My service is a .net core Dll so I need to register it with SCM (Service Control manager" as "C:\Program Files\dotnet\dotnet.exe {path to my dll}"
Is it possible to use external exe with ServiceInstall wix element?
WiX Service Install Samples: Whilst waiting for you to update your question with more details, I will just lob you a couple of links to good and simple samples of installing services with WiX:
Rainer Stropek's Windows Service WiX Sample
Helge Klein full installer sample for WiX (search for ServiceInstall)
Chris Painter's IsWiX service installation sample
I have a .Net Core 3.1 application that I'd like to deploy as a Self Contained (SCD) Deployment using an MSI Installer in Visual Studio 2019...
I have published the project as an SCD Deployment and I can run this on the target machine just fine
However, I've been asked by IT support to provide an MSI installer for the application as .MSI files work well with some of the admin/control applications they have.
So I created a setup project in my solution and selected 'Publish Items' as the Project Output of the setup project and rebuilt it...
The installer seems to run just fine on the target machine but when we try to run the installed application it says that .Net Core is required ...It's as if the installer has ignored the Self Contained aspect and just installed as a regular Framework Dependent Deployment
Is there a way to create an installer that installs an SCD deployment? Have I made a mistake in my thinking?
Many Thanks in advance,
The VS Setup Project template is quite old. Most likely it was not updated to be "aware" of the SCD support so it resorts to extracting the classic output binaries from your project.
There are other free tools that you can use to create an MSI from VS, which give you more options to customize and correctly configure the package.
If you have time and want to learn a new skill, try WiX Toolset. It is very powerful but you will need some time to get started.
If you wanted to get it done quickly and avoid the hassle, use the free VS Extension from Advanced Installer. Its GUI allows you to easily create your setup package and it has native support for .NET Core packaging too. If you follow the steps from the linked tutorial it should create a working package for your application.
Disclaimer: I work on the team building Advanced Installer.
I have a medium sized C/C++ Qt application that uses some win32 API functions. I compiled for release and created a directory that contains all the needed DLLs and resources files needed. I tested it on other machines and it works fine.
Now my question is.. how to package such application so that I can put it on microsoft store? Note that it is not a UWP app and it uses some functions from win32.
You can use the Professional edition of Advanced Installer (it has Visual Studio integration) and create an MSIX package ready for the Windows Store.
Here is an article that takes you through the MS Store publishing steps
Also, an article that explains how to build and MSIX package using Advanced Installer's VS extension
Disclaimer. I work on the team building Advanced Installer.
Trying to build and publish Core) application using aws CodeBuild.
Does aws codebuild support traditional .net application?
Gone through older thread on stackoverflow but still not clear.
Tried with sample application on aws Codebuild, it's able to build but not able to Publish and get all the artifacts i need to deploy on IIS.
Anyone tried aws codebuild with application?
This question sounds silly but having hard time publishing application using codebuild. Tried most of the MSbuild command given for this online.
Yes, CodeBuild supports .NET Framework applications, please refer to the following link which is a tutorial:
... and the following blog post:
Excerpt of configuring CodeBuild project:
After choosing Next, select AWS CodeBuild as the build provider.
Select your region, then choose Create project, which will open CodeBuild in another browser window.
In the CodeBuild window, you can optionally assign your build project a name and description.
Under Environment, select the Custom image option, and select Windows as the environment type.
For building ASP.NET 4.x (.NET Framework) web projects, it’s easiest to start out with Microsoft’s .NET Framework SDK docker image,
which they host on their registry. Select Other registry, and use[version-tag] as the registry
URL. Replace version-tag with the .NET framework version. For .NET
Framework 4.x, the most likely options are 4.7.1, 4.7.2 or 4.8. This
example uses
How do I create an MSI installer package for an ASP.Net website ?
Can anyone help me with a good link?
Mosty of the articles just presents the solution for windows applications.
I get this Error by using Add Deployment Project: when merging assemblies aspnet_merge. in Deploy Project.
ERROR: Error 35 An error occurred when merging assemblies: ILMerge.Merge: ERROR!!: Duplicate type 'SatmapSkillReport' found in assembly 'App_Web_4fgmsrtw'. Project_deploy aspnet_merge 1 1
It is actually possible but please note that my experience with this was with Visual Studio 2008. I haven't tried this on Visual Studio 2010 or 2012.
In VS2008, click on File > Add > New Project
In Add New Project dialog, select Other Project Types > Setup and Deployment > Web Setup Project
From there you can right-click on the project in the solution explorer and click View to see the user interfaces, launch conditions, registry settings, etc. or in Properties to set the virtual directory name. You can also include the output files of any project or your main project to be deployed.
If you configure this correctly and build that project, the output is an MSI installer file. When you use this MSI installer file, you can use Add/Remove Programs (win xp) or Programs and Features (win7).
I guess you can setup DNS, permissions, run a database creation script, with the various possible configurations available.
A good guide with a lot of screenshots here
Web deployment project is not available in VS2012
Web deployment project is available in VS2010
I found solution my self.!
you can follow link.
[1]: Can't rename MSI afterwards
and for Help:
What's the minimum that I need to have installed on my Build Server (in addition to the standard .Net 3.5 stuff) to allow it to compile Silverlight 2.0 applications?
I have a Silverlight application that seems to be building correctly, but is not playing nicely with a related Web Application project - see this related question that I asked earlier: Silverlight xap file not being copied to ClientBin on Build Server
AFAIK you need Microsoft Silverlight 2 SDK to install on the build server.
Your build server should be pretty much an exact replication of your development machine as far as plug-ins, assemblies, run-times, SDK's etc.
You build server will be building your app via MSBuild.
In your particular case I suspect that you need to install the Silverlight Toolkit. This will give you the SL development runtime and the appropriate project build requisites for your XAP files to build and be deployed properly.