looping through a specific parts of a nested list - r

I am creating a function that allows me to multiply my data by random proportions, sums them thus creating a mixture of my data multiplied by this Proportion.
For example, if I have 4 data sets, I create a Proportion of 4 random numbers that sum 100 and multiply each data set by each Proportion and sum the result.
Besides that, I want that my function iterates through my dataset and also through my proportions as to permutate through all possible combinations of Proportion dataset multiplication
A sample data set can be seen:
My function currently stands at this Point:
props <- function(corr.spec.standards = specdat, size, nprop){
if (size < 2) stop("number must be greater than 1")
## create progress bar
try(pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 1, max = nprop, style = 3), silent = TRUE)
## initial loop for proportions
for (i in 1:nprop) {
prop <- sample.int(100, size = size)
prop <- (prop/sum(prop))
permut <- permn(prop)
## permutation loop
for (i in permut[[i]]) {
mapply(`*`,permut, rep(specdat[i]$data$corr.spec$cor.absorption,each=length(permut)))
My Problem is that specdat is a nested list, which in this example is a list of 8 and that the only members to be multiplied by the Permutation are specdat[i]data$corr.spec%cor.absorption
Thus my Question is: How to loop through a (very) nested list only on a specific member of the list?


How to vary multiple parameters with lapply in R

In an attempt to avoid nesting for loops 6-7 times, I am trying to use lapply to find the proportion of randomly drawn values (that are combined in a certain way) that exceed some arbitrary thresholds values. The problem is that I have several parameters that each vary a certain number of ways, and these, in turn, will affect how the values are combined. The goal is to use the results in an ANOVA to see how varying these parameters contributes to reaching those thresholds. However, I don't understand how to do this. I have a feeling that anonymous functions could be useful, but I don't understand how they work with more than 1 parameter.
I tried to simplify the code as much as possible. But again, there are just so many parameters that must be included.
trials = 10
data_means = c(0,1,2,3)
prior_samples = c(2, 8, 32)
data_SD = c(0.5, 1, 2)
thresholds = c(10, 30, 80)
The idea is that there are two distributions, data and prior, which I draw values from. I always draw one from data, but I draw a sample (see prior_samples) of values from the prior distribution. There are four different values that determine the mean of the data distribution (see data_means), but the values are drawn the same number of times (determined by trials) from each of these four "versions" of the data distribution. These are then put into nested lists:
data_list = list()
for (nMean in data_means){ #the data values
for (nTrial in 1:trials){
data_list[[paste(nMean, sep="_")]][[paste(nTrial, sep="_")]] = rnorm(1, nMean, 1)
prior_list = list()
for (nSamples in prior_samples){ #the prior values
for (nTrial in 1:trials){
prior_list[[paste(nSamples, sep="_")]][[paste(nTrial, sep="_")]] = rnorm(nSamples, 0, 1)
Then I create another list for the prior values, because I want to calculate the means and standard deviations (SD) of the samples of prior values. I include normal SD, as well as SD/2 and SD*2:
prior_SD = list("mean"=0, "standard_devations"=list("SD/2"=0, "SD"=0, "SD*2"=0))
prior_mean_SD = rep(list(prior_SD), trials)
prior_nested_list = list("2"=prior_mean_SD, "8"=prior_mean_SD, "32"=prior_mean_SD)
for (nSamples in 1:length(prior_samples)){
for (nTrial in 1:trials){
Then I combinde the values from the data list and the last list, using list.zip from rlist:
dataMean0 = list.zip(dMean0=data_list[["0"]], pSample2=prior_nested_list[["2"]],
pSample8=prior_nested_list[["8"]], pSample32=prior_nested_list[["32"]])
dataMean1 = list.zip(dMean1=data_list[["1"]], pSample2=prior_nested_list[["2"]],
pSample8=prior_nested_list[["8"]], pSample32=prior_nested_list[["32"]])
dataMean2 = list.zip(dMean2=data_list[["2"]], pSample2=prior_nested_list[["2"]],
pSample8=prior_nested_list[["8"]], pSample32=prior_nested_list[["32"]])
dataMean3 = list.zip(dMean3=data_list[["3"]], pSample2=prior_nested_list[["2"]],
pSample8=prior_nested_list[["8"]], pSample32=prior_nested_list[["32"]])
all_values = list(mean_difference0=dataMean0, mean_difference1=dataMean1,
mean_difference2=dataMean2, mean_difference3=dataMean3)
Now comes the tricky part. I combine the data values and the prior values in all_values by using this custom function for the Kullback-Leibler divergence. As you can see, there are 6 parameters that varies:
mean_diff refers to the means of the data distribution (data_means). It is named mean_diff beacsue it refers to the difference in mean between the prior distribution (which is always 0), and the data distribution (which can be 0, 1, 2 or 3).
trial refers to trials,
pSample refers to the numbers of samples drawn from the prior distribution (prior_samples)
p_SD refers to the calculations of the SD based on the prior samples (normal SD, SD/2, SD*2)
data_SD refers to the SD of the data distribution, determined by data_SD
threshold refers to thresholds
The Kullback-Leibler divergence function:
kld = function(mean_diff, trial, pSample, p_SD, data_SD, threshold){
prior_mean = all_values[[mean_diff]][[trial]][[pSample]][["mean"]]
data_mean = all_values[[mean_diff]][[trial]][["mean"]]
prior_SD = all_values[[mean_diff]][[trial]][[pSample]][["standard_devations"]][[p_SD]]
posterior_SD = sqrt(1/(1/
(log(prior_SD/posterior_SD) +
(((posterior_SD*posterior_SD) +
(prior_mean -
((data_SD*data_SD)+(prior_SD*prior_SD))*prior_mean +
log(posterior_SD/prior_SD) +
((((prior_SD*prior_SD)) +
(prior_mean -
((data_SD*data_SD)+(prior_SD*prior_SD))*prior_mean +
So the question is how can one use lapply on the list with all the values (all_values) while using all the different combinations of the six parameters that are included? The data I want to end up with is the proportions of values (percentage of trials) that exceed the thresholds in all the parameter combinations.
I can't find the info I need, so any tips would be appreciated.

