including parameter values in save.image (R) - r

I am interested in knowing how to include the value of a parameter in the filename when saving the workspace in R. I use matlab, and i am looking for something similar to this in R:
save(['database_' num2str(parametervalue) '_' num2str(parameter2value) '.mat'])
Thus, is it possible to save different workspaces without changing the name by hand?
Thanks in advance

Try this:
save.image(paste('database_', as.character(parametervalue), '_', as.character(parameter2value), '.mat', sep = ""))
Hope it helps.


Extract the ground truth Language code from the file name

Would you please help me.
I need to extract ground truth Language code from a file name:
for example:
get or extract 'en' from the file name: 'Dictionary_en.txt'.
I tried so many times in vain.
Many thanks in advance.
Do you need something like this?:
filename = "Dictionary_en.txt"
gsub("(.*_)|(.txt)", "", filename)
The output will be: "en" in this example. You can make a list of your files, using list.files, and then apply the gsub function.
Best wishes

CSV.write() won't take nothing values

I'm trying to export a Julia dataframe into a CSV and it contains nothing values. To simiplify let's say I have the following dataframe:
using DataFrames, CSV
df = DataFrame(A = [nothing,2,3], B = [4,5,nothing])
When I try to export, I get the following error:
df |> CSV.write("df.csv")
ArgumentError: `nothing` should not be printed; use `show`, `repr`, or custom output instead.
Should I convert the nothing values to something else like missing? If so, how would I code this?
You can use something function to convert nothing to whatever you want (e.g. missing) like this:
something.(df, missing) |> CSV.write("aaa.txt")
The current reasoning behind the design not to support nothing when writing a CSV file is given here.
I prefer the syntax of the CSV transform argument:
CSV.write("filename.csv", df, transform=(col, val) -> something(val, missing))
From the CSV.write documentation
Posting this as a separate answer, hopefully to distinguish comments and gather clarifications if I am missing something important.

Scientific notation issue in R

I have an ID variable with 20 digits. Once i read the data in R , it changes to Scientific notation and then if i write the same id to csv file, the value of ID changes.
For example , running the below code should print me the value of x as "12345678912345678912",but it prints "12345678912345679872":
x <- 12345678912345678912
[1] 12345678912345679872
My questions are :
1) Why it is happening ?
2) How to fix this problem ?
I know it has to do with the storage of data types in R but still i think there should be some way to deal with this problem. I hope i am clear with this question.
I don't know if this question was asked or not in so point me to a link if its a duplicate.I will remove this post
I have gone through this, so i can relate with the issue of mine, but i am unable to fix it.
Any help would be highly appreciated. Thanks
R does not by default handle integers numerically larger than 2147483647L.
If you append an L to your number (to tell R its an integer), you get:
x <- 12345678912345678912L
#Warning message:
#non-integer value 12345678912345678912L qualified with L; using numeric value
This also explains the change of the last digits as R stores the number as a double.
I think the gmp-package should be able to handle large numbers in general. You should therefore either accept the loss of precision, store them as character stings, or use a data-type from the gmp package.
To circumvent the problem due to number storing/representation, you can import your ID variable directly as character with the option colClasses, for example, if using read.csv and importing a data.frame with the ÌD column and another numeric column:
Using readr you can do
mydata <- readr::read_csv("file.csv", col_types = list(ID=col_character()))
where "ID" is the name of your ID column

Special characters in R language

I have a table, which looks like this:
1β 2β
1.0199e-01 2.2545e-01
2.5303e-01 6.5301e-01
1.2151e+00 1.1490e+00
and so on...
I want to make a boxplot of this data. The commands I am using is this:
boxplot(w1[,], w2[,], w3[,],outline=FALSE,names=c(colnames(w1),colnames(w2),colnames(w3)))
The problem is instead of symbol beta (β), I get two dots (..) in the output.
Any suggestions, to solve this problem.
Thank you in advance.
The suggestion to use check.names will prevent the appending of "X" to the "1β" and "2β" which would otherwise occur even once the encoding is sorted out (since column names are not supposed to start with numbers. (One could also have just used the"names" argument to boxplot.)
w1<-read.table(text="1β 2β
1.0199e-01 2.2545e-01
2.5303e-01 6.5301e-01
1.2151e+00 1.1490e+00",header=TRUE, check.names=FALSE, fileEncoding="UTF-8")
This also works
one<-expression(paste("1", beta,sep=""))
two <- expression(paste("2", beta,sep=""))
boxplot(w1[,], w2[,], w3[,],outline=FALSE, names=c(one,two))
This could be an encoding problem. Try adding encoding='UTF-8' to your read.table statements.

How escape or sanatize slash using regex in R?

I'm trying to read in a (tab separted) csv file in R. When I want to read the column including a /, I get an error.
doSomething <- function(dataset) {
a <- dataset$data_transfer.Jingle/TCP.total_size_kb
The error says, that this object cannot be found. I've tried escaping with backslash but it did not work.
If anybody has got some idea, I'd really appreciate it!
and watch the name it has been given. Perhaps it would be something like:
Two ways:
