Seeding variable data using EF Core 2.2 - .net-core

In all the examples and articles I've seen about seeding data using EF Core all of the data is hard-coded. I have a need to seed some data where part of it is variable. My model is:
public class Customer
public Guid Id { get; set; }
public string ApiKey { get; set; }
Specifically, I want the ApiKey to contain a different value each time the seed operation runs. That way I get a different value for each environment (development, QA, production).
I created a method to generate a unique value and added the following to my OnModelCreating method.
modelBuilder.Entity<Customer>().HasData(new Customer
Id = Guid.NewGuid(),
ApiKey = GenerateApiKey()
The problem, as you have probably guessed, is that the call to GenerateApiKey happens when the migration is created so the value generated by GenerateApiKey is effectively hard-coded into the InsertData call.
table: "Customers",
columns: new[] { "Id", "ApiKey" },
values: new object[]
new Guid("bcde0c82-ad26-47fb-bd5f-1ad552d2b8f0"),
In EF 6.x I accomplished this using the Seed method of my DbMigrationsConfiguration subclass.
I realize I could modify the migration, but we're at a stage of development where we are dropping and recreating the database during changes and that would require every developer remember to do that when they regenerate the initial migration. I'd rather make it a little more foolproof than that.

You could always run a seed method once your host is ready like so (this is how I do it in 2.1):
public static void Main(string[] args)
public static class WebHostExtensions
public static IWebHost Seed(this IWebHost host)
using (var scope = host.Services.CreateScope())
var services = scope.ServiceProvider;
var loggerFactory = services.GetRequiredService<ILoggerFactory>();
var context = services.GetRequiredService<MsbContext>();
// do whatever you need here with your data before migrations
// do whatever you need here with your data after migrations


How to design repository based on Entity Framework core?

I have created a Repository on top of Entity Framework Core, but have some issues with how it's done.
This is an example:
public class StockPricesRepository : IStockPricesRepository
StockPricesDbContext _stockPricesDbContext;
ILogger _logger;
public StockPricesRepository(StockPricesDbContext stockPricesDbContext, ILogger logger)
_stockPricesDbContext = stockPricesDbContext;
_logger = logger;
public void Add(StockPrice stockPrice)
public void AddOrUpdate(StockPrice stockPrice)
if (!Exists(stockPrice))
private bool Exists(StockPrice stockPrice)
StockPrice existingStockPrice = Get(stockPrice.Ticker, stockPrice.Exchange, stockPrice.Date, stockPrice.DataProvider);
return (existingStockPrice != null);
public StockPrice Get(string ticker, string exchange, DateTime date, string providerName)
StockPrice stockPrice = null;
stockPrice =
(from sp in _stockPricesDbContext.StockPrices
where (
(sp.Ticker == ticker) &
(sp.Exchange == exchange) &
(sp.Date == date) &
(sp.DataProvider == providerName))
select sp).AsNoTracking().FirstOrDefault();
return stockPrice;
The StockPricesDbContext is injected into the constructur using dependency injection like this:
services.AddDbContext<StockPricesDbContext>(options => options.UseSqlServer(connectionString));
The problem with the current design is that I get some issues with multiple calls into the repository within the lifetime of the StockPricesDbContext object (even if I have AsNoTracking() on the Get method):
System.InvalidOperationException: 'The instance of entity type 'StockPrice' cannot be tracked because another instance with the same key value for {'Date', 'Ticker', 'Exchange', 'DataProvider'} is already being tracked. When attaching existing entities, ensure that only one entity instance with a given key value is attached. Consider using 'DbContextOptionsBuilder.EnableSensitiveDataLogging' to see the conflicting key values.'
To avoid this problem I would maybe prefer to have each of the repository methods embedded in a using block like this:
using (var db = new StockPricesDbContext())
The problem with this approach is that I don't get the StockPricesDbContext from dependency injection and the connection string from AddDbContext is lost.
One workaround for that might be to get the connection string from the constructor of the repository like this:
private string _connectionString;
public StockPricesRepository(StockPricesDbContext stockPricesDbContext, ILogger logger)
_stockPricesDbContext = stockPricesDbContext;
_connectionString = stockPricesDbContext.Database.GetDbConnection().ConnectionString;
_logger = logger;
I would also need to add this constructor in StockPricesDbContext:
public StockPricesDbContext(string connectionString)
_connectionString = connectionString;
and this would be the OnConfiguring method:
protected override void OnConfiguring(DbContextOptionsBuilder optionsBuilder)
if (!optionsBuilder.IsConfigured)
if (_connectionString != null)
Then I could use it in the methods like this:
using (var db = new StockPricesDbContext(_connectionString))
It kind of works, but seems a bit "unclean".
Has anyone else come across a good pattern for repositories built on top of Entity Framework Core?
The common mistake that causes this error is having several async queries that have not been committed.
There is no problem saving multiple records in EF though.
There are multiple approaches to avoid your issue.
Using AddRange(),UpdateRange(),DeleteRange()
AddRange() can add list of objects to your db and you don't need to call .Add() more than once. Similarly you can update or delete a list of objects
Bulk Extensions in EFCore
Both are extending DbContext with Bulk operations and have the same syntax call:

Avoid HasData Seed DbContext in EF Core 2.2 during Unit Tests

In my ASP.Net CORE 2.2/EF Core 2.2 web API app, I have a HasData() method in my DbContext to seed the DB with some standard data that I use. However, I don't want to use that data when running my xUnit tests.
My unit tests use the Sqlite in-memory provider and as part of that process, it requires a call to EnsureCreated(). Well, EnsureCreated() calls OnModelCreating() which calls HasData(), so my unit test context now contains all of my HasData seed data, which I don't want. I want to seed my unit tests with different, very specific data.
Because EnsureCreated() seeds the context, and then I try adding my unit test specific seed data, I end up with both sets of data in my test DbContext and my tests fail.
How can I bypass the HasData call for my unit tests?
Instead of trying to bypass HasData(), you could instead conditionally not supply data to that method.
Quick example - if you move the pre-pop data out to e.g. "DataInitialiser" classes:
builder.HasData(new UserDataInitialiser().Data);
Then set a static flag in a base class:
public abstract class DataInitialiserControl
public static bool SkipInitData { get; set; } // ** flag **
public abstract class DataInitialiser<T> : DataInitialiserControl
public IList<T> Data => SkipInitData ? new List<T>() : GetData();
protected abstract IList<T> GetData();
Your DataInitialisers would look like this:
public class UserDataInitialiser : DataInitialiser<User>
protected override IList<User> GetData()
return new[]
new User {Id = 1, Name = "Bob"}
You could then just set the static flag in your test initialisation:
public abstract class TestBase
protected DbContextOptions<MyContext> DbOptions { get; private set; }
public void InitializeDatabase()
DataInitialiserControl.SkipInitData = true;
DbOptions = BuildDbContextOptions(new DbContextOptionsBuilder<MyContext>()).Options;
using (var context = GetContext())
public void ClearDatabase()
using (var context = GetContext())
(Code untested, but should be more or less right).
You could always mock the call with Mock it will provides a way to mock an interface making it so the function calls of the said mocked interface will actually be calling your mocked function. This will provide a way for you to override the function call to HasData.
Of course, this means if it isn't already using an interface for that function(s) you'll have to wrap it in one.
Here are a few useful examples to Mocking: writing unit tests with NUnit and Moq and an introduction to unit testing with mocks(using moq).
I also suspect that Theory attribute and inline data could be of use to you.
Creating parameterized tests in xUnit
Hope that helps.

