Vue.js CSS bundle precedence (?) - css

I have a weird issue with Vue.js CLI production bundling where I cannot quite pinpoint the root cause and I appreciate some help.
I have a Vue CLI 3 application with the following (relevant extract) in my main.js:
// Bootstrap
import "#/assets/bootstrap/bootstrap.scss";
import "bootstrap-vue/dist/bootstrap-vue.css";
import BootstrapVue from "bootstrap-vue";
// Toastr
import Toastr from "vue-toastr";
import "vue-toastr/dist/vue-toastr.css";
Vue.use(Toastr, {
defaultPosition: "toast-bottom-right"
Running this in my dev environment (npm run serve) CSS works fine.
When I run this after the production complilation (npm run build) some classes... are not applied and I cannot reason why. Given that the only difference I can see is the bundling process, I'm incline to look for an issue in that direction.
I customized the bundling as follow (relevant extract) in my vue.config.js:
cacheGroups: {
icons: {
name: "icons",
test: /[\\/]node_modules[\\/](#fortawesome)[\\/]/,
chunks: "all",
priority: 3
vendors: {
name: "vendors",
test: /[\\/]node_modules[\\/]/,
chunks: "all",
priority: 1
And, as result, my CSS bundled are correctly created as follows:
a vendor chunk that includes the Toaster CSS.
This includes a 'toaster' class and a 'toaster-info' class (this latest has just a background-color)
a app chink that include my custom built bootstrap CSS.
As much as the bootstrap files are in the node_modules folder and, as such, they should go in the previous chink, they get in here because I'm compiling them as import in a the SASS file above that actually comes from by code.
This includes a 'toaster' class again.
Now, what I can see is that:
both chunks appear to be loaded by the browser
the markup correctly uses the 'toastr toastr-info'
only the 'toaster' class from app (bootstrap) is applied
the 'toaster' and 'toaster-info' class are totally ignored by the browser and the background color from 'toaster-info' is not applied
I tested this with several browsers to exclude any specific browser weirdness.
Browser computed styles shows that the classes are "excluded" for some reason I don't understand (with "excluded" meaning are in the style tree but strikethrough).
Can anyone help me understand why this is happening?
Thank you.

This is purely a CSS problem.
Since your app and vendor CSS defines a .toast class style, whatever is loaded last is given the highest specificity.
I'm assuming all you're trying to do is change the default .toast background colour to white (instead of black) but you want to leave the more specific classes like .toast-info, .toast-success, etc as they are.
To do so (without altering the vendor files), you can change your .toast definition to...
.toast:not(.toast-error) {
background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, .85);
If you're using a pre-processor like Sass (which I think you are), this can be written more succinctly.
Ideally, the vendor files should have defined their styles like...
.toast {
background-color: #030303;
.toast.toast-success {
background-color: #51a351;
which would give the "info", "success", etc styles a higher specificity than the .toast class but it doesn't look like they do. Perhaps you could create a pull-request 🙂


sass:color failing when hardcoded values work fine

I just added sass to my create-react-app project. When I hardcode colour values, the styling is updated accordingly. But when I try to make use of some scss methods, the new styles are ignored.
e.g. This works fine...
:root {
--title-blue: #2086c3;
...This does not...
$color-test: black !default;
:root {
--title-blue: mix($color-test, white, 50%);
...neither does this
:root {
--title-blue: $color-test
I can import the newly-renamed .scss files and all the styling remains consistent, so I don't think this is a compilation error.
Any ideas why this might be? I'm using node-sass v4.14.1 because node sass 5 was giving me a react error.
I think you can try
$color-test: #000000;
:root {
--title-blue: #{$color-test};
A couple of years ago Sass stopped supporting the assignment of Sass variables to CSS variables. It seems that it was never intended to support it and, it was a bug that violated the SASS language spec. Using string interpolation solves this problem.
You can read more about it in this Github issue of the Sass language:

Switching themes using Less + CSS Modules in React

In my project, I use CSS Modules with Less, which means I get the best of both worlds.
My src folder looks something like this:
[all components]
#import './themes/lightTheme.less';
Then, in every component that wants to use colors from the theme, I do:
#import '../../theme/palette.less';
.element {
background-color: #primary;
This structure lets me edit palette.less to import the theme I want to use. The thing is that I want to let the users choose their preferred theme on their own. Themes should be switchable on runtime, which means I somehow need to have both themes compiled.
I imagine the perfect solution to be something like this:
body {
#theme: #light-theme;
&.dark-theme {
#theme: #dark-theme;
And then somehow import this #theme variable in every component and read properties from it (i.e. #theme[primary]).
Unfortunately, Less variables scoping don't work like this.
I am open-minded to any solution that uses Less modules.
Thank you!
I know that you've probably looking for a solution that uses Less / CSS modules, but it's very likely that your situation can be solved solely with the use of css variables (as Morpheus commented on your question).
How it would work?
You'd have to ensure all your styling does not use hardcoded values, i.e. instead of:
.awesome-div {
background-color: #fefefe;
You would have:
:root {
--awesome-color: #fefefe;
.awesome-div {
background-color: var(--awesome-color);
Changing between light and dark
There are two ways of changing themes in this approach:
Use vanilla Js code within React to update the :root CSS element, check this codepen for more information;
Just load a component containing all new :root variables in its component.css file;
In React (in vanilla CSS too) you can easily have multiple components/elements declaring their own :root at their .css files.
Furthermore, any new :root will overwrite conflicting values from previous :root. For example if at file app.css we have :root { --color: red; } and, when loading another component, component A for instance, where in component_a.css we have the same variable overwritten, e.g. :root { --color: blue; } the one rendered in our browsers will be the one from component A.
Following this logic, you can have a dummy component that does and renders exactly nothing, but instead in this component.js file you import the .css of a theme, e.g.:
import './light.css'; // suppose this is the light-theme dummy component
When switching themes in your app you'd just have to remove the dummy component from scene and call the other one.
I'm not too experienced with codepen to the point of providing you an example containing imports/modules over there, but I hope the above explanation can give you an idea of what I mean. Still, here's a brief pseudo-code of what I'm intending to demonstrate:
loadTheme() {
if (this.state.theme === 'dark') return <LightTheme />;
if (this.state.theme === 'user-3232') return <UserTheme />;
return <DarkTheme />;
render() {
return (
Check out Styled components, it can do that.
I did it myself as a Easter Egg in an app of mine, so I know for sure it works. Unfortunately it is closed so I can't show you the code publicly.

Can't access global SASS variables from my component

In my Nuxt app I load all my SASS thus:
css: [
It works perfectly, except when I'm trying to use some SASS variable from within a component.
<style lang="scss">
.container {
background-color: $white;
In this case I get this error message:
SassError: Undefinied variable: $white
Yet, all of the SCSS contained in the SASS file where the variable is defined works throughout the app.
It is as if the app as a whole knew these files, but each individual component doesn't.
What's going on?
Most of the other answers don't take into account that Nuxt.js hides all the Webpack setup and forces you to do everything through nuxt.config.js.
My guess is that Webpack isn't compiling all the SCSS declarations together and therefore can't find the variable.
It's been a few months since I had this issue so things may have changed but here goes...
Make sure you have the correct Node packages installed (Nuxt DID NOT do this by default for me) npm i -D node-sass sass-loader
Add your CSS & SCSS files to the css: [] section of nuxt.config.js Order matters here so make sure things like variables are added before things that use them if you have separate files.
If you're using layouts (I think that's the default Nuxt setup) make sure that layouts/default.vue has a <style lang="sass"></style> block in it. If I remember correctly this can be empty but had to exist. I only have one layout but it may need to exist in all of them.
If all that seems like too much of a pain, there's a Nuxt Plugin that takes most of the work/management out of that process. Nuxt Style Resources Module
The confusing part is that:
styles from scss files CAN be loaded like this
css: [
//global scss file
$varcolor: black
h1{background: $varcolor}
the variables inside CAN NOT be used inside a component
//inside component
.component {background: $varcolor} // DOES NOT WORK
I also suggest the use of the nuxt style resource module:
new founded solution, checked and it's work. Founded here
add #nuxtjs/style-resources
export default {
css: [
modules: [
//You will have to add this new object if it doesn't exist already
styleResources: {
scss: ['./assets/scss/main.scss'] // here I use only main scss with globally styles (variables, base etc)
it's strange, but if u change tilda (~) to dot(.), it's help for someone
from css: [ '~assets/scss/main.scss' ] to css: [ './assets/scss/main.scss' ]
this solution finded here
Us should either load the scss in your component
<style lang="sass">
#import 'path/to/your/_variable.scss'; // Using this should get you the variables
.my-color {
color: $primary-color;
Or adding the following to you to your vue.config.js
module.exports = {
css: {
loaderOptions: {
sass: {
data: `#import "#/pathto/variables.scss";`
SassError: Undefinied variable: $white
Each <style lang="scss"> is compiled individually. You need to #import the file which defines $white into your component before the parser knows what $white means.
This is why most frameworks keep their variables in a _variables.scss file which is imported in all the other SCSS files/contexts.
The _variables.scss is not even loaded in the page, because in most cases it doesn't actually contain any rules. It only contains variable definitions which are imported into other .scss files, which output .css.
Yet, all of the SCSS contained in the SASS file where the variable is defined works throughout the app.
If you import an SCSS file in your vue.config.js the output will be an ordinary <style> tag. Its contents will be generated at compile/build time and will result into some CSS (which apply to the entire document).
Unless specifically imported into the component SCSS, (using an #import command), the compiler will not know what $white means.
There is an important distinction to make between compilation context and browser context. Compilation happens at compile time (most likely in node-sass). Browser context is the actual browser, which only understands the CSS resulted from compilation.
How does Vue only apply style rules to the parent and not to the children with the same class? That's achieved by scoping.
It means applying a custom data-v-{key} attribute to all selectors in the generated <style> tag and to all elements the style should apply to.
See this example and inspect it using your web console:
It produces this markup:
As you can see, the scoped CSS has an extra [data-v-763db97b] added to the selector, which means it only applies to elements having that data attribute.

Webpack Encore: unexpected SCSS import order

I use Symfony + Webpack Encore and try to split styles into "layout" and "page-based", but only to make development more comfortable: I still want to compile one css file for them (in fact, there is a limited number of such css files, each one for block of pages, but for easier understanding let's assume only one is necessary). So I do like this:
// ... bootstrap variables redefenition here
#import "~bootstrap/scss/bootstrap";
// ... common functions, mixins, font-face definitions here
.my_style1 {
padding-left: 12px;
padding-right: 12px;
.my_style2 {
#include make-container-max-widths();
#import "_global"
// other styles here
During the compilation (require('../css/app.scss'); only in my app.js) styles are ordered: [ global, bootstrap, app ] and I don't understand why. I mean, if you use them as:
<div class="container my-style1"></div>
container's padding will override defined in my-style1.
The most strange thing is that in dev app.css they are ordered as expected (my-style is lower than container), but in prod not (container is lower than my-style). When you work in dev (and Chrome display non-compiled styles, you also see that _grid.scss overrides _global.scss)
Sorry for this quick self-answer, I've really spent a lot of time before asking, but after it found the solution quickly. Hope, can save smb's time.
You should simply add other styles to app.js. This way they will recompile on any file change (in previous example they recompile only on app.scss change) and the order will become correct:

How to Style ng-bootstrap - Alternative to /deep/

I am using the accordion component from ng-bootstrap in one of my apps and the /deep/ (aka: ::ng-deep and >>>) selector to set its styles. However I saw this selector has been deprecated.
Is there an alternative to set the styles of the ng-bootstrap components?
Support for the emulated /deep/ CSS Selector (the Shadow-Piercing
descendant combinator aka >>>) has been deprecated to match browser
implementations and Chrome’s intent to remove. ::ng-deep has been
added to provide a temporary workaround for developers currently using
this feature.
From here:
I've done some digging and it is possible to overwrite the ng-bootstrap styles if you turn off the view encapsulation for a component, like so:
selector: 'app-example',
templateUrl: './example.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./example.component.scss'],
encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.None
export class ExampleComponent {
constructor(public activeModal: NgbActiveModal) { }
For example, here I am customizing the styles for a modal dialog, because I assumed that my example component should be shown as a modal dialog and I want its width to be at maximum 70% of the view port in small screen sizes:
.modal-dialog {
#include media-breakpoint-down(xs) {
max-width: 70vw;
margin: 10px auto;
Please note that turning off the view encapsulation means that the styles for this particular component will be available throughout the application, therefore other components will have access to them and will eventually use them if you are not careful.
You have to make custom styling to override the default bootstrap variable in scss.
You can find all possible variables here ../node_modules/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss
Bootstrap also provide a custom file for us add our styling ../node_modules/bootstrap/scss/_custom.scss
for eg: here i am overriding two variable that effect my accordion (i changed some random colors)
and dont forget to remove !default in _custom.scss and you done with the custom styling.
Now need to build the css from scss
First install npm install -g grunt-cli globally
then navigate to \my-app\node_modules\bootstrap> npm install, this will install all dependencies.
Lastly run \my-app\node_modules\bootstrap> grunt, this will creates the css file.
This should work hopefully.
In my case "bootstrap.min.css" was not generated correctly, so now iam using "../node_modules/bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.css " in my .angular-cli.json file.
