I want to let RxJS Observable to handle my heavy job. But I want it make the subscription async if needed. For example:
const observable = Rx.Observable.create(function (observer) {
var cycle = 100;
while(cycle-- > 0){
next: x => console.log('got value ' + x),
error: err => console.error('something wrong occurred: ' + err),
complete: () => console.log('done'),
in this case, the after string gets printed after whole data out from observable. But I want observable to handle the heavy job and when needed, make the remaining of job async.
So one way that gets to my mind, is to put the heavy part in an setTimeout. I have searched the web but no solution achieved yet. What are the possible ways and which one is better?
Instead of using setTimeout, it's better to use the built-in RxJS scheduling mechanisms. For example, to make your subscription async, you can schedule it with the asyncScheduler, like this:
Here is a demo: https://stackblitz.com/edit/rxjs-ahglez
Keeping a cron job pub/sub function (functions.pubsub.schedule), within a cloud function (functions.https.OnRequest) and exporting it, does not execute.
A complete example is as follows:
export const sayHelloWhen = functions.https.onRequest((request, response) => {
cors(request, response, () => {
const scheduleExpression = request.body.data.scheduleExpression;
functions.logger.log(`Called sayHelloWhen with ${scheduleExpression}`);
functions.pubsub.schedule(scheduleExpression).onRun((context) => {
functions.logger.log(`Executed sayHelloWhen with ${scheduleExpression}`)
status: "success",
data: `scheduled at ${scheduleExpression}`
The problem is pub/sub does not trigger. Other codes are executed.
I would like to have HTTP request body scheduleExpression bring into pubsub.schedule's parameter. I don't want a static schedule expression in corn job.
In client, I would like to define a schedule expression in client side as follows:
function scheduleFunction() {
const functions = getFunctions();
const sayHello = httpsCallable(functions, "sayHelloWhen");
sayHello({ scheduleExpression: "every 1 minute" }).then((result) => {
// const data = result.data;
console.log("Result:", result);
The example below works only for a static schedule expression, meaning that a cloud function itself has a fixed schedule expression:
exports.scheduledFunction = functions.pubsub.schedule('every 5 minutes').onRun((context) => {
console.log('This will be run every 5 minutes!');
return null;
It can be exported as cron job trigger and it executes.
But keeping pub/sub cron job function, within onRequest cloud function, as in the first code example, does not execute.
I think it is very interesting what you are trying to do, but I would like to point out that you are missing some steps that could cause your app not to execute the way you need it to.
First, you need to Terminate your HTTP functions
Always end an HTTP function with send(), redirect(), or end(). Otherwise, your function might continue to run and be forcibly terminated by the system. See also Sync, Async and Promises.
When you do not terminate them, you might end up in a deeper level in which the following code will not execute unless the previous code has finished. I would also like to say I have not found any application with nested functions like you are doing.
In the Sync, async, and promises page you can find a very explicative video to understand the lifecycle of your functions, and in the How promises work with functions section we have:
When you return a JavaScript promise to a function, that function keeps running until the promise is resolved or rejected. To indicate that a function has completed its work successfully, the promise should be resolved. To indicate an error, the promise should be rejected. This means you only need to handle errors that you want to.
In addition to all this, I would suggest using a separate file to Organize multiple functions for a more organized code, but this is only a suggestion not really necessary.
Finally, I am concerned about the scheduledExpression parameter, I think if none of the above works, you might want to check and share what this value is.
I have a basic PipeTransform, expect the fact that it is async. Why? because I have my own i18n service (because of parsing, pluralization and other constraints, I did my own) and it returns a Promise<string>:
name: "i18n",
pure: false
export class I18nPipe implements PipeTransform {
private done = false;
constructor(private i18n:I18n) {
transform(value:string, args:I18nPipeArgs):string {
return this.value;
if (args.plural) {
this.i18n.getPlural(args.key, args.plural, value, args.variables, args.domain).then((res) => {
this.value = res;
this.done = true;
this.i18n.get(args.key, value, args.variables, args.domain).then((res) => {
this.done = true;
this.value = res;
return this.value;
This pipe works well, because the only delayed call is the very first one (the I18nService uses lazy loading, it loads JSON data only if the key is not found, so basically, the first call will be delayed, the other ones are instant but still async).
I can't figure out how to test this pipe using Jasmine, since it is working inside a component I know it works, but the goal here is to get this fully tested using jasmine, this way I can add it to a CI routine.
The above test:
describe("Pipe test", () => {
it("can call I18n.get.", async(inject([I18n], (i18n:I18n) => {
let pipe = new I18nPipe(i18n);
expect(pipe.transform("nope", {key: 'test', domain: 'test domain'})).toBe("test value");
Fails because since the result given by the I18nService is async, the returned value is undefined in a sync logic.
I18n Pipe test can call I18n.get. FAILED
Expected undefined to be 'test value'.
EDIT: One way to do it would be to use setTimeout but I want a prettier solution, to avoid adding setTimeout(myAssertion, 100) everywhere.