in API, create multiple controller constructor with one parameter

public class DigitalDocumentController : Controller
private IDigitalDocumentService digitalDocumentService;
private IDatabaseInitializer databaseInitializer;
public DigitalDocumentController(IDigitalDocumentService digitalDocumentService)
this.digitalDocumentService = digitalDocumentService;
public DigitalDocumentController(IDatabaseInitializer databaseInitializer)
this.databaseInitializer = databaseInitializer;
i want two controller constructor in my project to Mock in xUnit Testing, but there was an error in my swagger interface {
"error": "Multiple constructors accepting all given argument types have been found in type 'i2ana.Web.Controllers.DigitalDocumentController'. There should only be one applicable constructor."
can anybody help me how i can do it ?
what i am try to do , is to test Uniquness of the Name Field in my database
My testing code:
public void AddNotUniqueName_ReturnsNotFoundObjectResult()
var digitalDocument = new DigitalDocument
Image = new byte[] { 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20 },
CreatedOn = DateTime.Today,
Id = 6,
Location = "temp",
Name = "Flower",
Tages = new List<Tag> { new Tag { Id = 1, Value = "Tag 1" }, new Tag { Id = 1, Value = "Tag 2" } }
// Arrange
var mockRepo = new Mock<IDatabaseInitializer>();
mockRepo.Setup(repo => repo.SeedAsync()).Returns(Task.FromResult(AddUniqueDigitalDocument(digitalDocument)));
var controller = new DigitalDocumentController(mockRepo.Object);
// Act
var result = controller.Add(digitalDocument);
// Assert
var viewResult = Assert.IsType<NotFoundObjectResult>(result);
var model = Assert.IsAssignableFrom<int>(viewResult.Value);
Assert.NotEqual(6, model);
the "AddUniqueDigitalDocument" returns 6 only to test that the new digitaldocumet is not the same id of my initialize data.
When using dependency injection, you should only have one constructor where all dependencies can be satisfied. Otherwise, how is the DI container to know which constructor to utilize? That's your issue here. Using the Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection package, and since this is a controller you're injecting into, there's only one reasonable way to solve this: don't register one or the other of the services, IDigitalDocumentService or IDatatabaseInitializer. If only one is registered, the service collection will simply use the constructor it has a registered service for.
It's possible with a more featured DI container, you might be able to configure something to allow it choose the proper constructor. How to do that would be entirely dependent on the DI container you end up going with, though, so not much more can be said on the subject at this point. Just realize that the default container (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection) is intentionally simplistic, so if you needs are more complex, you should sub in a full DI container.
You should be doing integration testing with the test host and an in-memory database. The basic approach is:
public MyTests()
_server = new TestServer(new WebHostBuilder().UseStartup<TestStartup>());
_context = _server.Host.Services.GetRequiredService<MyContext>();
_client = _server.CreateClient();
In your app's Startup, create a virtual method:
public virtual void ConfigureDatabase(IServiceCollection services)
// normal database setup here, e.g.
services.AddDbContext<MyContext>(o =>
Then, in ConfigureServices, replace your database setup with a call to this method.
Finally, in your test project, create a TestStartup class and override the ConfigureDatabase method:
public class TestStartup : Startup
public override void ConfigureDatabase(IServiceCollection services)
var databaseName = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
services.AddDbContext<MyContext>(o =>
Now, in your tests you just make requests against the test client (which is just an HttpClient instance, so it works like any other HttpClient). You start by setting up your database with appropriate test data, and then ensure that the correct response is returned:
// Arrange
_context.Add(new DigitalDocument { Name = "Foo" });
await _context.SaveChanges();
// Act
// Submit a `DigitalDocument` with the same name via `_client`
// Assert
// Inspect the response body for some indication that it was considered invalid. Or you could simply assert that no new `DigitalDocument` was created by querying `_context` (or both)
This is admittedly a lot easier with an API, as with a web application, you're going to invariably need to do some HTML parsing. However, the docs and corresponding sample app help you with that.
Additionally, in actual practice, you'd want to use a test fixture to prevent having to bootstrap a test server for every test. Again, the docs have you covered there. One thing to note, though, is that once you switch to using a fixture, your database will then be persisted between tests. To segregate your test data, make sure that you call EnsureDeleted() on your context before each test. This can be easily done in the test class' constructor:
public class MyTests : IClassFixture<WebApplicationFactory<Startup>>
private readonly HttpClient _client;
private readonly MyContext _context;
public MyTests(WebApplicationFactory<Startup> factory)
factory = factory.WithWebHostBuilder(builder => builder.UseStartup<TestStartup>());
_client = factory.CreateClient();
_context = factory.Server.Host.Services.GetRequiredService<MyContext>();
I don't even like this much bootstrapping code in my tests, though, so I usually inherit from a fixture class instead:
public class TestServerFixture : IClassFixture<WebApplicationFactory<Startup>>
protected readonly HttpClient _client;
protected readonly MyContext _context;
public TestServerFixture(WebApplicationFactory<Startup> factory)
factory = factory.WithWebHostBuilder(builder => builder.UseStartup<TestStartup>());
_client = factory.CreateClient();
_context = factory.Server.Host.Services.GetRequiredService<MyContext>();
Then, for each test class:
public class MyTests : TestServerFixture
public MyTests(WebApplicationFactory<Startup> factory)
: base(factory)
This may seem like a lot, but most of it is one-time setup. Then, your tests will be much more accurate, more robust, and even easier in many ways.

