How to invoke a multi-argument function without creating a closure? - functional-programming

I came across this while doing the 2018 Advent of Code (Day 2, Part 1) solution in Rust.
The problem to solve:
Take the count of strings that have exactly two of the same letter, multiplied by the count of strings that have exactly three of the same letter.
The first string abcdega has a repeated twice.
The second string hihklmh has h repeated three times.
The third string abqasbb has a repeated twice, and b repeated three times, so it counts for both.
The fourth string aaaabcd contains a letter repeated 4 times (not 2, or 3) so it does not count.
So the result should be:
2 strings that contained a double letter (first and third) multiplied by 2 strings that contained a triple letter (second and third) = 4
The Question:
const PUZZLE_INPUT: &str =
fn letter_counts(id: &str) -> [u8;26] {
id.chars().map(|c| c as u8).fold([0;26], |mut counts, c| {
counts[usize::from(c - b'a')] += 1;
fn has_repeated_letter(n: u8, letter_counts: &[u8;26]) -> bool {
letter_counts.iter().any(|&count| count == n)
fn main() {
let ids_iter = PUZZLE_INPUT.lines().map(letter_counts);
let num_ids_with_double = ids_iter.clone().filter(|id| has_repeated_letter(2, id)).count();
let num_ids_with_triple = ids_iter.filter(|id| has_repeated_letter(3, id)).count();
println!("{}", num_ids_with_double * num_ids_with_triple);
Rust Playground
Consider line 21. The function letter_counts takes only one argument, so I can use the syntax: .map(letter_counts) on elements that match the type of the expected argument. This is really nice to me! I love that I don't have to create a closure: .map(|id| letter_counts(id)). I find both to be readable, but the former version without the closure is much cleaner to me.
Now consider lines 22 and 23. Here, I have to use the syntax: .filter(|id| has_repeated_letter(3, id)) because the has_repeated_letter function takes two arguments. I would really like to do .filter(has_repeated_letter(3)) instead.
Sure, I could make the function take a tuple instead, map to a tuple and consume only a single argument... but that seems like a terrible solution. I'd rather just create the closure.
Leaving out the only argument is something that Rust lets you do. Why would it be any harder for the compiler to let you leave out the last argument, provided that it has all of the other n-1 arguments for a function that takes n arguments.
I feel like this would make the syntax a lot cleaner, and it would fit in a lot better with the idiomatic functional style that Rust prefers.
I am certainly no expert in compilers, but implementing this behavior seems like it would be straightforward. If my thinking is incorrect, I would love to know more about why that is so.

No, you cannot pass a function with multiple arguments as an implicit closure.
In certain cases, you can choose to use currying to reduce the arity of a function. For example, here we reduce the add function from 2 arguments to one:
fn add(a: i32, b: i32) -> i32 {
a + b
fn curry<A1, A2, R>(f: impl FnOnce(A1, A2) -> R, a1: A1) -> impl FnOnce(A2) -> R {
move |a2| f(a1, a2)
fn main() {
let a = Some(1);, 2));
However, I agree with the comments that this isn't a benefit:
It's not any less typing:, 2));|v| add(v, 2));
The curry function is extremely limited: it chooses to use FnOnce, but Fn and FnMut also have use cases. It only applies to a function with two arguments.
However, I have used this higher-order function trick in other projects, where the amount of code that is added is much greater.


What is an alternative to Kotlin's `reduce` operation in Rust?

I encountered this competitive programming problem:
nums is a vector of integers (length n)
ops is a vector of strings containing + and - (length n-1)
It can be solved with the reduce operation in Kotlin like this:
val op_iter = ops.iterator();
nums.reduce {a, b ->
when ( {
"+" -> a+b
"-" -> a-b
else -> throw Exception()
reduce is described as:
Accumulates value starting with the first element and applying operation from left to right to current accumulator value and each element.
It looks like Rust vectors do not have a reduce method. How would you achieve this task?
Edited: since Rust version 1.51.0, this function is called reduce
Be aware of similar function which is called fold. The difference is that reduce will produce None if iterator is empty while fold accepts accumulator and will produce accumulator's value if iterator is empty.
Outdated answer is left to capture the history of this function debating how to name it:
There is no reduce in Rust 1.48. In many cases you can simulate it with fold but be aware that the semantics of the these functions are different. If the iterator is empty, fold will return the initial value whereas reduce returns None. If you want to perform multiplication operation on all elements, for example, getting result 1 for empty set is not too logical.
Rust does have a fold_first function which is equivalent to Kotlin's reduce, but it is not stable yet. The main discussion is about naming it. It is a safe bet to use it if you are ok with nightly Rust because there is little chance the function will be removed. In the worst case, the name will be changed. If you need stable Rust, then use fold if you are Ok with an illogical result for empty sets. If not, then you'll have to implement it, or find a crate such as reduce.
Kotlin's reduce takes the first item of the iterator for the starting point while Rust's fold and try_fold let you specify a custom starting point.
Here is an equivalent of the Kotlin code:
let mut it = nums.iter().cloned();
let start =;, |a, (b, op)| match op {
'+' => Ok(a + b),
'-' => Ok(a - b),
_ => Err(()),
Or since we're starting from a vector, which can be indexed:
.try_fold(nums[0], |a, (b, op)| match op {
'+' => Ok(a + b),
'-' => Ok(a - b),
_ => Err(()),

