How to choose a good value set for CosmosDB id field? - azure-cosmosdb

According to docs, the property id is special in Azure CosmosDB documents as it must always be set and have unique value per partition. Also it has additional restrictions on its content :
The following characters are restricted and cannot be used in the Id
property: '/', '\', '?', '#'
Obviously, this field is one of document "keys" (in addition to _rid) and used somehow in internal plumbing. Other than the restrictions above, it is unclear how exactly is this key used internally and more importantly for practitioners,which values constitute technically better ids than others?
Wild guess 1: For example, from some DB worlds, one would prefer short primary key values, since the PK would be included in index entries and shorter keys would allow more compact index for storage and lookup. Would id field length matter at all besides the one-time storage cost?
Wild guess 2: in some systems better throughput is achieved if common prefixes are avoided in names (i.e. azure storage container/blob names) and even suggest to add a small random hash as prefix. Does cosmosDB care about id prefix similarities?
Anything else one should consider?
EDIT: Clarification, I'm interested in what's good for the cosmosDB server storage/execution side, provided my data model is still in design and/or has multiple keys available the data designer can choose from.

First and foremost let's clear something out. The id property is NOT unique. Your collection can have multiple documents that have the exact same id. The id is ONLY unique within it's own logical partition.
That said, based on all the compiled info that we know from documentation and talks it doesn't really matter what value you choose to go with. It is a string and Cosmos DB will treat it as such but it is also considered as a "Primary key" internally so restrictions apply, such as ordering by it.
Where it does matter is in your consuming application's business logic. The id plays a double role of being both a CosmosDB property but also your property. You get to set it. This is the value you are going to use to make direct reads to the database. If you use any other value, then it's no longer a read. It's a query. That makes it more expensive and slower.
A good value to set is the id of the entity that is hosted in this collection. That way you can use the entity's id to read quickly and efficiently.


Is it always safe to use eventId as the Firestore document id?

This article here recommends using the eventId as the document id to prevent multiple creations of a document due to background process retries. Is it guaranteed that there will never be a collision?
Mentioned article is showing how to avoid duplicate item created by retires of unsuccessful function. In shortcut its saying that if you use add method (reference) and function is retried (but failed after Firestore write) you may have a problem with 2 documents identical created in Firestore with different IDs created automatically.
As solution to this author is proposing to create documentID with eventID and write to it using set (refrence).
This approach gives you 100% that retries of the same function invocation will not create duplicate items.
Backing to the question... I think you are afraid that 2 different invocation will want will have the same event_id and the document can be overwritten. This I think is possible, but in my opinion it's not in scope of this article as it's answers different question and creating as simple use case as possible to help understand the approch.
Lets imagine we have to different functions invoked by the same event writing different content to the same collection. The result will be unpredictable, I think. However in such situation you can use the same mechanism, little bit upgraded ex. like this <function_name>_<event_id>. Using the example from the article it will be small change like:
return db.collection('contents').doc('<function_name>_'+eventId).set(content).then
So in my understanding if you afraid of collision you should add additional elements to created document references, like in the example above.
From my point of view, an ability to use an event_id as a firestore document id depends on a your context and requirements.
For example - from the "business" point of view - is the message/event really a unique business related thing (thus you really would like to avoid duplication of messages)? Or are there some other business entity which is to be unique, but there can be more than one messages (with different event_id) about that business entity?
On top of that, from the best of my knowledge, it may be a good practice to generate/create the firestore document ids randomly (as a hash, of a guid, etc.). In that case, the search/retrieval from the firestore should work "faster". So, I don't know if the event_id is "random" enough in your context. Maybe it is Ok, may be not...
In my personal experience I try to generate a document id as a hex digest of a hash from a string (may be composed string), which supposed to be unique in the business context. For example, the event/message - is a event. In that case, I would use some metadata about the underlined object/file. Depends on the business context and requirements, or can be (or not be) a bucket name, object name, size, md5 or crc32c etc. or a combination of those elements... The chosen elements are concatenated into a string, then a hash is calculated, and a hex digest of that hash becomes a document id in the firestore collection.

Is there a way to enforce a schema constraint on an AWS DynamoDB table?