Handle on db not released during unit test global setup

I'm using NUnit 3 to do a global setup, which creates a local database needed to run several of my service tests, which looks like this:
public class FixtureSetup
private MobileServiceClient _client;
private SyncService _syncService;
public void GlobalSetup()
_client = Substitute.For<MobileServiceClient>(Settings.SyncUrl);
_syncService = Substitute.For<SyncService>(_client);
public void GlobalTeardown()
_syncService = null;
Settings.SyncUrl contains the URL to Azure to which the Azure App Services SDK will by syncing eventually, and is not relevant to this question.
The one-time setup, simply constructs a new instance of the MobileServiceClient and passes that instance to my SyncService class, to construct the local store, which looks like this:
public class SyncService : ISyncService
private readonly IMobileServiceClient _client;
private MobileServiceSQLiteStore Store { get; }
public SyncService(IMobileServiceClient client)
_client = client;
Store = new MobileServiceSQLiteStore(Settings.SyncDb);
public async Task<List<TTable>> All<TTable>()
var table = await _client.GetSyncTable<TTable>().ToListAsync();
return table;
public async Task<TTable> Insert<TTable>(TTable table)
await _client.GetSyncTable<TTable>().InsertAsync(table);
return table;
public async Task<List<TTable>> Search<TTable>(Expression<Func<TTable, bool>> predicate)
var table = await _client.GetSyncTable<TTable>().Where(predicate).ToListAsync();
return table;
Settings.SyncDb simply points to the name of the db, called localstorage.db, and if on a mobile device, will store this in the application's file repository, on Windows or Mac, it will store it under the user's profile folder. Adding this just for reference.
My problem is that the global setup creates the localstorage.db correctly, but by the time the unit test runs, it cannot access the localstorage.db, because it's seemingly still in use by the global setup method.
I thought that reinstantiating the MobileServiceClient in the test class would resolve this, but it does not seem to do so. Is there a way that I can release the handle on the db, before hitting the unit test?
This is not an issue in development, as I can run the unit tests again after the first fail, but VSTS builds fail the test due to this reason.
Thanks in advance.

