What is denormalization in Firebase Cloud Firestore? - firebase

What is really this denormalization all about when talking about Firebase Cloud Firestore? I read a few articles on the internet and some answers here on stackoverflow and most of the answers recommend this approach. How does this denormalization really help? Is it always necessary?
Is database flatten and denormalization the same thing?
It's my fist question and hope I'll find an answer that can help me understand the concept. I know is different, but I have two years of experience in MySQL.

What is denormalization in Firebase Cloud Firestore?
The denormalization is not related only to Cloud Firestore, is a technique generally used in NoSQL databases.
What is really this denormalization?
Denormalization is the process of optimizing the performance of NoSQL databases, by adding redundant data in other different places in the database. What I mean by adding redundant data, as #FrankvanPuffelen already mentioned in his comment, it means that we copy the exact same data that already exists in one place, in another place, to suit queries that may not even be possible otherwise. So denormalization helps cover up the inefficiencies inherent in relational databases.
How does this denormalization really help?
Yes, it does. It's also a quite common practice when it comes to Firebase because data duplication is the key to faster reads. I see you're new to the NoSQL database, so for a better understanding, I recommend you see this video, Denormalization is normal with the Firebase Database. It's for Firebase realtime database but the same principles apply to Cloud Firestore.
Is it always necessary?
We don't use denormalization just for the sake of using it. We use it, only when it is definitely needed.
Is database flatten and denormalization the same thing?
Let's take an example of that. Let's assume we have a database schema for a quiz app that looks like this:
--- questions (collections)
--- questionId (document)
--- questionId: "LongQuestionIdOne"
--- title: "Question Title"
--- tags (collections)
--- tagIdOne (document)
| |
| --- tagId: "yR8iLzdBdylFkSzg1k4K"
| |
| --- tagName: "History"
| |
| --- //Other tag properties
--- tagIdTwo (document)
--- tagId: "tUjKPoq2dylFkSzg9cFg"
--- tagName: "Geography"
--- //Other tag properties
We can flatten the database by simply moving the tags collection in a separate top-level collection like this:
--- questions (collections)
| |
| --- questionId (document)
| |
| --- questionId: "LongQuestionIdOne"
| |
| --- title: "Question Title"
--- tags (collections)
--- tagIdOne (document)
| |
| --- tagId: "yR8iLzdBdylFkSzg1k4K"
| |
| --- tagName: "History"
| |
| --- questionId: "LongQuestionIdOne"
| |
| --- //Other tag properties
--- tagIdTwo (document)
--- tagId: "tUjKPoq2dylFkSzg9cFg"
--- tagName: "Geography"
--- questionId: "LongQuestionIdTwo"
--- //Other tag properties
Now, to get all the tags that correspond to a specific question, you need to simply query the tags collection where the questionId property holds the desired question id.
Or you can flatten and denormalize the database at the same time, as you can see in the following schema:
--- questions (collections)
| |
| --- questionId (document)
| |
| --- questionId: "LongQuestionIdOne"
| |
| --- title: "Question Title"
| |
| --- tags (collections)
| |
| --- tagIdOne (document) //<----------- Same tag id
| | |
| | --- tagId: "yR8iLzdBdylFkSzg1k4K"
| | |
| | --- tagName: "History"
| | |
| | --- //Other tag properties
| |
| --- tagIdTwo (document) //<----------- Same tag id
| |
| --- tagId: "tUjKPoq2dylFkSzg9cFg"
| |
| --- tagName: "Geography"
| |
| --- //Other tag properties
--- tags (collections)
--- tagIdOne (document) //<----------- Same tag id
| |
| --- tagId: "yR8iLzdBdylFkSzg1k4K"
| |
| --- tagName: "History"
| |
| --- questionId: "LongQuestionIdOne"
| |
| --- //Other tag properties
--- tagIdTwo (document) //<----------- Same tag id
--- tagId: "tUjKPoq2dylFkSzg9cFg"
--- tagName: "Geography"
--- questionId: "LongQuestionIdTwo"
--- //Other tag properties
See, the tag objects are the same as well in users -> uid -> tags -> tagId as in tags -> tagId. So we flatten data to group somehow existing data.
For more information, you can also take a look at:
What is the correct way to structure this kind of data in Firestore?
Because you say you have a SQL background, try to think at a normalized design which will often store different but related pieces of data in separate
logical tables, which are called relations. If these relations are stored physically as separate disk files, completing a query that draws information from several relations (join operations) can be slow. If many relations are joined, it may be prohibitively slow. Because in NoSQL databases, we do not have "JOIN" clauses, we have to create different workarounds to get the same behavior.


Google Maps and Firebase - What data type should I use for Storing markers by City?

