I am trying to create a data frame for creating network charts using igraph package. I have sample data "mydata_data" and I want to create "expected_data".
I can easily calculate number of customers visited a particular store, but how do I calculate common set of customers who go to store x1 & store x2 etc.
I have 500+ stores, so I don't want to create columns manually. Sample data for reproducible purpose given below:
Another possible solution via dplyr is to create a list with all the combos for each customer, unnest that list, count and merge with a data frame with all the combinations, i.e.
df %>%
group_by(Customer_Name) %>%
summarise(combos = list(unique(c(unique(Store_Name), paste(unique(Store_Name), collapse = '_'))))) %>%
unnest() %>%
group_by(combos) %>%
count() %>%
right_join(data.frame(combos = c(unique(df$Store_Name), combn(unique(df$Store_Name), 2, paste, collapse = '_'))))
which gives,
# A tibble: 6 x 2
# Groups: combos [?]
combos n
<chr> <int>
1 x1 2
2 x2 3
3 x3 1
4 x1_x2 1
5 x1_x3 NA
6 x2_x3 1
NOTE: Make sure that your Store_Name variable is a character NOT factor, otherwise the combn() will fail
Here's an igraph approach:
A <- as.matrix(as_adj(graph_from_edgelist(as.matrix(mydata_data), directed = FALSE)))
stores <- as.character(unique(mydata_data$Store_Name))
storeCombs <- t(combn(stores, 2))
data.frame(Store_Name = c(stores, apply(storeCombs, 1, paste, collapse = "_")),
Customers_Visited = c(colSums(A)[stores], (A %*% A)[storeCombs]))
# Store_Name Customers_Visited
# 1 x1 2
# 2 x2 3
# 3 x3 1
# 4 x1_x2 1
# 5 x1_x3 0
# 6 x2_x3 1
Explanation: A is the adjacency matrix of the corresponding undirected graph. stores is simply
# [1] "x1" "x2" "x3"
# [,1] [,2]
# [1,] "x1" "x2"
# [2,] "x1" "x3"
# [3,] "x2" "x3"
The main trick then is how to obtain Customers_Visited: the first three numbers are just the corresponding numbers of neighbours of stores, while the common customers we get from the common graph neighbours (which we get from the square of A).
Here's one possible way to get the data
Here's a helper function adapted form here: Generate all combinations, of all lengths, in R, from a vector
comball <- function(x) do.call("c", lapply(seq_along(x), function(i) combn(as.character(x), i, FUN = list)))
Then you can use that with some tidy verse functions
mydata_data %>%
group_by(Customer_Name) %>%
summarize(visits = list(comball(Store_Name))) %>%
mutate(visits = map(visits, ~map_chr(., ~paste(., collapse="_")))) %>%
unnest(visits) %>%
Another option, with base R:
Get the list of all possible stores
all_stores <- as.character(unique(mydata_data$Store_Name))
Find the different combinations of 1 or 2 stores :
all_comb_store <- lapply(1:2, function(n) combn(all_stores, n))
For each number of stores combined, get the number of customers that visited both and then combined this value in a data.frame with the names of the stores:
function(nb_comb) {
data.frame(Store_Name=if (nrow(nb_comb)==1) as.character(nb_comb) else apply(nb_comb, 2, paste, collapse="_"),
Customers_Visited=apply(nb_comb, 2,
function(vec_stores) {
function(store) mydata_data$Customer_Name[mydata_data$Store_Name %in% store])))}))}))
# Store_Name Customers_Visited
#1 x1 2
#2 x2 3
#3 x3 1
#4 x1_x2 1
#5 x1_x3 0
#6 x2_x3 1
Using dplyr: self join, then make group and get unique count. This should be a lot quicker compared to other answers where all combinations are considered.
Note: it doesn't show non-existent pairs. Also, here x1_x1 means, of course, x1.
