Writing Comments (metadata) within image file using R - r

I would like to add parameter information to the plots that we make as part of our research project. I know that png has a text block for adding comments. (I am not a png expert, but I think it uses the tEXt block.) Using Gimp, under image properties, you can add a comment that can be read by other software (e.g. by the "inspector" in mac preview. I'm sure there is a windows equivalent). We make our images with ggsave. I did not see any arguments to ggsave that allows us to write to the "comment" block of a png file. I've tried using png::readPNG, and png::writePNG functions
im <- readPNG("test1.png",native=FALSE,info=TRUE)
md <- c(comment=paste0(date=date(),machine=Sys.info()['nodename']))
writePNG(image=im,target="test1_md1.png",text=md,metadata = md)
im2 <- readPNG("test1_md1.png",native=FALSE,info=TRUE)
attr(img2, "info")
I can open the new png file, it looks just like the old one. However, the comment block is not filled. As you can see, the data is written in the file, but neither gimp nor preview can read it. Is there a way to write the metadata in the comment block so that preview and gimp can read it correctly?
Thank you
update: ok, png::writePNG does actually write into the tEXt block, however neither gimp nor preview read the text block. I wrote a simple java program that reads the blocks.
IHDR null javax.imageio.metadata.IIONamedNodeMap#133314b
width = 2580 height = 1800 bitDepth = 8 colorType = RGBAlpha compressionMethod = deflate filterMethod = adaptive interlaceMethod = none
tEXt null javax.imageio.metadata.IIONamedNodeMap#b1bc7ed
tEXtEntry null javax.imageio.metadata.IIONamedNodeMap#7cd84586
keyword = date value = Tue Dec 4 12:55:45 2018
tEXtEntry null javax.imageio.metadata.IIONamedNodeMap#30dae81
keyword = machine.nodename value = mycomputer.xyz.org
Is there a separate comment block somewhere? That is the block I want to write to.
update 2: It appears that gimp/preview read the iTXt block. So the question becomes can I write to the iTXt block from R.


Adafruit MagTag: Dither a jpg from placekitten.com and display on MagTag

Pimoroni has an example that grabs a jpg online and displays it on one of their Inky e-ink displays.
I am wondering if it is possible to do the same thing with an Adafruit MagTag using CircuitPython. In the latest version of CircuitPython, there are BitmapTools that seem like they may be able to convert a .jpg file into a .bmp that is dithered appropriately for an e-ink display. There just doesn't seem to be any example code that shows how to do this.
Is it possible?
Any examples of using bitmaptools.dither(dest_bitmap: displayio.Bitmap, source_bitmapp: displayio.Bitmap, source_colorspace: displayio.Colorspace, algorithm: DitherAlgorithm = DitherAlgorithm.Atkinson)→ None
The code would look a little like this ...
import board
import displayio
import adafruit_imageload
display = board.DISPLAY
bitmap, palette = adafruit_imageload.load("/purple.bmp",
# Create a TileGrid to hold the bitmap
tile_grid = displayio.TileGrid(bitmap, pixel_shader=palette)
# Create a Group to hold the TileGrid
group = displayio.Group()
# Add the TileGrid to the Group
# Add the Group to the Display
# Loop forever so you can enjoy your image
while True:
... but we would pull in a .jpg and have to do a little work on it so that the greyscale image becomes a dithered .bmp.
Any ideas?
I can pull in a .jpg. I just can't process it and display.
I was also looking for an API or something that might be able to pre-process the image from https://placekitten.com so that it would already be a dithered bitmap file. Does that exist?

Create a carousel in Rmarkdown?

Is there any quick and easy way to create a simple carousel in an Rmarkdown doc?
What I know so far
I found slickr but run into errors setting options and knitting (the errors could be specific to me / mac - I am not sure at this point).
I believe it would be possible to hard code html/javascript into the RMarkdown doc i.e. the same way a carousel would be done in any other (regular) html document (i.e. using the html code here)- but I wonder if there's a native (R) way?
Example use
In my particular use case, I'm trying to display multiple complicated ggplots which are each sufficiently complex to make them require their own space (i.e. not faceted or grid.arrange as the size of each plot will get too small to read
Here is the slickr code I tried
objpath <- file.path(getwd(),"slickr_files/figure-html")
if(!dir.exists(objpath)) { dir.create(objpath,recursive = TRUE) }
fileDir = objpath, # path to save output
returnType = 'html', # return images ready for html
imgFormat = 'png' # return png images
knitr::kable(mtcars,'latex') %>%
texPreview::tex_preview(stem = 'kable-1')
# ! LaTeX Error: File `standalone.cls' not found.
A side note, if there's a better way of providing many (e.g. > 3) large, detailed plots that doesn't involve faceting, grid.arrange, or (my current preferred option) tabbing, please give a suggestion as a comment
The example works fine for me. Be sure to save your plots in the folder slickr_files/figure-html.
Then run:
list.files(objpath,full.names = TRUE,pattern = 'png'),
height = 200,
width = '95%')

