Limit Google map search to shipping ports - google-maps-api-3

I want to limit Google map search only to shipping ports. There are multiple type of places but It does not suggest PORT type.
So far I found this website which only searches within cities having PORTs but I can not find the algorithm as it is a full JavaScript website with ugly codes.

Unfortunately, the Places API doesn't support type port or seaport at the moment. There is a feature request in the Google issue tracker to add these types, you can see it here
As you can see this request was created on June 20, 2018 and wasn't resolved yet. Please feel free to star the feature request to add your vote and subscribe to further notifications.


is there any linkedIn API which returns current job openings in a certin company?

a couple of months ago I made this repository which contains the list of 300 PBC's and startups I got a good response for that. But I have decided to take this further I want to make a website from this idea.
there will be a list of companies if there is an opening a red circle will denote it.
Now the problem is how can I know that there are openings?
API is a great option where I can cache the results and then display them like above.
is there any API on LinkedIn where if I post a request with the company's id or name I'll get current openings?
It doesn't look like it.
There is the Job Posts XML feed, but the documentation implies that it's not free (and difficult to get access to):
The integration of the XML feed is limited to those developers approved by LinkedIn. Reach out to your Business Development contact to meet certain criteria and sign an agreement in order to use this integration.
Compliance with our contract and guidelines is integral. Refer to Job Posting Guidelines for details.
If you are not yet a LinkedIn Talent Solutions Partner, please contact the team at to request for evaluation.
Here is Microsoft's full documentation on the LinkedIn APIs.

Is there anyway to query data from the past on HERE api? (e.g. traffic data from L.A. last week wednesday at 2 p.m.)

I've checked the docs, but I found nothing. Is there a way to query data from the past. Is this a feature that is available through premium accounts?
Direct access to historic traffic data is not available via the developer portal. Please use the contact form to reach out to a HERE representative. (That said, historic traffic data is taken into account for features such as routing, e.g. when asking for a traffic enabled route in the future.)

Direct Channels in Google Analytics

Is it possible to see which of the users acquired through direct channels in Google Analytics came from directly typing in the url/emails not a part of a chain/were just unknown sources and categorized there? If anything, the last category is the most important for me to differentiate from.
If the channel is direct you cannot understand if it arrives i.e. by typing the url, from an email or from a bookmark. You need to use the UTM parameters in the URL to customize the traffic sources.

How can you remove staff from Google Analytics data?

I see my staff has implemented Google Analytics in their app but I am pretty sure there is a significant amount of traffic that is coming from them testing the tool in production.
How can I make sure that they aren't adding to the analytics so we only see customer data? Is it setting or do i need to get them all to install a GA blocking extension in chrome? The latter sounds a little hacky.
You need to add a filter to exclude the traffic from the staff members.
You could use their IP addresses to exclude them: Google Documentation

Can't track E-Commerce shipping details using Google Analytics Measurement Protocol

I need to track E-Commerce data in my Google analytic account using measurement Protocol. In the request I need to send following data and those data need to be tracked in my account.
Billing City (utmtci)
Billing Region (utmtrg)
Billing Country (utmtco)
But when I tried to find the parameters for these using enter link description here I could not find any matching parameter. Please help if any one know whether I can track these using measurement protocol.
This has been discussed (but not yet answered) here - basically it seems those fields have been deprecated.
I do not see that spelled out in the documentation, but those field do not appear in the parameter reference, not in the API (via the query explorer) and not in the GA user interface. If stuff is not part of the documentation it's pretty safe to assume that it is not there.
You can create custom dimensions in your property settings and send the geo information there.
