How to view partial results in spatialite-gui? - sqlite

I'm running a query to create a table using the spatialite gui on my Windows 7 machine. It has been going for days and I would like to cancel it and try something different. Is there a way for me to view the results of the query so far? The .sqlite file has trippled in size and I'm curious about what is happening.

In SQLite, transactions are atomic and isolated. (And if you do not use explicit transactions, every command gets an automatic transaction.)
So there is no easy way to see partial results; the database goes to great efforts to ensure that the transaction either succeeds completely, or is rolled back.
If possible, try the command with a smaller data set, or write the query so that only a part of the data is processed.


Can you get a log file of 'reads' on specific RECID(Tablename) in Progress-4GL/Openedge at RunTime without access to Source Code?

I want to know which tables are being read by a query.
for each Customer where CustomerID = 12345.
Eventually this customer will be found in the following example, but progress must 'read' many tables before getting to customer 12345.
How do I know exactly which tables are read (By CustomerID), prior to getting to customer 12345?
*NOTE: I do not have access to modify the code being run for this selection. Ideally I would run a separate set of code that is executed at the same time as the customer query above to track the reads.
EDIT: More clearly - Can you track reads from a given program (.p) OR ProcessID and output either a RECID or the PrimaryKey to a file?
I understand the information is being read off the Disk and probably stored in a database buffer. So how would I get at the information in the database buffer?
You seem to be mixing up a few different things.
In a situation like your example where you FIND a specific record in one, and only one table then there is just a single record read. Progress will find that record by first scanning a relevant index. That might be 2 or 3 "logical reads" of the b-tree to get to the proper node. The record block and index blocks may, or may not be read from disk - that depends on what has happened previously.
There are "Virtual System Tables" available that can tell you how many READ operations take place against a particular table or index. But they do not trace the specific ROWID or other identifying data. _TableStat and _IndexStat are aggregates for all users on the system, _UserTableStat and _UserIndexStat are specific to a particular user's activity. You do need to set the -tablerangesize and -indexrangesize parameters adequately to take advantage of these.
If you have enabled the table and index statistics then you can use a tool like ProTop - to get insight into this activity. Or you can write your own code.
OpenEdge Auditing does not track reads. That would be prohibitively expensive.
It's probably not really a good idea but, in theory, you could write FIND triggers for the tables you are interested in. That doesn't require access to the application source but you would need a development license. It will probably kill performance to do this though - so unless this is a non-production test environment that you just want to fiddle with I wouldn't really do that.
You mention wanting to know how you got to that point. That sounds more like you might need to have a "4gl trace". One easy way to get the stack trace of a running process is to execute:
$DLC/bin/proGetStack PID (UNIX)
%DLC%\bin\proGetStack PID (Windows)
This command will generate a "" file containing a 4gl stack trace and other interesting information.
There are also more complicated ways to get that info like using PROMON and the "client statement cache" or setting various log entry types at session startup. But proGetStack is pretty convenient and requires no code or scripting changes.
Some great options from Tom above. And all of them may be relevant to you. The option he only skirts around is the logging options. I feel obliged to expand on this because I'm giving a talk on it in a couple of weeks!
Assuming you are running a modern version of Progress, or even 10.2B08, then you have client logging available to you. Start your session with these additional options:
-clientlog "\somefolder\somefile.txt"
-logentrytypes "QryInfo:3"
This will log all the info of all the queries in your session to the file you specified above. If you navigate to the point in the system where you want to analyse your query and empty the logfile and save it, you can then run the offending query and see all the detail you need.
The output tells you all sorts of useful info, including the number of reads on each table, compared with the number returned to the user. You also get the index selected.
Using Tom's advice and/or this will get you what you need.

BizTalk WCF-SQL typed stored procedure response schema

Generating the response schema for a typed stored procedure, the stored procedure did some database updates prior to returning the final resultset. The response schema generated by Visual Studio has quite some garbage.
Is there a way to force it to generate a cleaner schema?
The StoredProcedureResultset4 is the only one that matters.
Here's my same answers from MSDN. Unfortunately, the marked Answer will not work for you since there is no way, or it's really, really hard, to capture and suppress result sets from a called Stored Procedure.
The cause is related to the Stored Procedure code.
The Wizard will only generate Schema types for elements that are returned in the response from SQL Server. Meaning, the Stored Procedure is emitting results for those updates so you're getting metadata for them.
The way to solve this is by modifying the SP code to not emit any result on any operation that shouldn't. Basically, if you see it in the result window in SQL Management Studio, you will get schema for it.
status and message are presumably the result of another SP so one way to suppress that is to assign the result to a temp table thus redirecting it form the output stream.
However, if StoredProcedureResultset4 is all that matters, that's all you have to use. There's nothing wrong with just ignoring all the other results provided they always appear in the same order.
Just to be clear, you still have to write the wrapper that suppresses the unwanted results, simply invoking the original SP from a new SP will not change the output, you'll still get the extra result sets.
In fact, a wrapper would be the harder implementation since you'd have to capture and examine all results sets which I don't think is possible.
The more correct way to do this in BizTalk would be a Port Map that strips the unwanted content.

