Corda contracts & non-deterministic contract rules - corda

Contract commands in Corda need to be verified in a deterministic way. Why then is it possible to verify the following expressions?
LocalDateTime.MAX >= // true - LocalDateTime.MAX is a long time away!
UUID.randomUUID().toString().contains("4") // true - all v4 UUIDs contain a "4"
I would have expected something to go wrong with the contract command, since and UUID.randomUUID() are do not produce deterministic results.
Why is it possible to verify these expressions from within a contract command, given they do not produce deterministic values?

I dont think Corda has the DJVM ready yet. So you can write that sort of code, but you shouldn't since it isn't deterministic. At the moment it is more of a guideline of "write deterministic code" rather than a rule when the code will throw errors if it is not.


Separating Axon commands and its effects

I'm maintaining an event-sourced application that went far off the road I'm afraid.
In one case a command is received by an aggregate root that publishes an event that is handled by an event handler that needs to do 2 things:
send a command (cmd1) to another aggregate root that will publish an event that will create a number of sagas each firing of some commands that are eventually handled by a number of aggregates
send a second command (cmd2) that will also lead to all sorts of command/event/command sequences.
In schematic form:
cmd0 -> AR0 -> evt0 -> evtHandler -> cmd1 -> AR1 -> evt1 -> saga stuff and more cmds and evts
|-> cmd2 -> AR2 -> evt2 -> more saga stuff, cmds and evts
Everything happens in the same thread and everything happens in 1 transaction started at the first command handling.
Now the goal: all events, saga's, aggregate calls originated from the first command (cmd1) should happen first and then all events, saga's and aggregate calls originated from the second command (cmd2) should happen.
Here's the observation: cmd1 calls AR1 that published evt1 but after that cmd2 calls AR2 publishing evt2. All other events and commands originating from cmd1 are mingled with those from cmd2.
First I thought I could get away with it using the UnitOfWork but even explicitly creating a separate unit of work for handling cmd1 didn't solve the problem. Looking at the implementation in AbstractEventBus I see that the events are simply merged in the parent unit of work and thus end up being merged with the ones originating from cmd2.
Here's the question: Is there a way to first call cmd1 and wait until all effects originating from that command are handled before calling cmd2 while still preserving the transactional atomicity that I currently have?
To be completely honest with you Jan, the best would be if the components within your application don't rely to much on that order.
It essentially means you have distinct message handling components, which in essence could be different micro service, but they are all tied together as the order is important.
Ideally, you'd set up your components to work on their own.
So, aggregates handle a command and publish the result, done.
Sagas react to events, regardless of where they come from, and react on them with actions (e.g. command dispatching).
Embracing the eventuality would help here, as it will drop the entire requirement of waiting for one process to complete.
From a theoretical stance, that would be my response.
From a more pragmatic corner looking at your question, I'd like to point out that it sounds like a rabbit hole you are going in to. You don't only want cmd1 handling to be done, you want event handling on all sagas to be resolved, including commands coming out of that too, correct? Who's here to tell what the number of Sagas is? Or what the number of commands those saga dispatch need to be taken into account? These criteria will likely change over time, adding more an more stuff which needs to happen "in a single transaction".
Well, yes there are way to wait for processing from some parts, to pull them all in a single transaction. But to be honest with you, I wouldn't recommend taking that route, as it will only make using such a message based system more and more complex.
The crux is what all effects are. From the point of dispatching that command, you should only care if that exact command handles successfully yes or no, and that's where the concerns should end.
I know this does not give you a simple programmatic solution, as you need to adjust the design. But I think decoupling is the only right way to go hear.
That's my two cents to the situation, hope this helps you further in any way Jan.
Message Anticipation explanation update
In essence, the messages you'd use in an Axon application form a boundary. A boundary after which the components essentially don't have a clue what is going to handle those messages. The behaviour per message differs a little, but might clarify what opens you have too:
Commands - Commands are consistently routed to a single handle, on a single instance. Furthermore, you can anticipate a response, in the form of an OK or NOK. OK's mean the handler is void or the identifier of a created entity (like the aggregate itself). NOK's typically are the exceptions you throw from your command handling methods, which signal something went wrong or the command simply couldn't be executed and it should be let know to the dispatching end.
Events - Events will be broadcast to any component which has subscribed itself to the EventBus as being capable to handle a given event. Note that event handling is segregated in time from the actual publication point of the event. This means there is no way there are results from event handling which could (or should) be returned to the dispatcher of an event.
Queries - Query messages can be routed in several forms. Either a single component is best suited to answer the query (called Point-to-Point queries). You can also dispatch a query to several handlers and aggregate the results (called Scatter-Gather queries). Lastly, you can subscribe to query models by doing a "Subscription query", which is essentially a combination of a point-to-point followed up by a Flux of updates. Clearly, query dispatching would mean you are receiving a result from some component. It's just that you have freedom in the type of query you do. If any assurance is required about the "up-to-date"-ness of a query response should be part of the implementation of the query being sent and how it is handled by a #QueryHandler annotated method.
Hope this provides some additional clarity at what each of the messages do in an Axon application!