Use fakeAsync from #angular/core/testing. It allows you to call tick(), which will wait for all currently queued asynchronous tasks to complete before continuing. This gives the illusion of the actions being synchronous. Right after the call to tick() we can write our expectations.
import { fakeAsync, tick } from '#angular/core/testing';
it("can call I18n.get.", fakeAsync(inject([I18n], (i18n:I18n) => {
let pipe = new I18nPipe(i18n);
let result = pipe.transform("nope", {key: 'test', domain: 'test domain'});
expect(result).toBe("test value");
So when should we use fakeAsync and when should we use async? This is the rule of thumb that I go by (most of the time). When we are making asynchronous calls inside the test, this is when we should use async. async allows to test to continue until all asynchronous calls are complete. For example
it('..', async(() => {
let service = new Servce();
service.doSomething().then(result => {
In a non async test, the expectation would never occur, as the test would complete before the asynchronous resolution of the promise. With the call to async, the test gets wrapped in a zone, which keeps track of all asynchronous tasks, and waits for them to complete.
Use fakeAsync when the asynchronous behavior is outside the control of the test (like in your case is going on in the pipe). Here we can force/wait for it to complete with the call to tick(). tick can also be passed a millisecond delay to allow more time to pass if needed.
Another option is to mock the service and make it synchronous, as mentioned in this post. When unit testing, if your components in test are dependent on heavy logic in the service, then the component in test is at the mercy of that service working correctly, which kinda defeats the purpose of a "unit" test. Mocking makes sense in a lot of cases.
I have this question in my head, not sure if this is validate or not, below it's an example of redux middle console log out the store.
const logger = store => next => action => {
console.log('dispatching', action)
let result = next(action)
console.log('next state', store.getState())
return result
I can see it's using currying, so in redux is calling as logger(store)(store.dispatch)(action) (Correct me if i am wrong). My question is why we currying here instead just
(store, next, action) => { // do the rest }
Thanks for any suggestion I am slowly moving into functional programming too to get my head up rhythm with it.
I think redux wants to provide three hooks to developers.
We can split the call chain logger(store)(next)(action) into
let haveStoreAndDispatch = logger(store);
let haveNext = haveStoreAndDispatch(next);
let haveAction = haveNext(action);
Then we get three hook functions.
In haveStoreAndDispatch callback function, store have been created.
In haveNext callback function, we have get the next middleware.
In HaveAction callback function, we can do something with the previous middleware's result action.
Callbacks haveStoreAndDispatch and haveNext just be called only once in applyMiddleware(...middlewares)(createStore).
I wasn't able to find any information on how you can sleep for 1 second or limit the amount of calls per some time in meteor or javascript seems like there is no simple sleep function? Here is my code how should I go about limiting or sleeping the right way? (Or should I just hack my way on doing this?) all tips are welcome!
call = function(method, endpoint, params) {
try {
params = _.extend({}, params || {});
var data = HTTP.call(method, endpoint, {data: params});
return data;
} catch (err) {
throw new Error("Failed to fetch call " + err.message);
OK, So supposedly there is undocumented server only sleep function in Meteor Meteor._sleepForMs(5000); simpler than using setTimeout function. I didn't choose what I will pick but this might help somebody else as well.
Good way to make pauses or intervals in Meteor is to use Timers, such as setTimeout()
or setInterval()
I've used caolan's async module which is very good, however tracking errors and the varying way of passing data through for control flow causes development to sometimes be very difficult.
I would like to know if there are any better options, or what is currently being used in production environments.
Thanks for reading.
I use async as well. To help tracking errors it's recommended you name your functions, instead of having loads of anonymous functions:
function doSomething() {...},
function doSomethingElse() {...},
function finish() {...}
This way you'll get more helpful information in stack traces.
...however tracking errors and the varying way of passing data through for control flow causes development to sometimes be very difficult.
I've recently created a simple abstraction named "wait.for" to call async functions in sync mode (based on Fibers): https://github.com/luciotato/waitfor
Using wait.for, you can use 'try/catch' while still calling async functions, and you keep function scope (no closures needed). Example:
function inAFiber(param){
var data= wait.for(fs.readFile,'someFile'); //async function
var result = wait.for(doSomethingElse,data,param); //another async function
catch(e) {
//here you catch if some of the "waited.for"
// async functions returned "err" in callback
// or if otherFunction throws
see the examples at https://github.com/luciotato/waitfor
Sometimes it is hard to put all the functions in an array. When you have an array of objects and want to do something for each object, I use something like the example below.
read more in: http://coppieters.blogspot.be/2013/03/iterator-for-async-nodejs-operations.html
var list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
var sum = 0;
Application.each(list, function forEachNumber(done) {
sum += this;
// next statement most often called as callback in an async operation
// file, network or database stuff
done(); // pass an error if something went wrong and automatically end here
}, function whenDone(err) {
if (err)
console.log("error: " + err);
console.log("sum = " + sum);
I name the functions, because it is easier to debug (and easier to read)