I'm a MSSQL developer who recently was tasked with building a new application using DynamoDB since we use AWS and we wanted a highly scaleable database service.
My biggest concern is data integrity. For example, I have a table for all my users where every row needs to have a username, email, and name field, all strings, with a verified field that's an int. Is there anyway to require all entries in that table to have those fields and to be of that particular type?
Since the application is in PHP I'm using Kettle as my ORM which should prevent me from messing up the data integrity but another developer voiced a concern about if we ever add another application or if someone manually changes some types via the console.
Currently, no, you are responsible for maintaining the integrity of your items with respect to the existence of attributes that are not keys on the base table. However, you can use LSI and GSI to enforce data types of attributes (notwithstanding my qualm that this is not a recommended pattern, as it could cause partition heat especially for attributes whose range of values is small). For example, verified seems like it might take only 0 or 1 as a value, so if you create a GSI with PK=verified where verified is a Number, writes to the base table may get throttled by the verified GSI.

DocumentDB Index Performance / Fragmentation

I have decided to implement the following ID strategy for my documents, which combines the document "type" with the ID: = "docType_" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString("n");
// create document in collection
This results in IDs such as the following for my documents:
With a RangeIndex policy in place on the ID, I should be able to query the collection for specific types. For example:
Since this is a web application with many different document types, many of my app's queries would implement this STARTSWITH filter by default.
My main concern here is the use of a random GUID string on the ID. I know that in SQL Server I have had issues with index performance and fragmentation while using random GUIDs on the primary key in a clustered index.
Is there a similar concern here? It seems that in DocumentDB, the care of managing indexes has been abstracted away from you. Would a sequential ID be more ideal/performant in any way?
tl;dr: Use separate fields for the type and a GUID-only ID and use hash indexes on both.
This answer is necessarily going to be somewhat opinionated based upon the nature of your questions. Let me first address what appears to be your primary concern, namely the fragmentation of indexes effecting performance.
DocumentDB assumes the use of GUIDs and a hash index (as opposed to a range index) is ideally suited to finding the one matching entity by GUID. On the other hand, if you want to find a set of documents by looking at the beginning of the string, I suspect that would probably be more performant with a range index. This assumes that STARTSWITH is only optimized when used with range indexes, but I don't know for a fact that it is optimized even when you have a range index.
My recommendation would be to use separate fields for the type and a GUID-only ID and use hash indexes on both. This gives you the advantage of being assured that queries like the one you show would be highly performant and that queries which combine a type clause with other parameters would also be able to use at least one index. Note, hash indexes of this type (say 2x 3 bytes = 6 bytes/document) are highly space efficient, so don't worry about needed two of them. Those two combined should be much smaller than one range index which needs to have enough precision to cover the entire length of your type+GUID.
Other than the performance and space reasons already discussed, I can see a couple of other disadvantages to combining the type with the GUID: 1) when trying to retrieve a single document (both for direct use and as part of a foreign key lookup), having the GUID separate and using a hash index will be faster and more space efficient than using a range index on the combined field; 2) Combining the type with the ID greatly complicates certain migrations that commonly need to be done at a later date. Let's say that you decide to break your users into authors and readers for example. Users are foreign key referenced in other document types (blog post author, reader comment, etc.) by the user ID. If that ID includes the type, then you would need to not only change the user documents to accomplish the migration but you'd also need to find and change every foreign key. If the two fields (GUID and type) were separate, then you'd only need to change the user documents. Agile software craftsmanship is largely about making decisions that provide flexibility down the road.
As for the use of a sequential index, the trend in databases in general and NoSQL in particular, is that the complexity of providing a monotonically increasing sequential ID is greater than the space-efficiency advantages of that over a GUID. If you are going to stick with DocumentDB, I recommend that you just go with the flow and use GUIDs.

How to implement gapless, user-friendly IDs in NHibernate?

