Lookup Comma Seperating Values in R - r

I am new to this community, currently working on a R project in which I need to find each of the element separated by comma in a dataframe, on any of the columns in another dataframe, here is an example below:
what I need to do is find, if any of the elements, lets take for example "AA,BB" (which is the first cell in column x of df1) "AA" is an element and "BB" is another element , is available on any of the columns (x,y,x) in df2, if a match is found I need to identify that row or rows, there is also a possibility of more then one match on df2 rows
. Hope I was able to explain this problem well, expert please help

Here it is a solution in 2 steps:
# load tidyverse
Step 1: Split the elements separated by comma from df1 in a new data frame new_df
1a) To do this, we first identify the number of columns to be generated
(as the maximum number of elements separated by ,; that is: maximum number of , + 1)
number_new_columns <- max(sapply(df1$a, function(x) str_count(x, ","))) + 1
1b) Generate the new data frame new_df
new_df <- df1 %>%
separate(a, c(as.character(seq_len(number_new_columns)))) # missing pieces will be filled with NA
# Above, we used c(as.character(seq_len(number_new_columns))) to generate column names as numbers -- not very creative :)
Step 2: Identify the position of each unique element from new_df in df2
(hope I understood correctly this second part of the question)
2a) Get the unique elements (from new_df)
unique_elements <- unlist(new_df) %>%
2b) Get a list whose components contain the positions of each unique element within df2
output <- lapply(unique_elements, function(x) {
which(df2 == x, arr.ind=TRUE)


subset R data frame using only exact matches of character vector

I would like to subset a data frame (Data) by column names. I have a character vector with column name IDs I want to exclude (IDnames).
What I do normally is something like this:
Data[ ,!colnames(Data) %in% IDnames]
However, I am facing the problem that there is a name "X-360" and another one "X-360.1" in the columns. I only want to exclude the "X-360" (which is also in the character vector), but not "X-360.1" (which is not in the character vector, but extracted anyway). - So I want only exact matches, and it seems like this does not work with %in%.
It seems such a simple problem but I just cannot find a solution...
Indeed, the problem was that I had duplicated names in my data.frame! It took me a while to figure this out, because when I looked at the subsetted columns with
Data[ ,colnames(Data) %in% IDnames]
it showed "X-360" and "X-360.1" among the names, as stated above.
But it seems this was just happening when subsetting the data, before there were just columns with the same name ("X-360") - and that happened because the data frame was set up from matrices with cbind.
Here is a demonstration of what happened:
D1 <-matrix(rnorm(36),nrow=6)
colnames(D1) <- c("X-360", "X-400", "X-401", "X-300", "X-302", "X-500")
D2 <-matrix(rnorm(36),nrow=6)
colnames(D2) <- c("X-360", "X-406", "X-403", "X-300", "X-305", "X-501")
D <- cbind(D1, D2)
Data <- as.data.frame(D)
IDnames <- c("X-360", "X-302", "X-501")
Data[ ,colnames(Data) %in% IDnames]
X-360 X-302 X-360.1 X-501
1 -0.3658194 -1.7046575 2.1009329 0.8167357
2 -2.1987411 -1.3783129 1.5473554 -1.7639961
3 0.5548391 0.4022660 -1.2204003 -1.9454138
4 0.4010191 -2.1751914 0.8479660 0.2800923
5 -0.2790987 0.1859162 0.8349893 0.5285602
6 0.3189967 1.5910424 0.8438429 0.1142751
Learned another thing to be careful about when working with such data in the future...
One regex based solution here would be to form an alternation of exact keyword matches:
regex <- paste0("^(?:", paste(IDnames, collapse="|"), ")$")
Data[ , !grepl(regex, colnames(Data))]

R: find Index of data frame with non-unique/duplicated values

I want to extract some values out of a vector, modify them and put them back at the original position.
I have been searching a lot and tried different approaches to this problem. I'm afraid this might be really simple but I'm not seeing it yet.
Creating a vector and convert it to a dataframe with. Also creating a empty dataframe for the results.
hight <- c(5,6,1,3)
hight_df <- data.frame("ID"=1:length(hight), "hight"=hight)
hight_min_df <- data.frame()
Extract for every pair of values the smaller value with corresponding ID.
for(i in 1:(length(hight_df[,2])-1))
hight_min_df[i,1] <- which(grepl(min(hight_df[,2][i:(i+1)]), hight_df[,2]))
hight_min_df[i,2] <- min(hight_df[,2][i:(i+1)])
Modify the extracted values and aggregate same IDs by higher value. At the end writing the modified values back.
hight_min_df[,2] <- hight_min_df[,2]+20
adj_hight <- aggregate(x=hight_min_df[,2],by=list(hight_min_df[,1]), FUN=max)
hight[adj_hight[,1]] <- adj_hight[,2]
This works perfectly as long a I have only uniqe values in hight.
How can I run this script with a vector like this: hight <- c(5,6,1,3,5)?
Alright there's a lot to unpack here. Instead of looping, I would suggest piping functions with dplyr. Read the vignette here - it is an outstanding resource and an excellent approach to data manipulation in R.
So using dplyr we can rewrite your code like this:
hight <- c(5,6,1,3,5) #skip straight to the test case
hight_df <- data.frame("ID"=1:length(hight), "hight"=hight)
adj_hight <- hight_df %>%
#logic psuedo code: if the last hight (using lag() function),
# going from the first row to the last,
# is greater than the current rows hight, take the current rows value. else
# take the last rows value
mutate(subst.id = ifelse(lag(hight) > hight, ID, lag(ID)),
subst.val = ifelse(lag(hight) > hight, hight, lag(hight)) + 20) %>%
filter(!is.na(subst.val)) %>% #remove extra rows
select(subst.id, subst.val) %>% #take just the columns we want
#grouping - rewrite of your use of aggregate
group_by(subst.id) %>%
summarise(subst.val = max(subst.val)) %>%
#tying back in
hight[adj_hight[,1]] <- adj_hight[,2]
[1] 25 6 21 23 5

