Warning: StringMap expected string key Use --force to continue - gruntjs

grunt build command failed with following results
Please help me....
ngAnnotate:dist reading happened but after that writing is not happening...
bower minification is working. controllers,services js files unable to ngAnnotate
None of controller have any ES6 features (no arrow funtion ==>, no Let,const keywords used to declare)
my package.json file has below modules

I was using "grunt-ng-annotate": "1.0.1" and got the same error. I tried to upgrade but it didn't work.
Since I needed a quick fix, I had to downgrade to 0.10.0 and now it's working fine.
I removed the current version: npm uninstall grunt-ng-annotate --save-dev
And installed the older one: npm install grunt-ng-annotate#0.10.0 --save-dev
I hope it helps!


ESLint couldn't find the config "google" to extend from. Please check that the name of the config is correct

I'm trying to deploy a cloud function on firebase. I'm successfully logged into firebase CLI from osx terminal. When I go to deploy it kicks back this error.
Oops! Something went wrong! :(
ESLint: 7.19.0
ESLint couldn't find the config "google" to extend from. Please check that the name of the config is correct.
it's because you didn't do the install
Would you like to install them now with npm? ยท No / Yes
you can try again configuring json .eslint or you can do it this way
npm install eslint-config-google --save-dev
As explained here: https://eslint.org/docs/user-guide/configuring/configuration-files#using-a-configuration-from-a-plugin
The extends property value can consist of:
the package name (from which you can omit the prefix, for example, react is short for eslint-plugin-react)
the configuration name (for example, recommended)
Meaning, if you extend your config using the google plugin like this in your .eslintrc.yml:
- google
you have to install it doing:
npm install eslint-config-google --save-dev
I had the same issue, While trying to debug my error I happen to make some changes in the below code, reverting it back to this way removed the error
Please check in your .eslintrc.js ,if the below code is there or not
extends: ["eslint:recommended", "google"],
Most likely you do not have eslint installed so try to install it by running this command:
npm install eslint-config-eslint --save-dev
After making sure that ESLint is installed, you just need to initialize it by running:
eslint --init
I had this issue and resolved mine running this:
npm install eslint-config-eslint --save-dev
Most likely you didn't have eslint-config-google installed.
Once installed try running ESLint again.

Grunt release : Warning: Task "release" not found and it shows "aborted due to warnings"

Grunt release : Warning: Task "release" not found and shows aborted due to warnings.
But it shows hint like "Use --force to continue". If i use "--force" to the command it is working fine. What's happening when i use --force before and after.
Double check that all the dependencies for your project are properly installed by running npm install. If there's errors, update your question with that information.
If that does not resolve the problem, check package.json for the grunt-release plugin. It will be found under dependencies or devDependencies. If it's missing from package.json, run npm install grunt-release --save-dev to install the plugin and save it to your project dependencies.
If any errors occur while attempting to resolve your problem this way, update your question and include that information.

Using npm modules with electron and webpack?

I want to use sqlite3 with this boilerplate:
I've tried a lot of ways getting require('sqlite3'), to work, but it keeps failing with the error:
Uncaught Error: Cannot find module 'sqlite3'
global.require() did not work
adding it to the webpack.ExternalsPlugin in builds/webpack.base.conf.js did not help
How can I solve this?
This should be able to help you: How to use sqlite3 module with electron?
Install electron-rebuild: npm i electron-rebuild --save-dev
Launch electron-rebuild ./node_modules/.bin/electron-rebuild (or
.\node_modules\.bin\electron-rebuild.cmd on windows)
Go to "node_modules/sqlite3/lib/binding/" and rename the folder
"electron-v0.36-darwin-x64" to "node-v47-darwin-x64"

Npm module "grunt-contrib-imagemin" not found, Is it installed?

I run into this error, when I try to do build a project with "grunt build".
There seems to be no problem when I test the project by doing "grunt server".
The project has been scaffolded and managed with: yeoman/grunt/bower. In Windows.
Everything went well and then a week ago or so it started doing this. I can't build projects no more.
When I try to install the module doing:
npm install grunt-contrib-imagemin
It can never install it, get the following "weird" error.
Any hints please?
Ok I found a way to solve this:
In your package.json, add "jpegtran-bin": "0.2.0" before the reference to imagemin
Delete the node_modules folder in your project, and run "npm install" and "bower install" again
There seem to be an issue with the jpegtran's latest version.
!! - Please note this is just a workarround waiting for the bugfix.
Like the program suggests, you need to install the npm module.
npm i --save-dev grunt-contrib-imagemin
Considering you're on Windows you might want to take a look at the project's GitHub repo for additional installation instructions.
There's an issue with a package contrib-imagemin references that prevents it from properly installing on Windows.
GitHub issue on grunt-contrib-imagemin: https://github.com/gruntjs/grunt-contrib-imagemin/issues/109
GitHub pull request on the offending library: https://github.com/yeoman/node-jpegtran-bin/pull/38
For now, you can manually specify "jpegtran-bin": "0.2.0" in your package.json and it should function as a workaround. If it's a pain point for you, go comment on that pull request and perhaps it'll convince the project maintainer to actually take a look and comment as well.
I had the same problem with 0.3.0 version, but once I updated to 0.4.0 the problem was solved. Check your package.json. Hope that helps!
"grunt-contrib-imagemin": "~0.4.0",
As of May 2015 I solved this by deleting node_modules and running npm install.
I am using windows, I was getting same error.
So I edited the Environmental Variables.
Just add: C:\Ruby200-x64\bin to your PATH variable and restart node prompt.
The imagemin install seems to not run correctly when called by grunt-contrib-imagemin. I just do
cd ./node_modules/grunt-contrib-imagemin/node_modules/imagemin
npm install
And then it's fine.
On Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS, package.json containing:
"grunt-contrib-imagemin": "~0.4.0",
I had to reinstall Grunt (but the jpegtran-bin workaround, or just removing node_modules and running npm install wasn't enough, I needed the following (with sudo):
rm -rf node_modules/
sudo npm update -g npm
sudo npm install -g grunt-cli

npm: "Error: invalid version: 1.0" while installing grunt plugins

While yesterday all works fine, today i am getting the printed error below, when i try to install a grunt plugin, wether it is a official grunt contrib or vendor plugin.
I am running grunt v0.4, node v0.8.20 and npm v1.2.11, System X 10.8.2.
npm install grunt-<plugin>-<name> --save-dev
npm ERR! Error: invalid version: 1.0
npm ERR! at validVersion (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/read-package-json/read-json.js:590:40)
npm ERR! at final (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/read-package-json/read-json.js:342:23)
What suprises me is that also official grunt contrib plugins (grunt-contrib-xxx) fails to install altough i expect it has a proper semver version syntax. npm-debug.log shows nothing additional to the verbose output in the console.
Any hints are appreciated.
Thx in advance
Sorry for replying this late.
I am new to the grunt/nodejs stuff, so I was a bit confused and it took a while to understand what's wrong: I updated grunt to 0.4.~ at that point without editing the related project package.json to reflect the correct grunt versioning ("1.0.0" instead of "0.1.0"). Thanks for your help.
Modify package.json to
"devDependencies" : {
"grunt" : "latest"
Now run
sudo npm install
This installs latest grunt.
[Note : Add required dependencies to object and the command will install it all on run]
since grunt 0.4 is aimed at the v1 of node maybe the plugin you're trying to install asks for a 1.0 version of node, try to read the package.js of the plugins yo're trying to install.
as glortho asked, you could tell us explicitely what plugin causes the problem