left_join(mydata_data, mydata_data, by = "Customer_Name") %>%
grp = paste(pmin(Store_Name.x, Store_Name.y),
pmax(Store_Name.x, Store_Name.y), sep = "_")) %>%
group_by(grp) %>%
summarise(n = n_distinct(Customer_Name))
# # A tibble: 5 x 2
# grp n
# <chr> <int>
# 1 x1_x1 2
# 2 x1_x2 1
# 3 x2_x2 3
# 4 x2_x3 1
# 5 x3_x3 1
Data without factors:
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
I want to extract parts of a list that are also a list into a data frame, but the parts I want have the same name. Here's an example list:
study <- list(type='RCT', samplesize=10, centre=list(date='10/2/2015', type='A'), centre=list(date='20/3/2015', type='C'))
If I use:
sapply('centre', function(x) unname(unlist(study[names(study)==x])), simplify=FALSE)
Then it comes out as a vector:
[1] "10/2/2015" "A" "20/3/2015" "C"
What I want is:
centre date type
1 10/2/2015 A
2 20/3/2015 C
If you are open for a concise tidyverse/purrr solution, we can use imap_dfr()
study %>% purrr::imap_dfr(~if(.y == "centre") .x)
# A tibble: 2 x 2
# date type
# * <chr> <chr>
# 1 10/2/2015 A
# 2 20/3/2015 C
You can first subset the list names with 'centre', convert it to dataframe and assign row index.
data <- data.frame(t(sapply(study[names(study) == 'centre'], unlist)),
row.names = NULL)
data$centre <- 1:nrow(data)
# date type centre
#1 10/2/2015 A 1
#2 20/3/2015 C 2
You can also get data as :
data <- do.call(rbind.data.frame, study[names(study) == 'centre'])
I want to remove duplicate rows from a dataframe, for specific columns only. That can be obtained with distinct:
data <- tibble(a = c(1, 1, 2, 2), b = c(3, 3, 3, 4), z = c(5,4,5,5))
filtered_data <- data %>% distinct(a, b, .keep_all = T)
# [1] 3 3
This is (almost) what I need. Yet, my problem is that the columnnames I need to use with distinct will change. So I have a string gen that contains the names of the columns I want to use for with the distinct function. They need to get unquoted to be usefull in the pipe. I found suggestions to use as.name() or eval(parse()). This however gives me a different result:
gen <- c("a", "b")
filtered_data <- data %>% distinct(eval(parse(text = gen)), .keep_all = T)
# [1] 2 4
The eval seems to do something funny with the amount of times the data is filtered. (and, adds an extra column. I could live with that, though...) So, how to obtain a similar result, as if I had used a,b, but by using a variable instead?
additional information
I actually obtain gen by reading the columnnames of a dataframe: gen <- colnames(data)[1:2]. The solution suggested by #gymbrane would be perfect, if I had a way to transform the gen to c(a, b). The whole point is to avoid hardcoding the columnames. I tried things like gen <- noquotes(gen), which does not give an error in the rm_dup_rows function suggested below, but it does give a different result, giving the same sort of repeated filtering as I started with...
I think I got it working. It might be unelegant, and I'm not sure if every step is necessary for the result, but it seems to work by combining the function provided by #gymbrane below with ensym and quos in a forloop while adding to a list in GlobalEnv (edit: GlobalEnv isn't necessary):
unquote_string <- function(string) {
out <- list()
i <- 1
for (s in string) {
t <- ensym(s)
out[i] <-dplyr::quos(!!t)
i <- i+1
gen_quo <- unquote_string(gen)
filtered_data <- rm_dup_rows(data, gen_quo)
# [1] 3 3
How about creating a function and using quosures . Perhaps something like this is what you are looking for...
rm_dup_rows <- function(data, ...){
vars = dplyr::quos(...)
data %>% distinct(!!! vars, .keep_all = T)
I believe this returns what you are asking for
rm_dup_rows(data = data, a, b)
# A tibble: 3 x 3
a b z
<dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 3 5
2 3 5
2 4 5
rm_dup_rows(data, b, z)
# A tibble: 3 x 3
a b z
<dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 3 5
1 3 4
2 4 5
You could modify rm_dup_rows just slightly and construct and your vector with quos. Something like this...
rm_dup_rows <- function(data, vars){
data %>% distinct(!!! vars, .keep_all = T)
# quos your column name vector
gen <- quos(a,z)
rm_dup_rows(data, gen)
# A tibble: 3 x 3
a b z
<dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 3 5
1 3 4
2 3 5
I am trying to sort the interior of a column in R. For example I have this:
ID HoursAvailable
1 a,b,c,k,d
2 e,g,h
3 a,b,c,h,d
And I am trying to sort the numbers in the column internally like this
ID HoursAvailable
1 a,b,c,d,k
2 e,g,h,,
3 a,b,c,d,h
I have tried to use the separate function like this:
cdMCd<- cdMf %>% separate(HoursAvailable, c("a","b","c","d","e","f","g","h","i","j"))
But I cannot get it to sort correctly. For this example e in ID 2 would be sorted into the a column, but I need it sorted into the e column. I was planning to separate all the hours into separate columns, order, then recombine, but I cannot get them to separate correctly.