R - ReporteRs package - word template with dynamic values

good day people,
I'm working on a word based reports automation task. These reports are basically some standard text, a dozen or so charts, some numeric/trend text values that I need to populated based on logic. The trend text, numeric values or charts are to be generated from backend database.
I'm able to produce a blank document with charts using database, the R packages I used are ReporteRs, RODBC, officer and corresponding dependency packages, ggplot2 for charts.
However what I would like to achieve is, have a word document template with some sort of placeholders where I can put the charts and these numeric values.
I've basic code as following
doc <- docx(title="my doc")
mychart <- ggplot(.....)
doc <- addPlot(doc, fun=print, x = mychart)
writeDoc(doc, filename)
Can anyone advise how to approach this task. I saw usage of template parameter in docx but I couldn't find suitable examples of putting values in placeholders or putting charts at particular placeholders inside Word document.
Hope I've explained it clearly, if not please let me know.
Ok I've figured out how to achieve it finally.
MS-Word allows putting placeholders in document and bookmark them so that values/data/images can be put in their place.
You can create a normal word document(not as word template) and add your static content in it along with bookmarked placeholders as per your requirements.
Please refer here to know how to add bookmarks , Word doesn't show existing bookmarks by default, to enable that go to File -> Options -> Advanced check Show bookmarks, you'll see [your_bookmark] thing in square brackets.
Next in R, try following code
doc <- docx(title="title", template="c://above_template.docx")
doc = addPlot(doc, x=myChartVariable, bookmark="your_chart_bookmark)
writeDoc(doc, "c://new_doc_file_path.docx:)
you should see new file with a chart substituted where you put its placeholder.
I would recommend using VBA for this, not R. Do some google-research on DocVariables in Word. Add some DocVariables to your Word template, keep your analytics in Excel, and then push what you have in Excel into the Word DocVariables. Use the script below, which runs in Excel, to make everything work.
Sub PushToWord()
Dim objWord As New Word.Application
Dim doc As Word.Document
Dim bkmk As Word.Bookmark
sWdFileName = Application.GetOpenFilename(, , , , False)
Set doc = objWord.Documents.Open(sWdFileName)
'On Error Resume Next
objWord.ActiveDocument.variables("BrokerFirstName").Value = Range("BrokerFirstName").Value
objWord.ActiveDocument.variables("BrokerLastName").Value = Range("BrokerLastName").Value
objWord.ActiveDocument.variables("Ryan").Value = Range("Ryan").Value
'On Error Resume Next
objWord.Visible = True
End Sub
Finally, add a reference to Word, from Excel. Tools > References > Microsoft Word xxx Object Library.

R Need to restart RStudio to view and save in a file using dev.copy() and dev.off()

