What exactly happens when a browser doesn't support feature queries? - css

Feature queries are useful for loading CSS conditionally. They let you provide a section of CSS code only to browsers that support a specified feature.
#supports (feature-name: feature-value) {
/* Some CSS code here, for browsers that support feature-name: feature-value */
However, many older browsers don't have support for feature queries.
For browsers without feature query support, what will happen to the CSS inside a feature query? Will the browser load and use it? Or just skip or ignore it?

Feature queries, and everything in them, are ignored by browsers that don't support them.
#supports (feature-name: feature-value) {
/* CSS inside the feature query is visible
only to browsers that support feature queries.
Invisible to other browsers,
even if they support feature-name: feature-value. */
For those browsers, you'll need to use other feature-detection tools such as Modernizr.
CSS media queries are similar. If a browser doesn't support media queries / feature queries, it just skips over them and everything inside.


Targeting browsers that don't support CSS grid with feature queries

How can I reliable create a fallback for CSS grid styling for browsers that don't support the current spec, with a feature query or media query?
According to articles like this one, browsers ignore CSS that they can't parse. Therefore, I expected negative feature queries to work even on browsers that don't support it. E.g. IE11 does not support feature queries, so I expected it to ignore this line and apply the styles inside the query: #supports not (display: grid){}. However, as you can see in this test, IE11 ignores all the styles inside that query.
I found a media query for IE10+, but that one excludes other browsers that don't support grid. Of course I could first declare the fallback styles and override them with a #supports (grid-area: area) query, but I prefer a solution that does not require overrides.
According to articles like this one, browsers ignore CSS that they can't parse [...] However, as you can see in this test, IE11 ignores all the styles inside that query.
Well, yeah. Since Internet Explorer doesn't understand feature queries themselves, it's going to ignore #supports not (display: grid) and everything inside it, because it doesn't understand what that means. Just like the article says.
Overriding, i.e. making use of the cascade, is your only option. There is no clean way of doing this. The reality is that #supports was introduced too late to be useful for distinguishing browsers that don't support features that precede it, such as grid layout.

Detect browser support for CSS-animated SVG

I am playing around with CSS-animated SVG elements and came across the problem that even though all technologies, which are used, are supported by some browsers the combination is not, i.e. CSS-animated DIVs work but SVG elements don't. I am wondering if there is a way to detect if a browser is capable of animating SVG elements using CSS.
Here is a jsFiddle with an example. It works in the latest versions of Chrome, Firefox and Safari. But when opening it with e.g. Firefox 5 only the div rotates while the rect doesn't.
You can add an event listener to check for the completion of an animation iteration, and within the corresponding event handler set a flag like supportsSVGKeyFramedAnimatedProps = true (if the iteration never completes then it is not animating).
elem.addEventListener('animationiteration', eventHandler, false)
This would allow you to 'fall forward' to your SVG animation, instead of providing a fallback.
I am wondering if there is a way to detect if a browser is capable of
animating SVG elements using CSS
Simple Answer: Yes you can as stated by #jhpratt.
You can detect if a browser supports CSS-Functionality with only CSS.
The #supports CSS at-rule lets you specify declarations that depend on a browser's support for one or more specific CSS features. This is called a feature query.
#supports (display: flex) {
div {
display: flex;
#supports not (display: flex) {
div {
float: right;
MDN Link: https://developer.mozilla.org/de/docs/Web/CSS/#supports
Long Answer:
You will always have some cross-browser issues.
The problem you have encountered is bothering every Webdeveloper. Still there are ways to get around with this Browser-Support-Problem:
1. You can check "can I use" for compatibility:
Link: http://caniuse.com/
It is recommend to look up any functionality which is questionable like animations.
2. Use an autoprefixer in your workflow:
With the help of an autoprefixer you don't have to worry most of the time about using CSS with a prefix like -moz-, -webkit-, etc. This tiny helper will do the trick for you, you can even tell some autoprefixers which browsers you want to support.
3. User 3rd - Party libraries:
There are many libraries out there which you can use to detect the browser and version. If you want to be sure that your animation is secure to use, you can simply use the provided animation from the libraries and of course look the compatibility up before on their respective websites.
Some Big Names:
Angular: https://angularjs.org/ (use ng-Animate)
JQuery: https://jquery.com/
Greensock: https://greensock.com/
there are many more, jsut search the world wide web.
4. Use CSS Hacks to detect specific Browsers:
It is possible to use so called CSS-Hacks. They are specific CSS calls, which only apply on certain browsers.
Some examples:
Internet Explorer/Edge 8 only: #media \0screen {}
firefox ≥ 3.6 only: #media screen and (-moz-images-in-menus:0) {}
Opera ≤ 9.27 AND Safari 2: html:first-child .selector {}
You can look up more Browserhacks here: http://browserhacks.com/
It is possible to detect specific browsers, but it is not possible to detect if the brwoser is supporting the given feature with only CSS. That is why you will always have some hard times with browser support.
Hope this helps.
I believe that the SMIL animations detections in modernizr should do it. https://modernizr.com/download?smil-setclasses
I'm using it in a pretty involved set of css/SVG chart animations. Just wrap a fallback in the following tag:
.no-smil{ }
I haven't done exactly what you're looking for, but something similar (providing an animated clip-path as defined by SVG when the browser supports it and falling back when it doesn't). You can use media queries looking for pixel ratios to determine if a broswer is moz or webkit and provide the fallback animation outside the media query and provide the preferred animation in media queries that indicate a browser that will support it.
//fallback animation here
#media (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 0) {
// webkit animation here
As for older versions of Firefox? I don't know how to do that in CSS, but I'm not sure going back more than a few versions of Firefox or Chrome is a common use case.