When a user opens the map, I want to display all the markers in their city.
What data type should I use as the key for children of the Markers node?
I thought about using zip codes, but after googling, not all places around the world use zipcodes like in the USA.
I also thought about using a city name like Chicago, but what if there's another city with the same name?
Does anyone have any suggestions on what I should use?
If you want to display all markers from the Realtime Database that correspond to a certain city, I recommend you a schema that looks like this:
--- markers
--- USA (countryName)
--- Illinois (stateName)
--- Chicago (cityName)
--- $markerId
--- zipCode: "123456"
--- name: "markerOne"
--- dateCreated: 1674178220
--- lat: 31.12345
--- lng: -31.12345
Since I never heard about two cities that share the same within the same state, the above schema will do the trick. The zip code is not so important, because as you said, there are countries that do not have zip codes.
To query such a structure, the following DatabaseRefrence is required:
DatabaseReference db = FirebaseDatabase.getInstance().getReference();
DatabaseReference cityNameRef = db.child("markers")
cityNameRef.get().addOnCompleteListener(/* ... /*);
On the other hand, when using Firestore, to achieve the exact same result, the following schema will do the trick:
--- markers (collection)
--- $markerId (document)
--- countryName: "USA"
--- stateName: "Illinois"
--- cityName: "Chicago"
--- zipCode: "123456"
--- name: "markerOne"
--- dateCreated: 1674178220
--- lat: 31.12345
--- lng: -31.12345
And to query such a structure, the following query is required:
FirebaseFirestore db = FirebaseFirestore.getInstance();
CollectionReference markersRef = db.collection("markers");
Query queryByCountryAndStateAndCity = markersRef
.whereEqualTo("countryName", "USA")
.whereEqualTo("stateName", "Illinois")
.whereEqualTo("cityName", "Chicago");
queryByCountryAndStateAndCity.get().addOnCompleteListener(/* ... /*);

Firestore - how to structure users friend's posts

I'm looking for the efficient way to model users friend's posts
so #Frank van Puffelen, #Doug Stevenson, #Alex Mamo ... all other champions, a simular question is posted 3 years ago Firebase Firestore, query a users friend's posts
so I need to make sure that we are up to date for this topic on 2021 :)
data structured :
--- users (collection)
| |
| --- uid (documents)
| |
| --- name: "name"
| |
| --- email: "email"
--- friends (collection)
| |
| --- uid (document)
| |
| --- friends (collection)
| |
| --- uid (documents)
| |
| --- uid (documents)
--- posts (collection)
| |
| --- postId (documents)
| |
| --- uid: "user id"
| |
| --- postId: "postid"
| |
| --- userName: "userName"
| |
| --- message: "message"
| |
| --- lastModified: "yyyymmdd hhmm"
| |
| --- likeCount: "xxx"
| |
| --- commentCount: "yyy"
| |
| --- likes (collection)
| | |
| | --- uid (documents)
| | |
| | --- uid (documents)
| |
| |
| --- comments (collection)
| |
| --- commentId (documents)
| |
| --- commentId (documents)
--- feeds (collection)
| |
| --- uid (documents)
| |
| --- posts (collection)
| |
| --- postId (documents)
| |
| --- uid: "user id"
| |
| --- postId: "postid"
| |
| --- userName: "userName"
| |
| --- message: "message"
| |
| --- lastModified: "yyyymmdd hhmm"
| |
| --- likeCount: "xxx"
| |
| --- commentCount: "yyy"
NOTE : I'm using this feeds structure because Firestore does not allow query with array lists more then 10 element (the user's friends).
workflow :
user adds a post -> post added to posts collection
When this happens it triggers a Firebase Function :
get uid from post ( field uid in post doc )
find friends ids from friends/uid/friends ( probably have friends list as array in user doc is better to avoid reading multiple docs in friends collection ) --> this will return list of friends ids
loop on friends ids and copy the post to each friends feeds/friendUserId/feeds/postId
user like a post -> uid added to the posts/postId/likes/uid
When this happens it triggers a Firebase Function :
increment likeCount field in posts/postId doc
increment likeCount field in feeds/{anyId}/posts/postId ( use collectionGroup )
user comment a post -> uid added to the posts/postId/comments/uid
When this happens it triggers a Firebase Function :
increment commentCount field in posts/postId doc
increment commentCount field in feeds/{anyId}/posts/postId ( use collectionGroup )
query :
get current user and friends posts order by most recent
FirebaseFirestore.instance.collection('feeds').doc(currentUserId).collection('posts').orderBy('lastModified', descending: true)
get top N liked posts
FirebaseFirestore.instance.collection('posts').orderBy('likeCount', descending: true)
NOTE : purge Firebase Function can be trigger to delete all posts > X months
Question : Should I go with this structure ? if No any suggestion will be appreciated :)

What is the most efficient way to store tags in Firestore?

The NoSQL Firestore has no table, what will be the best way for tagging, just store multiple tags in an array?
The NoSQL Firestore has no table.
That's right, the database is in a JSON format.
What will be the best way for tagging, just store multiple tags in array?
According to the use case of your app, you can choose between two approaches. If your tags are of type String, then you can store this literal strings in an array. This would be the first approach and the database schema might look like this:
--- questions (collections)
--- questionId (document)
--- questionId: "02cubnmO1wqyz6yKg571"
--- title: "Question Title"
--- tags ["History", "Geography"]
As you can see, I took as an example a collection of questions in which each document has an array of tags.
If you need more details about a tag, the second approach would be to create an object for each tag and store this tag objects in a collection. In the question document, you'll only need to store the ids of the tags also in an array, as in the following schema:
--- questions (collections)
| |
| --- questionId (document)
| |
| --- questionId: "02cubnmO1wqyz6yKg571"
| |
| --- title: "Question Title"
| |
| --- tags ["tagId", "tagId"]
--- tags (collections)
--- tagId (document)
| |
| --- tagId: "yR8iLzdBdylFkSzg1k4K"
| |
| --- tagName: "History"
| |
| --- //Other tag properties
--- tagId (document)
--- tagId: "tUjKPoq2dylFkSzg9cFg"
--- tagName: "Geography"
--- //Other tag properties

Firebase how to index this data to be fetched?

I have a DB with users and items.
Every user has languages, which is an array of languages, for example ['en', 'ar']
Every item has language, which is a string, for example 'en'.
How can I index my items, such that I can get a list of the last X items in an array of languages? (i.e - latest 5 items who are either 'en' or 'ar')
For a single language the solution is simple - have an index that has the language key, and array of item keys ordered by whatever.
Please note that the Firebase official documentation recommends against using arrays. IMHO, the main problem in your project is that you trying to use an array, which is an anti-pattern when it comes to Firebase. Beside that, one of the many reasons Firebase recommends against using arrays is that it makes the security rules impossible to write. Because a Firebase database is structured as pairs of key and values, the best option is to use a Map.
To achieve what you want, i recomand you using a database structure which looks like this:
--- users
| |
| --- UID1
| | |
| | --- languages
| | |
| | --- languageId1: true
| | |
| | --- languageId2: true
| |
| --- UID2
| |
| --- languages
| |
| --- languageId3: true
| |
| --- languageId4: true
--- languages
| |
| --- languageId1
| | |
| | --- languageName: "en"
| | |
| | --- items
| | |
| | --- itemId1: true
| |
| --- languageId2: "ar"
| | |
| | --- languageName: "ar"
| | |
| | --- items
| | |
| | --- itemId2: true
--- item
--- itemId1
| |
| --- title: "ItemTitleEn"
| |
| --- en: true
--- itemId2
--- title: "ItemTitleAr"
--- ar: true
Now, with this database structure you can achieve everything you want. For example, you can query your database to display all languages from you database. You can also display all the languages of a single user.
If you want to query your database for the last x item which have the language set to en, you just need to put a listener on the items node and create a query using functions like: orderByChild(), equalsTo() and limitToLast(). Such a query should look like this:
query = rootRef.child("items")
.addListener(/* ... */)
EDIT: Unfortunately Firebase does not allow multiple conditions in a query. So in Firebase there is no where clause that sounds like this: WHERE language = "en" AND language = "ar". So to solve this, you need to put a listener on the other node, on languages node.
The flow is as follows:
yourRef = rootRef.child("languages"); //only one listener
1. Create a list
2. get items from dataSnapshot.child("languageId1").child("items").getChildren()
3. add **en** items to the list
4. get items from dataSnapshot.child("languageId2").child("items").getChildren()
5. add **ar** items to the list
6. display the list that contains data from both languages
Hope it helps.

Firebase security rules with external id

For some applications my team creates authenticated users with a password/email combination. This will get the user an firebase user uid. The problem with this is that the keys in firebase itself are external id's, and they do not match the auth.uid. How would I go about creating security rules then?
Sample auth.uid:
Then a sample of the structure:
—— conversations
——{external id 1}
| |
| ——{external id 2}
| |
| {data here}
| |
| —{-KFasdahsduids}
| |
| {data here}
| |
| {first name}
| {last name}
| {firebaseUID}
| {more data here}
{first name}
{more data here}
The problem really is that the auth.uid is not the same as the external ones, and we really need those external id's. Can I do something with the UID that is stored in the /users/? Any suggestions?