I am trying to create a plot and eventually save it as a file. But because I am making a lot of changes and want to test it out, I want to be able to view and save the plot at the same time. I have looked at this page to do what I want to do but in my system, it does not seem to be working as it is supposed to.
Here are my codes:
sample.df <- data.frame(group = c('A','B','A','C','B','A','A','C','B','C','C','C','B'),
X = c(2,11,3,4,1,6,3,7,5,9,10,2,8),
Y = c(3,8,5,2,7,9,3,6,6,1,3,4,10))
plot(Y ~ X, data = sample.df)
dev.copy(png, 'Save.png')
There are several issues (I am new to R so I might be missing something entirely):
(1) When I use png(), I cannot view the plot in RStudio so I used dev.copy() but it does not allow me to view my plot in R studio
(2) Even after I use dev.off(), I cannot view the saved file until I close the RStudio (says "Windows Photo Viewer can't open this picture because the picture is being edited in another program"). I need to restart every time so it is very inconvenient.
What am I doing wrong and how could I view and view saved file without restarting RStudio every time? Thank you in advance!
Based on Love Tätting's comments, when I run dev.list(), this is what I get.
> png('Save.png')
> sample.df <- data.frame(group = c('A','B','A','C','B','A','A','C','B','C','C','C','B'),
+ X = c(2,11,3,4,1,6,3,7,5,9,10,2,8),
+ Y = c(3,8,5,2,7,9,3,6,6,1,3,4,10))
> plot(Y ~ X, data = sample.df)
> dev.copy(png, 'Save.png')
> dev.off()
> dev.list()
> dev.off()
null device
> dev.list()
Why do I not get RStudioGD?
RStudio has its own device, "RStudioGD". You can see it with dev.list(), where it by default is the first and only one.
R's design for decoupling rendering and backend is by the abstraction of devices. Which ones you can use is platform and environment dependent. dev.list() shows the stack of current devices.
If I understand your problem correctly you want to display the graph first in RStudio, and then decide whether you want to save it or not. Depending on how often you save th image you could use the 'export' button in the plot pane in RStudio and save it manually.
Otherwise, your choice of trying to copy it would be the obvious one for me as well.
To my knowledge the device abstraction in R does not allow one to encapsulate the device as an object, so one for example could make it an argument to a function that does the actual plot. Since dev.set() takes an index as argument, passing the index as argument will be dependent on state of the stack of devices.
I have not come up with a clean solution to this myself and have sometimes retorted to bracketing the plot rendering code with a call to a certain device and saving it right after, and switching device depending on a global.
So, if you can, use RStudios export functionality, otherwise an abstraction would need to maintain the state of the global stack of devices and do extensive testing of its state as it is global and you cannot direct a plot call to a certain device, it simply plots to the current device (to my knowledge).
Edit after OP comment
It seems that it is somewhat different behaviour you are experiencing if you cannot watch the file after dev.off, but also need to quit RStudio. For some type of plot frameworks there is a need to call print on the graphical object to have it actually print to the file. Perhaps this is done by RStudio at shutdown as part of normal teardown procedures of open devices? In that ase the file should be empty if you forcibly look in its contents before quiting RStudio.
The other thing that sometimes work is to call dev.off twice. I don't know exactly why, but sometimes more devices get created than I have anticipated. After you have done dev.off, what does dev.list show?
Edit after OP's edit
I can see that you do, png(); dev.copy(); dev.off(). This will leave you with one more device opened than closed. You will still have the first graphics device that you started open as can be seen when you do the listing. You can simply remove dev.copy(). The image will be saved on dev.off() and should be able to open from the filesystem.
As to why you cannot see the RStudio graphics device, I am not entirely sure. It might be that other code is messing with your device stack. I would check in a clean session if it is there to make sure other code isn't tampering with the device stack. From RStudio forums and other SO questions there seem to have been plot pane related problems in RStudio that have resolved after updating RStudio to the latest. If that is a viable solution for you I would try that.
I've just added support for RStudio's RStudioGD device to the developer's version of R.devices package (I'm the author). This will allow you to do the following in RStudio:
sample.df <- data.frame(
group = c('A','B','A','C','B','A','A','C','B','C','C','C','B'),
X = c(2,11,3,4,1,6,3,7,5,9,10,2,8),
Y = c(3,8,5,2,7,9,3,6,6,1,3,4,10)
figs <- devEval(c("RStudioGD", "png"), name = "foo", {
plot(Y ~ X, data = sample.df)
You can specify any set of output target types, e.g. c("RStudioGD", "png", "pdf", "x11"). The devices that output to file will by default write the files in folder figures/ with filenames as <name>.<ext>, e.g. figures/foo.png in the above example.
The value of the call, figs, holds references to all figures produced, e.g. figs$png. You can open them directly from R using the operator !. For example:
> figs$png
[1] "figures/foo.png"
> !figs$png
[1] "figures/foo.png"
The latter call should show the PNG file using your system's PNG viewer.
Until I submit these updates to CRAN, you can install the developer's version ( as:

RMarkdown Inline Code Format

I am reading ISL at the moment which is related to machine learning in R
I really like how the book is laid out specifically where the authors reference code inline or libraries for example library(MASS).
Does anyone know if the same effect can be achieved using R Markdown i.e. making the MASS keyword above brown when i reference it in a paper? I want to color code columns in data frames when i talk about them in the R Markdown document. When you knit it as a HTML document it provides pretty good formatting but when i Knit it to MS Word it seems to just change the font type
I've come up with a solution that I think might address your issue. Essentially, because inline source code gets the same style label as code chunks, any change you make to SourceCode will be applied to both chunks, which I don't think is what you want. Instead, there needs to be a way to target just the inline code, which doesn't seem to be possible from within rmarkdown. Instead, what I've opted to do is take the .docx file that is produced, convert it to a .zip file, and then modify the .xml file inside that has all the data. It applies a new style to the inline source code text, which can then be modified in your MS Word template. Here is the code:
format_inline_code = function(fpath) {
if (!tools::file_ext(fpath) == "docx") stop("File must be a .docx file...")
cur_dir = getwd()
.dir = dirname(fpath)
out = gsub("docx$", "zip", fpath)
# Convert to zip file
file.rename(fpath, out)
# Extract files
unzip(out, exdir=".")
# Read in document.xml
xml = readr::read_lines("word/document.xml")
# Replace styling
# VerbatimChar didn't appear to the style that was applied in Word, nor was
# it present to be styled. VerbatimStringTok was though.
xml = sapply(xml, function(line) gsub("VerbatimChar", "VerbatimStringTok", line))
# Save document.xml
readr::write_lines(xml, "word/document.xml")
# Zip files
.files = c("_rels", "docProps", "word", "[Content_Types].xml")
zip(zipfile=out, files=.files)
# Convert to docx
file.rename(out, fpath)
# Remove the folders extracted from zip
sapply(.files, unlink, recursive=TRUE)
The style that you'll want to modify in you MS Word template is VerbatimStringTok. Hope that helps!