Recursive function that returns a Vec

I continue to struggle with the concept of recursion. I have a function that takes a u64 and returns a Vec<u64> of factors of that integer. I would like to recursively call this function on each item in the Vec, returning a flattened Vec until the function returns Vec<self> for each item, i.e., each item is prime.
fn prime_factors(x: u64) -> Vec<u64> {
let factors = factoring_method(x);
factors.iter().flat_map(|&i| factoring_method(i)).collect()
(The complete code)
This returns only the Vec of factors of the final iteration and also has no conditional that allows it to keep going until items are all prime.
The factoring_method is a congruence of squares that I'm pretty happy with. I'm certain there's lots of room for optimization, but I'm hoping to get a working version complete before refactoring. I think the recursion should in the congruence_of_squares — calling itself upon each member of the Vec it returns, but I'm not sure how to frame the conditional to keep it from doing so infinitely.
Useful recursion requires two things:
That a function call itself, either directly or indirectly.
That there be some terminating case.
One definition of the prime factorization of a number is:
if the number is prime, that is the only prime factor
otherwise, combine the prime factors of a pair of factors of the number
From that, we can identify a termination condition ("if it's prime") and the recursive call ("prime factors of factors").
Note that we haven't written any code yet — everything to this point is conceptual.
We can then transcribe the idea to Rust:
fn prime_factors(x: u64) -> Vec<u64> {
if is_prime(x) {
} else {
Interesting pieces here:
We use into_iter to avoid the need to dereference the iterated value.
We can pass the function name directly as the closure because the types align.
Some (inefficient) helper functions round out the implementation:
fn is_prime(x: u64) -> bool {
!(2..x).any(|i| x % i == 0)
fn factors(x: u64) -> Vec<u64> {
match (2..x).filter(|i| x % i == 0).next() {
Some(v) => vec![v, x / v],
None => vec![],

Cannot compare &u8 with u8

fn count_spaces(text: Vec<u8>) -> usize {
text.split(|c| c == 32u8).count()
The above function does not compile, and gives the following error on the comparison:
trait `&u8: std::cmp::PartialEq` not satisfied
I read this as: "c is a borrowed byte and cannot be compared to a regular byte", but I must be reading this wrong.
What would be the appropriate way to split a Vec<u8> on specific values?
I do realize that there are options when reading files, like splitting a BufReader or I could convert the vector to a string and use str::split. I might go with such a solution (passing in a BufReader instead of a Vec<u8>), but right now I'm just playing around, testing stuff and want to know what I'm doing wrong.
The code
You are actually reading it right: c is indeed a borrowed byte and cannot be compared to a regular byte. Try using any of the functions below instead:
fn count_spaces(text: Vec<u8>) -> usize {
text.split(|&c| c == 32u8).count()
fn count_spaces(text: Vec<u8>) -> usize {
text.split(|c| *c == 32u8).count()
The first one uses pattern matching on the parameter (&c) to dereference it, while the second one uses the dereference operator (*).
Why is c a &u8 instead of a u8?
If you take a look at the split method on the docs, you will see that the closure parameter is a borrow of the data in Vec. In this case, it means that the parameter will be &u8 instead of u8 (so in your code you are actually comparing &u8 to u8, which Rust doesn't like).
In order to understand why the closure takes the parameter by borrow and not by value, consider what would happen if the parameter was taken by value. In the case of Vec<u8>, there would be no problem since u8 implements Copy. However, in the case of a a Vec<String>, each String would be moved into the closure and destroyed!