dt = read.table(text="
ID HoursAvailable
1 a,b,c,k,d
2 e,g,h
3 a,b,c,h,d
", header=T, stringsAsFactors=F)
SortString = function(x) {paste0(sort(unlist(strsplit(x, split=","))),collapse = ",")}
dt %>%
rowwise() %>%
mutate(Updated = SortString(HoursAvailable)) %>%
# # A tibble: 3 x 3
# ID HoursAvailable Updated
# <int> <chr> <chr>
# 1 1 a,b,c,k,d a,b,c,d,k
# 2 2 e,g,h e,g,h
# 3 3 a,b,c,h,d a,b,c,d,h
Here is what I will do:
First create a function that can sort a single one and then create a function that can apply such function to a vector of strings
split_and_sort <- function(x){
x_split <- sort(unlist(str_split(x, ",")))
return(paste(x_split, collapse = ","))
split_and_sort_column <- function(x){
laply(x, split_and_sort)
df$HoursAvailable <- split_and_sort_column(df$HoursAvailable)
I have a data like this (named spectra):
#Milk spectra: 1234
In this data, each time the string ##XYDATA=(X++(Y..Y)), that is the data for each different animal.
So, I want to have the code that can help extract this sample into 3 pieces of data.
Animal 1: 3 lines after 1st ' ##XYDATA=(X++(Y..Y))'
Animal 2: 3 lines after 2nd ' ##XYDATA=(X++(Y..Y))'
And so on.
I tried this line of code but it only help to extract line 1 of all times the string '##XYDATA=(X++(Y..Y))' appeared together. Thus, it did not meet my expect to have three lines and to have a separate pieces of data after each appearance of the string.
bo<-data.frame(spectra$V1[which(spectra$V1 == '##XYDATA=(X++(Y..Y))')+1])
Okay I think you could do something along these lines. I'm sure this could be much better and more efficient but read it in as a character vector.
Then loop through to spread it out. However this assumes there are always the same number of measures and you have a way to identify the character values.
c_data<- c("split", 1, 2, 3,
"split", 4, 5, 6)
y<- c_data == "split"
df_wide <- data.frame("animal"= character(), "v1" = numeric(), "v2" = numeric(), "v3" = numeric(),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
names(df_wide)<- c("animal", "v1", "v2", "v3")
x <- 0
for (i in 1:length(c_data)){
if (y[i] == TRUE){
x <- x +1
df_wide[x,] <- rbind(c(c_data[i], c_data[i+1], c_data[i+2], c_data[i+3]))
animal v1 v2 v3
1 split 1 2 3
2 split 4 5 6
If it is a one time thing, it may not be worth trying to write something nicer. If it is an ongoing thing then you may want to look at using an apply function that you could have to write a function for.
You can do either of the following with split and map:
df %>%
mutate(Animal = cumsum(grepl("##XYDATA=(X++(Y..Y))", V1, fixed = TRUE))) %>%
split(.$Animal) %>%
map(~slice(., -1) %>% mutate(V1 = as.numeric(V1))) %>%
This creates an indicator variable Animal, split by that indicator, remove the first row for each dataframe, convert V1 to numeric, and finally remove the first element of the list.
You can also do the following:
df %>%
mutate(Animal = cumsum(grepl("##XYDATA=(X++(Y..Y))", V1, fixed = TRUE))) %>%
filter(!grepl("^#.*$", V1)) %>%
mutate(V1 = as.numeric(V1)) %>%
This also creates the indicator Animal, but it intead, filters out all rows with # signs in it and converts V1 to numeric before splitting into separate dataframes.
# A tibble: 3 x 2
V1 Animal
<dbl> <int>
1 649.0251 1
2 667.6752 1
3 686.3254 1
# A tibble: 3 x 2
V1 Animal
<dbl> <int>
1 723.6257 2
2 742.2758 2
3 760.9260 2
# A tibble: 4 x 2
V1 Animal
<dbl> <int>
1 872.8268 3
2 891.4770 3
3 910.1271 3
4 928.7773 3
Here I assumed #Milk spectra: 1234 is also a row in your column, hence the subsetting at the end.
df = read.table(textConnection("'#Milk spectra: 1234'
928.777275578216"),comment.char = "", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
I am attempting to create new variables using a function and lapply rather than working right in the data with loops. I used to use Stata and would have solved this problem with a method similar to that discussed here.
