Can't install wordpress on localhost - wordpress

Every time I'm trying to install wordpress from the address: localhost/wordpress
It's showing the "Parent Directory"
Apache/2.4.29 (Win32) OpenSSL/1.0.2l PHP/7.1.11 Server at localhost Port 80.
Can anybody give me a solution?

From your screenshot, it looks like you have no files in your localhost/wordpress directory. You can follow the steps on this Codex page - - to guide you through the install process. You first need to download and unzip the WordPress files from into your local folder. You also need to have PHP installed locally, set up a database and a user, and edit your wp-config.php file before you can access localhost/wordpress to run the install. It's all detailed in that Codex page.


Connect wordpress ftp when it's running under XAMPP

I've got an XAMPP on my mac, after that I install wordpress on it. Now I want to connect to it through ftp, but when I connecting to ftp:\localhost I see files from XAMPP start page only and no files from wordpress.
What should I do?
Go to the installed directory of XAMPP and go to the directory htdocs.
There is a index.html file. Delete this file.
try to type in your browser

How to upload WordPress child theme to XAMPP + Bitnami + Mac OS?

Everything was going so well: installed XAMPP on Mac (OS 10.10.2). Installed Bitnami WordPress module. Imported existing WordPress site (this site is already live). Then imported/installed the theme I want to modify. All good up to that point.
Now I want to create a child theme. Following the instructions from Themify, which are great. BUT: I can't open the htdocs directory within the wordpress dir that was installed by the Bitnami module. No permissions.
There's a help page, but it's not helping me. Reason 1: I open FileZilla, I FTP to localhost, but the wordpress dir is nowhere to be found there. Reason 2: I try to follow their sudo chown instructions but the path is not valid for me. I tried:
$ sudo chown daemon:daemon Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/apps/wordpress/htdocs
... but no luck. "No such file or directory." I can find this folder in the Finder (see screencap), but I can't seem to access it from the command line. (Is that because XAMPP is in the Applications directory?)
In case it's not obvious, I am doing all this to muck around with my child theme offline. But I can't get my child theme folder into the wp-content/themes folder, because I can't FTP or access the folder directly through the Finder.
I was able to change permissions through the Mac "Get Info" panel. Doh!!
"Get Info" panel, unlocked
See screencap.
Try and put a Leading slash at the front of the directory listing so run this instead:
sudo chown daemon:daemon /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/apps/wordpress/htdocs
Just go to /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/mysite/wp-content/themes/your-child theme and set permission of your child theme folder to writable to everyone.

Wordpress Permalink (Postname)

I have problem with my Wordpress permalink. I'm currently running Ubuntu 14.04 LAMP server installed and my Wordpress root is located on /var/www/html2/ . I tried to change permalink to postname "/%postname%/". When I test one of my page its says that 404 Not Found.
I've looking around about my problem and tried many tutorials but no luck. In my opinion, my Wordpress access seems not working but I'm not sure because I'm newbie for this. Please anyone can help me solve this problem.
Thanks In Advance
Manually create a ".htaccess" file and save it in your main WordPress directory. (This is the one with the wp-admin, wp-includes, and wp-content folders.)
Go to the Ubuntu terminal and type:
sudo chown -v :www-data "/enterYourFilePathHere/.htaccess"
You should see a line printed saying that the (group) file ownership has been changed to www-data (Apache2).
Give Apache2 write access to the file:
sudo chmod -v 664 "/enterYourFilePathHere/.htaccess"
You should see a line printed saying that the mode of the file has been retained.
Next, we have to allow WordPress to write to the .htaccess file by enabling mod_write in the Apache2 server. Type the following in the terminal:
sudo a2enmod rewrite
You should see a line printed saying that it is enabling mod rewrite and reminding you to restart the web server
So let's do that. Restart the web server, Apache2, for the changes to take effect by typing:
sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
We are all done with the command line prompt; you can close the command line window now.
Go into your WordPress admin panel (i.e. http://yourDomain/wp-admin). Go to the Settings --> Permalinks and select the permalink format of your choice. Hit the "Save Changes" button.
DONE! Go to your site and check any page (other than your homepage) to ascertain that everything is working as expected.

Unable to create directory wp-content/uploads in Wordpress

I created php files for my plugin and added them to myplugin folder. Then I zipped myplugin folder as In Admin Panel of Wordpress I wanted to install my plugin to wordpress. I choosed this zip file and clicked to Install "Now button". Then Wordpress gave an error:
Unable to create directory wp-content/uploads/2013/05. Is its parent directory writable by the server?
What is the problem and how can I solve it? My OS is Linux and I use XAMPP server in my machine.
In your terminal, navigate to the wp-content folder and then run:
chmod -R 0744 plugins
That will set the folder and its subfolders to read/write/execute for you and read for everyone else.
Edit As suggested in the comments, check this out:
Alternatively you can just unzip them yourself and save them into this folder:
Then you can just activate the plugin from the admin page.
I am not entirely familiar with XAMPP but it should be run as a user. Most likely your own windows account. You may try this:
Select the folder wp-content and right click -> properties. then go to Security Tab. There check to see if the User (i.e. you) has write+ modify permission.
Check what is XAMPP server running as, the folder above must have the permissions for the same user.
Double check the "general" tab on the wp-content folder and check the "Attributes" section. Make sure "Read Only is unchecked. If you are changing it, windows will prompt for whether to apply to subfolder. Say "yes".
. Or run XAMPP at Administrator and skip the above step .(assuming it is not production / public internet facing server).
I had this problem yesterday, I solved it by uninstalling the Wordpress module and installing it again as root from the terminal.
I thought if I run the installation wizard as I was logged as root was enough, but it wasn't.
These are the steps for MacOS:
Uninstall wordpress module. Be sure the folder is empty.
Mount the wordpress disk image
cd /volumes/nameOfWordpressModule image
sudo bitnami wordpress
I recommend you to list the items so you can write exactly the name of the image and app.
Hope it helps!
navigate to your main project folder and run the following:
chmod -R 0777 wp-content
in case of MAC run
sudo chmod -R 777 /Applications/XAMPP/htdocs/

problem during installing wordpress

Hi all I am new to wordpress and I am following 5 min. installation method and stoped at 5th step . As I want to install it on my local machine that is localhost , where do I have to put all the files and sub directory of wordpress folder so that I can do the installation .
if any one have idea about editing wp-config.php for localhost please share with me .
You do need to firstly install WAMP or LAMP which are both used as local web servers.
During the installation of WAMP, it asks you to name a folder to place all the web services in. e.g. c:\server
Once you do that you can put the files in the WordPress zip file into a folder c:\server\www
Once you run the WAMP server you can use your browser to navigate to your WordPress site.
Here is an article about how to install WordPress
All you need to do is place all the contents of the Wordpress directory under a directory (with the name of your project, for example) on the root of your webserver. This directory will depend on your system. Eg. under Ubuntu, and using Apache the default is /var/www.
The essential fields of your wp-config.php that you have to fill in are
DB_HOST (this is localhost)
That you have to configure to match your DB configuration.
you must install a program like wamp server and copy wordpress directory in wamp/www then create a database and fill wp-config.php
for fill username in wp-config use 'root' and for password use ' ' (empty).