Concatenate a vector of vectors of strings

I'm trying to write a function that receives a vector of vectors of strings and returns all vectors concatenated together, i.e. it returns a vector of strings.
The best I could do so far has been the following:
fn concat_vecs(vecs: Vec<Vec<String>>) -> Vec<String> {
let vals : Vec<&String> = vecs.iter().flat_map(|x| x.into_iter()).collect();
vals.into_iter().map(|v: &String| v.to_owned()).collect()
However, I'm not happy with this result, because it seems I should be able to get Vec<String> from the first collect call, but somehow I am not able to figure out how to do it.
I am even more interested to figure out why exactly the return type of collect is Vec<&String>. I tried to deduce this from the API documentation and the source code, but despite my best efforts, I couldn't even understand the signatures of functions.
So let me try and trace the types of each expression:
- vecs.iter(): Iter<T=Vec<String>, Item=Vec<String>>
- vecs.iter().flat_map(): FlatMap<I=Iter<Vec<String>>, U=???, F=FnMut(Vec<String>) -> U, Item=U>
- vecs.iter().flat_map().collect(): (B=??? : FromIterator<U>)
- vals was declared as Vec<&String>, therefore
vals == vecs.iter().flat_map().collect(): (B=Vec<&String> : FromIterator<U>). Therefore U=&String.
I'm assuming above that the type inferencer is able to figure out that U=&String based on the type of vals. But if I give the expression the explicit types in the code, this compiles without error:
fn concat_vecs(vecs: Vec<Vec<String>>) -> Vec<String> {
let a: Iter<Vec<String>> = vecs.iter();
let b: FlatMap<Iter<Vec<String>>, Iter<String>, _> = a.flat_map(|x| x.into_iter());
let c = b.collect();
let vals : Vec<&String> = c;
vals.into_iter().map(|v: &String| v.to_owned()).collect()
Clearly, U=Iter<String>... Please help me clear up this mess.
EDIT: thanks to bluss' hint, I was able to achieve one collect as follows:
fn concat_vecs(vecs: Vec<Vec<String>>) -> Vec<String> {
vecs.into_iter().flat_map(|x| x.into_iter()).collect()
My understanding is that by using into_iter I transfer ownership of vecs to IntoIter and further down the call chain, which allows me to avoid copying the data inside the lambda call and therefore - magically - the type system gives me Vec<String> where it used to always give me Vec<&String> before. While it is certainly very cool to see how the high-level concept is reflected in the workings of the library, I wish I had any idea how this is achieved.
EDIT 2: After a laborious process of guesswork, looking at API docs and using this method to decipher the types, I got them fully annotated (disregarding the lifetimes):
fn concat_vecs(vecs: Vec<Vec<String>>) -> Vec<String> {
let a: Iter<Vec<String>> = vecs.iter();
let f : &Fn(&Vec<String>) -> Iter<String> = &|x: &Vec<String>| x.into_iter();
let b: FlatMap<Iter<Vec<String>>, Iter<String>, &Fn(&Vec<String>) -> Iter<String>> = a.flat_map(f);
let vals : Vec<&String> = b.collect();
vals.into_iter().map(|v: &String| v.to_owned()).collect()
I'd think about: why do you use iter() on the outer vec but into_iter() on the inner vecs? Using into_iter() is actually crucial, so that we don't have to copy first the inner vectors, then the strings inside, we just receive ownership of them.
We can actually write this just like a summation: concatenate the vectors two by two. Since we always reuse the allocation & contents of the same accumulation vector, this operation is linear time.
To minimize time spent growing and reallocating the vector, calculate the space needed up front.
fn concat_vecs(vecs: Vec<Vec<String>>) -> Vec<String> {
let size = vecs.iter().fold(0, |a, b| a + b.len());
vecs.into_iter().fold(Vec::with_capacity(size), |mut acc, v| {
acc.extend(v); acc
If you do want to clone all the contents, there's already a method for that, and you'd just use vecs.concat() /* -> Vec<String> */
The approach with .flat_map is fine, but if you don't want to clone the strings again you have to use .into_iter() on all levels: (x is Vec<String>).
vecs.into_iter().flat_map(|x| x.into_iter()).collect()
If instead you want to clone each string you can use this: (Changed .into_iter() to .iter() since x here is a &Vec<String> and both methods actually result in the same thing!)
vecs.iter().flat_map(|x| x.iter().map(Clone::clone)).collect()

How to rewrite Vec.append "in favor of" extend?

When the following is submitted to the compiler
fn main()
let abc = vec![10u, 20u, 30u];
let bcd = vec![20u, 30u, 40u];
let cde = abc.append(bcd.as_slice());
println!("{}", cde);
the compiler emits the following warning:
this function has been deprecated in favor of extend()
How would the equivalent look using extend?
Take a look at the signature for extend:
fn extend<I: Iterator<T>>(&mut self, iterator: I)
Note that it takes self by a mutable reference, and that it doesn’t take a slice but rather an iterator (which is more general-purpose).
The end result would look like this, then:
Or this:
abc.extend(bcd.iter().map(|&i| i))
(Bearing in mind that Vec.iter() produces something that iterates over references rather than values, hence the need for .map(|&i| i).)
I am a little surprised that it is recommending extend, as push_all is a much more direct replacement, taking a slice rather than an iterator:
