Frequency | V1 | V2 | ... | V10 |. It would be nice to do an Index-Match on each file but I'm not sure my PC will be able for it until I upgrade resources.
This might seem quiet convoluted, all suggestions welcome, memory seems to be an issue when trying to sort through 1200 .csv files or even just reading 100 of them. Thanks for your time!
I haven't tested this since I obviously don't have your data, but something like the code below should work. Basically, you create a vector of all the file names and then read, combine, and write 10 of them at a time.
# Get the names of all the csv files
files = list.files(pattern="csv$")
# Read, combine, and save ten files at a time in each iteration of the loop
for (i in (unique(1:length(files)) - 1) %/% 10)) {
# Read ten files at a time into a list
dat = lapply(files[(1:length(files) - 1) %/% 10 == i], function(f) {
d=read.csv(f, header=TRUE, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
# Add file name as a column
d$file = gsub("(.*)\\.csv$", "\\1", f)
# Combine the ten files into a single data frame
dat = bind_rows(dat)
# Reshape from long to wide format
dat = dcast(Frequency ~ file, value.var="Voltage")
# Write to csv
write.csv(dat, paste("Files_", i,".csv"), row.names=FALSE)
On the other hand, if you want to just combine them all into a single file in long format, which will make analysis easier (if you have enough memory of course):
# Read all files into a list
dat = lapply(files, function(f) {
d = read.csv(f, header=TRUE, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
# Add file name as a column
d$file = gsub("(.*)\\.csv$", "\\1", f)
# Combine into a single data frame
dat = bind_rows(dat)
# Save to csv
write.csv(dat, "All_files_combined.csv", row.names=FALSE)
I'm trying to input a large tab-delimited file (around 2GB) using the fread function in package data.table. However, because it's so large, it doesn't fit completely in memory. I tried to input it in chunks by using the skip and nrow arguments such as:
chunk.size = 1e6
done = FALSE
chunk = 1
temp = fread("myfile.txt",skip=(chunk-1)*chunk.size,nrow=chunk.size-1)
#do something to temp
chunk = chunk + 1
if(nrow(temp)<2) done = TRUE
In the case above, I'm reading in 1 million rows at a time, performing a calculation on them, and then getting the next million, etc. The problem with this code is that after every chunk is retrieved, fread needs to start scanning the file from the very beginning since after every loop iteration, skip increases by a million. As a result, after every chunk, fread takes longer and longer to actually get to the next chunk making this very inefficient.
Is there a way to tell fread to pause every say 1 million lines, and then continue reading from that point on without having to restart at the beginning? Any solutions, or should this be a new feature request?
You should use the LaF package. This introduces a sort of pointer on your data, thus avoiding the - for very large data - annoying behaviour of reading the whole file. As far as I get it fread() in data.table pckg need to know total number of rows, which takes time for GB data.
Using pointer in LaF you can go to every line(s) you want; and read in chunks of data that you can apply your function on, then move on to next chunk of data. On my small PC I ran trough a 25 GB csv-file in steps of 10e6 lines and extracted the totally ~5e6 observations needed - each 10e6 chunk took 30 seconds.
huge_file <- 'C:/datasets/protein.links.v9.1.txt'
#First detect a data model for your file:
model <- detect_dm_csv(huge_file, sep=" ", header=TRUE)
Then create a connection to your file using the model:
df.laf <- laf_open(model)
Once done you can do all sort of things without needing to know the size of the file as in data.table pckgs. For instance place the pointer to line no 100e6 and read 1e6 lines of data from here:
goto(df.laf, 100e6)
data <- next_block(df.laf,nrows=1e6)
Now data contains 1e6 lines of your CSV file (starting from line 100e6).
You can read in chunks of data (size depending on your memory) and only keep what you need. e.g. the huge_file in my example points to a file with all known protein sequences and has a size of >27 GB - way to big for my PC. To get only human sequence I filtered using organism id which is 9606 for human, and this should appear in start of the variable protein1. A dirty way is to put it into a simple for-loop and just go read one data chunk at a time:
res <- df.laf[1,][0,]
for(i in 1:10){
raw <-
next_block(df.laf,nrows=100e6) %>%
res <- rbind(res, raw)
Now res contains the filtered human data. But better - and for more complex operations, e.g. calculation on data on-the-fly - the function process_blocks() takes as argument a function. Hence in the function you do what ever you want at each piece of data. Read the documentation.
