Adsense Ads not working in Google AMP cache - wordpress

CMS: WordPress
Theme: Genesis
Plugins: AMP, AMP for WP, W3 Total Cache
Adsense ads are working properly when viewed from my domain:
But when I'm viewing it from google AMP cache domain then the ads are not displaying. Only empty space is shown. (Google Organic Search for Mobile browsers)
Changes: Recently I have moved from Siteground to VPS. Settings were optimised. One thing I'm missing is Siteground's Cache. Now I'm using W3 Total Cache Plugin.
Revenue: I have lost nearly 60% of revenue in this last 30 days. I'm trying different settings but yet google cache doesn't show my ads.
Note: My Website does not contain any pirated materials or unpopular niche. Even if Google thinks in that way then ads should not be displayed on my domain too. So the issue is only with Google amp cache viewer.
1) Need to show ads even when viewing through google AMP cache viewer.
2) Do not need to use google AMP cache and so to show AMP pages directly from my domain.

The problem was with the AMP plugin settings. Just to turn off viewability option in ads. I have also attached the url which helped to resolve the issue.


How can I stop Adsense scripts from conflicting with Wordpress plugins

Ever since I got my Adsense account approved and placed google ads on my site "nowviba", none of my other plugins that use scripts have been able to work. For example, I have an mp3 player plugin that I placed on my homepage but it doesn't show up in my browser at the same time with my Google Adsense ads. I have already tried to manually use script code instead of shortcodes to display the plugins but no success. How can I resolve this?

Decrease AdSense visits/impressions after AMP implementation

I implemented AMP in several WordPress blogs, and after 2 weeks:
Google Analytics Visits: OK
AdSense reports that I have a decrease of visits, impressions, revenue
I implemented AdSense Ads in the AMP version, but it loads very slow.
I am thinking in disable AMP for this sites. What do you think?
In order to disable AMP in the sites, the procedure is just to disable the WP Plugin?
Not sure if this is entirely what you're looking for but it seems the feature to disable the amp versions of some pages have been added in version 0.7.7 of the AMP Wordpress Plugin. This has been confirmed in this wordpress AMP forum. You can also try disabling the plug-in as you've suggested.

Are sites using AMP pages losing google analytics tracking to third party sites?

My wife and I run a WordPress blog that utilizes the AMP plugin. AMP versions of posts are automatically created. Though I may have read somewhere that AMP caches can be shared with anyone, it did not occur to me until now that other sites can display our AMP content as a cached page of their site and we never get credit for the visit.
Just today, a blogger friend mentioned that she saw traffic in her Google Analytics from
This is a cached version of our web page located at
She is seeing referral traffic from a third party site containing our content. We have no Google Analytics record for this traffic or that third party page. So my question is:
Am I losing the credit for traffic passing through third party sites? And how are people even getting to them?
This matters because we just launched AdThrive ads on our site last week, and with mobile being approx 70% of traffic, we are losing money due to AMP. I realize that some ad networks are already compatible with AMP, but AdThrive is not, due to the fact that they employ real-time bidding on ad spots, which delivers maximum earnings to the publisher.
Maybe more sites are sharing cached versions of our AMP pages, but we know at least that Google Cache is doing so and AmpProject is doing so. How is that content tracked in GA? If it isn't, how is that supposed to be okay?
AMP is starting to feel like I've given someone permission to scrape all my content and outrank my actual site with my own content. is a cache that belongs to Google. This cache is used for all views that happen in search and google news and many other apps including Bing etc. You are definitely not losing credit since they will all show you as the author and creator.

Affiliate Link Error with AMP

I'm using SEOFrog on Wordpress to show the AMP version of the website. It works great, but there is one little problem, especially for affiliate websites such as Plus500 (with a very strict tracking).
When I'm visiting the AMP version of my website (for example: and I click on one of the affiliate links of the broker Plus500, such as . The affiliation campaign shows an error, because the domain is not but instead.
I don't think the broker will whitelist, so is there any way to fix this error by just changing the code on the website?
Thanks in advance,
Link to non-AMP page which will then redirect to affiliate link.
Referer will be your domain.
AMP pages are cached by Google; in fact - when you create an AMP version of your webpage - you make Google the owner of that page. As a result, when a user clicks on a link in an AMP page, the referer is instead of your domain. This behaviour makes AMP pages not really suitable for tracking purposes, as they are always served from; for such scenario’s (like tracking and affiliate programs) you need to serve pages from your own domain, not from Google’s AMP cache servers.

Google Analytics not tracking a Wordpress directory

Just wondered if there is a known issue with GA having trouble tracking a site which has a Wordpress directory?
It seems to be able to track all of my other pages on the site, but we have a /news/ directory which is powered by Wordpress and it doesn't pick this up at all. It is obviously an issue with the fact that this directory is a Wordpress blog, but there must be a way to track it with all of the other pages.
Aaahhh... Sounds like the google analytics tracking code is present on your main site pages, but is not included in the wordpress template that's applied to that sub-section of your site.
The GA tracking code must be visible to google on every page you want to have tracked.
Try 'View Source' in your browser, and check wether the analytics tracking code is present.
If not, you could hard-code the GA tracking code in, or use one of the free WordPress Plugins to do it for you, like 'Google Analytics':
Hope this helps - post back if you're still having problems!
It may not be related, but did you check if your blog is indexable? Under Settings -> Privacy you can check if its enabled.
Another option is to install a google analytics plugin for the blog. If you enter the same credentials from your already-in-use GA it should be combined. I'm using this one on my blog and its working.