Remove Duplicates, but Keep the Most Complete Iteration

I'm trying to figure out how remove duplicates based on three variables (id, key, and num). I would like to remove the duplicate with the least amount of columns filled. If an equal number are filled, either can be removed.
For example,
Original <- data.frame(id= c(1,2,2,3,3,4,5,5),
v4= c(1,NA,5,5,NA,5,NA,7),
The output would be the following:
Finished <- data.frame(id= c(1,2,3,4,5),
v4= c(1,5,5,5,7),
My real dataset is bigger and a mix of mostly numerical, but some character variables, but I couldn't determine the best way to go about doing this. I've previously used a program that would do something similar within the duplicates command called check.all.
So far, my thoughts have been to use grepl and determine where "anything" is present
Present <- apply(Original, 2, function(x) grepl("[[:alnum:]]", x))
Then, using the resultant dataframe I ask for rowSums and Cbind it to the original.
CompleteNess <- rowSums(Present)
cbind(Original, CompleteNess)
This is the point where I'm unsure of my next steps... I have a variable which tells me how many columns are filled in each row (CompleteNess); however, I'm unsure of how to implement duplicates.
Simply, I'm looking for When id, key, and num are duplicated - keep the row with the highest value of CompleteNess.
If anybody can think of a better way to do this or get me through the last little bit I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks All!
Here is a solution. It is not very pretty but it should work for your application:
#Order by the degree of completeness
#Starting from the bottom select the not duplicated rows
#based on the first 3 columns
Original[!duplicated(Original[,1:3], fromLast = TRUE),]
This does rearrange your original data frame so beware if there is additional processing later on.
You can aggregate your data and select the row with max score:
Original <- data.frame(id= c(1,2,2,3,3,4,5,5),
v4= c(1,NA,5,5,NA,5,NA,7),
Present <- apply(Original, 2, function(x) grepl("[[:alnum:]]", x))
#get the score
Original$present <- rowSums(Present)
#create a column to aggregate on
Original$id.key.num <- paste(Original$id, Original$key, Original$num, sep = "-")
#aggregate here
Final <- ddply(Original,.(id.key.num),summarize,
Max = max(present))
And if you want to keep the other columns, just do this:
Final <- ddply(Original,.(id.key.num),summarize,
Max = max(present),
v4 = v4[which.max(present)],
v5 = v5[which.max(present)]

automatic column prefix with cbind and just one column

I have some trouble with a script which uses cbind to add columns to a data frame. I select these columns by regular expression and I love that cbind automatically provides a prefix if you add more then one column. Bit this is not working if you just append one column... Even if I cast this column as a data frame...
Is there a way to get around this behaviour?
In my example, it works fine for columns starting with a but not for b1 column.
df <- data.frame(a1=c(1,2,3),a2=c(3,4,5),b1=c(6,7,8))
cbind(df, log=log(df[grep('^a', names(df))]))
cbind(df, log=log(df[grep('^b', names(df))]))
cbind(df, log=as.data.frame(log(df[grep('^b', names(df))])))
A solution would be to create an intermediate dataframe with the log values and rename the columns :
logb = log(df[grep('^b', names(df))]))
colnames(logb) = paste0('log.',names(logb))
cbind(df, logb)
What about
cbw <- c("a","b") # columns beginning with
cbw_pattern <- paste0("^",cbw, collapse = "|")
cbind(df, log=log(df[grep(cbw_pattern, names(df))]))
This way you do select both pattern at once. (all three columns).
Only if just one column is selected the colnames wont fit.

Filtering a dataframe in row names from a column values

Basically I have dataframe with two columns (target_id and fpkm). I want to keep only those row names in first column that are not duplicated.
For example in the below dataframe you can see there are two row names with the same name (almost) comp267138_c0_seq1 comp267138_c0_seq2 and from both and I want to keep only one comp267138_c0_seq2 based of high value in column 2.
target_id fpkm
comp247393_c0_seq1 3.197885
comp257058_c0_seq4 1.624577
comp242590_c0_seq1 1.750319
comp77911_c0_seq1 1.293059
comp241426_c0_seq1 1.626589
comp288413_c0_seq1 14.828853
comp294436_c0_seq1 11.555596
comp63603_c0_seq1 1.982386
comp267138_c0_seq1 8.594494
comp267138_c0_seq2 11.134958
comp321623_c0_seq1 6.934149
It appears you only want to consider part of the target_id (the first two components, splitting by _)
If your data.frame is called DT
# create column without the _seqx part
DT$new_id <- sapply(lapply(strsplit(as.character(DT[['target_id']]), '_'), head, 2),
paste, collapse = '_')
ddply(DT, .(new_id), function(x) x[which.max(x$fpkm),])
