How to create random vectors of another vector? - r

I am performing calculations with constants and vectors (approximate length = 100) for which I need to simulate normal distributions N (with rnorm). For constants (K, with standard deviation = KU) I use rnorm() in the standard way:
K <- 2
KU <- 0.2
KN <- rnorm(n = 3, mean = K, sd = KU)
what provides a vector of length 3 (KN):
[1] 1.887905 1.953965 2.311742
Now, I need to do the same thing with a vector (V, standard deviation VU). My first guess is to use:
V <- c(1, 2, 3)
VU <- 0.1 * V
VN <- rnorm(3, V, VU)
but only a vector of 3 elements is produced, one for each vector element:
[1] 0.9439524 1.9539645 3.4676125
This is actually the first simulation of the vector, but I need 3 times this vector. One solution is to create 9 numbers, but VN is a vector of 9 elements:
[1] 0.9439524 1.9539645 3.4676125 1.0070508 2.0258575 3.5145195 1.0460916 1.7469878 2.7939441
not 3 vectors of 3 elements. What I want is VN =
[1] 0.9439524 1.0070508 1.0460916
[2] 1.9539645 2.0258575 1.7469878
[3] 3.4676125 3.5145195 2.7939441
so, VN are 3 vectors which I can subsequently use in other calculations, such as KN * VN. The solution that I have found is:
VN <- * length(V), V, VU), nrow = length(V))))
but in my opinion this is a rather cumbersome expression (which I need to repeat several times in different places with rather long variable names). Is there a simpler way in base R to produce random vectors? I would like to see something like:
VN <- rnorm.vector(3, V, VU)

We can use replicate
replicate(3, rnorm(3, V, VU))
# [,1] [,2] [,3]
#[1,] 0.9439524 1.007051 1.046092
#[2,] 1.9539645 2.025858 1.746988
#[3,] 3.4676125 3.514519 2.793944
Or it could be
mapply(rnorm, n = 3, mean = V, sd = VU)

In addition to #akrun's great options, you may also use something slightly simpler than your approach:
matrix(rnorm(n * length(V), V, VU), nrow = n, byrow = TRUE)
# [,1] [,2] [,3]
# [1,] 0.9439524 1.953965 3.467612
# [2,] 1.0070508 2.025858 3.514519
# [3,] 1.0460916 1.746988 2.793944
or also the MASS package with mvrnorm letting to sample from a multivariate normal distribution:
mvrnorm(n, VU, diag(VU))
# [,1] [,2] [,3]
# [1,] 0.6650715 0.37923044 0.05590089
# [2,] 0.2574341 0.24949882 0.97045721
# [3,] -0.5218990 -0.04857971 0.49707815
# [,1] [,2] [,3]
# [1,] 0.1 0.0 0.0
# [2,] 0.0 0.2 0.0
# [3,] 0.0 0.0 0.3
The latter option is the way to go in case you want the variance-covariance matrix not to be diagonal.


