Meteor Babel ES6 error: “This API has been removed…” - meteor

I have a meteor method call that has this below ES6 code which fails to transpile due to the error noted below.
theOthers.forEach(member => {
if (member.notifications) {
const contextIdIndex = member.notifications.findIndex(
notification => notification.contextId === contextId
if (contextIdIndex !== -1) {
const notifications = [...member.notifications];
notifications[contextIdIndex].count += 1;
Meteor.users.updateOne(member.memberId, {
$set: {
notifications: notifications
The transpiling failure error is:
This API has been removed. If you're looking for this functionality in Babel 7, you should import the '#babel/helper-module-imports' module and use the functions exposed from that module, such as 'addNamed' or 'addDefault'.
Any suggestions? Note that I have bunch of similar ES6 code that works just fine.


Nuxt plugin not available in Vuex's 'this' in Firebase production (ERROR: this.$myPlugin is not a function)

I'm trying to upload my nuxt app to Firebase as cloud function. The problem is that in the nuxtServerInit action I'm trying to call a plugin function, which apparently is not yet defined at that moment, because an error is thrown: (ERROR: this.$myPlugin is not a function). The code works in dev mode, it's just after upload to Firebase it fails.
The setup is as follows:
let env, auth, app, $store;
export default (context, inject) => {
env =;
auth =$fire.auth;
app =;
$store =;
inject('myPlugin', myPlugin);
async function myPlugin(...) {... }
plugins: [
{ src: '~/plugins/myPlugin', mode: 'all' }, // with no mode specified it fails too
vuex index.js
export const actions = {
async nuxtServerInit({ dispatch, commit }, { req }) {
const tl = await dispatch("initAction");
return tl;
vuex someModule.js
const actions = {
initAction({ commit }) {
return this.$myPlugin(...).then(...) // this line throws '$myPlugin is not a function' error
What can be the reason for the different behaviour in dev and in prod modes and how could I fix the problem?
After further testing I established that the problem is not caused by the nuxtServerInit timing. I moved the call of the initAction from nuxtServerInit to a page's created hook. However the same error appears: this.$query is not a function.
The problem occured, because js files were not getting fully loaded due to CORB errors caused by incorrect configuration. Details described in this question.

How to configure apollo server with meteor with the meteor/apollo package?

I'm trying to build an app with meteor, apollo/graphql for the first time and the tutorial I'm watching might have outdated versions of apollo. I set up my server as:
import { createApolloServer } from "meteor/apollo";
import { makeExecutableSchema } from "graphql-tools";
const typeDefs = `
type Query {
hi: String
const resolvers = {
Query: {
hi() {
return "Hello world";
const schema = makeExecutableSchema({
createApolloServer({ schema });
However I usually get this as an error:
TypeError: graphqlExpress is not a function
I know it has to do with the apollo package, but I don't know how to get the migration changes made for apollo 2.0.0 into the meteor/apollo file from the migration doc on apollo's site. Any help is appreciated!

How to make Polymer 2.x Function async

I am trying to use the Shape Detection API ( and am getting an error:
Uncaught SyntaxError: await is only valid in async function
After going through the Polymer 2.x docs ( I get the following:
ready() {
initImageDetection() {
const barcodeDetector = new BarcodeDetector({
formats: [
try {
const barcodes = await barcodeDetector.detect(image);
barcodes.forEach(barcode => console.log(barcode));
} catch (e) {
console.error('Barcode detection failed:', e);
This pattern also failed with the same error:
this.async(() => {
const barcodes = await barcodeDetector.detect(image)
barcodes.forEach(barcode => console.log(barcode)
Also, running initImageDetection prefixed with async and running from a paper-button after the DOM is loaded.
async initImageDetection() {
I get the following error:
Uncaught (in promise) ReferenceError: BarcodeDetector is not defined
How do I properly make a function async in Polymer 2.x?
How can I instantiate BarcodeDetector in Polymer 2.x?
async functionName() {
// function code here
Is the proper way to set async functions in Polymer. However, the BarcodeDetector object is hidden behind a flag in Chrome, so must be enabled in chrome://flags Experimental Web Platform features before using.

Get which program is generated in meteor by babel

How can I know in babel plugin whether files currently transpiled by babel are transpiled for server or client/browser package?
Meteor recently implemented option caller available in babel 7. To use it and access information in plugin, one can access Babel.caller poperty like this:
let caller;
module.exports = function(Babel) {
Babel.caller(function(c) {
caller = { ...c };
return {
visitor: {
console.log(caller); // logs e.g. {name: "meteor", arch: "web.browser.legacy"}

Meteor: callLoginMethod not found error

I'm having difficulty invoking a login method, it follows
$ meteor list
Accounts-base 1.2.14 A user account system
Ecmascript 0.6.1 Compiler plugin that supports ES2015 + in all .js files
Meteor-base 1.0.4 Packages that every Meteor app needs
React 15.0.1 Everything you need to use React with Meteor.
Static-html 1.1.13 Defines static page content in .html files
import { Accounts } from 'meteor/accounts-base'
Accounts.registerLoginHandler('simples', (ttt) => {
methodName: 'simples',
methodArguments: [{ tipo : 'simples' }],
validateResult: function (result) {
console.log('result', result);
userCallback: function(error) {
if (error) {
console.log('error', error);
When calling authenticar(), I get this error:
  Details: undefined
  Error: 404
  ErrorType: "Meteor.Error"
  Message: "Method 'simples' not found [404]"
  Reason: "Method 'simples' not found"
Where is the error?
I've never used this API personally, but from a quick glance through the Meteor internals, I see a couple issues.
Accounts.registerLoginHandler only adds an additional handler to an array of built-in handlers which are called as part of the default Meteor login process.
If you are trying to plug in an additional handler into the existing process, you should call Accounts.callLoginMethod without the methodName key.
Calling Accounts.callLoginMethod with methodName will bypass the built-in handlers completely and replace them with your custom method, however this method needs to be declared separately by you with Meteor.methods, not registerLoginHandler.
So, that's probably your error -- you need to define your simples method with Meteor.methods. Also, you should check the code for the requirements of this method, see the comments in the code here:
Only to complement and keep as a referral for someone else to get here. That way it's working
methodArguments: [{tipo: 'simples'}],
validateResult: (result) => {
console.log('success', result);
userCallback: function(error) {
if (error) {
console.log('error', error);
Meteor.startup(function () {
var config = Accounts.loginServiceConfiguration.findOne({
service : 'simples'
if (!config) {
Accounts.loginServiceConfiguration.insert({ service: 'simples' });
Accounts.registerLoginHandler((opts) => {
if(opts.tipo === 'simples'){
return Accounts.updateOrCreateUserFromExternalService ('simples', {
id: 0 // need define something
}, {
options : 'optional'
