I need to move a Google Analytics property to another account.
I'm following this guide:
However the 'Move Property' button isn't listed - it just has 'Move to Trash Can'
How can I do this? I can find nothing about this missing button in Google - all tutorials say you must press it.
It is your permissions, you need account level permissions to manage accounts/properties like moving them. Some account above you has the original owners rights which means only that account can give your account access.
I decided to try Firebase. When I go to the console, I not only see my own project, but two projects that I never created or was supposed to have access to:
Those projects seem to be created by a "Rohit Travel & Tours". I can see some of the details:
When I go to Google Cloud's resource manager, sure enough, the project is also there, along with a few "My First Project" projects that seem to belong to the same people:
I'm not sure why I got access to this. It's either a dangerous bug, or a clueless admin that added one of my emails to the project.
I'd like to remove that project since it's just clutter. However, I can't find a way to remove myself from the project, and since I don't have any kind of admin access, there's nothing I can actually change there. In fact, I can't find my account listed on any of the role/member fields either, so I'm not sure what's the real story there.
So far the admin emails listed on the accounts have been unresponsive when I requested that my account be removed.
There's no way to contact Google Cloud to request that either. Apparently the only way to contact them is with a paid support account of some kind.
So my question is: is there a way for me to ever remove myself from these accounts, so I don't see them on my panels, especially the Firebase dashboard?
Or am I stuck with these app accounts forever?
When such projects show up for me, it's usually because someone added a group that I'm a member of (like all#company.com) as a collaborator to that project. If that is the cause, there is no way to remove me/you as an individual user. One of the owners on the project will have to remove the overly broad group, and replace it by either a better targeted group or by the individual users.
Also see:
How do I remove myself from a project in the Google Developer Console?
It's the first time I'm developing an app not by myself, but together with another guy. This app uses Firebase backend and we both need access to realtime database to modify nodes related to those parts which we're developing.
Is there a way to provide access to a single Firebase project to different users without me sharing my Google account credentials? Something like collaborators on GitHub?
Permissions is actually used for this.
Go to your Firebase Console and select the specific project.
Click on Settings (Cog button beside Overview) and select Permissions. This will redirect you to the Google Cloud Console, IAM & Admin part.
Click on ADD. Under Members, type in the Gmail of the other user, and in Roles, select Project > Editor.
Click on ADD.
From there, the corresponding Firebase Project should be visible on the other user's Firebase Console in a few hours. (However, if you're in a hurry, you could just copy-paste the link of the project with the other user logged-in on Google and they would still be able to access it).
From there, they'd be able to edit out the Database part or whichever you needed.
I'm working on a CRM project. My customers want to restrict some of campaign menu options. They particularly want to limit the copying of a campaign. I checked user roles but I can not find anything about it. So how can I take to privilege of copying campaign?
It seems there isn't no specific security privilege to allow to copy a campaign (you can check the necessary security privileges here).
If changing those privileges is not an option, you can always edit the command bar using some tool like Ribbon Workbench and hide the Copy button (bear in mind that you would be hiding that functionality to all the users) or apply some custom enable rule. You can check how to to this here.
I'm trying to configure google analytics GoogleService-info.plist file from google developers site. Yesterday i configured one app and had no problem. but today i can not configure my second app to use google Analytics. I Choose App Name and IOS Bundle Id. Then on next step, where it asks to choose service , i choose Analytics , but under Google Analytics Account there is no select box to choose account. how can i fix this?
For me I couldn't choose the account because it was pre-filled in. I followed the advice in this answer and it worked. I saw the dropdown after going into the Google Analytics Admin tab --> The Account in question --> User Management and removing myself as a user for that account. Then back where you get the config file, just reload the page and you should see a dropdown. Once you get the file you can put yourself back as a user and all is back to normal.
I created a second profile to my Analytics account to track SEO keywords. This is a second profile for my existing working domain. It has been 4 days and I still do not see any traffic on this secondary profile. The profile shows a Staus of "Unknown". But I do not see a way to validate it like you have to when you create your first profile and this should not be necessary for a profile to my existing domain. Any ideas what I am missing? Thanks!
Just had the same problem. This solution worked for me.
Click Edit beside the profile that
is giving you problems.
On the upper-right of the page click
the Check Status link
This should jump-start Google Analytics.
Solution found at:
Without much info, here's what I can offer:
Why is Google Analytics not tracking some of the pages on my website?
Or contact Google Analytics.