Firebase topics still showing in console after unsubscribing - firebase

I have been using Firebase topics to handle notifications in my app, but I had noticed that even after unsubscribing from these topics through the app that they are still showing up in the console and can still be selected to send a notification to. I tested the topic by sending a message to it through console and it was not received, so that led me to believe that the topics are in fact deleted, but just showing. I know that Firebase should automatically delete topics when there are no more subscribers, but is that reflected in console? Or does console show a history of topics that were subscribed to at some point?
I appreciate your input. Thank you.


Firebase Crashlytics Webhook for Slack won't report recurring crashes

I have successfully set up the Webhook for Slack so that it will report crashes on Firebase Crashlytics. This is working completely fine!
However, when it detects the same crash multiple times,
it will report the first crash to the slack channel just fine, but the second time and after the same crash is detected, it does not report to the slack channel.
Is this how it's supposed to be?
I want to notify Slack of all crashes.
I can see in the slack integration settings section that the following settings that can be/is turned on.
Please check my image. ↓
enter image description here
Thank you for watching. :D
This is working as expected. As you can see in the screenshot Triggered when your app experiences a crash Crashlytics hasn't seen before, the notifications will be triggered when a new issue is detected.
After that, crashes that fall in the same issue won't trigger a notification as Crashlytics has already seen them before.
Check this blog post that explains this in detail for the different types of alerts.

Firebase sends push notifications every day without active campaigns

A week ago I experimented with FCM console and sent push messages to my Android device. But after that many (thousands) of users started to receive pushes every day in 23 h. I suppose, this is because of time zone difference. When I look at Cloud Messaging Reports, I see it really sends data notifications. But I even don't have active campaigns (including planned campaigns). How can it be?
I've got answers from Firebase and AppMetrica (an alternative analytics service) support. They say it is possible the app is not able to handle the data message (silent notification) sent.
I saw charts in FCM Reports, showing that every day it delivers data messages. Every day it's count slowly raised.
I've got answers from Firebase and AppMetrica ( Firebase support didn't find a problem, but suspected silent push messages. AppMetrica support found a problem. AppMetrica uses FCM to send push messages. I wrote a code for integration of AppMetrica and FCM incorrectly, so silent pushes haven't been handled right. After I unselected a checkbox in settings that updated tokens via silent push messages, Firebase charts dropped to zero.

Firebase topic sync succeeded but not shown in FCM Console

I have successfully implemented Push Notification in Xamarin.Android native App in VS2015 using Firebase Cloud Messaging from console. I tried to subscribe topic from Android App and would like to send push notification from console to all devices whoever subscribed to the topic. Unfortunately console did not show any topic...
App's logcat message is as
12-23 02:37:00.269 D/HomeNavigationActivity( 7745): Subscribed to remote notifications
12-23 02:37:00.331 D/FirebaseInstanceId( 7745): topic sync succeeded
When I check back in console it shows this project does not have any topic.
Does anybody have similar problem? Or any suggestion or idea would be highly appreciated....
Thank you
Note: Remember I was able to send single devices message using Firebase Cloud Messaging token.
It takes a few hours before new topics show up in the Firebase Console. You can already send messages to the topics through the API, but you'll have to wait for it to show up in the Firebase Notification console.
Source: Firebase topic sync succeeded but not shown in FCM Console

Accessing FCM message logs

I'm having trouble figuring out whether or not FCM keeps logs of sent FCM push notifications, and if so, how to access them. I'm having intermittent issues with sending push notifications from an FCM server to an iphone app, and would love to be able to see at what stage the push is failing.
I found the below documentation that suggests that these logs should be kept somewhere:
("You can look up messages sent through Firebase Cloud Messaging with a registration token or message ID.")
However, I can't seem to figure out how to access them. Since my app is currently iOS only, I don't have an app in the Google Play Developer console, and my firebase console doesn't seem to contain any such logs. However, based on the possible message statuses in the documentation above (e.g. Accepted, sent to APNS), it seems like google / firebase should store message logs sent to iOS as well as to Android.
Thanks in advance for your help!

Maximum number of topics a device can subscribe to in FCM

Documentation for topic messages for FCM says the following two points
Just wanted to know what is this excessive number of topics? Any approximate value to it? Also, the documentation doesn't say anything about creation of topics. How to create/delete a topic?
Another question -
Document says it takes time to show the topic on firebase console, so, we can't send notifications unless the topic is visible on firebase console (even programmatically)?
Thanks in advance
For future questions, please limit yourself to a single question per post. But here are the answers that I know (or a fairly educated guess):
The limit on the number of topics a client can subscribe to is to counter abuse. It is not a documented value.
A topic is auto-created when a client subscribes to it.
There is no API to delete a topic. It will automatically disappears when nobody is subscribed to it anymore.
You can only send notifications from the console once the topic shows up. You can send notifications from your app server using the Firebase Cloud Messaging API at any moment.
