Printing russian text in mpdf showing? - mpdf

I am getting questions marks when I am trying to print our the text, and I am using UTF-8 encoding. So why it's showing wrong.

Make sure you use a font supporting russian characters, not all fonts contain other than latin alphabets.

Try to use the mode on object creation
$mpdf = new Mpdf(['mode' => 'UTF-8']);
if you are sure that your html is utf-8


WooCommerce CSV Exports - Characters displaying incorrectly in Excel

We have a problem with non standard characters being displayed in Excel after being exported as CSV (using All Export) from WooCommerce. Example below:
However if you open the same file in Notepad, you can see that the characters are actually being exported correctly:
On this page I found that the exported file might be missing something which tells Excel to display the characters correctly, and they provided the below code to fix the issue with their particular plugin.
add_filter( 'tablepress_export_data', 'tablepress_add_bom_to_csv_exports', 10, 4 );
function tablepress_add_bom_to_csv_exports( $export_data, $table, $export_format, $csv_delimiter ) {
if ( 'csv' === $export_format ) {
$export_data = "\xEF\xBB\xBF" . $export_data;
return $export_data;
Is there a way to modify this code to work with All Export, or with all exports in general, to fix the issue? The above example is German but the file contains all sorts of languages (as we ship globally).
Make sure encoding is UTF-8, unicode which supports almost all languages, make sure to change the font that contains all these glyphs for your language.
I solved this problem but not in wordpress, but in Java/ Spring Webapplication by adding the UTF-8 BOM prior writing the content to the CSV. This "helps" Excel to understand that the .csv is UTF-8 encoded and thus displays "Umlauts" correctly.
If you need Code examples in Java just ask and I will add them here.
To resolve this issue make the CSV/Excel file into a UTF-8 encoded format. Read more

R exporting text issue

I have a problem that it might be a bit unique, but I think that if it is answered it could answer other questions about encoding too.
In order to expand my R skills I tried to write a function that I could manage the vcf file from android phones. Everything went ok, until I tried to upload the file in the phone. An error appeared that the first line starts with something else than a normal VCF version 3 file. But when I check the file on the PC it appears to be ok without these characters that my phone said. So, I asked about it and one person here said that it is the Byte Ordering Mark and I should use a HEX editor to see it. And it was there even it couldn't be seen in the TXT editor of windows and linux.
Thus, I tried to solve the problem by using fileEncoding arguments in R. the code that I use to write the file is:
I put ASCII as argument, UTF-8 etc but no luck. ASCII seems to delete some of the characters, and UTF-8 makes these characters be visible in the text file.
I would appreciate if someone could provide a solution to this.
PS: I know that if I modify the file in a HEX editor it solves the problem, but I want the solution in the R coding.

Figuring out encodings of PDFs in R

I am currently scraping some text data from several PDFs using readPDF() function in the tm package. This all works very well and in most cases the encoding seems to be "latin1" - in some, however, it is not. Is there a good way in R to check character encodings? I found the functions is.utf8() and is.local() in the tau package but that obviously only gets me so far.
The PDF specification defines these encodings for simple fonts (each of which can include a maximum of 256 character shapes) for latin text that should be predefined in any conforming reader:
(for Type 1 Latin text fonts, but not for TrueType fonts)
(the Mac OS standard encoding, for both TrueType and Type1 fonts)
(only used for text strings outside of the document's content streams; normally not used to show text from fonts)
(Windows code page 1252 encoding, for both TrueType and Type1 fonts)
(name is misleading -- encoding is not platform-specific; however only few fonts have an appropriate character set to use this encoding)
Then there are 2 specific encodings for symbol fonts:
Symbol Encoding
ZapfDingBats Encoding
Also, fonts can have built-in encodings, which may deviate any way their creator wanted from a standard encoding (f.e. also used for differences encoding when embedded standard fonts are subsetted).
So in order to correctly interpret a PDF file, you'll have to lookup each of the font encodings of the fonts used, and you must to take into account any /Encoding using a /Differences array too.
However, the overall task is still quite simple for simple fonts. The PDF viewer program just needs to map 1:1 "each one of a seqence of bytes I see that's meant to represent a text string" to "exactly one glyph for me to draw which I can lookup in the encoding table".
For composite, CID-keyed fonts (which may contain many thousands of character shapes), the lookup/mapping for the viewer program for "this is the sequence of bytes I see that I'm supposed to draw as text" to "this is the sequence of glyph shapes to draw" is no longer 1:1. Here, a sequence of one or more bytes needs to be decoded to select each one glyph from the CIDFont.
And to help this CIDFont decoding, there need to be CMap structures around. CMaps define mappings from Unicode encodings to character collections. The PDF specification defines at least 5 dozen CMaps -- and their standard names -- for Chinese, Japanese and Korean language fonts. These pre-defined CMaps need not be embedded in the PDF (but the conforming PDF reader needs to know how to handle them correctly). But there are (of course) also custom CMaps which may have been generated 'on the fly' when the PDF-creating application wrote out the PDF. In that case the CMap needs to be embedded in the PDF file.
All details about these complexities are layed down in the official PDF-1.7 specification.
I don't know much about R. But I have now poked a bit at CRAN, to see what the mentioned tm and tau packages are.
So tm is for text mining, and for PDF reading it requires and relies on the pdftotext utility from Poppler. I had at first the [obviously wrong] impression, that your mentioned readPDF() function was doing some low-level, library-based access to PDF objects directly in the PDF file.... How wrong I was! Turns out it 'only' looks at the text output of the pdftotext commandline tool.
Now this explains why you'll probably not succeed in reading any of the PDFs which do use more complex font encodings than the 'simple' Latin1.
I'm afraid, the reason for your problem is that currently Poppler and pdftotext are simply not yet able to handle these.
Maybe you're better off to ask the tm maintainers for a feature request: :-)
that you would like them to try + add support to their tm package for a more capable third party PDF text extraction tool, such as's TET (english version) which for sure is the best text extraction utility on the planet (better than Adobe's own tools, BTW).

Chinese text not working in terminal

I'm trying to paste chinese text into terminal but I just get lots of numbers instead. if I quickly paste as soon as terminal loads the paste will work that once but not again? Its utf-8 unicode i'm using.
I dont think its the font as it works in textedit the only place I get the problem is in terminal but I need to use it to make my sqlite database.
What would be the best thing to do?
Load Terminal Inspector, and make sure the Character Set Encoding has to be set to Unicode (UTF-8) and check the Wide glyphs for Japanese/Chinese/etc setting.
The best thing to do would probably be to write the data into an SQL file and perform that with sqlite3 mydatabase.db < mychinesetextfile.sql.
It's not pretty, on the whole; but it'll work.

Unix vs. Windows rendering of characters

I have a text file that display differently when opening it in FreeBSD vs. Windows.
On FreeBSD:
An·lisis e InvestigaciÛn
On Windows:
Análisis e Investigación
The windows representation is obviously right. Any ideas on how to get that result in bsd?
The Absolute Minimum Every Software Developer Absolutely, Positively Must Know About Unicode and Character Sets (No Excuses!)
The problem is that it's not ASCII, but UTF-8. You have to use another editor which detects the encoding correctly or convert it to something your editor on freebsb understands.
This is not pure ASCII. It's utf-8. Try freebsd editor with utf-8 support or change locales.
From the way the characters are being displayed, I would say that file is UTF-8 encoded unicode. Windows is recognising this, and displaying the 'á' and 'ó' characters correctly, while FreeBSD is assuming it's ISO-8859-1, which results in these characters being displayed as 2 seperate characters (due to the UTF-8 encoding using 2 bytes).
You'll have to tell FreeBSD that it is a UTF-8 file, somehow.
How is the file encoded? I would try re-encoding the file as UTF-16.
So after doing a bit more digging if 1) Open the csv file in excel on mac and export it as csv file and 2) then open it in textmate, copy the text, and save it again it works.
The result of: file file.csv is
UTF-8 Unicode English text, with very long lines
The original is:
on-ISO extended-ASCII English text, with very long lines
This workaround isn't really suitable as this process is supposed to be automated, thanks for the help so far.
It doesn't matter which operating system you're using when you open the file. What matters is the application you use to open it. On Windows you're probably using Notepad, which automatically identifies the encoding as UTF-8.
The app you're using on FreeBSD obviously isn't doing that. Maybe it just can't read UTF-8 and you need to use a different app. Or maybe you just have to tell it which encoding to use. Automatic detection of character encodings is far from universal (and much farther from perfect).