You can use readr's read_*_chunked to read in data and e.g. filter it chunkwise. See here and here for an example:
# Cars with 3 gears
f <- function(x, pos) subset(x, gear == 3)
read_csv_chunked(readr_example("mtcars.csv"), DataFrameCallback$new(f), chunk_size = 5)
A related option is the chunked package. Here is an example with a 3.5 GB text file:
# I want to look at the daily page views of Wikipedia articles
# before 2015... I can get zipped log files
# from here: hhttps://dumps.wikimedia.org/other/pagecounts-ez/merged/2012/2012-12/
# I get bz file, unzip to get this:
my_file <- 'pagecounts-2012-12-14/pagecounts-2012-12-14'
# How big is my file?
print(paste(round(file.info(my_file)$size / 2^30,3), 'gigabytes'))
# [1] "3.493 gigabytes" too big to open in Notepad++ !
# But can read with 010 Editor
# look at the top of the file
readLines(my_file, n = 100)
# to find where the content starts, vary the skip value,
read.table(my_file, nrows = 10, skip = 25)
This is where we start working in chunks of the file, we can use most dplyr verbs in the usual way:
# Let the chunked pkg work its magic! We only want the lines containing
# "Gun_control". The main challenge here was identifying the column
# header
df <-
skip = 30,
format = "table",
header = TRUE) %>%
filter(stringr::str_detect(De.mw.De.5.J3M1O1, "Gun_control"))
# this line does the evaluation,
# and takes a few moments...
system.time(out <- collect(df))
And here we can work on the output as usual, since it's much smaller than the input file:
# clean up the output to separate into cols,
# and get the number of page views as a numeric
out_df <-
out %>%
into = str_glue("V{1:4}"),
sep = " ") %>%
mutate(V3 = as.numeric(V3))
V1 V2 V3
1 en.z Gun_control 7961
2 en.z Category:Gun_control_advocacy_groups_in_the_United_States 1396
3 en.z Gun_control_policy_of_the_Clinton_Administration 223
4 en.z Category:Gun_control_advocates 80
5 en.z Gun_control_in_the_United_Kingdom 68
6 en.z Gun_control_in_america 59
1 A34B55C32D38E32F32G32H20I22J9K12L10M9N15O34P38Q37R83S197T1207U1643V1523W1528X1319
2 B1C5D2E1F3H3J1O1P3Q9R9S23T197U327V245W271X295
3 A3B2C4D2E3F3G1J3K1L1O3P2Q2R4S2T24U39V41W43X40
4 D2H1M1S4T8U22V10W18X14
5 B1C1S1T11U12V13W16X13
6 B1H1M1N2P1S1T6U5V17W12X12
fread() can definitely help you read the data by chunks
What mistake you have made in your code is that you should keep your nrow a constant while you change the size of your skip parameter in the function during the loop.
Something like this is what I wrote for my data:
for (i in 0:20){
data[[i+1]]=fread("my_data.csv",nrow=10000,select=c(1,2:100),skip =10000*i)
And you may insert the follow code in your loop:
start_time <- Sys.time()
end_time <- Sys.time()
end_time - start_time
to check the time -- that each loop on average takes similar time.
Then you could use another loop to combine your data by rows with function default rbind function in R.
The sample code could be something like this:
new_data = data[[1]]
for (i in 1:20){
to unify into a large dataset.
Hope my answer may help with your question.
I loaded a 18Gb data with 2k+ columns, 200k rows in about 8 minutes using this method.
I have a data-frame (3 cols, 12146637 rows) called tr.sql which occupies 184Mb.
(it's backed by SQL, it is the contents of my dataset which I read in via read.csv.sql)
Column 2 is tr.sql$visit_date. SQL does not allow natively representing dates as an R Date object, this is important for how I need to process the data.
