We've been receiving loads of new access to our landing page through an app and almost all users are using Android (possible to verify by looking at Public > Technology > Browsers & OS). I've tested the app and the page is loaded using the device's browser in-app.
However device category is being interpreted as desktop for every Android user that access it that way. Therefore on the "Real Time" tab it shows that more than 80% of visitors are coming from desktop which can confuse a lot of people including our clients.
Is there a way to either
Tell Analytics that all Android devices should be considered mobile?
Edit real time report to show browser and not device category, as it's showing correctly?
Is there something I can do in my viewport meta tag to help this? It's currently <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1, user-scalable=no">
Thank you!
What is happening here is most likely due to a UserAgent string being set to null (or empty string) in the android source code for the WebView element.
In the abscence of a user-agent string, analytics would still detect the browser because WebView (Android version 4 and above) always attempt to modify the user-agent to notify servers that the request is coming from a WebView browser. But Google will not detect the device because the UserAgent was null or empty and the only thing that Google Analytics server can read off the user-agent string is that the browser is an Android browser.
Google Analytics will default to desktop if it cannot detect the device off the UserAgent.
Possible Solution:
Ask your developer to set the UserAgent of the WebView to Android's default (He will understand this).
On several ios devices, after clicking on 'Sign-In' button within the iframe(having src as Power BI report 'Secure Embed Code'), a new window opens to sign in to Power BI and after successful sign in, the window closes. However, iframe does not get reloaded. A manual intervention to reload the page is required to view the report. This exists on several ios devices (irrespective of the browser chrome or safari).
We have a web application using Azure AD Authentication, in this web application, we are embedding the Power BI reports with the help of 'Secure Embed Code' in an iframe.
Current Workflow:
1) User sign in to the web application ->
2) Iframe (having secure embed code) is displayed with a Sign-In button ->
3) User clicks on 'Sign-In' button within the iframe ->
4) A new window opens for few seconds to log in to Power BI Services ->
5) This new window closes automatically after successful login to Power BI Service ->
6) Iframe reloads and report is displayed
This flow works fine for Windows and Android devices. However, for several ios devices, Step#6(Iframe reload) does not work.
I am aware of the limitation of 'Secure Embed code' as
Some browsers require you to refresh the page after sign-in, especially when using InPrivate or InCognito modes.
Refer Limitations section of link for details.
Required Functionality:
After sign-in to the application, before rendering of any iframe, a link should be provided which generates a new window and prompt user to sign in into the Power BI Services. After successful SignIn in the new window, a message should be passed to the previous window that 'signIn is successful' and the new window should be closed. Once our application receives this message 'signIn is successful', then the iframe should be rendered. This will help us resolve the issue that exists in ios devices.
Note: We do not want to use 'App Owns Data/User Owns Data' approach as these approaches require to purchase dedicated capacity for production.
Please suggest if this is possible and provide some reference as to how could we achieve this.
Or suggest if there is any other workaround to resolve the issue.
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Note: We do not want to use 'App Owns Data/User Owns Data' approach as these approaches require to purchase dedicated capacity for production.
No, this isn't true. You will need dedicated capacities if you use embed tokens (e.g. generated with GenerateTokenInGroup). You can embed reports with AAD tokens and keep using shared capacities (see tokenType property).
The inconvenience that you are trying to overcome comes from the way secure embedding is implemented. This is how this feature works. Microsoft didn't made it because they wanted to make it inconvenient for the users. They made it this way, because it wasn't possible or easy enough to implement it better. You have to either way for a while, until browsers changes or Microsoft updates this feature, or use proper embedding (user owns data scenario in your case).
I would like to know if there is any information or support available regarding Accessibility features with respect to Web Notifications on Chrome and Firefox browsers.
We are trying to implement Web Notifications using the Notifications API https://notifications.spec.whatwg.org/ and are unable to use keyboard to get focus to the web notification in the bottom right. We can though access the Accept/Block popup that requests the permission to allow notifications when we use keyboard tab or spacebar. We believe it is a very important ability to support people with disabilities.
Thanks in advance
When I go to my site on mobile it almost instantly shows up as an active user on google analytics. But when I do so on PC it never shows up as an active user. Even tried going to the site through Rabb.it
Also it shows active users 1 but "no data has been received the last 48 hours", does it just take time to update?
Have you looked at the JS debugger on your PC browser? Maybe there is an error that is causing the script to load incorrectly?
I've seen Firefox block the actual HTTP request to the analytics tracker, for example if you have private browsing turned on. I would start with using either Chrome's Developer tools or Firefox in conjunction with Firebug to try to take a peek under the covers as to what is occurring, i.e.
Verify that the JS actually loads correctly
Check for debug errors on the JS console
Check to see if the HTTP request is actually going through.
If your browser is blocking it you will see something like the image below.
The problem is simple, agents login to the web interface using firefox, they get involved with other tasks that require them to use other windows therefore Firefox is hidden so they do not get a notification or alarm on the web page. is there a desktop client or a notifications method to show the agent that there is an incoming call
Firefox support screen popups.
There is also addon for older firefox https://code.google.com/p/ff-html5notifications/
Also you can create desktop application which will sit in background and popup when needed(not so costly)
Iis there a way to filter by user-agent, in the profile filter (Admin < Profiles < Filter)?
(Is "Browser version" the same thing as user-agent?)
Google Analytics Browser Version is NOT the same as the UA header. Browser version will give you 11 or Edge or 35 depending on Internet Explorer, Chrome, etc. Operating System, Browser, Device Category, etc. are just Google's pre-parsed User Agent results.
However what you can do is use Google Tag Manager and create a custom JavaScript variable that returns navigator.userAgent as a variable that you can push to Google Analytics as a custom Dimension.
You can of course do the same without GTM by using pure JavaScript and the Analytics.js, GTM is just a much easier way to do these things.
When you have the User Agent as a custom dimension in Google Analytics, you can run reports on these.