Event and error logging in MVC 5 project

I am looking at implementing a logging mechanism in a site of mine, I wish to do basic user action logging. I don't want to log every single button they click on, but I do want to log actions they do which makes changes.
Are there any libraries or articles / tutorials out there which can help me implement a good and efficient logging mechanism for my site. Im not sure if there are any changes in MVC5 that might come in use for logging as I know user Authentication and Authorization has changed a fair amount from 4 to 5.
I'm sure that there is a dynamic library out there that will work in many different situations.
Nice to haves:
Async capability
Simple to use
I'm thinking along the lines of creating a custom filter or attribute that then logs the suers action, but that's just my Idea, Im here to ask what the standard / industry way to do it is.
There isn't an industry standard.
I've used filters or I've overridden the "onActionExecuting" method on the base controller class to record controller / action events.
Trying to be more helpful but this is really vague.
If you're worried about errors and things like that use elmah.
For other logging use Nlog or Log4Net.
If you're trying to do extra logging like auditing or something like that you can use any combination of those, or something custom. In my site I created a table that stores every click on the site by creating an object sort of like this :
public class audit
public int ID { get; set; }
public DateTime AuditDate { get; set; }
public string ControllerName { get; set; }
public string ActionName { get; set; }
public Dictionary<string, object> values
In my base constructor, I overrode the OnActionExecuting event :
protected override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext ctx)
//do not omit this line
Lets say I want to log all Get Requests using my new audit object
private void checkForLogging(ActionExecutingContext ctx)
//we leave logging of posts up to the actual methods because they're more complex...
if (ctx.HttpContext.Request.RequestType == "GET")
logging(ctx.ActionDescriptor.ActionName, ctx.ActionDescriptor.ControllerDescriptor.ControllerName, ctx.ActionParameters);
Thats all the info I need to fill my logging object with the action name, the controller name and all the params passed into the method. You can either save this to a db, or a logfile or whatever you want really.
The point is just its a pretty big thing. This is just one way to do it and it may or may not help you. Maybe define a bit more what exactly you want to log and when you want to do it?
You can create a custom attribute and decorate methods with it and then check if that attribute is present when the OnActionExecuting method fires. You can then get that filter if present and read from it and use that to drive your logging if you want...
Maybe this example will help.
My focus on logging is in the CREATE, EDIT, DELETE actions.
I am using MVC 5 Code-first EF 6.1 (VS 2013) ,
and for this example I are referring to the Create action for an entity called "WorkFlow"
I actually view these logs from SSRS, but you could add a controller and Views for WriteUsageLog and view them from the MVC application
MODEL: Create a MODEL Entity called "WriteUsageLog" which will be where the log records are kept
CONTROLLER: Extract, or refactor, the HttpPost overload of the "Create" action from the WorkFlowController into a Partial Class called "WorkFlowController" (These partials are to avoid being deleted and rebuilt when I use the wizard to create Controllers)
Other Classes in the CONTROLLER folder: Then there are some helper functions that are required in a class called "General_Object_Extensions" and "General_ActiveDirectory_Extensions" (NOTE: these are not really 'extensions')
Add the following line to the DBContext:
public DbSet WriteUsageLogs { get; set; }
The advantage of this example is:
I am recording the following for the record:
User Name from Active Directory
The DateTime that the log record is being created
The computer name
And a Note that consists of the values for all the entity properties
I am recording the log in a table from which I can access it either using an MVC controller, or preferably from SQL Server Report Server. Where I can monitor all my MVC applications
using System;
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.Schema;
namespace MileageReimbursement.Models
public class WriteUsageLog
public WriteUsageLog()
this.DateTimeCreated = DateTime.Now; // auto-populates DateTimeCreated field
public int WriteUsageLogID { get; set; }
[Column(TypeName = "nvarchar(max)")]
public string Note { get; set; }
public string UserLogIn { get; set; }
public string ComputerName { get; set; }