Generating n new datasets by randomly sampling existing data, and then applying a function to new datasets

For a paper I'm writing I have subsetted a larger dataset into 3 groups, because I thought the strength of correlations between 2 variables in those groups would differ (they did). I want to see if subsetting my data into random groupings would also significantly affect the strength of correlations (i.e., whether what I'm seeing is just an effect of subsetting, or if those groupings are actually significant).
To this end, I am trying to generate n new data frames by randomly sampling 150 rows from an existing dataset, and then want to calculate correlation coefficients for two variables in those n new data frames, saving the correlation coefficient and significance in a new file.
But, HOW?
I can do it manually, e.g., with dplyr, something like
newdata <- sample_n(Random_sample_data, 150)
output <- cor.test(newdata$x, newdata$y, method="kendall")
I'd obviously like to not type this out 1000 or 100000 times, and have been trying things with loops and lapply (see below) but they've not worked (undoubtedly due to something really obvious that I'm missing!).
Here I have tried to assign each row to a different group, with 10 groups in total, and then to do correlations between x and y by those groups:
Random_sample_data<-select(Range_corrected, x, y)
cat <- sample(1:10, 1229, replace=TRUE)
correlation <- function(c) {
c <- cor.test(x,y, method="kendall")
b<- daply(Random_sample_cats, .(cat), correlation)
Error message:
Error in cor.test(x, y, method = "kendall") :
object 'x' not found
Once you have the code for what you want to do once, you can put it in replicate to do it n times. Here's a reproducible example on built-in data
result = replicate(n = 10, expr = {
newdata <- sample_n(mtcars, 10)
output <- cor.test(newdata$wt, newdata$qsec, method="kendall")
replicate will save the result of the last line of what you did (output <- ...) for each replication. It will attempt to simplify the result, in this case cor.test returns a list of length 8, so replicate will simplify the results to a matrix with 8 rows and 10 columns (1 column per replication).
You may want to clean up the results a little bit so that, e.g., you only save the p-value. Here, we store only the p-value, so the result is a vector with one p-value per replication, not a matrix:
result = replicate(n = 10, expr = {
newdata <- sample_n(mtcars, 10)
cor.test(newdata$wt, newdata$qsec, method="kendall")$p.value

