How can I target the opacity of an icon within a button (without affecting the entire button)? - button

I may not have described the issue accurately with the title, but it's easier to explain here:
I have a button that has an icon image contained within it. I need to get rid of the grey box around that icon and keep the icon itself, along with the button functionality. I assigned the button a second class called "nogray", and in my styling sheet I set opacity to 0.
However, this got rid of the entire button, along with the little orange trash bin icon, which I need to be visible. Essentially, I need the button to function the same way, just with the orange icon and no grey box. In this screenie, you can see the buttons at the top of each bulletin note.
Here is the button code in the bulletin notes view:
<button class ="remove-card nogray" id="#item.BulletinId" type="button"><i
class="fa fa-trash"></i></button>
And here is the css for the button:
i.fa.fa-trash::before {
content: "\f1f8";
.remove-card.nogray {
(i.fa.fa-trash::before targets the trash icon, and .remove-card.nogray targets the outer gray area. However, I suspect that the latter is targetting the entire button because setting the opacity to 0 affects both gray area and icon.
How would I tweak the button code so that the opacity is 0 only for the grey, and not the icon? I've tried changing the order of the code element by element, but a lot of it is guesswork because this is a team effort and I did not personally write the button code. I'd also like to apologize in advance if this is an impossible question to answer; if there's some detail you need to know, please tell me and I will edit this to include it.
Thank you very much for any suggestions!

I realized I was targeting the wrong lines of code in my css. There was an ActionLink that a teammate commented out, and I assigned the classes from that to my original button code and was able to target the button that way instead.


How to wrap text in Button and change Button color on click in Google App Maker?

Haven't coded in years, and started to play around with Google App Maker last week. As the title suggests, I have a couple questions.
I'm trying to figure out if there's a way to dynamically change the color of a button upon click. Right now I have the button changing enabled status to false on click, and using CSS style to change the color of disabled buttons to gray. Is there a way to do this without disabling the button?
Is there a way to wrap text in a button? Right now I am overlaying a Label on the button with the correctly styled font, but would ideally like to have that text be from the Button, as the space the label takes up is not clickable.
Thanks in advance for any help!
add some lines to your page or global styles this
this should let you wrap text.
.app-Button {
white-space: pre-wrap;
Say you want to change your button blue when a Boolean value gets changed to "true" in your data source.
add a class to your styles
background: blue;
then select your button and in the property editor>Display>styles click the drop down and select binding
set the binding to
=#datasource.item.**YourBooleanItem** === true? ['blue']:[]
Clarification there are two steps
Define a CSS class
Add the Class to the "styles" property of
your widget.
The Answer above uses a "binding" but also means that you've got to have an Item with this binding which you may not want.
I wanted a 'decimal' button to be orange when it was active. So on the Page I created a DecimalActive property. I used the onAttach event to set this property to false.
I created a CSS Class (local to the page) named Orange and Normal
.Orange {background:orange};
.Normal {background:white};
Then the following is my onClick
{ = !;
widget.styles = ? ['Orange'] : ['White'];
The challenge was figuring out exactly what AppMaker wanted in the styles []. I don't think it puts applied styles in this array. At least they didn't show up when I console.log(JSON.stringify(widget.styles);
I have verified that this does work (Dec 2019)
I think this answer is clearer and if someone wants to bind it the color change they still can.

Dropdown menu disappears when mouse moves over the WHO WE SUPPLY tab

Recently i encountered a problem with the dropdown menu called "WHO WE SUPPLY". The main_menu disappear just when i move my cursor over them. I have tried the other answers to similar questions like this but they were not of great help in my case.
I just want the dropdown elements to remain at their places when i move my mouse over them so that i can select them.
Can anyone please check the problem?
My website link is
Try to go to the WHO WE SUPPLY tab and you will see what exactly i am saying.
Many thanx in advance..
..hope to get a reply soon !!
As far as I can see the "color" property of your "Who We Supply" anchor tag is getting overridden by some other class's color property and the firebug is pointing to line #530 of your style.css file.
The color property mentioned there is "#FFFFFF" which is for white color.
So change the color of that particular class.
Basically the link is not hidden just the color property of that link changes on Hover event to White which is same as your background color

How do I get rid of PNG invisible borders?