Use of function over all row-pairs of two matrices

If I want to calculate the n-dimensional distance of two vectors, I can use a function such as:
a = c(1:10)
b = seq(20, 23, length.out = length(a))
test_fun =
function(x,y) {
(x - y) ^ 2
n_distance = test_fun(a,b)
Now, I want to expand this to a matrix setting: I want to calculate the n-dimensional distance for each pair of rows of two matrices.
a_mtx = matrix(1:30, ncol = 5)
b_mtx = matrix(sample(1:15,15), ncol = 5)
n_distance_mtx =
nrow = nrow(b_mtx),
ncol = nrow(a_mtx)
for(i in 1:nrow(b_mtx)) {
for(j in 1:nrow(a_mtx)) {
n_distance_mtx[i,j] =
test_fun(a_mtx[j,], b_mtx[i,])
Where each column of n_distance_mtx contains the distance metrics between each row of a_mtx and b_mtx (so n_distance_mtx[,1] is the distance between a_mtx[1,] and b_mtx[1:3,].
If I calculate column means on n_distance_mtx I can obtain the mean distance between each row in a_mtx and all rows of b_mtx.
#[1] 23.79094 24.90281 26.15618 27.53303 29.01668 30.59220
So 23.79094 is the mean distance between a_mtx[1,] and b_mtx[1:3,], and 24.90281 is the mean distance between a_mtx[2,] and b_mtx[1:3,], and so on.
Question: How can I arrive at the same solution without using for-loops?
I want to apply this method to matrices with much larger dimension (on the order of hundreds of thousands of rows). Looking at this and this, it seems there must be a way to accomplish this with a Vectorized outer function, but I have been unable to generate such a function.
test_fun_vec =
function(x,y) {
#[1] 4 0 2 7 4 6 3 5 1 5 7 5 10 0 9 11 15 17 8 11 9 12 10 16
#[25] 10 22 20 25 15 24
We can use Vectorize with outer
f1 <- Vectorize(function(i, j) test_fun(a_mtx[j, ], b_mtx[i, ]))
out <- outer(seq_len(nrow(b_mtx)), seq_len(nrow(a_mtx)), FUN = f1)
# [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6]
#[1,] 20.88061 21.84033 22.97825 24.26932 25.69047 27.22132
#[2,] 24.87971 25.57342 26.43861 27.45906 28.61818 29.89983
#[3,] 25.61250 27.29469 29.05168 30.87070 32.74141 34.65545
#[1] 23.79094 24.90281 26.15618 27.53303 29.01668 30.59220
identical(n_distance_mtx, out)
#[1] TRUE
If I unsderstood your question right, you want the Euclidean distance between each vector (row) in a_mtx to the other vectors in b_mtx.
If so, you could use apply twice like this:
result = apply(a_mtx, 1, function(x){ apply(b_mtx, 1, function(y){ test_fun(x,y) })})
This gives a distance matrix:
[,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6]
[1,] 20.88061 21.84033 22.97825 24.26932 25.69047 27.22132
[2,] 24.87971 25.57342 26.43861 27.45906 28.61818 29.89983
[3,] 25.61250 27.29469 29.05168 30.87070 32.74141 34.65545
where the row index is the corresponding vector (row) from b_mtx and the column index is the corresponding vector from a_mtx
Finally, obtain the mean distance using:
[1] 23.79094 24.90281 26.15618 27.53303 29.01668 30.59220

Multiply a matrix' columns by its columns

I have a 4x100 matrix where I would like to multiply column 1 with row 1 in its transpose etc and store these matrices somewhere to be able to take the sum of these new matrices lateron.
I really don't know where to start due to the fact that I get 4x4 matrices after the column-row-multiplication. Due to this fact I cannot store them in a matrix
mm num[1:4,1:100]
mm_t num[1:100,1:4]
I'm thinking of creating a list in some way
for(i in 1:100){
list1[i] <- mm[,i]%*%mm_t[i,]
but I need some more indices i think because this just leaves me with a number in each argument..
First, your call for data is not clear. Second, are you tryign to multiply each value by itself, or do matrix multiplication
We create a 4x100 matrix and its transpose:
mm <- matrix(1:400, nrow = 4, ncol = 100)
mm.t <- t(mm)
Then we can do the matrix multiplication (which is what you did, and you get a 4 x 4 matrix from the definition of matrix multiplication
If we want to multiply each index by itself (so mm[1,1] by mm [1,1]) then:
mm * mm
This will result in 4x100 matrix where each value is the square of the original value.
If we want the matrix multiplication of each column with itself, then:
sapply(1:100, function(x) {
mm[, x] %*% mm[, x]
This results in 100 values: each one is the matrix product of a 4x1 vector with itself.
Let's start with some sample data. Please get in the habit of including things like this in your question:
nr = 4
nc = 100
mm = matrix(runif(nr * nc), nrow = nr)
Here's a working answer, very similar to your attempt:
result = list()
for (i in 1:ncol(mm)) result[[i]] = mm[, i] %*% t(mm[, i])
# [[1]]
# [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
# [1,] 0.9544547 0.3653018 0.7439585 0.8035430
# [2,] 0.3653018 0.1398132 0.2847378 0.3075428
# [3,] 0.7439585 0.2847378 0.5798853 0.6263290
# [4,] 0.8035430 0.3075428 0.6263290 0.6764924
# [[2]]
# [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
# [1,] 0.3289532 0.3965557 0.2231443 0.2689613
# [2,] 0.3965557 0.4780511 0.2690022 0.3242351
# [3,] 0.2231443 0.2690022 0.1513691 0.1824490
# [4,] 0.2689613 0.3242351 0.1824490 0.2199103
As to why yours didn't work, we can experiment and see that indeed we get a number rather than a matrix. The reason is that when you subset a single row or column of a matrix, the dimensions are "dropped" and it is coerced to a plain vector. And when you matrix multiply two vectors, you get their dot product.
mmt = t(mm)
mm[, 1] %*% mmt[1, ]
# [,1]
# [1,] 2.350646
dim(mm[, 1])
dim(mmt[1, ])
We can avoid this by specifying drop = FALSE in the subset code
dim(mmt[1, , drop = FALSE])
# [1] 1 4
And thus slightly modify your attempt, just adding drop = FALSE will make it work.
res2 = list()
for (i in 1:ncol(mm)) res2[[i]] = mm[, i] %*% mmt[i, , drop = FALSE]
identical(result, res2)
# [1] TRUE