Case Sensitivity on Decide Shapes in BizTalk 2013R2

Diagnosing an issue with a BizTalk app where part of it's logic doesn't seem to be triggering.
Currently it's designed to use a Decision Shape to filter on 2 values from a specific message.
One of those values is the word 'staff' in lower case, whereas the map that constructs the message uses a string functoid to populate the value as 'Staff' (sentence case).
I'd test this to see if it's the cause, but we don't currently have a test environment, and there's about 8 apps that this is a dependency on, so I'd need to go through a convoluted process of taking them all offline and deploying the small fix at a gamble.
On that basis, would anyone know; Is BizTalk Decide Shape Expression logic case sensitive?
Yes, the decide shape is case sensitive.
I tested with a rule
Message(FILE.ReceivedFileName) == "D:\\in\\YES.xml"
I dropped through a files YES.xml, yes.xml and YES.XML, and only the YES.xml went through the Rule branch, the other files went through the Else.
This is probably due to C# being case sensitive, see Is there a C# case insensitive equals operator?

Should I test all enum values in a contract?

I have a doubt about about whether I should consider a certain type of test functional or contract.
Let's say I have an API like /getToolType, that accepts a {object" "myObject"} as input, and returns at type in the form {type: "[a-z]+"}
It was agreed between client and server that the types returned will match a set of strings, let's say [hammer|knife|screwdriver], so the consumer decided to parse them in an enum, with a fallback value when the returned type is unknown.
Should the consumer include a test case for each type(hammer, knife, screwdriver) to ensure the producer is still following the agreement that it will always return , for instance , the lowercase string "hammer" when /getToolType is called with an hammer object?
Or would you consider such a test case as functional? And why?
IMO the short answer is 'no'.
Contract testing is more interested in structure, if we start boundary testing the API we move into functional test territory, which is best done in the provider code base. You can use a matcher to ensure only one of those three values is returned, this should ensure the Provider build can't return other values.
I would echo #J_A_X's comments - there is no right or wrong answer, just be wary of testing all permutations of input/output data.
Great question. Short answer: there's no right or wrong way, just how you want to do it.
Longer answer:
The point of Pact (and contract testing) is to test specific scenarios and making sure that they match up. You could simply, in your contract, create a regex that allows any string type for those enums, or maybe null, but only if your consumer simply doesn't care about that value. For instance, if the tool type had a brand, I wouldn't care about the brand, just that it's returned back as a string since I just display the brand verbatim on the consumer (front-end).
However, if it was up to me, from what I understand of your scenario, it seems like the tool type is actually pretty important considering the endpoint it's hitting, hence I would probably have specific tests and contracts for each enum to make sure that those particular scenarios on my consumer are valid (I call X with something and I expect Y to have tool type Z).
Both of these solutions are valid, what it comes down to is this: Do you think the specific tool type is important to the consumer? If it is, create contracts specific to it, if not, then just create a generic contract.