How can i improve the performance of the SQLite database?

Background: I am using SQLite database in my flex application. Size of the database is 4 MB and have 5 tables which are
table 1 have 2500 records
table 2 have 8700 records
table 3 have 3000 records
table 4 have 5000 records
table 5 have 2000 records.
Problem: Whenever I run a select query on any table, it takes around (approx 50 seconds) to fetch data from database tables. This has made the application quite slow and unresponsive while it fetches the data from the table.
How can i improve the performance of the SQLite database so that the time taken to fetch the data from the tables is reduced?
As I tell you in a comment, without knowing what structures your database consists of, and what queries you run against the data, there is nothing we can infer suggesting why your queries take much time.
However here is an interesting reading about indexes : Use the index, Luke!. It tells you what an index is, how you should design your indexes and what benefits you can harvest.
Also, if you can post the queries and the table schemas and cardinalities (not the contents) maybe it could help.
Are you using asynchronous or synchronous execution modes? The difference between them is that asynchronous execution runs in the background while your application continues to run. Your application will then have to listen for a dispatched event and then carry out any subsequent operations. In synchronous mode, however, the user will not be able to interact with the application until the database operation is complete since those operations run in the same execution sequence as the application. Synchronous mode is conceptually simpler to implement, but asynchronous mode will yield better usability.
The first time SQLStatement.execute() on a SQLStatement instance, the statement is prepared automatically before executing. Subsequent calls will execute faster as long as the SQLStatement.text property has not changed. Using the same SQLStatement instances is better than creating new instances again and again. If you need to change your queries, then consider using parameterized statements.
You can also use techniques such as deferring what data you need at runtime. If you only need a subset of data, pull that back first and then retrieve other data as necessary. This may depend on your application scope and what needs you have to fulfill though.
Specifying the database with the table names will prevent the runtime from checking each database to find a matching table if you have multiple databases. It also helps prevent the runtime will choose the wrong database if this isn't specified. Do SELECT email FROM main.users; instead of SELECT email FROM users; even if you only have one single database. (main is automatically assigned as the database name when you call
If you happen to be writing lots of changes to the database (multiple INSERT or UPDATE statements), then consider wrapping it in a transaction. Changes will made in memory by the runtime and then written to disk. If you don't use a transaction, each statement will result in multiple disk writes to the database file which can be slow and consume lots of time.
Try to avoid any schema changes. The table definition data is kept at the start of the database file. The runtime loads these definitions when the database connection is opened. Data added to tables is kept after the table definition data in the database file. If changes such as adding columns or tables, the new table definitions will be mixed in with table data in the database file. The effect of this is that the runtime will have to read the table definition data from different parts of the file rather than at the beginning. The SQLConnection.compact() method restructures the table definition data so it is at the the beginning of the file, but its downside is that this method can also consume much time and more so if the database file is large.
Lastly, as Benoit pointed out in his comment, consider improving your own SQL queries and table structure that you're using. It would be helpful to know your database structure and queries are the actual cause of the slow performance or not. My guess is that you're using synchronous execution. If you switch to asynchronous mode, you'll see better performance but that doesn't mean it has to stop there.
The Adobe Flex documentation online has more information on improving database performance and best practices working with local SQL databases.
You could try indexing some of the columns used in the WHERE clause of your SELECT statements. You might also try minimizing usage of the LIKE keyword.
If you are joining your tables together, you might try simplifying the table relationships.
Like others have said, it's hard to get specific without knowing more about your schema and the SQL you are using.

Solution for previewing user changes and allowing rollback/commit over a period of time

I have asked a few questions today as I try to think through to the solution of a problem.
We have a complex data structure where all of the various entities are tightly interconnected, with almost all entities heavily reliant/dependant upon entities of other types.
The project is a website (MVC3, .NET 4), and all of the logic is implemented using LINQ-to-SQL (2008) in the business layer.
What we need to do is have a user "lock" the system while they make their changes (there are other reasons for this which I won't go into here that are not database related). While this user is making their changes we want to be able to show them the original state of entities which they are updating, as well as a "preview" of the changes they have made. When finished, they need to be able to rollback/commit.
We have considered these options:
Holding open a transaction for the length of time a user takes to make multiple changes stinks, so that's out.
Holding a copy of all the data in memory (or cached to disk) is an option but there is heck of a lot of it, so seems unreasonable.
Maintaining a set of secondary tables, or attempting to use session state to store changes, but this is complex and difficult to maintain.
Using two databases, flipping between them by connection string, and using T-SQL to manage replication, putting them back in sync after commit/rollback. I.e. switching on/off, forcing snapshot, reversing direction etc.
We're a bit stumped for a solution that is relatively easy to maintain. Any suggestions?
Our solution to a similar problem is to use a locking table that holds locks per entity type in our system. When the client application wants to edit an entity, we do a "GetWithLock" which gets the client the most up-to-date version of the entity's data as well as obtaining a lock (a GUID that is stored in the lock table along with the entity type and the entity ID). This prevents other users from editing the same entity. When you commit your changes with an update, you release the lock by deleting the lock record from the lock table. Since stored procedures are the api we use for interacting with the database, this allows a very straight forward way to lock/unlock access to specific entities.
On the client side, we implement IEditableObject on the UI model classes. Our model classes hold a reference to the instance of the service entity that was retrieved on the service call. This allows the UI to do a Begin/End/Cancel Edit and do the commit or rollback as necessary. By holding the instance of the original service entity, we are able to see the original and current data, which would allow the user to get that "preview" you're looking for.
While our solution does not implement LINQ, I don't believe there's anything unique in our approach that would prevent you from using LINQ as well.
Consider this:
Long transactions makes system less scalable. If you do UPDATE command, update locks last until commit/rollback, preventing other transaction to proceed.
Second tables/database can be modified by concurent transactions, so you cannot rely on data in tables. Only way is to lock it => see no1.
Serializable transaction in some data engines uses versions of data in your tables. So after first cmd is executed, transaction can see exact data available in cmd execution time. This might help you to show changes made by user, but you have no guarantee to save them back into storage.
DataSets contains old/new version of data. But that is unfortunatelly out of your technology aim.
Use a set of secondary tables.
The problem is that your connection should see two versions of data while the other connections should see only one (or two, one of them being their own).
While it is possible theoretically and is implemented in Oracle using flashbacks, SQL Server does not support it natively, since it has no means to query previous versions of the records.
You can issue a query like this:
FROM mytable
in Oracle but not in SQL Server.
This means that you need to implement this functionality yourself (placing the new versions of rows into your own tables).
Sounds like an ugly problem, and raises a whole lot of questions you won't be able to go into on SO. I got the following idea while reading your problem, and while it "smells" as bad as the others you list, it may help you work up an eventual solution.
First, have some kind of locking system, as described by #user580122, to flag/record the fact that one of these transactions is going on. (Be sure to include some kind of periodic automated check, to test for lost or abandoned transactions!)
Next, for every change you make to the database, log it somehow, either in the application or in a dedicated table somewhere. The idea is, given a copy of the database at state X, you could re-run the steps submitted by the user at any time.
Next up is figuring out how to use database snapshots. Read up on these in BOL; the general idea is you create a point-in-time snapshot of the database, do whatever you want with it, and eventually throw it away. (Only available in SQL 2005 and up, Enterprise edition only.)
A user comes along and initiates one of these meta-transactions.
A flag is marked in the database showing what is going on. A new transaction cannot be started if one is already in process. (Again, check for lost transactions now and then!)
Every change made to the database is tracked and recorded in such a fashion that it could be repeated.
If the user decides to cancel the transaction, you just drop the snapshot, and nothing is changed.
If the user decides to keep the transaction, you drop the snapshot, and then immediately re-apply the logged changes to the "real" database. This should work, since your requirements imply that, while someone is working on one of these, no one else can touch the related parts of the database.
Yep, this sure smells, and it may not apply to well to your problem. Hopefully the ideas here help you work something out.

Using Dataset returned when using ExecuteDataSet

I am using Enterprise block and not able to figure this out.
I am using oracle procedure for inserting records into the database from my application in
Though it is inserting records as it should When I try to access the dataset returned I am not able to see the just inserted record details.
In my Oracle procedure I have Output Cursor which should return several column values from the just inserted record.
Please help.
This is a bit of a work around to what you're currently doing, but if you're still having issues with this, I'd suggest running ExecuteNonQuery for inserting and then ExecuteDataTable with the data you supplied to call a SELECT on your data.
Keep in mind, however, that this method's performance may be a bit slower (DB call to insert, followed by a DB call and return to select the data), but you will not need to worry about your cursor anymore (not sure what kind of performance gain, if any, this might have).
