PostgreSQL 11 foreign key on partitioning tables - database-partitioning

In the PostgreSQL 11 Release Notes I found the following improvements to partitioning functionality:
Add support for PRIMARY KEY, FOREIGN KEY, indexes, and triggers on partitioned tables
I need this feature and tested it.
Create table:
CREATE TABLE public.tbl_test
uuid character varying(32) NOT null,
registration_date timestamp without time zone NOT NULL
PARTITION BY RANGE (registration_date);
Try to create Primary key:
ALTER TABLE public.tbl_test ADD CONSTRAINT pk_test PRIMARY KEY (uuid);
I get an error SQL Error [0A000]. If use composite PK (uuid, registration_date) then it's work. Because PK contains partitioning column
Conclusion: create PK in partitioning tables work with restrictions (PK need contains partitioning column).
Try to create Foreign key
CREATE TABLE public.tbl_test2
uuid character varying(32) NOT null,
test_uuid character varying(32) NOT null
ALTER TABLE tbl_test2
ADD CONSTRAINT fk_test FOREIGN KEY (test_uuid)
REFERENCES tbl_test (uuid);
I get an error SQL Error [42809]. It means FOREIGN KEY on partitioning tables not work.
Maybe i'm doing something wrong. Maybe somebody tried this functionality and know how this work.
Maybe somebody know workaround except implement constraint in the application.

PostgreSQL v12.0 will probably support foreign keys that reference partitioned tables. But this is still not guaranteed as v12.0 is still in development.
For v11 and lower versions, you may use triggers as described by depesz in these posts: part1, part2, and part3.
Update: PostgreSQL v12.0 was released on Oct 3, 2019, with this feature included

Postgres 11 only supports foreign keys from a partitioned table to a (non-partitioned) table.
Previously not even that was possible, and that's what the release notes are about.
This limitation is documented in the chapter about partitioning in the manual
While primary keys are supported on partitioned tables, foreign keys referencing partitioned tables are not supported. (Foreign key references from a partitioned table to some other table are supported.
(emphasis mine)


sqlite- interlinking two database tables using foreign keys

In SQL in general, but in SQLite for this case, can we establish a foreign key from one table say, table in db1.db to mainTable in db2.db. That is we can use a foreign key relationship in table by referencing the primary key in mainTable, the main idea being to use this relationship to trigger ON DELETE CASCADE. (Briefly in my case, mainTable happens to be a system maintained SQLITE database, which I'd like to avoid manual finding and analyzing. If I could somehow access establish this key, life would be a lot easier).

SQLiteException no such table: main.*_temp

I have a Xamarin.Forms app that uses a SQLite database locally on the device. Here's some sample data structure:
Table x: id, name
Table y: id, name
Table x_y: id, x_id, y_id
Since SQLite doesn't support altering columns, one of the schema updates we sent down in a patch did the following:
Rename table x to x_temp
Create new/updated table x
Insert all data from table x_temp into table x
Drop table if exists x
That seems to work just fine. However, when I'm attempting to run an insert statement on table x_y, I am getting a SQLite exception: "no such table: main.x_temp".
When I look at the SQLite query string while debugging there is no mention of table x_temp whatsoever. So, if I delete the entire database and re-create everything the insert works just fine.
I'm from a MSSQL background, am I not understanding something about SQLite in general? Is the foreign key constraint from table x_y trying to reference x_temp because I renamed the original table (I may have just answered my own question)? If that's the case, surely there is a way around this without having to cascade and re-create every table?
Any input would be appreciated. Thanks!
I believe that your issue may be related to the SQlite version in conjunction with whether or not Foreign Key Support has been turned on.
That is the likliehood is that :-
Is the foreign key constraint from table x_y trying to reference
x_temp because I renamed the original table (I may have just answered
my own question)?
Would be the issue, as you likely have Foreign Key Support turned on as per :-
Prior to version 3.26.0 (2018-12-01), FOREIGN KEY references to a table that is renamed were only edited if the PRAGMA foreign_keys=ON, or in other words if foreign key constraints were begin enforced.
With PRAGMA foreign_keys=OFF, FOREIGN KEY constraints would not be changed when the table that the foreign key referred to (the "parent table") was renamed.
Beginning with version 3.26.0, FOREIGN KEY constraints are always converted when a table is renamed, unless the PRAGMA legacy_alter_table=ON setting is engaged. The following table summaries the difference:
SQL As Understood By SQLite - ALTER TABLE
If that's the case, surely there is a way around this without having
to cascade and re-create every table?
Yes, as the latest version of SQlite on Android is 3.19.0 (I believe), then you can turn Foreign Key support off using the foreign_keys pragma when renaming the table.
Note Foreign Keys cannot be turned off within a transaction.
See SQL As Understood By SQLite - ALTER TABLE and PRAGMA foreign_keys = boolean;

Trying to auto-increment in Oracle 11g

I am trying to create an auto-incrementing primary key for a table but Im having no luck. This is in Oracle 11g and I am seriously missing the MySQL auto-increment command. PrimkeyID is the column I am trying to use as the primary key. This is a intersect table for a many to many relationship. At any rate, the error says that I am missing a key word just within the beginning of the primary key parenthesis. Also I don't have the privilege level required to do triggers, which appear to be important for incrementing in Oracle.
create table SITE_JUNC
primkeyID number,
FKsuperpave varchar(30),
FKcont_mix varchar(30),
alter table site_junc
add constraint primary key(create sequence primkeyID incement by 1),
add constraint FKsuperpave foreign key(mix_id_superpave)
references SMGR_CONT_MIX(ContMix),
add constraint FKcont_mix foreign key(mix_id_cont_mix)
references SUPERPAVE(SuperMix)
First, sequences are objects disassociated from the table.
You have to first create the sequence, and THEN the table (not necessarily in that order).
Create sequence seq_table;
Then, at the insert statement, use the seq_table.nextval (or by using triggers).
If you don't like this solution, you can use GUID (i personally don't like it) :
create table SITE_JUNC
(primkey number RAW(16) DEFAULT SYS_GUID() PRIMARY KEY,
Starting Oracle 12c, you have Identity columns.

SQLite Syntax for Creating Table with Foreign Key

I'm creating a table with foreign key references. I'm wondering about the required syntax. Mostly I've seen the following (from
artistname TEXT
trackid INTEGER,
trackname TEXT,
trackartist INTEGER,
FOREIGN KEY(trackartist) REFERENCES artist(artistid)
However, from the same site ( I see this:
artistname TEXT
trackid INTEGER,
trackname TEXT,
trackartist INTEGER REFERENCES artist(artistid) ON UPDATE CASCADE
The latter syntax is a little more concise, but I want to know if the result is somehow different (aside from the ON UPDATE CASCADE, which of course has an effect; I only included it because I copied the code exactly from the referenced site, and because I don't know that the above syntax doesn't apply only when making such a specification). I am working in Android, in case that matters.
This answer might not be related to yours but i thought it should be helpful for others who are working with android database.
IN SQLite Foreign key constraints are disabled by default (for backwards compatibility). You have to enable it explicitly using
PRAGMA foreign_keys = 1
after you establishing your connection with the database.
Here's the link to the official docs that explains it in more depth.
Please navigate to enabling foreign key support in the above link.
See the syntax diagrams.
The first syntax is a table constraint, while the second syntax is a column constraint.
In these examples, they behave the same.
You would need a table constraint for a key over multiple columns (where you do not have a single column you could attach it to).

Does a SQLite Foreign key automatically have an index?

I know that SQLite does not enforce foreign keys natively, but that's not my primary concern. The question is: If I declare
CREATE TABLE invoice (
clientID INTEGER REFERENCES client(clientID),
will sqlite at least use the information that clientID is a foreign key to optimize queries and automatically index invoice.clientID, or is this constraint a real no-op?
In the SQLite Documentation it says:
... "an index should be created on the child key columns of each foreign key constraint"
ie. the index is not automatically created, but you should create one in every instance.
Even if it is not actually a no-op (a data structure describing the constraint is added to the table), foreign key related statement doesn't create any index on involved columns.
Indexes are implicitly created only in the case of PRIMARY KEY and UNIQUE statements.
For more details, check it out build.c module on the sqlite source tree:
