SNMP/mrtg/traffic reporting incorrect on interfaces - graph

I've installed MRTG, added some options and customizing of mrtg.cfg. Interface speed is 1 Gb/s. I wanted to show the graph and data in bits, not bytes. I ended up with graphs as example show 8Mb/s rather than 80 Mb/s. Where is the mistake in my mrtg.cfg?
Target[]: 7:public#
YLegend[]: Bits per Second
Colours[]: GREEN#00eb0c,BLUE#1000ff,DARK GREEN#006600,VIOLET#ff00ff
Background[]: #a0a0a0a
Kilo[]: 1024
SetEnv[]: MRTG_INT_IP="a.b.c.d" MRTG_INT_DESCR="eth1"
MaxBytes[]: 125000000
Title[]: WAN -- Oslo
PageTop[]: <h1>WAN -- OSL</h1>
<div id="sysdetails">
<td>Cisco RV320 OSL </td>
<td>eth1 </td>
<td>ethernetCsmacd (6)</td>
<td>Max Speed:</td>
<td>1000 Mbit/s</td>
<td>a.b.c.d (No DNS name)</td>
I also added following options:
options[_]: growright,bits,transparent,nobanner,nolegend

The answer was actually in the way mrtg.cfg was read and my understanding. MRTG by default during CFGMAKER creates new line of options and create the RunAsDaemon at the bottom of the mrtg.cfg.
Then I came upon this text: The later setting replaces the previous one for the rest of the configuration file
This means it run as default through the config file, and then changes when reading my values at the end.
Solution: All global settings need to be above SNMP/interface/etc settings to be valid.


How to embed file content into body of the email using mail command?

I have requirement,where i need to send file content as mail body.can we dot through unix scripting.
Thanks in Advance
With the data create a html file. And then send that file in email as content.
use an expression to create your file data like this -
v_data= ' <tr>
<td>'||company ||'</td>
<td>'|| contact_person|| '</td>
<td>'|| country ||'</td>
Use an aggregator to concat all these data into one single row. group by none.
Then use another expression transformation.
create a ports like this -
v_head ='
<b>pls find below data.</b>
v_body = Aggregated_v_data
v_output = v_head||v_body ||v_tail
Then use this output and connect to a flat file target.
Then send this flat file sing mailx command/any mail client.
Output should look like this.
html file should looks like this
pls find below data.
<br> </br>
<td>Alfreds </td>
<td>Maria </td>

How to Iterate List of JSONObject in Thymeleaf using th:each

Here is that list of JSONObject which is coming from Spring MVC Controller.
List<JSONObject> jsonDataList =
[{"key1":"value1","key2":"value2","key3":"value3","key4":"value4"}, {"key1":"value1","key2":"value2","key3":"value3","key4":"value4"}]
How to Iterate List of JSONObject in Thymeleaf using th:each?
Code IN HTML FILE below:=>
<tr th:each="data: ${jsonDataList}">
<td align="center"><span th:text="${data.key1}"></span></td> // getting exception here
Getting Exception as :
Caused by: org.attoparser.ParseException: Exception evaluating SpringEL expression: "data.key1"
Here is one approach, but it makes some assumptions:
a) Each JSON object has the same number of entries (otherwise you could have a ragged table, containing different numbers of cells in each row).
b) Each JSON object has the same keys in the same order (if you want the table to have consistent column headings).
Also, the sample JSON in the question assumes all values are strings (value1 and so on). If you have different types of objects in your JSON values, then you will need to ensure they have the required string representations (e.g. using toString()).
The approach:
<th:block th:each="heading : ${jsonDataList.get(0).names()}">
<th th:text="${heading}"></th>
<tr th:each="item : ${jsonDataList}">
<th:block th:each="name : ${item.names()}">
<td th:text="${item.get(name)}"></td>
The first <tr> section handles reading the JSON object keys from the first object in the list:
The final <tr> section is similar, but uses the keys to look up their related values:
The resulting HTML gives you a simple table:
The th:block tag is documented here.
The methods available to be used for JSONObject are documented here.
how about this?
<tr th:each="data: ${jsonDataList}">
<td align="center"><span th:text="[[${data.key1}]]"></span></td>

Split long html table into two or more tables

I am generating pdf using pdfreactor, and I have one problem. The result that I am getting from my backend service is a very long HTML table, something like $this:
<td>XXXX (XXXX)</td>
<td>XXX XXXXXXX</td>
<td colspan="12"><strong>XXXXXXXXX</strong></td>
<td>-XXXXXX XXX</td>
<td>-XX X X</td>
So, the client want's me to if the content is overflowing the page, split the table into two, or more tables.
If it was HTML document and not pdf, I could use Javascript to determine the width of the table element, and then split it, but I can't.
Is there any way some css master knows is this possible to do with css?

How to import and save data from csv in web2py database table?

I used SQlite database.
I wrote code like this
db = DAL('sqlite://storage.sqlite')
def website_list():
return dict(websites = db().select(db.data4.ALL))
{{extend 'layout.html'}}
<h2>List Of Websites</h2>
<table class="flakes-table" style="width:100% ;">
<td class="id" >ID</a></td>
<td class="link" >Link</td>
{{for web in websites:}}
<tbody class="list">
<td >{{}}</td>
<td >{{=web.Link}</td>
But it is showing error as
"type 'exceptions.AttributeError'"
Also error has this line
Function argument list
(self=, key='data3')
I think some thing is wrong in reading csv file. My csv file has following data
"Apple's Ad Blockers Rile Publishers","somelink"
"Uber Valued at More Than $50 Billion","somelink"
"England to Roll Out Tailored Billboards","somelink"
Can anyone help in this..?

How to create zebra-stripe CSS with TAL?

How can I use Chameleon or Zope Page Templates to easily create CSS zebra striping? I want to add odd and even classes to each row in a table, but using a condition with repeat/name/odd or repeat/name/even looks rather verbose even with a conditional expression:
<tr tal:repeat="row rows"
tal:attributes="class python:repeat['row'].odd and 'odd' or 'even'">
<td tal:repeat="col row" tal:content="col">column text text</td>
This gets especially tedious if you have multiple classes to calculate.
The Zope Page Templates implementation for the repeat variable has an under-documented extra parameter, parity, than gives you the string 'odd' or 'even', alternating between iterations:
<tr tal:repeat="row rows"
tal:attributes="class repeat/row/parity">
<td tal:repeat="col row" tal:content="col">column text text</td>
This is also much easier to interpolate into a string expression:
tal:attributes="class string:striped ${row/class} ${repeat/row/parity}"
This works in Chameleon as well.
