Issue with mipmaps with custom sizes in WebGL2 - webgl2

AFAIK, WebGL2 doesn't have a limitation with texture sizes which should be power of 2 in WebGL1. But, with WebGL2, I have tried to generate mipmaps for compressed textures in DDS format with custom sizes (not power of 2) and always got an exception: "level 0 not power of 2...". I've tried with one mipmap level and miltiple levels. No luck. It only works when the sizes are power of 2. Does anybody know why? I've it tried with mipmaps created with a tool like imagemagick and mipmaps generated at runtime with gl.generateMipmap(target). No luck.

DXT definetely works for non-POT textures. It uses 4x4 blocks, so it works fine on any image whose dimensions are multiples of 4. You have to follow this rule. Originally, my texture didn't have the width / height as multiple of 4. I've tried DXT5 with width / height of mip levels which are multiples of 4 and everything works fine. Thanks.


Math issue dividing view in subviews

I have a math question in order to make some objective-c code for my app.
I have n images with fixed dimensions. I would like to divide these images over a view in rows and columns. The view has dimensions x / y. I want the images to have the maximum size (surface) although their dimensions are fixed.
I think this is a math problem I probably learned in school but I forgot.
I contemplated writing a bit of trial and error code but there must be a more elegant solution.
If the surface is square the solution is simply the square root. But this is not always the case.

Some troubles with fonts for embedded system

When I run my application on Set Top Box the font quality degrades. The degradation manifests itself as follows:
1. The letters in a word is not the same brightness, the pixels of one letter also differ in brightness;
2. Vertical Alignment moves down, in the worst case the bottom line bump on the top.
3. There is a feeling that used font is not I wanted (although the log indicates that the font that's what I need).
Most interestingly, it's fine in the desktop version of the same code, the same fonts.
Below are additional information about used enviroment and experiments that I done.
Fonts - TrueType, is loaded into the system using QFontDatabase :: addApplicationFont;
For PC: QT 5.2.1
For STB: QT 4.7.2
I use for fonts QFont :: PreferAntialias, setStretch (100)
I have replaced setPixelSize calls on setPointSize - did not help;
Suspecting QT version - made application for PC using qt 4.8 - for this version all are well;
I have played with different weights and sizes of font - used for this font information, which pulled via QFontDatabase. Did not help;
I have tested on different plasmas with different diagonal - one result.
The last thing I have learned - DPI. Here are DPI for my PC and STB:
Physical Logical
STB 72x72 72x72
PC 90x116 96x96
Well, perhaps all. If you help I will be very grateful.

Dicom - normalization and standardization

I am new to the field of medical imaging - and trying to solve this (potentially basic problem). For a machine learning purpose, I am trying to standardize and normalize a library of DICOM images, to ensure that all images have the same rotation and are at the same scale (e.g. in mm). I have been playing around with the Mango viewer, and understand that one can create transformation matrices that might be helpful in this regard. I have however the following basic questions:
I would have thought that a scaling of the image would have changed the pixel spacing in the image header. Does this tag not provide the distance between pixels, and should this not change as a result of scaling?
What is the easiest way to standardize a library of images (ideally in python)? Is it possible and should one extract a mean pixel spacing across all images, and then scaling all images to match that mean? or is there a smarter way to ensure consistency in scaling and rotation?
Many thanks in advance, W
Does this tag not provide the distance between pixels, and should this
not change as a result of scaling?
Think of the image voxels as fixed units of space, which are sampling your image. When you apply your transform, you are translating/rotating/scaling your image around within these fixed units of space. That is, the size and shape of the voxels doesn't change. They just sample different parts of your image.
You can resample your image by making your voxels bigger or smaller or changing their shape (pixel spacing), but this can be independent of the transform you are applying to the image.
What is the easiest way to standardize a library of images (ideally in
One option is FSL-FLIRT, although it only accepts data in NIFTI format, so you'd have to convert your DICOMs to NIFTI. There is also this Python interface to FSL.
Is it possible and should one extract a mean pixel spacing across all
images, and then scaling all images to match that mean? or is there a
smarter way to ensure consistency in scaling and rotation?
I think you'd just to have pick a reference image to register all your other images too. There's no right answer: picking the highest resolution image/voxel dimensions or an average or some resampling into some other set of dimensions all sound reasonable.

How to avoid strange structure artifacts in scaled images?