CSS media queries in lotus notes client

So, well, we have an XPage application which works very well on all the browsers including the internal notes browser. Since, our target audience is both the desktop/mobile users we have designed a responsive layout using css media queries which works well on browsers, however, we just found out that when it runs as a notes application, it doesn't respect the media queries. It works as if there were no media queries (For eg. even the mobile specific items are shown on desktop). Any suggestions here to get it working? We are far way through and removing media queries would be kind of a last alternative.
Any help would be really appreciated. Thanks!
I think the reason is that your Notes browser is rendering as IE. IE doesn't support media queries up through IE 8.
IE is the default, try changing the internal browser to Firefox. See this link for instructions.

How to disable media queries support in firefox?

I have a mobile website that is styled with extensive use of CSS3 Media Queries.
I want to do a version for browsers that don't support Media Queries by adding an extra css file for them, that overwrites some of the css rules.
I was wondering if there is a way to disable Media Queries support in Firefox (21.0) to be able to develop, since I don't have anything else to test with.
A Chrome solution would also work out, although I prefer using firebug.
You could always try testing in IE 8.
Media queries is something you define in your CSS, if a browser does not understand media queries, it has no support for it, it will not execute the CSS that makes the site responsive.
As a result you will have a not responsive site in a browsers that not supports media queries, thats the whole point of media queries.
There is no option in any browser to disable media queries.
If you want to test your site without the media queries kicking in, comment out the rules in your CSS. With this approach you can continue testing in Firefox, without having the need to test in Internet explorer 8
You have it backwards. Media Queries and corresponding rules are implicitly ignored by browsers which do not support them. The common/basic rules must therefore come before the specialized ones, not vice-versa.
You should always test in the target environments. If that is not an option, you can put the media-specific rules in a separate stylesheet and disable that stylesheet, for example with HTML comments or the Web Developer extension (apparently this feature of the extension is not available in Chromium/Chrome, but you can disable "Handheld Styles"). Equally with Web Developer and Chrome Dev Tools you can test media-specific stylesheets as if you were using the corresponding viewports. But do not rely on that; there is more to it than just viewport size.

What Safari-specific pure CSS hacks are out there?

I'm wondering if there's any way to write CSS specifically for Safari using only CSS. I know there has to be something out there, but I haven't found it yet.
I think the question is valid. I agree with the other responses, but it doesn't mean it's a terrible question. I've only ever had to use a Safari CSS hack once as a temporary solution and later got rid of it. I agree that you shouldn't have to target just Safari, but no harm in knowing how to do it.
FYI, this hack only targets Safari 3, and also targets Opera 9.
#media screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio:0) {
/* Safari 3.0 and Opera 9 rules here */
There are some hacks you can use in the CSS to target only Safari, such as putting a hash/pound (#) after the semi-colon, which causes Safari to ignore it. For example
.blah { color: #fff; }
.blah { color: #000;# }
In Safari the colour will be white, in everything else it will be black.
However, you shouldn't use hacks, as it could cause problems with browsers in the future, and it may have undesired effects in older browsers. The safest way is to either use a server side language (such as PHP) which detects the browser and then serves up a different CSS file depending upon the browser the user is using, or you can use JavaScript to do the same, and switch to a different CSS file.
The server-side language is the better option here, as not everyone has JavaScript enabled in their browser, which means they wouldn't see the correct style. Also JavaScript adds an overhead to the amount of information which needs to load before the page is properly displayed.
Safari uses WebKit, which is very good with rendering CSS. I've never come across anything which doesn't work in Safari, but does in other modern browsers (not counting IE, which has it's own issues all together). I would suggest making sure your CSS is standards compliant, as the issue may lie in the CSS, and not in Safari.
So wait, you want to write CSS for Safari using only CSS? I think you answered your own question. Webkit has really good CSS support. If you are looking for webkit only styles, try here.
You'd have to use JavaScript or your server to do user-agent sniffing in order to send CSS specifically to Safari/WebKit.
#media screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio:0) {}
This seems to target webkit(including Chrome)... or is this truly Safari-only?
This really depends on what you are trying to do. Are you trying to do something special just in safari using some of the CSS3 features included or are you trying to make a site cross browser compliant?
If you are trying to make a site cross browser compliant I'd recommend writing the site to look good in safari/firefox/opera using correct CSS and then making changes for IE using conditional CSS includes in IE. This should (hopefully) give you compatibility for the future of browsers, which are getting better at following the CSS rules, and provide cross browser compatibility. This is an example.
By using conditional stylesheets you can avoid hacks all together and target browsers.
If you are looking to do something special in safari check out this.
