Sign out user via REST HTTP API - firebase

I can sign in users to Firebase using this HTTP API:
How do I sign out users, so that the Firebase idToken and refreshToken can no longer be used?
Also, how long is the refreshToken valid for?
If my user does not use my app for weeks, can I still use the refreshToken or will I need to get a fresh Google Sign In idToken and exchange it for a Firebase (idToken, refreshToken) pair via the /identitytoolkit/v3/relyingparty/verifyAssertion API?

I don't believe there is a sign out endpoint. You could try doing a redirect to but I suspect that is signing out from all Google services which might not be a great idea.
The whole point of Refresh Tokens is that they can be used to access resources whether or not the user is present and signed in, so your comment "How do I sign out users, so that the Firebase idToken and refreshToken can no longer be used" is an oxymoron.
A Refresh Token is theoretically valid until a user specifically revokes it, but your app should code for the possibility that Google has expired it.

The client cannot directly revoke the ID token via the REST API, but both the Firebase Auth client SDKs (ex: Android) and the Auth Admin SDK do support it. So if your client platform isn't supported, but you are able to create a small server implementation (maybe through Firebase/Cloud Functions), you can create an HTTP endpoint that triggers ID token revocation.


If anyone take my Google Sign in token, can he or she sign in via that access token?

I am learning react-js development, from this course I learned that I can use Firebase and Google sign as a third part storage service and sign in verification service, I draw a sign in steps with drawio diagram, as diagram below if someone take my (2) Google verification token or (6) Firebase access token can he or she sign in my website on his machine by that two tokens before expired ?
clarification about google token or firebase token security level.
That's a pretty standard OAuth flow. Firebase JS SDK does the same under the hood when you call signInWithPopup():
Getting user's access token after user's approval
Signing in with the response (see sign in with OAuth credential)
Yes, if I somehow get your Google Access Token (2), I can use it to access your account's data (for the scopes it has access to). Similarly, Firebase tokens are generally used as a Bearer token that means anyone in possession of the token gets access to the resources.
But chances of someone getting these tokens are slim to none (unless they have physical access to user's computer). As long as users do not share these tokens or any malicious script tries to read them, this flow has no issues.

Is it possible to get accessToken on behalf of user's RefreshToken?

In my web application I have integrated user Firebase Authentication using Google Sign-in. After successful sign-in Firebase returns AccessToken and RefreshToken. Using this AccessToken I am able to call Google APIs (eg; calendar API).
What I wanted to know: If I store user's RefreshToken in DB, later on (may be after a week or so) application backend can get user's RefreshToken from DB and call some Google API (don't know which and how) to retrieve user's AccessToken. This AccessToken will be used to call Google APIs without any issue.
In short, is it possible for backend to retrieve user's AccessToken by using user's RefreshToken for calling Google APIs?
I cant say i have tried with something that came from firebase auth but in theory it should work
This is the call you make.
Love to hear if it works or not.

Trouble using Firebase Auth to access google API via gapi SDK

In my firebase (Angular) app, I'm using firebase authentication to log a user in via their Google Profile. As part of this process, the user gives me permission to access their gmail account (scope '').
After the user has logged in this way, I want to configure the "gapi" google javascript SDK so that the "signed in user" is the user signed in via firebase auth. Here's where I'm having trouble.
It appears that I need to set the client token for the gapi sdk like so gapi.client.setToken(userAccessToken) and the token needs to be set before the gapi client is initialized. Attempting to do this doesn't seem to work however (a call to gapi.auth2.getAuthInstance().isSignedIn.get() returns false when it should return true).
I also can't figure out a way of changing the "signed in user" if the firebase user logs out and a new one logs in. This is because, again, the gapi client seems to require the gapi.client.setToken() be called before the client is initialized, and I can't see any way of re-initializing and already initialized gapi client.
I can get the gapi client working if I use the gapi client's own gapi.auth2.getAuthInstance().signIn() method, but then the user is asked to sign in to my app twice using (from the user's perspective) identical google login popup boxes (one prompt originating from firebase auth and the other from the gapi client).
Does anyone have any suggestions / tips? After someone logs in via firebase auth I can get access to their userAccessToken, I just can't figure out how to programmatically pass that to the gapi client in a clean way.
on application load the gapi client would also load and initialize.
When a user chose to sign in, I would be able to use Firebase Auth to log someone in via their google profile, then get their access token and pass it to the gapi client to make google api calls.
If the firebase user ever logged out, I would clear the gapi client's api token.
If a new firebase user logged in, I would re-set the gapi client's api token.
I have come upon a placeholder (i.e. non-ideal) solution to this problem by following this S.O. answer.
In short, the GAPI client does not seem to let you manually pass it an access token, but the firebase auth client does let you manually pass it an access token. So, instead of handling authentication with the firebase sdk and passing the token to the GAPI client, you need to do the reverse and handle authentication with the GAPI client and then pass the token to the firebase SDK.

Can Firebase admin SDK retrieve user auth tokens?

The firebase javascript client SDK has sustained access to, say, a facebook oauth token. My understanding is an app can just call firebase.auth.FacebookAuthProvider.credential() and if it is signed in, it will receive a facebook access token with which it can do API calls. The key point here is that the token is not stored in my database, but in firebase auth, securely.
I want my back-end to be able to make these API calls on behalf of my app. why can't I call admin.auth.facebookauthprovider.credential() to retrieve the token?
Please note I will actually be implementing this for Slack oauth. At the moment, I will otherwise have to encrypt Slack tokens in my firestore DB. This instagram firebase example does that, and I feel it defeats the purpose of firebase auth

Get Google access token

To get Google access token after firebase auth login, I know I can simply do this:
firebase.auth().signInWithPopup(provider).then(function(result) {
var token = result.credential.accessToken;
but what if the user is already authenticated and I need the token? is there any way to extract it from the Firebase auth?
I've been through every value of authState but I couldn't find the google access token I've been looking for.
You can't get the access token from the onAuthStateChanged listener or the currentUser. You can only get it immediately after authentication when calling signInWithPopup, reauthenticateWithPopup, linkWithPopup, getRedirectResult, etc. Firebase Auth does not manage OAuth tokens for users. If you feel strongly about this feature, please file a feature request for it on the Firebase forum:!forum/firebase-talk
You can also just use the GApi library to get the Google access token and pass it to Firebase to sign-in via signInWithCredential. The advantage here is that GApi will manage that OAuth token for you.
