How can we make the columns ocuppy all of the size of the parent?
Why am i asking this? Because as we can see on a simple example the columns dont fill all of the size of table and this is ugly.
The only thing i dont want to happen to a column is to have it with less width than the contents of its column.
I want the solution to work for many columns.
How can we succesfully do it?
import QtQuick 2.9
import QtQuick.Controls 2.2
import QtQuick.Controls 1.4
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.3
import QtQuick.Controls.Styles 1.1
ApplicationWindow {
id: window
title: "Stack"
visible: true
width: 1400
ListModel {
id: libraryModel
ListElement {
title: "A Masterpiece"
author: "Gabriel"
ListElement {
title: "Brilliance"
author: "Jens"
ListElement {
title: "Outstanding"
author: "Frederik"
Page {
id: page
anchors.fill: parent
style: TableViewStyle{
handle: Rectangle {
implicitWidth: 15
implicitHeight: 15
color: "#000000"
minimumHandleLength: 30
TableViewColumn {
role: "title"
title: "Title"
width: 100
TableViewColumn {
role: "author"
title: "Author"
width: 200
model: libraryModel
itemDelegate: Text
text: styleData.value
elide: Text.ElideRight
Has pointed on an answer something like
width: (table.width / table.columnCount) - 1
can be used but i dont want to happen in small widths for items/text to be cut i want the scroll bar to appear:
Like this ? -1 is just to avoid seeing an annoying scrollbar (probably caused by margins/borders)
id: table
style: TableViewStyle{
handle: Rectangle {
implicitWidth: 15
implicitHeight: 15
color: "#000000"
minimumHandleLength: 30
TableViewColumn {
role: "title"
title: "Title"
width: (table.width / table.columnCount) - 1
TableViewColumn {
role: "author"
title: "Author"
width: (table.width / table.columnCount) - 1
model: libraryModel
itemDelegate: Text
text: styleData.value
elide: Text.ElideRight
TableView in QML is really wierd in my opinion at least on QtQuick.Controls 1.4
It's happening the following in windows:
on mac:
Why are they so different?? I don't understand. How can i make them the same.
As we can see on windows the scrollBar starts at the top of the table, but on mac it starts below the header.
Below i provide the code for the table:
import QtQuick 2.9
import QtQuick.Controls 2.2
import QtQuick.Controls 1.4
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.3
import QtQuick.Controls.Styles 1.1
ApplicationWindow {
id: window
title: "Stack"
visible: true
width: 300
ListModel {
id: libraryModel
ListElement {
title: "A Masterpiece"
author: "Gabriel"
ListElement {
title: "Brilliance"
author: "Jens"
ListElement {
title: "Outstanding"
author: "Frederik"
ListElement {
title: "Outstanding"
author: "Frederik"
ListElement {
title: "Outstanding"
author: "Frederik"
ListElement {
title: "Outstanding"
author: "Frederik"
ListElement {
title: "Outstanding"
author: "Frederik"
ListElement {
title: "Outstanding"
author: "Frederik"
ListElement {
title: "Outstanding"
author: "Frederik"
ListElement {
title: "Outstanding"
author: "Frederik"
ListElement {
title: "Outstanding"
author: "Frederik"
ListElement {
title: "Outstanding"
author: "Frederik"
ListElement {
title: "Outstanding"
author: "Frederik"
Page {
id: page
anchors.fill: parent
model: libraryModel
headerDelegate: Rectangle{
border.color: "black"
border.width: 1
Text {
horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
itemDelegate: Rectangle {
border.width: 1
text: styleData.value
elide: Text.ElideRight
TableViewColumn {
id: col1
role: "title"
title: "Title"
TableViewColumn {
role: "author"
title: "Authors of this tutorial"
for now it's not an option to update QT to 5.12.
Qt Quick Controls 1.x are supposed to provide a native look and feel to your UI. I don't know how macOS displays scroll bars, but if it is different from Windows it will be the case for Qt Quick Controls 1.x.
You have got two solution for this :
Consider switching to Qt Quick Controls 2.x, but they do not handle native L&F.
Customize your scroll bars :
I want to customize the ScrollBar in a TableView.
I am able to customize the ScrollBar in ListView and GridView but I couldn't do the same with the TableView.
I found that this is because GridView and ListView inherit from the Flickable but TableView inherits from ScrollView. Is there any alternative for this?
TableView {
TableViewColumn {
role: "title"
title: "Title"
width: 100
TableViewColumn {
role: "author"
title: "Author"
width: 200
ScrollBar.horizontal: ScrollBar {
id: scrollBar2
anchors.bottom: songGrid.bottom
// anchors.bottomMargin: 70*downscaleFactor
width: 5
active: true
contentItem: Rectangle {
radius: implicitHeight/2
color: "Red"
model: libraryModel1
ListModel {
id: libraryModel1
ListElement {
title: "A Masterpiece"
author: "Gabriel"
ListElement {
title: "Brilliance"
author: "Jens"
ListElement {
title: "Outstanding"
author: "Frederik"
You can just create a ScrollBar, put it where ever you want. Then you bind the songGrid.flickableItem.contentX/Y to the ScrollBar.position in the correct way. If the TableView can be moved by other means then the ScrollBar you need to use a second Binding to update the position in those cases.