Hope that helps.
The proper state is that consumer consumes hammer, knife, and screwdriver, c=(hammer,knife,screwdriver) for short while producer produces hammer, knife, and screwdriver, p=(hammer,knife,screwdriver).
There are four regression scenarios:
c=(hammer,knife,screwdriver,sword), p=(hammer,knife,screwdriver)
c=(hammer,knife,screwdriver), p=(hammer,knife,screwdriver,sword)
c=(hammer,knife,screwdriver), p=(hammer,knife)
c=(hammer,knife), p=(hammer,knife,screwdriver)
1 and 3 break the contract in a very soft way.
In the 1st scenario, the customer declared a new type that is not (yet) supported by the producer.
In the 3rd scenario, the producer stops supporting a type.
The gravity of scenarios may of course wary, as something I consider soft regression, might be in a certain service in a business-critical process.
However, if it is critical then there is a significant motivation to cover it with a dedicated test case.
2nd and 4th scenarios are more severe, in both cases, the consumer may end up in an error, e.g. might be not able to deserialize the data.
Having a test case for each type should detect scenario 3 and 4.
In the 1st scenario, it may trigger the developer to create an extra test case that will fail on the producer site.
However, the test cases are helpless against the 2nd scenario.
So despite the relatively high cost, this strategy does not provide us with full test coverage.
Having one test case with a regex covering all valid types (i.e. hammer|knife|screwdriver) should be a strong trigger for the consumer developer to redesign the test case in 1st and 4th scenario.
Once the regex is adjusted to new consumer capabilities it can detect scenario 4 with probability p=1/3 (i.e. the test will fail if the producer selected screwdriver as sample value).
Even without regex adjustment, it will detect the 3rd scenario with p=1/3.
This strategy is helpless against the 1st and 2nd scenario.
However, on top of the regex, we can do more.
Namely, we can design the producer test case with random data.
Assuming that the type in question is defined as follows:
enum Tool {hammer,knife,screwdriver}
we can render the test data with:
responseBody = Arranger.some(Tool.class);
This piece of code uses test-arranger, but there are other libraries that can do the same as well.
It selects one of the valid enum values.
Each time it can be a different one.
What does it change?
Now we can detect the 2nd scenario and after regex adjustment the 4th one.
So it covers the most severe scenarios.
There is also a drawback to consider.
The producer test is nondeterministic, depending on the drawn value it can either succeed or fail which is considered to be an antipattern.
When some tests sometimes fail despite the tested code being correct, people start to ignore the results of the tests.
Please note that producer test case with random data is not the case, it is in fact the opposite.
It can sometimes succeed despite the tested code is not correct.
It still is far from perfect, but it is an interesting tradeoff as it is the first strategy that managed to address the very severe 2nd scenario.
My recommendation is to use the producer test case with random data supported with a regex on the customer side.
Nonetheless, there is no perfect solution, and you should always consider what is important for your services.
Specifically, if the consumer can safely ignore unknown values, the recommended approach might be not a perfect fit.

Modeling an HTTP transition system in Alloy

I want to model an HTTP interaction, i.e. a sequence of HTTPRequest/HTTPResponse, and I am trying to model this as a transition system.
I defined an ordering on a class State by using:
open util/ordering[State]
where a State is simply a set of Messages:
sig State {
msgSet: set Message
Each pair of (HTTPRequest->HTTPResponse) and (HTTPResponse->HTTPRequest) is represented as a rule in my transition system.
The rules are expressed in Alloy as predicates that let one move from one state to another.
E.g., this is a rule generating an HTTPResponse after a particular HTTPRequest is received:
pred rsp1 [s, s': State] {
one msg: Request, msg':Response | (
// Preconditions (previous Request)
msg.method=get &&
msg.address.url=sample_com &&
// Postconditions (next Response)
msg'.status=OK_200 &&
// previous Request has to be in previous state
msg in s.msgSet &&
// Response generated is added to next state
s'.msgSet = s.msgSet + msg'
Unfortunately, the model created seems to be too complex: we have a dozen of rules (more complex than the one above but following the same pattern) and the execution is very slow.
EDIT: In particular, the CNF generation is extremely slow, while the solving takes a reasonable amount of time.
Do you have any suggestion on how to model a similar transition system?
Thank you very much!
This is a model with an impressive level of detail; thank you for sharing it!
None of the various forms of honestAction by itself takes more than two or three minutes to find an instance (or in some cases to fail to find any instance), except for rsp8, which takes quite a while by itself (it ran for fifteen minutes or so before I stopped it).
So the long CNF preparation times you are observing are apparently caused by either (a) just predicate rsp8 that's causing your time issues, or (b) the size of the disjunction in the honestAction predicate, or (c) both.
I suspect but have not proved that the time issue is caused by combinatorial explosion in the number of individuals required to populate a model and the number of constraints in the model.
My first instinct (it's not more than that) would be to cut back on the level of detail in the model, in particular the large number of singleton signatures which instantiate your abstract signatures. These seem (I could be wrong) to be present either for bookkeeping purposes (so you can identify which rule licenses the transition from one state to another), or because the modeler doesn't trust Alloy to generate concrete instances of signatures like UserName, Password, Code, etc.
As the model now is, it looks as if you're doing a lot of work to define all the individuals involved in a particular example, instead of defining constraints and letting Alloy do the work of finding examples. (Using Alloy to check the properties a particular concrete example can be useful, but there are other ways to do that.)
Since so many of the concrete signatures in the model are constrained to singleton cardinality, I don't actually know that defining them makes the task of finding models more complex; for all I know, it makes it simpler. But my instinct is to think that it would be more useful to know (as well as possibly easier for Alloy to establish) that state transitions have a particular property in general, no matter what hosts, users, and URIs are involved, than to know that property rsp1 applies in all the cases where the host is named examplecom and the address URI is example_url_https and whatnot.
I conjecture that reducing the number of individuals whose existence and properties are prescribed, and the constraints on which individuals can be involved in which state transitions, will reduce the CNF generation time.
If your long-term goal is to test long sequences of state transitions to test whether from a given starting point it's possible or impossible to arrive at a particular state (or kind of state), you may need to re-think the approach to enable shorter sequences of state transitions to do the job.
A second conjecture would involve less restructuring of the model. For reasons I don't think I understand fully, sometimes quantification with one seems to hurt rather than help performance, as in this example, where explicitly quantifying some variables with some instead of one turned out to make a problem tractable instead of intractable.
That question involves quantification in a predicate, not in the model overall, and the quantification with one wasn't intended in the first place, so it may not be relevant here. But we can test the effect of the one keyword on this model in a simple way: I commented out everything in honestAction except rsp8 and ran the predicate first != last in a scope of 8, once with most of the occurrences of one commented out and once with those keywords intact. With the one keywords commented out, the Analyser ran the problem in 24 seconds or so; with the one keywords in place, it ran for 500 seconds so far before I decided the point was made and terminated it.
So I'd try removing the keyword one from all of the signatures with instance-specific individuals, leaving it only on get, post, OK_200, etc., and appData. I would also try doing without the various subtypes of Key, SessionID, URL, Host, UserName, and Password, or at least constraining their cardinality in the run command.

How to write integration test for systems that interact asynchronously

Assume that i have function called PlaceOrder, which when called inserts the order details into local DB and puts a message(order details) into a TIBCO EMS Queue.
Once message received, a TIBCO BW will then invoke some other system(say ExternalSystem) to pass on the order details.
Now the way i wrote my integration tests is
Call the Place Order
Sleep, and check details exists in local DB
Sleep and check details exists in ExternalSystem.
Is the above approach correct? Above test gives me confidence that, End to End integration is working, but are there any better way to test above scenario?
The problem you describe is quite common, and your approach is a very typical solution.
The problem with this solution is that if the delay is too short, your tests may sometimes pass and sometimes fail, but if the delay is very long, then your just wasteing time waiting, and with many tests, it can add a lot of delay. But unless you can get some signal to tell you the order arrived in the database, then you just have to wait.
You can reduce the delay by doing lots of checks with short intervals. If you're order is not there after timeout, then you would fail the test.
In "Growing Object-Oriented Software, Guided by Tests"*, there is a chapter on this very subject, so you might want to get a copy if you will be doing a lot of this sort of testing.
"There are two ways a test can observe the system: by sampling its observable
state or by listening for events that it sends out. Of these, sampling is
often the only option because many systems don’t send any monitoring
events. It’s quite common for a test to include both techniques to interact
with different “ends” of its system"