Hence I want to copy the contents of tr.sql to a new data-frame tr
(where the visit_date column can be natively represented as Date (chron::Date?). Trust me, this makes exploratory data analysis easier, for now this is how I want to do it - I might use native SQL eventually but please don't quibble that for now.)
Here is my solution (thanks to gsk and everyone) + workaround:
tr <- data.frame(customer_id=integer(N), visit_date=integer(N), visit_spend=numeric(N))
# fix up col2's class to be Date
class(tr[,2]) <- 'Date'
then workaround copying tr.sql -> tr in chunks of (say) N/8 using a for-loop, so that the temporary involved in the str->Date conversion does not out-of-memory, and a garbage-collect after each:
for (i in 0:7) {
from <- floor(i*N/8)
to <- floor((i+1)*N/8) -1
if (i==7)
to <- N
print(c("Copying tr.sql$visit_date",from,to," ..."))
tr$visit_date[from:to] <- as.Date(tr.sql$visit_date[from:to])
memsize_gc() ... # only 321 Mb in the end! (was ~1Gb during copying)
The problem is allocating then copying the visit_date column.
Here is the dataset and code, I am having multiple separate problems with this, explanation below:
'training.csv' looks like...
and code:
# Read in as SQL (for memory-efficiency)...
tr.sql <- read.csv.sql('training.csv')
# Count of how many rows we are about to declare
N <- nrow(tr.sql)
# Declare a new empty data-frame with same columns as the source d.f.
# Attempt to declare N Date objects (fails due to bad qualified name for Date)
# ... does this allocate N objects the same as data.frame(colname = numeric(N)) ?
tr <- data.frame(visit_date = Date(N))
tr <- tr.sql[0,]
# Attempt to assign the column - fails
tr$visit_date <- as.Date(tr.sql$visit_date)
# Attempt to append (fails)
> tr$visit_date <- append(tr$visit_date, as.Date(tr.sql$visit_date))
Error in `$<-.data.frame`(`*tmp*`, "visit_date", value = c("14700", "14705", :
replacement has 12146637 rows, data has 0
The second line that tries to declare data.frame(visit_date = Date(N)) fails, I don't know the correct qualified name with namespace for Date object (tried chron::Date , Dates::Date? don't work)
Both the attempt to assign and append fail. Not even sure whether it is legal, or efficient, to use append on a single large column of a data-frame.
Remember these objects are big, so avoid using temporaries.
Thanks in advance...
Try this ensuring that you are using the most recent version of sqldf (currently version 0.4-1.2).
(If you find you are running out of memory try putting the database on disk by adding the dbname = tempfile() argument to the read.csv.sql call. If even that fails then its so large in relation to available memory that its unlikely you are going to be able to do much analysis with it anyways.)
# create test data file
Lines <-
cat(Lines, file = "trainingtest.csv")
# read it back
DF <- read.csv.sql("trainingtest.csv", method = c("integer", "Date2", "numeric"))
It doesn't look to me like you've got a data.frame there (N is a vector of length 1). Should be simple:
tr <- tr.sql
tr$visit_date <- as.Date(tr.sql$visit_date)
Or even more efficient:
tr <- data.frame(colOne = tr.sql[,1], visit_date = as.Date(tr.sql$visit_date), colThree = tr.sql[,3])
As a side note, your title says "append" but I don't think that's the operation you want. You're making the data.frame wider, not appending them on to the end (making it longer). Conceptually, this is a cbind() operation.
Try this:
tr <- data.frame(visit_date= as.Date(tr.sql$visit_date, origin="1970-01-01") )
This will succeed if your format is YYYY-MM-DD or YYYY/MM/DD. If not one of those formats then post more details. It will also succeed if tr.sql$visit_date is a numeric vector equal to the number of days after the origin. E.g:
vdfrm <- data.frame(a = as.Date(c(1470, 1475, 1480), origin="1970-01-01") )
1 1974-01-10
2 1974-01-15
3 1974-01-20