Web service(asmx) works perfectly on localhost but not on local ip address - asp.net

As mentioned in the question, I have deployed my service on IIS and using my computer ip address " and also specify the port (100).
I also checked if the port was listening which it is. The service deploys with no problem. I can also see the asmx file however when I open it is just blank. I have done some research before posting this question but didn't find and valid answer to my question. Hopefully will find it here. Thanks in advance.
Research made
WCF rest web service working on localhost but not on host

Did you check your firewall settings? Maybe the firewall is blocking the port you are using


Google Cloud Hosted VM. This site can’t be reached <URL> refused to connect

Forgive me here, I am largely post-technical for 10+ years and taken this as far as I can. I can probably take any advice and run with it, but may ask for some specifics to help if troubleshooting tools or commands are required. So please forgive that too.
Yesterday we could hit site URL after restarting VM hosted on Google Cloud. Sometime overnight, the URL was inaccessible.
This site can’t be reached <URL> refused to connect.
Checking the connection
Checking the proxy and the firewall
can load using IP.
The technical guys (3rd party suppliers) insist they have not made any changes. My team have not made any changes.
The domain is still valid (it renews tomorrow)
The domain is used for the DEV environment with DEV as a prefix hosted on another VM.
Looking at firewall rules, all the rules with the proper tags appear to be set up correctly for HTTPS with appropriate IP ( and port 80.
Many thanks in advance for your help. When I find the answer, I will post it here.
During setup on GCP, the team forgot to link the reserved external IP address to the VM. As such, the external IP address was ephemeral so after a reboot of the server, Google issued a new external IP for the VM.
Reserve a static external IP Address and link it to the VM or promote an existing ephemeral external IP Address.

How to view webpage on my server from another computer?

I have a web application I have developed on a server on my home computer. Is it possible to access that web page from another computer on my home network?
My naive approach was just enter my ip address followed by the port number :8888 which the server is listening on...
Any help would be great thank you.
I don't know if it will help but you can use an ssh connection to your computer. But you need to do it from a shell (from terminal on a mac, use putty on a PC)
In the end it was easier to set up remote access to the server by setting up port-forwarding on my router and using no-ip for DNS management. They have a decent walkthrough to get it all up and running. So i simply have to type in my-address.no-ip.org to access my site from any remote device.
Otherwise the links to questions on superuser that Sampo posted are worth a try.

firefox cannot access http://my_machine_name in Firefox

I am using Weblogic seever for local testing..
I cannot cannot access http://my_machine_name in Firefox (e.g. http://xyz123)
The same can be accessed in IE/Safari
Please help me. Thank you
There's no fundamental reason why one browser would work and the other fail, so it's likely down to configuration of the browsers.
Following up JoseK's question - can you access your local WebLogic Server instance using an IP address rather than the machine name?
Also, is it possible that you've got a corporate HTTP proxy server configured for Firefox, but that it's not being used in IE? (I've hit this before on client site myself)
Last of all, can you definitely check via WebLogic Server's server log files or netstat that it's definitely binding to your public IP address on port 80 (and not using something else like a loopback address, for example?)
I am not sure if it has something to do with your problem but i know that firefox has its own dns-cache. Maybe (and only maybe) would it help to turn it off.

Sending a TCP packet to localhost in an ASP.NET Page on Win 2008 R2

We have a windows service running that listens on e.g. port 9999. Now we want to be able to send a TCP packet through an ASPX page to that service. Both the service and ASP.NET WebApp run on the same server.
The problem is that this works fine on my dev machine (without IIS though, through Visual Studio Web Server) and on our older Win 2003 Server machine. But it doesn't work on our new Win2008 R2 Server. The packet just won't arrive.
I'm absolutely clueless as to what the problem may be. A search in Google didn't help me as it seems I'm the only one wanting to send TCP packets through an aspx site.
What I have tried so far:
1) Changing the identity of the corresponding Application Pool
2) Disabled the Firewall
3) In web.config set the trust level to "Full" (which seems to be default anyways)
I'd appreciate any more hints!
And if you use software like TCPView and/or Wireshark do you see the connection being created and the packet being sent? The first step into solving this problem is finding out on 'which side' the cause lies.
It might also be useful to see the code you're using to build the connection and actually send the packet. Might give some clues as to what is going wrong :)
And last but not least, you say it works on your development machine with ASP.net WebDev server. Install IIS locally and try it again. Try to mimic the actual problem situation as best as you can (apart from OS-choice etc.).
This is an old and almost forgotten question to which I have found a solution weeks later. It was a IPv4/IPv6 "problem". localhost always resolved to the IPv6 adress, but the listening application was only listening on IPv4 adresses. So replacing "localhost" with solved my problem.

Cannot access web application (Internet Explorer Can Not find this Page) remotely

I have Deployed my Asp.net web application on IIS 7.0 on localMachine(Server) and it is working fine there.
But when i try to access it from other machine in LAN, It gives me error that, 'Internet Explorer Can Not find this Page.'
I am accessing it on terminals using server name address and also tried using IP address.
Even I have Shared the Application Folder in network.
Check the Windows Firewall on your Vista PC. You need to let TCP port 80 through.
Make sure that you enable the firewall and bind to IP addresses other than localhost.
You don't need to and should not share the application folder.
This is a security risk as people on the network will be able to access the source code of the application. Also, it won't help with the problems you're having because a network share is not accessed over HTTP and so will never hit IIS and your web application. So you can turn off sharing for the folder and be safe in the knowledge that this isn't the issue.
Next, check your windows firewall and make sure incomming web trafic is allowed ("http" or "port 80").
Next I would have a look at the host headers that the site is running on.
Then maybe update your question with more detail.
You may also want to ensure that IIS is listening on the correct IP Address. This problem can occur if you switch from a LAN connection to a wireless connection (for example when taking a work laptop home).
To Check this, open inetmgr and right-click on the 'Default Web Site' node. Verify that the IP Address entry is set to the current IP of your machine.