Singular Values Decomposition (SVD) with R

The SVD works well with R:
A = matrix(1:12,3,4)
u = svd(A)$u
v = svd(A)$v
sigma = diag(svd(A)$d)
u %*% sigma %*% t(v) # = A as desired
But unlike the usual statement of the SVD theorem, v is not a 4x4 matrix (it should be!):
dim(v) # (4,3)
Why is it so?
According to the theorem,
v should be of format (4,4),
sigma should be of format (3,4).
By the way what would be shortest way to create a diag(svd(A)$d) zero-padded in order to be of format (3,4)?
To get the full U and V matrices, use the nu= and nv= arguments to svd(). To pad a diagonal matrix with zeros, use the nrow= and ncol= arguments to diag():
A <- matrix(1:12,3,4)
D <- svd(A, nu=nrow(A), nv=ncol(A))
u <- D$u
v <- D$v
sigma <- diag(D$d, nrow=nrow(A), ncol=ncol(A))
## Check that that worked:
# [1] 3 3
# [1] 4 4
# [1] 3 4
u %*% sigma %*% t(v)
# [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
# [1,] 1 4 7 10
# [2,] 2 5 8 11
# [3,] 3 6 9 12
It's just a different convention, different systems/textbooks will define the SVD one or the other way. The important thing is the unitary property U*U'=I. In either convention the singular vectors will minimize the least-squared distances in projection.
Here's a development of the theory that has the dimension conventions the same as in LINPACK and R:
For part two:

Performing element-wise standard deviation in R with two matrices

As the title suggests, I am looking for a way to get the standard deviation per element from two separate matrices. However, I am quite the beginner at R and I can't seem to figue out how to do this. Below is an example of what I am trying to accomplish with a small sample of my data (first three rows)
I have two matrices with coordinates (df143 and df143_2, or matrices A and B as you will)
[1,] 21.729504 -55.66055 -37.26477
[2,] 39.445610 -67.67449 -32.19464
[3,] 57.604027 -54.16734 -28.48679
[1,] 21.706865 -55.50722 -37.57840
[2,] 39.553314 -67.68414 -31.95995
[3,] 57.286247 -54.13008 -28.44446
I am looking for an matrix output that shows the standard deviation per element of the two combined matrices.
Or you can do base R:
matrix(mapply(function(x,y) sd(c(x,y)),A, B), ncol=ncol(A))
# [,1] [,2] [,3]
#[1,] 0.01600819 0.10842068 0.22176990
#[2,] 0.07615823 0.00682358 0.16595089
#[3,] 0.22470439 0.02634680 0.02993183
I believe this is what you're looking to do:
a <- c(21.729504, -55.66055, -37.26477, 39.445610, -67.67449, -32.19464, 57.604027, -54.16734, -28.48679)
a <- matrix(a, ncol=3, byrow=TRUE)
b <- c(21.706865, -55.50722, -37.57840, 39.553314, -67.68414, -31.95995, 57.286247, -54.13008, -28.44446)
b <- matrix(b, ncol=3, byrow=TRUE)
m <- abind(a, b, along=3)
apply(m, 1:2, sd)
## [,1] [,2] [,3]
## [1,] 0.01600819 0.10842068 0.22176990
## [2,] 0.07615823 0.00682358 0.16595089
## [3,] 0.22470439 0.02634680 0.02993183

is it possible to have a matrix of matrices in R?

is it possible to have a matrix of matrices in R? if yes, how should I define such matrix?
for example to have a 10 x 10 matrix, and each element of this matrix contains a matrix itself.
1) list/matrix Yes, create a list and give it dimensions using matrix:
m <- matrix(1:4, 2)
M <- matrix(list(m, 2*m, 3*m, 4*m), 2)
so element 1,1 of M is m:
> M[[1,1]]
[,1] [,2]
[1,] 1 3
[2,] 2 4
2) list/dim<- This also works:
M <- list(m, 2*m, 3*m, 4*m)
dim(M) <- c(2, 2)
3) array This is not quite what you asked for but depending on your purpose it might satisfy your need:
A <- array(c(m, 2*m, 3*m, 4*m), c(2, 2, 2, 2)) # 2x2x2x2 array
so element 1,1 is:
> A[1,1,,]
[,1] [,2]
[1,] 1 3
[2,] 2 4
