Puppeteer name resolution error on Firebase Cloud Functions - firebase

I have created a brand new free tier project, cloned Puppeteer Firebase Functions demo repository and only changed the default project name in .firebaserc file.
When I run the simple test or version functions I get the correct result. When I open the .com/screenshot page without any parameter I get correct ("Please provide a URL...") response.
But when I try any url, i.e. .com/screenshot?url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Google I get Error: net::ERR_NAME_RESOLUTION_FAILED at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Google thrown in response.
I tried looking for any name resolution errors related to Puppeteer but I could not find anything. Could this be a problem of using free tier?

The free Spark payment plan restricts all outgoing connections except those API endpoints that are fully controlled by Google. As a result, I expect that puppeteer would not be able to make any outgoing connections to external web sites.


Firebase Admin SDK Not Reading, Writing, or Throwing Errors (Node.js)

This question was previously closed, telling me to "update the question so it focuses on one problem only;" I don't know what the problem is, and if I did, I wouldn't be posting this question. Regardless, I'll make some clarifications here:
I was previously using just the normal Firebase module (the one imported using "npm i firebase"); everything worked perfectly before. The issue has to do with the authentication (as far as I am aware) with the Firebase Admin SDK. I don't understand how I'm supposed to send this to the Heroku build without revealing the service account key JSON file on my GitHub.
As for the GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS path, is there a way where I don't have to set it every session? The Heroku app restarts once a day, and I would need to somehow automate this entry process (or skip it entirely). That's the way I currently understand it. Here's a quote from a previous answer:
When I set the GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS path, doesn't this only set it on my local machine?
Environment variables only work on the individual machine and process where they have been set. If you want it set on another machine and process, you will have to arrange for that separately. According to the documentation:
Set the environment variable GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS to the file path of the JSON file that contains your service account key. This variable only applies to your current shell session, so if you open a new session, set the variable again.
My main question here is as follows: "I implemented the Firebase Admin SDK incorrectly. How do I do it the right way?"
Even just posting a link to guides that would help would be appreciated (although I understand this is typically discouraged as links sometimes break).
Note: this is my first time using the Firebase Admin SDK, so I'm really not sure what I'm doing (although I have used Firebase quite a bit).
Recently, I decided I would go back to one of my older Discord bots and actually authenticate its requests to Firebase properly (I hadn't done this previously as I've never authenticated from a server before and didn't think it was possible). I discovered the Firebase Admin SDK, which sounded perfect for my needs (the bot is being hosted on Heroku, for the record).
I found this guide: https://firebase.google.com/docs/admin/setup, but there's a few things I can't wrap my head around (note that these are purely rhetorical, you don't need to answer them in your answer; I'm just providing them so you can understand my thought process):
When I set the GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS path, doesn't this only set it on my local machine? I could also try running the export command on the server (using "heroku run" in the CLI), but then the path would be pointing to a file that doesn't exist on the server (since the service account key JSON file is on my local machine). Do I need to set an environment variable in Heroku or something?
How does "admin.credential.applicationDefault()" know how to get the credentials?
I can't find any other guides that make sense.
The way I currently have it setup must be wrong, since reads and writes fail silently.
Firebase setup code:
// Setup Firebase:
const admin = require('firebase-admin');
// Initialize Firebase:
credential: admin.credential.applicationDefault(),
databaseURL: "https://<APP>.firebaseio.com" // I removed the actual <APP> name to ask this question
let database = admin.database();
Things like database.ref("test").set("Hello World!"); don't change the data in the database, and no errors are thrown (I've also tried attaching a .then and a .catch to the end of this; still nothing). This was working before I switched over to the Firebase Admin SDK (I was just using the "firebase" module previously, rather than the "firebase-admin" module that I'm now using). The same goes for reading data.
Any help would be appreciated.
Here was my problem:
I was sending res.status(200) outside of the async firebase call, killing the request before firebase had a chance to finish. Somehow localhost allows this to work properly but when its hosted things go sideways.
so I had this
I needed this:
firebase.database().ref('parent/foo').set('bar').then(() => {

How get device location using action builder

i'm writing to you to ask a little support about an action that we are currently developing using Action Builder and webhook library #assistant/conversation for Nodejs.
In particular, we would invoke our webhook's logic using the device location.
We have understand that we must ask the user permission to access on device location using something like this:
but in all Github examples provided by Google nothing is specified.
Furthermore, we tried to integrate the PermissionValueSpec in a slot using the notification actions.type.Notifications, but the returned value of that slot is
PermissionLocation --> ALREADY_GRANTED without any other information about the device coordinates.
We've read a lot of documentation and also looked for some example to support our develop but nothing was found.
How we can get the current device location?
Thank you in advance!