Since naming variables programmatically is so difficult or at least awkward in R (and it seems you can't use indexing with assign), I have left the naming process until after the lapply. I am then using a for loop to do the renaming prior to merging and again for the merging. Are there more efficient ways of doing this? How would I replace the loops? Should I be doing some sort of reshaping?
#Reproducible data
data <- data.frame("custID" = c(1:10, 1:20),
"v1" = rep(c("A", "B"), c(10,20)),
"v2" = c(30:21, 20:19, 1:3, 20:6), stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
#Function to analyze customer distribution for each category (v1)
pf <- function(cat, df) {
df <- df[df$v1 == cat,]
df <- df[order(-df$v2),]
#Divide the customers into top percents
nr <- nrow(df)
p10 <- round(nr * .10, 0)
cat("Number of people in the Top 10% :", p10, "\n")
p20 <- round(nr * .20, 0)
p11_20 <- p20-p10
cat("Number of people in the 11-20% :", p11_20, "\n")
#Keep only those customers in the top groups
df <- df[1:p20,]
#Create a variable to identify the percent group the customer is in
top_pct <- integer(length = p10 + p11_20)
#Identify those in each group
top_pct[1:p10] <- 10
top_pct[(p10+1):p20] <- 20
#Add this variable to the data frame
df$top_pct <- top_pct
#Keep only custID and the new variable
df <- subset(df, select = c(custID, top_pct))
##Run the customer distribution function
v1Levels <- levels(data$v1)
res <- lapply(v1Levels, pf, df = data)
#Explore the results
# Length Class Mode
# [1,] 2 data.frame list
# [2,] 2 data.frame list
# [[1]]
# custID top_pct
# 1 1 10
# 2 2 20
# [[2]]
# custID top_pct
# 11 1 10
# 16 6 10
# 12 2 20
# 17 7 20
##Merge the two data frames but with top_pct as a different variable for each category
#Change the new variable name
for(i in 1:length(res)) {
names(res[[i]])[2] <- paste0(v1Levels[i], "_top_pct")
#Merge the results
res_m <- res[[1]]
for(i in 2:length(res)) {
res_m <- merge(res_m, res[[i]], by = "custID", all = TRUE)
# custID A_top_pct B_top_pct
# 1 1 10 10
# 2 2 20 20
# 3 6 NA 10
# 4 7 NA 20
Stick to your Stata instincts and use a single data set:
DT <- data.table(data)
You can see the result by typing DT.
From here, you can group the within-v1 rank, r, if you want to. Following Stata idioms...
x = rep(0,.N)
x[r>.8] = 20
x[r>.9] = 10
This is like gen and then two replace ... if statements. Again, you can see the result with DT.
Finally, you can subset with
which gives
custID v1 v2 r g
1: 1 A 30 1.000 10
2: 2 A 29 0.900 20
3: 1 B 20 0.975 10
4: 2 B 19 0.875 20
5: 6 B 20 0.975 10
6: 7 B 19 0.875 20
These steps can also be chained together:
DT[,r:=rank(v2)/.N,by=v1][,g:={x = rep(0,.N);x[r>.8] = 20;x[r>.9] = 10;x}][g>0]
(Thanks to #ExperimenteR:)
To rearrange for the desired output in the OP, with values of v1 in columns, use dcast:
DT[,r:=rank(v2)/.N,by=v1][,g:={x = rep(0,.N);x[r>.8] = 20;x[r>.9] = 10;x}][g>0],
Currently, dcast requires the latest version of data.table, available (I think) from Github.
You don't need the function pf to achieve what you want. Try dplyr/tidyr combo
data %>%
group_by(v1) %>%
mutate(n=n()) %>%
filter(row_number() <= round(n * .2)) %>%
mutate(top_pct= ifelse(row_number()<=round(n* .1), 10, 20)) %>%
select(custID, top_pct) %>%
spread(v1, top_pct)
# custID A B
#1 1 10 10
#2 2 20 20
#3 6 NA 10
#4 7 NA 20
The idiomatic way to do this kind of thing in R would be to use a combination of split and lapply. You're halfway there with your use of lapply; you just need to use split as well.
lapply(split(data, data$v1), function(df) {
cutoff <- quantile(df$v2, c(0.8, 0.9))
top_pct <- ifelse(df$v2 > cutoff[2], 10, ifelse(df$v2 > cutoff[1], 20, NA))
na.omit(data.frame(id=df$custID, top_pct))
Finding quantiles is done with quantile.