How do I enable author pages for the role of 'customer'? - wordpress

I have a website where a customer can enable a front end 'profile' page. These customers have the role of 'customer' as defined by wooCommerce. However, this user role does not provide enough privilege to enable an author page for that user. How do I add the capability of an author archive?
In an ideal world I'd like to continue to use author.php as the template instead of creating some sort of work around author template.

Adding the following code to function.php file will add wp-admin toolbar for all users including customers.
This plugin will help you to add code from dashboard:
/* Allow customers to access wp-admin */
add_filter( 'woocommerce_prevent_admin_access', '__return_false' );
add_filter( 'woocommerce_disable_admin_bar', '__return_false' );

Alrighty! Figured it out. Thanks, everyone for the answers, however, this is for a front-end author page, not backend access.
// remove wooCommerce redirect from authors.php template
remove_action('template_redirect', 'wc_disable_author_archives_for_customers', 10 );
Turns out WooCommerce disables author archives for customers. In my case, a customer is also a member and therefore I need to author.php template accessible.


Change Wordpress User Roles with access to Private Pages

I have a user role called Student and would like to allow them access to Private pages (currently only admin and editor roles can do this). I would like to create a function to do so. I found a post that said to add this to the functions.php in my child theme:
// Allow Students to see Private posts and pages
$subRole = get_role( 'Student' );
$subRole->add_cap( 'read_private_posts' );
$subRole->add_cap( 'read_private_pages' );
But it doesn't seem to do anything. Is there a way to change the ability to access private pages?
Also above it says 'read_private_pages' I want to be sure that they can submit the form on that page as well (not just read the page).
Do you can use plugins? If yes, try the plugin Capability Manager Enhanced.
This plugin is a way to manage WordPress role definitions.
More easy that edit direct in the code.

How to create multiple simple-products with same SKU in WooCommerce?

I want to create multiple simple-product with same SKU in WooCommerce.
I search in admin settings but there I cannot find any settings to enable this features. Is there any hook so I can disable this features.
If you want to completely disable the SKU feature then you have to use
wc_product_sku_enabled filter. It will remove the SKU field from both
backend and frontend.
add_filter( 'wc_product_sku_enabled', '__return_false' );
If you want to keep the SKU feature but need to disable unique SKU
check then you have to use wc_product_has_unique_sku filter. It
will keep the SKU field in both backend and frontend, but will allow
you to add multiple duplicate SKU.
add_filter( 'wc_product_has_unique_sku', '__return_false' );
Code goes in function.php file of your active child theme (or theme). Or also in any plugin php files.
Hope this helps!

Notify email when someone's posted a review in WooCommerce

I noticed that Woocommerce's reviews are managed through Wordpress Comments. But why is it that Wordpress isn't notifying my email when someone posted a review to a product. I have set the "Email me whenever anyone posted a comment".
Is this function available in Woocommerce or i'm missing something?
Please advise, thanks everyone!
Regards, Ven
By default Wordpress sends a notification to the author of the product/post (the person who created the product in your instance). The suggested site owner (settings > general) is not the recipient of these notifications. This is where the trouble might start. This author information is in Woocommerce hidden and is hard to figure out who that is in your user database. It might be that the original author of the product doesn't exist anymore, and especially if the original author has been deleted from the database and you didn't move the contents of that user to a new user.
The default comment notifications are produced in this Wordpress file: wp-includes/pluggable.php
Below is a trick to override the recipient for the comment/review notification, put this code in your child-theme's functions.php and change the part to your desired email recipient and you will receive a notification every time someone adds a comment/review to your site.
function new_comment_moderation_recipients( $emails, $comment_id ) {
return array( '' );
add_filter( 'comment_moderation_recipients', 'new_comment_moderation_recipients', 24, 2 );
add_filter( 'comment_notification_recipients', 'new_comment_moderation_recipients', 24, 2 );
I tested it and it works.
On the Wordpress Dashboard navigate to Settings > General and the Email address listed here is where you will get notifications.

WordPress hiding categories view from edit posts

I have created a edit link on my wordpress where subscribers can edit their posts. When they click this it takes them back to the admin portal to edit post. I want to make sure they can't see the categories widget on the right side how do I remove that from a user seeing this?
<?php edit_post_link(__("Edit Post"), ''); ?>
I ahve this un the function.php file but need to know how to make it just for subscribers.
function wpse60590_remove_metaboxes() { if() remove_meta_box( 'categorydiv' , 'post' , 'normal' ); remove_meta_box( 'tagsdiv-post_tag' , 'post' , 'normal' ); } add_action( 'admin_menu' , 'wpse60590_remove_metaboxes' );
You need to modify the capabilities of these users' role to prevent them from working with categories. The capability you need to disable for their role should be "manage_categories".
Just make sure all of the users you wish to limit are in the same role (e.g. "Contributor" or something).
In my experience the easiest way to manage capabilities for roles is the Members Plugin.
Once installed, go to Users -> Roles -> Select the role you wish to change. Find "manage_categories", uncheck it, and save.
If you are using a custom post type, we may have to add some settings where you register the taxonomy to specify the ability to assign a category to a post.

Hide Wordpress dashboard?

I'm new to wordpress and a bit confused with something. I'm trying to build a classified marketplace type of website for myself. I am NOT building this for a "client". I will probably be using a hack of several different plugins as my coding skills are not up to par. Eventually I will hopefully have lots of users who will be composed of buyers & sellers.
My question pertains to the WP dashboard. When buyers/sellers sign up for my site, will they be able to see the backend WP dashboard? I would prefer that they NOT be able to access a backend dashboard at all let alone a WP branded one. Is this possible? If so any clue as to how this might be accomplished?
thank you Brian
Normal users do not actually see the 'backend' WP dashboard. What they are seeing is a 'profile' type page meant for the original functionality of wordpres; being a blog.
If you do not want users to go to this page when they log-in, you can use a couple of hooks. Here is some code that redirects to the front page after logging-in and logging-out. This goes in your functions.php file.
add_action('login_form', 'ang_redirect_to_front_page');
add_action('wp_logout', 'go_home');
function ang_redirect_to_front_page() {
global $redirect_to;
if (!isset($_GET['redirect_to'])) {
$redirect_to = get_option('siteurl');
function go_home(){
wp_redirect( home_url() );
And, if your theme is still displaying the menu at the top of the screen that allows the users to go to this 'profile' area, you can go into your footer.php file and remove this:
<?php wp_footer();?>
However, if you do this, then you will not see it as the admin either.
WordPress is might not be the thing to use for that kind of website, even with a bunch of plugins. Read up on other content management systems just incase.
This link might answer your question:
You can also add this to your theme's function.php file:
show_admin_bar( false );
If you are not too used to wordpress, use WOOCOMMERCE plugin. Its completely free and well documented