How to knit dynamic reports with Google Analytics (rga)

I'm using rga to get some data from Google Analytics. From the repo:
The principle of this package is to create an instance of the API Authentication, which is a S4/5-class (utilizing the setRefClass). This instance then contains all the functions needed to extract data, and all the data needed for the authentication and reauthentication. The class is in essence self sustaining.
The package creates and saves a local instance using:
rga.open(instance="ga", where="~/ga.rga")
When I try to knit, however, I get an error that the ga object (what would be the instance) is not found. The code works when I run the chunks in RStudio, however—I believe the error is related to this aspect:
[The command above] will check if the instance is already created, and if it is, it'll prepare the token. If the instance is not created [...] it will redirect the client to a browser for authentication with Google.
My guess is that knitr can't perform that last step and so, the object is never created.
How can I make this work? I'm thinking that there might be a way to load the local ga.rga file to bypass browser authentication.
You can bypass browser authentication by passing the client id and client secret key that you can get it from Google API console. Saving a local auth file in the dev env is always risky. You can try this code, this uses Google API and also saves the local instance -
rga.open(instance = "ga",
client.id = "<contains apps.googleusercontent.com>",
client.secret =<your secret key>, where ="~/ga.rga" )
Also ensure that desktop option setting is enabled in Google API console

Inconsistent Cognos errors

I am trying to do a couple of things within Cognos:
Load Framework Manager and view/modify SQL behind existing models and create new models
Modify existing reports through Report Studio via Cognos Connection
I was given an account on the Cognos application server and I installed Framework Manager. I was given the gateway URL and dispatcher URL from the System Admin and then transferred all of the project files to the server so that I could load the project in question. I'm able to open the .cpf file; however, when going into any models, I get the error:
Unable to access service at URL:
Please check that your gateway URI information is configured correctly and that the service is available.
For further information please contact your service administrator.
I then contacted the system admin and he indicated that the URL was correct.
Furthermore, now when I try to access Cognos Connection (which worked fine last week), I receive the error:
Content Manager returned an error in the response header. The error "cmAuthenticateFailed CM-CAM-4005 Unable to authenticate. Check your security directory server connection and confirm the credentials entered at login." can be found in the response SOAP header.
The odd thing is, another member of my team receives this error:
The function call to 'Method.invoke(cmServiceInstance, queryRequest)' failed.
CM-SYS-5192 An error occurred with Content Manager.
I've done some research (I'm not really familiar with Cognos or even networking) and found that these errors (the ones that I receive) are usually received when trying to run a single report; however, I can't even access FM models or Cognos Connection in general. I also don't understand how we can receive 2 different errors when accessing the same URLs from the same network.
Any guidance would be greatly appreciated. We are using Cognos 10.2.2.
One possible reason is that the user does not have the required "Import relational metadata" capability.
Or maybe it is something to do with the registry
Note: Make sure you backup the registry before making any changes.
see http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg22015730
Open cmd and type "regedit".
Navigate to [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\FeatureControl.
Right click "BMT.exe" = dword:00002af9.
Re-launch Framework Manager.

basic firebase URL structure?

I am building a very simple cron job backup system for a friend's firebase app;
I have PHP code, using firebase-php that can communicate with the firebase and the API docs state that adding the'?format=export" parameter will retrieve a .json file. Cool, so far.
My question is this: What path (after the firebase URL) is required?
The API doc appears to state that it should be /.json but it returns a 404 /json/ works on the simulator, but also returns a 404 in testing
(note: looking for a single text file, similar to the "Export json" data dashboard, if possible)
Thanks in advance.
The path defined the portion of the Firebase data tree that is being loaded. That means that you can load /any/possible/string and it will return a value, though that value is likely to be null unless you've written data to that path. Also note that without a defined extension (i.e. .json) you'll be attempting to load Firebase's in-browser graphical debugger.
In short, if you're using the REST API, you'll always want to end your paths in .json, but nothing else is required, i.e. https://<your-firebase>.firebaseio.com/.json is perfectly valid, and would download your entire Firebase. The format=export parameter ensures that any Firebase priority values are preserved in your JSON output, under the key .priority at any node, where they would normally be excluded.