I'm designing an application where my Order objects need to have a sequential and user-friendly Id field. I'm avoiding the HiLo algorithm because of the rather large gaps it produces (see here). Naturally, Guid values would make my corporate users go bananas. I'm also avoiding Oracle sequences because of the major disadvantages of it:
(From: NHibernate POID Generators revealed)
Post insert generators, as the name
suggest, assigns the id’s after the
entity is stored in the database. A
select statement is executed against
database. They have many drawbacks,
and in my opinion they must be used
only on brownfield projects. Those
generators are what WE DO NOT SUGGEST
as NH Team.
> Some of the drawbacks are the
Unit Of Work is broken with the use of
those strategies. It doesn’t matter if
you’re using FlushMode.Commit, each
Save results in an insert statement
against DB. As a best practice, we
should defer insertions to the commit,
but using a post insert generator
makes it commit on save (which is what
UoW doesn’t do).
Those strategies
nullify batcher, you can’t take the
advantage of sending multiple queries
at once(as it must go to database at
the time of Save).
Any ideas/experience on implementing user-friendly IDs without major gaps between them?
User friendly Id fields are ones my corporate users can memorize and even discuss and/or have phone conversations talking about a particular Order by its code, e.g. "I'm calling to know why the order #1625 was denied.".
The Id doesn't need to be strictly gapless, but I am worried that my users would get confused when they see gaps like 100, 201, 305. For my older projects, I currently implement NHibernate using Oracle sequences which occasionally lose a few sequences when exceptions are thrown, but yet keep a rather tidy order to them. The downside to them is how they break the Unit of Work which results in additional hits to the database for every Save command with or without the Session.Flush.
One option would be to keep a key-table that simply stores an incrementing value. This can introduce a few problems, namely possible locking issues as well as additional hits to the database.
Another option might be to refine what you mean by "User-friendly Id". This could consist of a combination of a Date/Time and a customer-specific sequence (or including the customer id as well). Also, your order id does not necessarily have to be the actual key on the table. There is nothing to say that you can't use a surrogate key with a separate "calculated" column which represents the order id.
The bottom-line is that it sounds like you want to use a surrogate key, but have the benefits of a natural key. It can be very difficult to have it both ways and a lot comes down to how you actually plan on using the data, how users interpret the data, and personal preference.

Generating unique database IDs in code

One requirement is that when persisting my C# objects to the database I must decide the database ID (surrogate primary key) in code.
Second requirement is that the database type for the key must be int or char(x)... so no uniqueidentifier or binary(16) or the like.
These are unchangeable requirements.
What would be the best way to go about handling this?
One idea is the base64 encoded GUIDs looking like "XSiZtdXcKU68QWe7N96Dig". These are easily created in code and are to me acceptable in URLs if necessary. But will it be too expensive regarding performance (indexing, size) having all primary and foreign keys be char(22)? Off hand I really like this idea.
Another idea would be to create a code version of a database sequence creating incremented integers for me. But I don't know if this is plausible and would need some guidance to secure the reliability. The sequencer must know har far it has come and what about threads that I don't control etc.
I imagine that no table involved will ever exceed 1.000.000 rows... will probably be far less.
You could have a table called "sequences". For each table there would be a row with a counter. Then, when you need another number, fetch it from the counter table and increment it. Put it in a transaction and you will have uniqueness.
However this will suffer in terms of performance, of course.
A simple incrementing int would be the easiest way to ensure uniqueness. This is what the database will do if you let it. If you set the table row to auto_increment, the database will do this for you automatically.
There are no security issues with this, but since you will be handling it yourself instead of letting the database engine take care of it, you will need to ensure that you don't generate the same id twice. This should be simple if you are on a single threaded system, but if your program is distributed you will need to put some effort into ensuring the uniqueness.
Seeing that you have an ASP.NET app, you could do the following (hoping and assuming all users must authenticate themselves before using your app!):
Assign each user a unique "UserID" in your database (can be INT, or CHAR)
Assign each user a "HighestSequentialID" (INT) in your database
When the user logs on, read those values from the database and store them in e.g. a custom principal, or in a cookie, or something else
whenever the user is about to insert a row, create a segmented ID: (UserID).(User's sequential number) and store it as "VARCHAR(20)" - e.g. your UserID is 15 and thus this user's entries would have unique IDs of "15.00001", "15.00002" and so on.
when the user logs off (or at any other time), update its new, highest used sequential ID in the database so that next time around, you'll know what this user has used last
Again - you'll have to do a lot more housekeeping work yourself, and it's always prone to a mishap (assigning a duplicate user ID, or misinterpreting the highest sequential number for that user).
I would strongly recommend trying to get these requirements changed - with these in place, all solutions will be sub-optimal at best, while using the database to handle this would be totally painless.
For a table below 1.000.000 rows, I would not be too terribly concerned about a char(22) Primary key. Of course the ideal solution for a situation like this would be for each object to have something unique about it that you could leverage for the key, even if it is a multi-part key. The next ideal solution would be to have the requirements changed :)