This is a short sketch-up in which I only account for the direction: ScrollBar -> TableView (add it to the code from your Question).
Binding {
target: songGrid.flickableItem
property: "contentY"
value: (songGrid.flickableItem.contentHeight + 16) * vbar.position - (16 * (1 - vbar.position))
ScrollBar {
id: vbar
z: 100
orientation: Qt.Vertical
anchors.left: songGrid.right
anchors.bottom: songGrid.bottom
active: true
contentItem: Rectangle {
radius: implicitHeight/2
color: "Red"
width: 10 // This will be overridden by the width of the scrollbar
height: 10 // This will be overridden based on the size of the scrollbar
size: (songGrid.height) / (songGrid.flickableItem.contentItem.height)
width: 10
You can see those mysterious 16 in the Binding. This is some offset that is needed, probably to account for the horizontal ScrollBar. This might be different for different styles/platforms.
If you have further questions, please ask a new question. If you only need more clarification, place a comment.
You can use Qt Quick Controls Styles QML Types to change the appearance of scrollbar.
TableView has an style attribute inherit from ScrollView. To customize the scrollbar, just override it.
Here is a simple example.
import QtQuick 2.9
import QtQuick.Controls 2.2
import QtQuick.Controls 1.4
import QtQuick.Controls.Styles 1.4
TableView {
id: songGrid
TableViewColumn {
role: "title"
title: "Title"
width: 100
TableViewColumn {
role: "author"
title: "Author"
width: 200
model: libraryModel1
style: TableViewStyle {
handle: Rectangle {
implicitHeight: 17
color: "red"
ListModel {
id: libraryModel1
ListElement {
title: "A Masterpiece"
author: "Gabriel"
ListElement {
title: "Brilliance"
author: "Jens"
ListElement {
title: "Outstanding"
author: "Frederik"
You can also change the background of scorllbar, appearance of increment/decrement button... etc. For more information, please refer to
ScrollViewStyle QML Type(The parent class of TableViewStyle)
BTW, if you want to create a new scrollbar as derM said, you can set horizontalScrollBarPolicy or verticalScrollBarPolicy to
Qt.ScrollBarAlwaysOff to disable default scrollbar.These two property were both from ScrollView
I try to make a cell editable using a tableview in qt. I have found a few examples and came up with the following:
TableView {
id: tableView
objectName: "tableView"
horizontalScrollBarPolicy: -1
selectionMode: SelectionMode.SingleSelection
Layout.minimumWidth: 300
Layout.fillHeight: true
Layout.fillWidth: true
model: trackableInfoModel
itemDelegate: Rectangle {
Text {
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
text: styleData.value
MouseArea {
id: cellMouseArea
anchors.fill: parent
onClicked: {
if(styleData.column === 2){
//do something
From what I found it looks like I need an itemDelegate to paint each cell. Then I add a MouseArea to the cell and check which cell was selected. In my case I only need to react on the cells in column 2.
The thing is when I use the code shown above I get the error that:
JavaScipt blocks are not supported in a QT Quick UI form. (M223)
Because of that I tried to register a property alias for cellMouseArea like this:
property alias cellMouseArea : cellMouseArea
However that leads to this error:
qrc:/EditPageForm.ui.qml:24 Invalid alias reference. Unable to find id "cellMouseArea"
Overlay cell with TextInput on click.
import QtQuick 2.7
import QtQuick.Controls 1.4
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.0
ApplicationWindow {
visible: true
width: 640
height: 480
title: qsTr("Hello World")
TableView {
id: tableView
objectName: "tableView"
horizontalScrollBarPolicy: -1
selectionMode: SelectionMode.SingleSelection
anchors.fill: parent
TableViewColumn {
id: titleColumn
title: "Title"
role: "title"
movable: false
resizable: false
width: tableView.viewport.width - authorColumn.width
TableViewColumn {
id: authorColumn
title: "Author"
role: "author"
movable: false
resizable: false
width: tableView.viewport.width / 3
model: ListModel {
id: libraryModel
ListElement {
title: "A Masterpiece"
author: "Gabriel"
ListElement {
title: "Brilliance"
author: "Jens"
ListElement {
title: "Outstanding"
author: "Frederik"
itemDelegate: Rectangle {
Text {
anchors { verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter; left: parent.left }
color: "black"
text: styleData.value
MouseArea {
id: cellMouseArea
anchors.fill: parent
onClicked: {
// Column index are zero based
if(styleData.column === 1){
loader.visible = true
Loader {
id: loader
anchors { verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter; left: parent.left}
height: parent.height
width: parent.width
visible: false
sourceComponent: visible ? input : undefined
Component {
id: input
TextField {
anchors { fill: parent }
text: ""
loader.visible = false
onActiveFocusChanged: {
if (!activeFocus) {
loader.visible = false
I am working on qml, found found an error during moving mouse wheel scrolling i.e.
"TypeError: Cannot read property 'name' of undefined".
It only appear when either mouse wheel scrolling or close the application while during execution and beginning of the application didn't show this error.
One more thing, I am getting accurate data/result whatever I want but due to this error the performance of application get affected.
Please let me know how can I get rid of this issue?
also find below example to see error.
My code is..
import QtQuick 2.4
import QtQuick.Controls 1.3
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.1
ApplicationWindow {
visible: true
width: 640
height: 480
title: qsTr("Hello World")
menuBar: MenuBar {
Menu {
title: qsTr("File")
MenuItem {
text: qsTr("Exit")
onTriggered: Qt.quit();
TableView {
anchors.fill: parent
visible: true
backgroundVisible: false
alternatingRowColors: false
sortIndicatorVisible: true
clip: true
highlightOnFocus: false
width: parent.width
height: parent.height
TableViewColumn{ role: "code" ; title: "cde" ; width: 200;
delegate: Component {
id: codeDelegate
Text {
color: "lightgray"
elide: styleData.elideMode
text: styleData.value //modelSettingData.get(styleData.row).name "Arial"
font.pixelSize: 18
wrapMode: Text.WrapAtWordBoundaryOrAnywhere
Text {
id: metaData
color: "red"
width: parent.width
// height: 20
anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
anchors.bottomMargin: -parent.height/1.5
font.weight: Font.ExtraLight
//elide: Text.ElideMiddle
text: "Time: " + modelSettingData.get(styleData.row).name //Error comes when this part added but I need to use it with the same form
TableViewColumn{ role: "name" ; title: "nme" ; width: 200
delegate: Component {
id: nameDelegate
Text {
color: "yellow"
elide: styleData.elideMode
text: styleData.value "Arial"
font.pixelSize: 18
model: ListModel {
id: modelSettingData
ListElement {
name: "aaaaaaaaaa"
code: "3042666666666"
ListElement {
name: "bbbbbb"
code: "32235"
ListElement {
name: "ccccccc"
code: "32638"
ListElement {
name: "ddddddddddd"
code: "00000000000"
ListElement {
name: "eeeeeeeeeeee"
code: "111111111111"
ListElement {
name: "ffffffffffff"
code: "222222222222"
ListElement {
name: "ggggggggggggg"
code: "3333333333333"
ListElement {
name: "hhhhhhhhhhhhh"
code: "4444444444444"
ListElement {
name: "iiiiiiiiiiiii"
code: "5555555555555"
rowDelegate: Rectangle {
property bool selected : styleData.selected
width: parent.width-2
height: 100
color: styleData.selected? "black" : "black"
Rectangle {
width: parent.width
height: 1
anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
visible: parent.selected
color: "yellow"
I am trying to create a component in QML as shown in the attached screenshot
AFAIK, TableView is the component that I should use to create something like this using QML. Looking at the example here it seems that it can support multiple columns and the style is configurable. However, I am not sure how to add the checkbox control and an image element in the columns.
You can start from here:
import QtQuick 2.3
import QtQuick.Window 2.2
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.1
import QtQuick.Controls 1.4
import QtQuick.Controls.Styles 1.4
Window {
visible: true
width:1000; height: 500
ListModel {
id: mymodel
ListElement {
title: "my_name.mp4"
check: true
img: "1450465860217s.jpg" //your own img url here
filesize: "1.5GB"
lenght: "20:00"
lastMod: "12/02/2014"
ListElement {
title: "my_nam2.mp4"
check: false
img: "1450465860217s.jpg" //your own img url here
filesize: "400MB"
lenght: "8:00"
lastMod: "01/01/2015"
ListElement {
title: "my_nam2.mp4"
check: false
img: "1450465860217s.jpg" //your own img url here
filesize: "1.5GB"
lenght: "1:20:00"
lastMod: "12/13/2016"
TableView {
width: 1000; height: 500
anchors.centerIn: parent
TableViewColumn {
role: "title"
title: "Title"
width: 200
TableViewColumn {
role: "filesize"
title: "FileSize"
TableViewColumn {
role: "lenght"
title: "Lenght"
TableViewColumn {
role: "lastMod"
title: "Last Modified"
model: mymodel
rowDelegate: Rectangle{
color: "white"
height: 40
itemDelegate: RowLayout {
width: parent == null? 0 : parent.width
sourceComponent: styleData.column == 0 ?
things : null
Component {
id: things
height: 30
id: itemCheckBox
checked: mymodel.get(styleData.row).check
Layout.preferredWidth: 80
Layout.preferredHeight: 40
source: mymodel.get(styleData.row).img
Text {
//anchors.centerIn: parent
text: styleData.value
You'll need to code your model in c++ and polish the interface, but its a good starting point.