I am using Cummulative Sum functoid but it is ignoring zeros after decimal point.
Eg : If the input is 125.00 then the output is coming as 125 which is not expected. I am expecting 125.00 .
How to get decimal points in the output?
It's technically correct as 125 is the sum of [125.00].
If you need a particular string formatting, that is a different issues.
For that, you would pass the result through a Scripting Functoid which applied a format string, .ToString("#.00") for example, to get the text format you require.
I have a data frame in R that I want to analyse. I want to know how many specific numbers are in a data frame column. for example, I want to know the frequency of number 0.9998558 by using
sum(deviation_multiple_regression_3cell_types_all_spots_all_intersection_genes_exclude_50_10dec_rowSums_not_0_for_moran_scaled[,3]== 0.9998558)
However, it seems that the decimal shown is not the actual one (it must be 0.9998558xxxxx) since the result I got from using the above command is 0 (the correct one should be 3468). How can I access that number without knowing the exact decimal numbers so that I get the correct answer? Please see the screenshot below.
The code below gives the number of occurrences in the column.
x <- 0.9998558
If you are looking for numbers stating with 0.9998558, I think you can do it in two different ways: working with data as numeric or as character.
Let x be your variable:
Data as character
This way counts exactly what you are looking for
Data as numeric
This will include all the values with a difference with the reference value lower than 1e-7; this may include values not starting exactly with 0.9998558
You can also "truncate" the numbers in your vector and compare them with the number you want. Here, we write 10^7 because 7 is the number of decimals you want to compare.
I have an exponential value for e.g. 3.22122E+23
In Marklogic when I try- xs:decimal(3.22122E+23)
I get this error:
[1.0-ml] XDMP-CAST: (err:FORG0001) xs:decimal(xs:double("3.22122E23")) -- Invalid cast: xs:double("3.22122E23") cast as xs:decimal
A lower value for e.g. xs:decimal(3.22122E+18) gives me the correct result i.e. 3221220000000000000.
I see that this is because of decimal overflow and cannot be represented as a decimal data type but is there any way in Marklogic to handle and calculate such huge values?
Same question applies for the negative values(3.22122E-23) where I can handle and display data above 20 decimal places.
It would be helpful to clarify what kind of logic or calculations you are trying to accomplish and why exactly you need to convert the value to decimal. For example, to "display" the double value, you can use the standard format-number function without any conversion to decimal:
let $x := xs:double(3.22122E+23)
return format-number($x,"#,##0.00")
See https://docs.marklogic.com/fn:format-number for details regarding fn:format-number() usage.
See https://help.marklogic.com/Knowledgebase/Article/View/487/0/marklogic-server-and-the-decimal-type-implementation for details of the limitations of the xs:decimal type.
In my data set there is a field that is currently a character field and I need to convert it to a numeric one. the problem is not only are there '%' signs hard coded in the data but there are decimal points in there as well and places after the decimal points is not consistent. AKA...
I substringed off the % sign but is there a way to just cut the decimal point off and everything after it so then I can just cast it as an integer?
thanks all
Cut % then convert to double. Then apply ceiling function.
What I had to do was put leading 0's on the front of the element because cognos was not reading the entries that started with decimal places. then I had to substring the % off and trim and then cast as a number.
What I'm trying to achieve is to have all printed numbers display at maximum 7 digits. Here are examples of what I want printed:
0.000000 (versus the actual number which is 0.000000000029481.....)
0.299180 (versus the actual number which is 0.299180291884922.....)
I've had success with the latter types of numbers by using options(scipen=99999) and options(digits=6). However, the former example will always print a huge number of zeros followed by five non-zero digits. How do I stop this from occurring and achieve my desired result? I also do not want scientific notation.
I want this to apply to ALL printed numbers in EVERY context. For example if I have some matrix, call it A, and I print this matrix, I want every element to just be 6-7 digits. I want this to be automatic for every print in every context; just like using options(digits=6) and options(scipen=99999) makes it automatic for every context.
You can define a new print method for the type you wish to print. For example, if all your numbers are doubles, you can create
print.double=function(x){sprintf("%.6f", x)}
Now, when you print a double (or a vector of doubles), the function print.double() will be called instead of print.default().
You may have to create similar functions print.integer(), print.complex(), etc., depending on the types you need to print.
To return to the default print method, simply delete the function print.double().
Are all your numbers < 1? You could try a simple sprintf( "%.6f", x ). Otherwise you could try wrapping things to sprintf based on the number of digits; check ?sprintf for other details.
I have a SQLite3 table with a column having format DECIMAL(7,2), but whenever I select rows with values not having a non-zero 2nd decimal place (eg. 3.00 or 3.10), the result always has trailing zero(s) missing (eg. 3 or 3.1). Is there any way that I can apply a formatting function in the SELECT statement so that I get the required 2dp? I have tried ROUND(), but this has no effect. Otherwise I have to keep converting the resulting column values into the required format for display (using Python in my case) every time I do a SELECT statement, which is a real pain.
I don't even mind if the result is string instead of numeric, as long as it has the right number of decimal places.
Any help would be appreciated.
SQLite internally uses IEEE binary floating point arithmetic, which truly does not lend itself well to maintaining a particular number of decimals. To get that type of decimal handling would require one of:
Fixed point math, or
IEEE decimal floating point (rather uncommon), or
Handling everything as strings.
Formatting the values (converting from floating point to string) after extraction is the simplest way to implement things. You could even hide that inside some sort of wrapper so that the rest of the code doesn't have to deal with the consequences. But if you're going to do arithmetic on the value afterwards then you're better off not formatting and instead working with the value as returned by the query, because the format and reconvert back to binary floating point (which Python uses, just like the vast majority of other modern languages) loses lots of information in the reduced precision.