I'm new to web programming, recently I've been asked to make some home pages for someone.
Unfortunately I've run into some problem, the homepage will be on a touch screen for touch input, I've got reports like buttons most of the time doesn't work when clicked on, one of my suspects is invisible borders caused by PNGs.
TL;DR - The corner of the red button is being blocked by the invisible border of the purple button, are there any ways to fix that?
EDIT: No I'm not asking for how to remove the dotted line, I made them visible to show you.
It seems like what you are referring to is not an 'invisible border' but an 'invisible background'.
Your PNG files are rectangular shaped when it comes to event handling, even if some parts are transparent.
If you need to disable some elements from being clicked, you can go about it few ways:
Disable pointer-events with CSS to make sure that a specific
element does not caputre clicks.
#mypurplediv {pointer-events: none;}
Use Z-index to decide the hierarchy of your elements:
#mypurplediv {z-index: 0;}
#myrediv {z-index: 1;}
Per your comments, it seems that you need to retain the abiity to click on ALL elements.
As I mentioned above , your current PNGs are actually rectangles with some parts being transparents.
So you have these options:
1) Use SVG which are vector based shapes (that will by default not have invisible backgrounds). Good tutorial here.
2) Use image mapping and area to create your shapes and give them href. This is a good tutorial about image mapping.
example - <area shape="poly" coords="74,0,113,29,98,72,52,72,38,27" href="index.htm">
3) Use 3rd party javascript/jQuery libraries such as ImageMapster.
Hope this helps!
That dotted border is called focus outline. You can turn it off by applying CSS to the image.
img { outline: none; }

Setting state for all children the same as parent

After trying to find a solution for Centering Text on a Button with Offset, I'm doing now a custom component.
The goal is to make a button-like component that has an icon on one side and a centered text filling the rest of the button.
The component contains either two Label/ Buttons to display the Icon and text. Both of them have a background Image, defined in css.
The css looks like this for Icon and the text with exchanged image as background for text
-fx-font-family: "Arial";
-fx-padding: 0,0,0,0;
-fx-background-color: transparent;
-fx-font-size: 28px;
-fx-graphic: url('images/button/cancel.png');
-fx-graphic: url('images/button/cancel-pressed.png');
The images are loaded by setId(). Currently both components are added to a Panel before passing to the stage. They contain an OnClickEvent for processing.
Now to the actual question
How can I achieve that if one Component is clicked, the other one is getting the :pressed from css as well?
Adding the ClickEvent to the Panel is doing nothing (regarding clicking on either Label/ Button)
Adding both of them to a HBox, adding the Event to the HBox work in that regard, that I can click either component and the Event gets fired, BUT the :pressed State is only applied to the component you clicked.
Is it possible to give all childs the notification, that they should behave like they got pressed? Since we have a lot of small Icon, but only one background for the text, placing a Label over the whole thing create a lot of unneeded wasted Image space. Also this would cause the problematic for changing font color if not all css are changed at once (the label-over-button-solution with .setMouseTransparent(true) wouldn't change the font color of the text label since the label doesn't notice button is pressed)
First of all, JFX-8 will support wider range of css improvements, which will allow you to solve the issue easier.
To solve your issue, i can suggest the following : each node have a pressed property. You can add a listener on this property, and when it changes to true, use setStyle(String) method on needed nodes, and use setStyle(null | "") on changing to false.

hovered button-element loses style after changing background-color

This is a CSS-Question.
In this fiddle you can see a button.
It has got two span-elements inside. One with float:left; the other with float:right;.
The style is a normal button-style.
When clicking that button on the iPhone or hover it in a Browser the style gets lost.
This is because I changed the background-color.
Is there a way to change the background-color without losing the whole button-style?
Here are the two images: The first button is a normal button-element. The second button is a button where I changed the background-color ... this is what it looks like when I'm hovering over a button.
I think I understand what you mean. It looks like the rounded corner is gone when hovering, while a border is added. I'm afraid there's not a easy way to get what exactly you want, as the behavior & appearance of Button is controled by system.
Maybe you can try to replace it with a div, which you have full control of the style (chaning the style via JS when hovering).
All's working fine for me. However floating-right elements should always be placed before floating-left elements. Don't know if it will change anything.
