Is it possible to access JavaScript libraries without needing an internet connection? - jxbrowser

I just found JxBrowser but could not find an answer. Is it possible to have the underlying HTML reference external sources (images, CSS, JS libraries) from within a JAR, or is it mandatory to access using HTTP?
I work on a complex Java Swing app that is shipped to hundreds of companies, with many thousands of end-users. Requiring an internet connection to be able to access these external resources would be a deal-breaker.
If so, could someone provide a very brief example?

JxBrowser allows loading HTML files with images, CSS, and JavaScript libraries from a JAR file included into your Java application classpath. Please take a look at the guide at


Implicit localization, strongly typed resources, App_LocalResources and embedded resources

tl;dr Does strongly typed resource code generation work with normal (non-embedded) resources in App_LocalResources?
If not then why, and does the alternative of using embedded resources in satellite assemblies work with implicit localization?
The rest of this post just explains where I currently am in solving these questions, feel free to ignore it if you know the answers.
When using implicit localization (meta:resourceKey="Foo" syntax), I understand that one would need to write their own resource provider if one wants to embed the resources in satellite assemblies. The reason would be that ASP.NET always uses the default provider for these, and that this provider expects resx files in App_LocalResources that can be retrieved at runtime. Also see this question, which has no answer at the time of this writing.
If that assumption is correct, then it doesn't seem possible to use strongly typed generated classes (using ResXFileCodeGenerator) without writing such a provider (which we'd like to avoid doing), as enabling code generation requires the use of embedded resources.
Because the use of generated types appears to work perfectly fine for global resources, I want to question that second assumption:
If I can generate strongly typed classes for global resources (in App_GlobalResources using GlobalResourceProxyGenerator) without embedding them in a satellite assembly (Build Action set to Content as opposed to Embedded), then why can't I do the same for local resources? Why can't the generated code find and use the resx files in App_LocalResources?
Note that the exception thrown when attempting to do this is a System.Resources.MissingManifestResourceException containing the following message:
Could not find any resources appropriate for the specified culture or
the neutral culture. Make sure
"PROJECT.App_LocalResources.PAGE.aspx.resources" was
correctly embedded or linked into assembly "PROJECT" at
compile time, or that all the satellite assemblies required are
loadable and fully signed.
I know that this message is misleading, as it clearly looks up satellite assemblies instead of trying the resx files (or whatever they're compiled to by the runtime, App_LocalResources.dll I guess).
If there is a good reason why this is not allowed (and we are thus forced to use embedded resources in satellite assemblies), is there a good implementation of a resource provider that can look up resources in satellite assemblies when doing implicit localization? Surely somebody has tried to do this before, and it doesn't sound like the application developer's job to tackle this kind of plumbing problem.
As a sub-question to the previous one, I also assume that when using embedded resources in satellite assemblies, one wouldn't put the resx files in the App_* directories, as these are special directories used by the runtime. Indeed, the resx files aren't even deployed, so the directories would be empty. Is that correct, and are there what would pass as best practices regarding this?
I suppose another way of formulating the question is: Can I make ResXFileCodeGenerator behave like GlobalResourceProxyGenerator when it comes to generating code that can load assemblies compiled by the runtime, as opposed to satellite assemblies compiled at build time?
Embedded resources can co-exist with ASP.NET Resource provider resources that live in the App_LocalResources/App_GlobalResources folder. But all the intrinsic WebForms localization features only work with the resources that are fed by the ASP.NET Resource Provider, which means the resources by default come out of the App_ folders only - not from embedded resources.
Embedded strongly typed resources do not use the ASP.NET Resource Provider - they use a stock .NET Resource Manager and when you use them you lose some of the optimizations that the ASP.NET ResourceProvider system uses vis a vis caching and loading of resources. It's more efficient in the ASP.NET scenario.
As you correctly point out it's possible to do this by creating a custom resource provider that reads embedded resources (or resources from another source such as a database), but you have to create this resource provider and hook it up. I wrote about this in an article some time ago (using a SQL database provider):
I wouldn't recommend mixing App_ folder resources from the Resource Provider with strongly typed resources because you'll end up with two different sets of resources loaded using different mechanisms. It works and can be done but it's just not very inconsistent. Pick one approach or the other. For Web Forms the resource provider model works better simply because it's the only way you'll be able to use implicit resources.
Note that ASP.NET MVC doesn't use the ASP.NET Resource Provider typically (although it could) and rather relies on strongly typed resources embedded into the code. If your WebForms code is mainly script based then using embedded resources might work well, but if you need to bind control properties the Resource Provider is the only way to go.

Is there a CSS/JS minification and bundling tool for ASP.NET that supports explicit CDN uploads?

There is a lot of action in the CSS/JS bundling+minification space with MVC4 and things like Cassette, but I can't seem to find one that supports uploading to a CDN natively.
We use Rackspace Cloud Files and it requires that we upload (via their API no less) our assets directly - it doesn't do an origin-pull.
Right now, we have MSBuild script that does this for us, but it is very difficult to maintain and work with.
If you could map a drive, I think RequestReduce MIGHT get you what you want out of the box. It performs bundling and minification at runtime and provides some configuration options that allow you to specify the drop location of generated assets to any UNC path. The intent of this config is for web farm scenarios that have a dedicated share for static assets. I'm wondering if this might work for you. It also exposes an interface that allows you to essentially take over the process of saving and retrieving assets from any durable store. It comes with a local disk store and there is a SqlServer store provided as a separate Nuget package. I've had others propose writing ones for Azure blob or amazon ec3. Its a bit involved but not too horrible. At any rate its free, it provides background image spriting and optimization which few others provide and there is another Nuget package that adds Less/Sass/Coffee compiling. Its used by Microsoft on alot of the MSDN/Technet properties.
I run the project and would be happy to answer any questions via the Github Issues page.

Can one rely exclusively on Adobe for Flex/Flash RSL's (to avoid using own bandwidth)?

If you have limited server resources and expect a lot of traffic to a Flash site, is there a way of NOT having to serve Run-Time Shared libraries, but rely on Adobe to do this for you?
For example, if you want to make sure "framework_4.0.0.14159.swz" is always fetched from "" and not from your own server, what modifications should be made to the config section:
Also, is there any reason this might be a bad idea?
Please notice, I am using the command-line compiler, mxmlc.exe (not Flex Builder).
I guess my issue is more about the errors I get at run-time than the above question. In fact, the reason Flash tries to download from my server to begin with is that the Adobe download fails (see error messages in my comment). I am therefore going to accept the below answer and, if I don’t succeed in solving the problem, I might open up another question.
from Using the framework RSLs:
Note: You can point to the SWZ files
that are hosted on the Adobe web site,
rather than deploy your own SWZ files
as RSLs. In this case, view the
default entries for the RSLs in the
flex-config.xml file to see how to
link to them.
You can, but you never should - does go down sometimes, or the client maybe allowed access to your site and not Adobe's (because of a corporate firewall, for instance).

Alternatives to create swf files (which has external content loaded into them) dynamically?

I'm about to start a project where there will be a Flash application where the visitor customizes a profile with externally loaded images and texts. Then the visitor needs to be able to download that profile as a dynamically created swf with all that external content baked into the swf.
Any ideas how to achive this?
Thank you!
Which aspect are you curious about? The overall workflow of setting up the server-side architecture? Information on tools that can generate SWFs? Or information on the SWF format itself?
As for tools, here are a few options off the top of my head:
The Flex SDK (i.e. mxmlc) will compile a pure AS3 project with embedded assets. If you've got reasonable control over the server, and don't mind a relatively heavyweight approach, that's probably the most "supported" way to go.
SWFMill ( has its own XML format for generating SWFs and importing assets. It's not quite up-to-date on newer SWF formats, but that may not matter depending on the requirements. has a few things that may be useful. has several options for generating SWFs.
If your question is about generating the format from scratch, all those projects are open-source, and personally, I've found the haxe sources to be the easiest reading. The library you want is Taking a look at the swf format spec might be helpful as well:
Or were you looking for more step-by-step detail?
(note: sorry for the lack of active hyperlinks, apparently the system doesn't believe I'm human yet :)
I believe you would have to create the SWF on the server side and then either
1) provide the user with a URL
2) dynamically load it in to your application and use it as the target for a button click, or something like that.
There are a number of ways to create SWFs on the server, but that's an area outside of my experience. Maybe someone else can post some better information on it, but here's a link to one approach, to get you started.

Best practice - MOSS 07 and Javascript Files?

What are the suggested methods for using javascript files with MOSS 2007 ? in the 12 Hive somewhere or directly in the site's virtual directory in a scripts directory ? Or possibly as a embedded resource in a webpart ?
Personally, it all depends on what purpose the JavaScript files are going to serve. If they're going to be shared amongst multiple components then I would suggest placing them in the 12-hive. If however, they're going to be isolated to a single component - a web part for instance - then embedding them as a resource will work as well.
This article has a discussion about best practices for the deployment of web part resources which you may find useful, in concludes:
In this post, you have seen how to
both link to and embed Web Part
resources. Each has its own
advantages and disadvantages, mostly
boiling down to whether you need to
maintain the resource separately from
the Web Part. In both cases, the
resource file can be cached, so there
is little performance difference from
each option. Feel free to use one of
these two approaches for your next web
I suggest you deploy these scripts in the 12-hive.
Having them in the 12-hive ensures fast access, which is important for scripts. You risk page rendering lag otherwise. More admin overhead as you must deploy them on all frontend webservers in your farm.
Having them in the content DB makes them more centrally manageble at the const of performance.
Mine where added to Sharepoint Designer in a folder I called "scripts" I think that puts it in the database.
We use a seperate scripts directory.
We use a similiar approach to images.
This allows us to share images and Javascript easily between our webparts, and custom applications which are available though Sharepoint.
This should also mean they're only downloaded once, and cached.
