Responsive web problem on different browsers - css

I'm about making a responsive blogger template. I developed it in Chrome from scratch but when I opened it with other browser, in this case is Ms Edge and Internet Explorer, there's a little problem. When I resized the window to mobile size, the horizontal scroll shown. So I tried to open in Android Browser (not Chrome) on my phone, the horizontal scroll is gone. Is this from my code or Ms Edge itself?
The horizontal scroll shown when the window resized

If you want hide only horizontal scroll, put this in your css:
body {
overflow-x: hidden;

You can add a simple body {overflow: hidden;} to your css to block out the scroll.
Is it what you wanted ?


Can not scroll <body> while fullscreen is enabled in MS IE11

I have a page with fixed header and footer using Bootstrap3. The content beneath is scrollable. The user may enable the fullscreen mode via F11 or a button (using the FullScreen-API). This works fine in Chrome and FF but has problems in IE11. Fullscreen with F11 works always fine. But toggling fullscreen mode with javascript causes my page to be placed at the top bottom with shrinked width and height when using IE11. My header and footer remain intact.
I have created a small fiddle, that may show what I'm doing. Unfortunately the fullscreen wont be toggled in JSFiddle, so better copy the code to somewhere else:
Here are two screenshots from the site. I gave the html a green backgound color to see what's happening when enabling fullscreen via JS API. First image shows the page without fullscreen in IE11:
The second shows fullscreen enabled via JS API in IE11:
I may handle this issue by setting html width in css to 100%. Anyway, pages with overflow can't be scrolled anymore. The scrollbar is not visible. As said, this works fine in other browsers.
Is there any workaround available? Am I missing something here? Thanks
EDIT: Maybe related: IE cannot scroll while in fullscreen mode
if you want the entire page fullscreen the solution is to send "document.body" for IE11 and "document.documentElement" for Chrome and Firefox
see my complete answer here:
IE cannot scroll while in fullscreen mode
You can try to set html width to 100% as you said and then force the body to have a scrollbar using
body {
overflow-y: scroll;

BXslider full screen (reszing browser's window causes visual bugs)

I've found great advice by #Bojan Petkovski how to make a bxslider full screen:
Making BXslider full screen (filling entire browser window)
But I've encountered a problem running bxslider with parallax effect and few JS scripts (enquire, skollr). I think that they produce the problem. But I could be wrong.
Here is the website:
Once the browser's window is resized to it's smallest(making it narrow) width the slides doesn't resize proportionally.
As I've tested and if I'm not wrong this rule isn't working on resize:
.bxslider, .bxslider li{
height: 100% !important;;
Second problem once the window is narrowed and I hit refresh - the slider disappears, while I haven't written any media queries to hide it.
Need help fixing it with resize issues
Try this:
.bxslider, .bxslider li{
height: 100vh !important;
I tried it using developer tools on your site and it appears to be working. At least for resizing the slides.

CSS issue with drupal theme

I have created a drupal theme, URL:
There is a small shift in the layout when we switch between home page and about us page.
This is working fine in firefox only, all other browsers are showing this shift.
I know this is a CSS issue, but not able to fix it.
Any help is appreciated.
The About us page is shorter than the screen height and therefor has no need for the scroll bar on the right hand side of the screen. The home page is longer and has a scroll bar. When the scroll bar appears or disappears it looks like the screen is shifting but that's all it is.
This css rule will simple fix the body width flickering issue:
body {
overflow-y: scroll;

Can I disable scrolling an an page?

I have an html banner at the top of an .aspx page and a silverlight app sitting below it. I want the app to be a one-page experience and not allow any scrolling. The problem is that the different browsers have different amounts of screen area so that in Firefox the banner+app may fit on the page without scroll bars, but then the same page in IE9 will have scroll bars because there isn't enough screen area to display both on screen. My app is designed with a large footer at the bottom to account for this, but I need the footer to go below the bottom of the screen without giving the user the option to scroll down to it. Is this possible?
in css write:
body{overflow:hidden; position:relative}
Use the overflow property in CSS:
overflow: hidden;
Example here.

Problems with div vertical scrollbars on iPad

When a user perform a search on my website I want to show the result in a small div with vertical scrollbars instead of that the user need to scroll the full page. That works perfect in all browsers BUT I get problems on the iPad. I can see that the search result doesn't fit into the div but no scroll bar is showing up on the iPad. Also when I try to scroll inside the div the full page is scrolled instead. Is there a solution to get this working?
<div class="searchResult">
//Here I show the search result
height: 540px;
overflow: -moz-scrollbars-vertical;
overflow-y: scroll;
I believe the answer is that you cannot scroll unless you use the two-finger methods. However if you look at the last link, there is a workaround.
CSS Overflow property not working in iPad
iScroll is the jQuery plugin that tahdhaze09 mentioned. And to be more specific:
iScroll is evolving and adding many new features to the basic
scrolling functionality. If all you need is the plain old scroller for
mobile webkit, you should really use iscroll-lite.js instead.
iscroll-lite.js is part of the iScroll package. It looks as if it will solve the one-finger scroll problem quite nicely.
For some odd reason changing the div to a span works on an iPad.