public DateTime DateTimeCreated { get; private set; } //private set to for auto-populates DateTimeCreated field
using System.Linq;
using System.Web.Mvc;
using MileageReimbursement.Models;
//These partials are to avoid be deleted and rebuilt when I use the wizard to create Controllers
namespace MileageReimbursement.Controllers
public partial class WorkFlowController : Controller
public ActionResult Create([Bind(Include = "whatever")] WorkFlow workFlow)
if (ModelState.IsValid)
string sX = workFlow.GetStringWith_RecordProperties();
var logRecord = new WriteUsageLog();
logRecord.Note = "New WorkFlow Record Added - " + sX;
logRecord.UserLogIn = General_ActiveDirectory_Extensions.fn_sUser();
string IP = Request.UserHostName;
logRecord.ComputerName = General_functions.fn_ComputerName(IP);
return RedirectToAction("Index");
else // OR the user is directed back to the validation error messages and given an opportunity to correct them
return View(workFlow); //This sends the user back to the CREATE view to deal with their errors
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Mail;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using System.Text;
using System.Web;
namespace MileageReimbursement.Controllers
public static class General_ActiveDirectory_Extensions
public static string fn_sUser()
char cX = '\\';
string sUser = General_functions.fn_ReturnPortionOfStringAfterLastOccuranceOfACharacter(HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name, cX);
return sUser; //returns just the short logon name Example for 'accessiicarewnc\ggarson', it returns 'ggarson'
} //General_ActiveDirectory_Extensions
public static class General_Object_Extensions
public static string GetStringWith_RecordProperties(this object Record)
string sX = null;
Dictionary<string, object> _record = GetDictionary_WithPropertiesForOneRecord(Record);
int iPropertyCounter = 0;
foreach (var KeyValuePair in _record)
iPropertyCounter += 1;
object thePropertyValue = _record[KeyValuePair.Key];
if (thePropertyValue != null)
sX = sX + iPropertyCounter + ") Property: {" + KeyValuePair.Key + "} = [" + thePropertyValue + "] \r\n";
sX = sX + iPropertyCounter + ") Property: {" + KeyValuePair.Key + "} = [{NULL}] \r\n";
return sX;
public static Dictionary<string, object> GetDictionary_WithPropertiesForOneRecord(object atype)
if (atype == null) return new Dictionary<string, object>();
Type t = atype.GetType();
PropertyInfo[] props = t.GetProperties();
Dictionary<string, object> dict = new Dictionary<string, object>();
foreach (PropertyInfo prp in props)
object value = prp.GetValue(atype, new object[] { });
dict.Add(prp.Name, value);
return dict;
} //General_Object_Extensions
public static class General_functions
public static string fn_ComputerName(string IP)
//string IP = Request.UserHostName;
//string compName = CompNameHelper.DetermineCompName(IP);
IPAddress myIP = IPAddress.Parse(IP);
IPHostEntry GetIPHost = Dns.GetHostEntry(myIP);
List<string> compName = GetIPHost.HostName.ToString().Split('.').ToList();
return compName.First();
static public string fn_ReturnPortionOfStringAfterLastOccuranceOfACharacter(string strInput, char cBreakCharacter)
// NOTE: for path backslash "/", set cBreakCharacter = '\\'
string strX = null;
//1] how long is the string
int iStrLenth = strInput.Length;
//2] How far from the end does the last occurance of the character occur
int iLenthFromTheLeftOfTheLastOccurance = strInput.LastIndexOf(cBreakCharacter);
int iLenthFromTheRightToUse = 0;
iLenthFromTheRightToUse = iStrLenth - iLenthFromTheLeftOfTheLastOccurance;
//3] Get the Portion of the string, that occurs after the last occurance of the character
strX = fn_ReturnLastXLettersOfString(iLenthFromTheRightToUse, strInput);
return strX;
static private string fn_ReturnLastXLettersOfString(int iNoOfCharToReturn, string strIn)
int iLenth = 0;
string strX = null;
int iNoOfCharacters = iNoOfCharToReturn;
iLenth = strIn.Length;
if (iLenth >= iNoOfCharacters)
strX = strIn.Substring(iLenth - iNoOfCharacters + 1);
strX = strIn;
return strX;
} //General_functions
I would agree that Log4Net and NLog seem to be the two most commonly used products on the different projects I have been a member.
If you are looking for a great tool that you can use for logging, error handling and anything else where AOP would be beneficial I would highly recommend PostSharp ( You set your logging/error handling up centrally and then just decorate methods. It is a well documented and supported product. They have a community license, which is free - and it is free for individuals. They also have professional and ultimate versions of the products, which would make more sense if you're using it as a team.
I don't work at PostSharp :-) I've just used it in the past and really like it.