I create a big image stitched out of many single microscope images.
Suddenly, (after several month of working properly) the stitched overview images became blurry and they are containing strange structural artefacts like askew lines (not the rectangulars, they are because of not perfect stitching)
If I open any particular tile in full size, they are not blurry and the artefacts are hardly observable. (Consider, the image below is already 4x scaled)
The overview image is created manually by scaling each tile using QImage::scaled and copying all of them to the corresponding region in the big image. I'm not using opencv's stitching.
I assume, this happens because of image contents, because most if the overview images are ok.
The question is, how can I avoid such hardly observable artefacts to become very clearly visible after scaling? Is there some means in OpenCV or QImage?
Is there any algorithms to find out, if image content could lead to such effect for defined scale-factor?
Many thanks in advance!
Are you sure the camera is calibrated properly? That the lightning is uniform? Is the lens clear? Do you have electrical components that interfere with the camera connection?
If you add image frames of photos on a uniform material (or non-uniform material, moved randomly for significant time), the resultant integrated image should be completely uniform.
If your produced image is not uniform, especially if you get systematic noise (like the apparent sinusoidal noise in the provided pictures), write a calibration function that transforms image -> calibrated image.
Filtering in Fourier space is another way to filter out the noise but considering that the image is rotated you will lose precision, and you'll be cutting off components of the real signal, too. The following empiric method will reduce the noise in your particular case significantly:
ground_output: composite image with per-pixel sum of >10 frames (more is better) over uniform material (e.g. excited slab of phosphorus)
ground_input: the average(or sqrt(sum of px^2)) in ground_output
calib_image: ground_input /(per px) ground_output. Saved for the session, or persistent in a file (important: ensure no lossy compression! (jpeg)).
work_input: the images to work on
work_output = work_input *(per px) calib_image: images calibrated for systematic noise.
If you can't create a perfect ground_input target such as having a uniform material on hand, do not worry too much. If you move any material uniformly (or randomly) for enough time, it will act as a uniform material in this case (think of a blurred photo).
This method has the added advantage of calibrating solitary faulty pixels that ccd cameras have (eg NormalPixel.value(signal)).
If you want to have more fun you can always fit the calibration function to something more complex than a zero-intercept line (steps 3. and 5.).
I suggest scaling the image with some other software to verify if the artifacts are in fact caused by Qt or are inherent in the image you've captured.
The askew lines look a lot like analog tv interference, or CCTV noise induced by 50 or 60 Hz power lines running alongside the signal cable or some other electrical interference on the signal.
If the image distortion is caused by signal interference then you can try to mitigate it by moving the signal lines away from whatever could be the source of the problem, or fit something to try to filter the noise (baluns for example).

Air in synthetic DICOM

I'm generating a synthetic DICOM image with the Insight Toolkit (using itk::GDCMImageIO) and I've found two problems:
VolView fails loading my DICOM (with the message: Sorry, the file cannot be read). ITK-Snap opens and shows it OK.
I'm trying to use this image in a Stryker surgical navigator. The problem is that the image is loaded ok, but then the padding pixels are shown in a certain gray level, showing a box (actually the bounding box) of the image. If I load non synthetic DICOMs this doesn't happen.
This is what gdcminfo is showing:
MediaStorage is 1.2.840.10008. [Secondary Capture Image Storage]
TransferSyntax is 1.2.840.10008.1.2.1 [Explicit VR Little Endian]
NumberOfDimensions: 2
Dimensions: (33,159,1)
Origin: (0,0,0)
Spacing: (1,1,1)
DirectionCosines: (1,0,0,0,1,0)
Rescale Intercept/Slope: (0,1)
SamplesPerPixel :1
BitsAllocated :16
BitsStored :16
HighBit :15
ScalarType found :UINT16
PhotometricInterpretation: MONOCHROME2
PlanarConfiguration: 0
TransferSyntax: 1.2.840.10008.1.2.1
Orientation Label: AXIAL
I'm using unsigned short as pixel type in itk::Image object and I'm setting all the padding pixels to 0 (zero), as is suggested by the DICOM standard for unsigned scalar images. gdcminfo does not show it, but I'm also setting the Pixel Padding (0028,0120) field to zero.
I would really appreciate any hint about this problem.
Thanks in advance,
After a lot of experimentation, I'll answer my own question. I've found that some DICOM readers directly assume that you're using the Hounsfield scale if the type of the DICOM files is CT. In this case you have to use short as pixel type and use -1024 for air (less than -1000 is air in Hounsfield scale), and it will render the image ok. These readers I've been experimenting with don't use the Pixel Padding field nor the Rescale Intercept/Slope. But If you use ITK-Snap/VolView/3DSlicer you won't have any problem if you specify those fields.
Dicom is a VERY tricky file format. You will need to carefully read and understand the conventions for the visualization platform, the storage platform, and the type of medical image you are trying to synthesize.
This is very likely NOT an error with the toolkit, but an error with what is being defined in the file format itself.