Arrange different data set using matrix code

I'm trying to use repeat loop to generate 100 data set of Poisson Distribution with sample size n=100 and I would like to arrange the result in by row and column but it is just show me repeating to show me the last set of data while not all the data set. At the same time I would also trying to figure out the way to get the mean, variance and MSE of the 100 data set.
a <- 1
b = rpois(100, lambda = 3)
Storage100 <- matrix(data=b,nrow=100,ncol=1)
a = a+1
if (a>100){break
I'm expecting that my 100 data set can be show like first set of data in first column, second set of data in second column.....
Use replicate with simplify as TRUE to get matrix of dimension 100 X 100 where each column represents the distribution.
m1 <- replicate(100, matrix(data=rpois(100, lambda = 3),ncol = 1), simplify = TRUE)
To get the mean for each column we can use colMeans (thanks to #jay.sf)

How to Generate Normal Random Samples within Mean±3Sigma

I want to draw normal random numbers in an array of order ((100*8)*5000) with a specific Mean (M) and Standard Deviation (S) but I want them to be only within the range M±3S, so that I don't have any outliers in my array exceeding those limits.
Any Suggestion? I want to write a program in R based on this array for some simulation studies. I am using following R Code to generate my Data Set:
for(i in 1:5000){
for(j in 1:8){
Now, We want to get rid of those values which are higher than muu±3sigma in the above data. Definitely, We have to replace discarded values with fresh values so that the dimension of the Dat array keep intact.
First Solution
Here is a start but I bet there is a more elegant solution.
First generate a sample next step is to subset it to your desired values. Of course you have to adjust values to your desire.
rs <- rnorm(10000, mean = 10, sd = 3)
rs1 <- rs[ rs >= -19 & rs <= 19 ]
Second (better) solution
I think my first solutions didn't work so well. I have just written some code that might be perfect for your purposes. Here are the steps.
create an array of NAs with the required dimensions
fill it with random numbers
create a logical vector where TRUEs are for the desired conditions
subset the data based on that vector and replace the values where TRUE is TRUE (pardon my words game) with the mean used to generate samples
data <- array(NA, dim = c(100, 8, 5000))
for(i in 1:5000){
data[ , , i] <- rnorm(800, 3, 1)
bound <- 3 + c(-1, 1)*3*1
pr <- data <= bound[1] | data >= bound[2]
data[pr] <- 3

Using a loop to create matrices in R

I'm trying to do a leave-one-out cross-validation on a relatively small dataset (n = 22, p = 17) on a linear regression made from the LARS algorithm. Essentially I need to create n matrices of standardized data (each column consists of entries centered by the mean and standardized by the SD of the column).
I've never used lists before, but would be open to making lists as long as columns of the different matrices can be manipulated/standardized.
Here's what I tried in R:
for (i in 1:n)
x.standardized.i <- matrix(data = NA, nrow = (n-1), ncol = p) #creates n matrices, all n-1 x p
for (j in 1:p)
x.standardized.i[,j] <- ((x[-i,j]-mean(x[-i,j]))/sd(x[-i,j])) #and standardizes the p variables with the ith row missing in each n matrix (i increments from 1 to n)
I'm not sure if I can share the data, since it's related to grades from a class, but when I run the code it goes through the loop and stops by assigning a standardized matrix with the last row missing as x.standardized.i.
You can do this quite simply with sapply and scale:
# Create dummy data
m <- matrix(runif(200), ncol=10)
# Leave each row out in turn, and scale each column
A <- sapply(seq_len(nrow(m)), function(i) scale(m[-i, ]), simplify='array')
By default, scale centres each column on its mean, and divides by its sd.
For the example above, you'll end up with an array with 19 rows, 10 columns and 20 slices.
To access particular slices (i.e. cross-validation training folds), you can subset like this:
A[,, 1] # all rows, all cols, first slice
A[,, 10] # all rows, all cols, tenth slice
To confirm that columns are centred on their mean and standardised by one sd:
apply(A, c(2, 3), mean)
apply(A, c(2, 3), sd)
