Why isn't "Path to project(s)" modifiable? - .net-core

In an Azure DevOps build, a .NET Core Test step has a "Path to project(s)" property, which is set to **/*[Tt]ests/*.csproj.
Why can't I change it?

It's editable if one manually adds a .NET Core build step to a build switched to the "Test" command instead of using the "Test" step from the default .NET Core sequence of build steps.

Because by default this setting will be linked to **\*.sln
You need to unlink it.To do this you have a link at the top right corner called link settings where other links like view yaml and remove can be found nearby.
Click the link settings and unlink the defaullt value of the solution.


"Unable to look up library. Check the ID and access permissions and try again." Firebase Google Apps Script

I am unable to find the Firebase library for Google Apps Script.
I followed the following instruction:
The in this article mentioned project key / script id can not be found when trying to add the library in my new project.
The Look Up renders:
Unable to look up library. Check the ID and access permissions and try again.
Am I missing something? Am I doing something wrong?
Use the Script ID
as opposed to the Project Key
For this library it's:
New editor vs Legacy
With the move to the new editor, using Project Keys no longer work.
See the different instructions for the New vs Legacy Editor in the docs:
Adding a library if you only have the Project Key
If you can't find the ID for a particular script, while the Legacy editor is still available you can switch to the Legacy editor to add it with a Project Key, and then switch back to the new editor.
Finding the Script ID if you only have the Project Key
Maybe you want to get the ID for later reference. To get this, once you have it added, you can press the "three dots" button next to the library name and select "Open in new tab". Once you have it open, you can get the ID from the URL.
I came here because I tried to use a deployment id for a script library.
The fix was to use the project id which I found under project settings.
The answer from 'iansedano' is correct. I just want to add that a to get the 'script id' it's easier to just go to the settings and copy it from there:

web.config transform not executing on publish

I use web.config transforms all the time and when I make a new site/project, I often copy a previous site, rename the *.csproj and rename oldsite to newsite inside the csproj as necessary. I do this often, but for some reason one of my projects will not run its transforms on publish. I don't even know what to show you in this post, so I'll update the question as necessary based on what you want to see. Googling around I didn't find much. But here is what I can tell you:
1) My web.config does not have a namespace on it, my web.release.pittsburgh.config has the 'transform' namespace on it.
2) I copied the contents of a working web.release.pittsburgh.config into the none working one and it still didn't work.
3) When I publish a working site, in the output, I see some 'web config transform' output after a line like 'Publish Pipeline Collect Files Phase', and I see a step 'Transformed Web.config using...' and finally a 'Publish Pipeline Transform Phase' output line. In my none working project, I go from 'Publish Pipeline Collect Files Phase' directly to 'Publish Pipeline Transform Phase' with nothing in between.
I tried comparing the *.csproj files to look for anything obvious and I didn't see anything.
Let me know if you have any ideas or would like any specific information.
Please make sure below things are configured properly.
1) "Release.Pittsburgh" configuration is available or not. If not click on configuration manager and add new configuration.
2) Once configuration is available in the list, click on "Configuration Manager" and make sure all project configurations are set appropriately for "Release.Pittsburgh". If not, set it.
3) This last step is just to make sure transformations are getting added properly or not (Right click on web.config).
Once all are good, go for publish website.

String substitution in Visual Studio Team Services

I am setting up a build in Visual Studio Team Services (formerly Visual Studio Online) for my NopCommerce application. The database connection string is defined in a file called Settings.txt and I would like the value to be updated by my build using a build variable.
I have tried using the $(varName) placeholder as suggested here , but it didn't do anything. Any suggestions? Thanks.
You can't use the variable placeholder directly in the file and there's currently no task available OOTB which does replace values inside of files. You'll need to pass it to a Script (PowerShell, Batch, etc) which replaces the value in the file.
You can use the tokenizer task to achieve this. I don't think that it is available in VSTS by default but you can upload it. You can find the instructions to upload and use in Readme.MD
More details at these two links

Transform web.config on azure

The question is a follow up to this one: Generate Web.Debug config which could be debugged](Generate Web.Debug.config which could be debugged)
I have defined a transformation for web.debug.config. During compilation I see the following:
Transformed Web.config using C:\data\Main\WebRole\Web.Debug.config into
C:\data\Main\obj\obj\x64\Debug\WebRole.csproj\TransformWebConfig\ [...]
Checked Web.config in the specified location - it is correct (transformation succeeded)
But when I start the service in the azure emulator I get an alert that
Why does it happen? Looks that incorrect web.config is taken. Where should I specify the location of correct (transformed) file?
The key thing to realise with web.config Transforms (and is mentioned in the answer to your linked question) is that they are only part of the story.
When you build your sources, the transformed web.config file is built into the /obj/ folder, ready for deployment.
It is only the act of deploying your solution somewhere that puts the transformed config file into use - as noted in the docs:
When you deploy the Web application by using the selected build configuration and by using either a deployment package or one-click publish, the Web.config file is transformed according to your specifications.
How are you running the application after you build it? You need to publish or deploy it using one of the built in mechanisms that support web transforms to see those changes on your site.
If you are running the emulator against the original source files, they won't see the transformed web.config file - which is why typically the debug build doesn't have any transforms and you then turn off debugging with your Release build which is then deployed to production.
As you're trying to test this in the emulator you should be able to do the following:
In the Solution Explorer, ensure you've selected a file within the project that runs in the emulator.
From the Build menu, select "Publish [Project Name".
In the Publish Wizard, create a new "Profile" using the "Custom" publish target.
In the "Connection" pane select "File System" as the publish method, and give it a suitable target location.
In the "Settings" pane choose the appropriate configuration (in your case probably "Debug"), and set any other options that you'd like.
Then press "Publish", and the project should be built, and then deployed to the new file location.
You should then be able to start the emulator from this newly published location, which will be using your transformed web.config.
I have found this solution and it works perfectly

XCode4: How can I add distribution configuration?

I see only Debug and Release configuration. I need to add distribution configuration.
Click on your project (in the left pane) so that the main pane shows the build settings and all that.
Select your project (not a target), then select Info.
You'll see the listed configurations, Debug and Release. There you can add another one, Distribution, based on any existing configuration. You could also create an Ad Hoc configuration. The advantage here is that in the build configurations you can setup code signing per-configuration in a (nearly) "set and forget" fashion. (I always double check that the certs being used are the ones that should be used, however.)
Here's another tip. Duplicate your main scheme and call it "Distro: My App" and edit the Archive action to use your Distribution configuration (rather than say, Ad Hoc or Release). This way, when you want to build a Distribution archive, you can just switch schemes, rather than having to edit your schemes and then remember to undo that change.
Release is distribution. After you compile it in release you then make an archive. In the Organizer's Archive window you can submit the application using your Distributor Cert and Credentials.
Sign into the iOS Provisioning Portal and visit this page http://developer.apple.com/ios/manage/distribution/index.action
Select the "Prepare App" tab
Select "Building your Application with Xcode for Distribution." That section provides step by step instructions (with pictures) on creating a Distribution configuration.
