How does SMOTE create new data from categorical data? - r

I have used SMOTE in R to create new data and this worked fine. When I was doing further researches on how exactly SMOTE works, I couldn't find an answer, how SMOTE handles categorical data.
In the paper, an example is shown (page 10) with just numeric values. But I still do not know how SMOTE creates new data from categorical example data.
This is the link to the paper:

That indeed is an important thing to be aware of. In terms of the paper that you are referring to, Sections 6.1 and 6.2 describe possible procedures for the cases of nominal-continuous and just nominal variables. However, DMwR does not use something like that.
If you look at the source code of SMOTE, you can see that the main work is done by DMwR:::smote.exs. I'll now briefly explain the procedure.
The summary is that the order of factor levels matters and that currently there seems to be a bug regarding factor variables which makes things work oppositely. That is, if we want to find an observation close to one with a factor level "A", then anything other than "A" is treated as "close" and those with level "A" are treated as "distant". Hence, the more factor variables there are, the fewer levels they have, and the fewer continuous variables there are, the more drastic the effect of this bug should be.
So, unless I'm wrong, the function should not be used with factors.
As an example, let's consider the case of perc.over = 600 with one continuous and one factor variable. We then arrive to smote.exs with the sub-data frame corresponding to the undersampled class (say, 50 rows) and proceed as follows.
Matrix T contains all but the class variables. Columns corresponding to the continuous variables remain unchanged, while factors or characters are coerced into integers. In means that the order of factor levels is essential.
Next we generate 50 * 6 = 300 new observations. We do so by creating 6 new observations (n = 1, ..., 6) for each of the 50 present ones (i = 1, ..., 50).
We scale the data by xd <- scale(T, T[i, ], ranges) so that xd shows deviations from the i-th observation. E.g., for i = 1 we have may have
# [,1] [,2]
# [1,] 0.00000000 0.00
# [2,] -0.13333333 0.25
# [3,] -0.26666667 0.25
meaning that the continuous variable for i = 2,3 is smaller than for i =1, but that the factor levels of i = 2,3 are "higher".
Then by running for (a in nomatr) xd[, a] <- xd[, a] == 0 we ignore most of the information in the second column related to factor level deviations: we set deviations to 1 to those cases that have the same factor level as the i-th observation, and 0 otherwise. (I believe it should be the opposite, meaning that it's a bug; I'm going to report it.)
Then we set dd <- drop(xd^2 %*% rep(1, ncol(xd))), which can be seen as a vector of squared distances for each observation from the i-th one and kNNs <- order(dd)[2:(k + 1)] gives the indices of the k nearest neighbours. It purposefully is 2:(k + 1) as the first element should be i (distance should be zero). However, the first element actually not always is i in this case due to point 4, which confirms a bug.
Now we create n-th new observation similar to the i-th one. First we pick one of the nearest neighbours, neig <- sample(1:k, 1). Then difs <- T[kNNs[neig], ] - T[i, ] is the component-wise difference between this neighbour and the i-th observation, e.g.,
# [1] -0.1 -3.0
Meaning that the neighbour has lower values in terms of both variables.
New case is constructed by running: T[i, ] + runif(1) * difs which is indeed a convex combination between the i-th variable and the neighbour. This line is for the continuous variable(s) only. For the factors we have c(T[kNNs[neig], a], T[i, a])[1 + round(runif(1), 0)], which means that the new observation will have the same factor levels as the i-th observation with 50% chance, and the same as this chosen neighbour with another 50% chance. So, this is a kind of discrete interpolation.


How to remove outliers from distance matrix or Hierarchical clustering in R?

I have some questions
First, I don't know how to find and remove outliers in distance matrix or symmetry matrix.
Second, also I used Hierarachical clustering with Average linkage.
My data is engmale161 (already made symmetry matrix with DTW )
engmale161 <- na.omit(engmale161)
engmale161 <- scale(engmale161)
d <- dist(engmale161, method = "euclidean")
hc1_engmale161 <- hclust(d, method="average")
and I find optimize index 4 with silhouette, wss & gap.
>sub_grp <- cutree(hc1_engmale161,h=60, k = 4)
1 2 3 4
741 16 7 1
> subset(sub_grp,sub_grp==4)
>fviz_cluster(list(data = engmale161, cluster = sub_grp), geom = "point")
So, I think the right upper point(4165634865) is outlier and it has only one point.
How to delete the outlier in H-C algorithm.
just some ideas.
in a nutshell,
don't do "na.omit" on engmale161. find the outlier(s) using
quantiles and box-and-whiskers put outliers to NA in the dist matrix
proceed with your processing
long version:
"dist" behaves nicely with NAs (from the R documentation, "Missing
values are allowed, and are excluded from all computations involving
the rows within which they occur. Further, when Inf values are
involved, all pairs of values are excluded when their contribution to
the distance gave NaN or NA)"
to find an outlier I would use concepts from exploratory statistics.
use "quantile" with default probs and na.rm = true (because your dist
matrix still contains NAs) --> you'll get values for the quartiles
(dataset split in 4: 0-25%, 25-50%m and so on). 25-75 is the "box".
To find the "whiskers" is a debated topic. the standard approach is
to find the InterQuartileRange (IQR), which is third-first quartile,
then first quartile - 1.5*IQR is the "lower" whiskers, and third
quartile + 1.5*IQR is the "upper" whisker. Any value outside the
whiskers is to be considered an outlier. Mark them as NA, and proceed.
Best of luck, and my compliments for being someone who actually looks at the data!

How is scaling done in multi classification SVM?

I am working with R for solving a multi classification problem. I want to use e1071. How is scaling done for multiclass classification ? On this page, they say that
“A logical vector indicating the variables to be scaled. If scale is of length 1, the value is recycled as many times as needed. Per default, data are scaled internally (both x and y variables) to zero mean and unit variance. The center and scale values are returned and used for later predictions.”
I am wondering how y is scaled. When we have m classes we have m columns for y, which they have different means and variances. So after scaling y, we have different number in each column for the same class! And it doesn’t make sense to me.
Could you please let me know what is going on in scaling? I am so curious to know that.
Also I am wondering what this mean:
"If scale is of length 1, the value is recycled as many times as needed."
Let's have look at some information for the argument scale:
A logical vector indicating the variables to be scaled. If scale is of length 1, the value is recycled as many times as needed. Per default, data are scaled internally (both x and y variables) to zero mean and unit variance.
The value expected here is a logical vector (so a vector of TRUE and FALSE). If this vector has as many values as you have columns in your matrix, then the columns are scaled or not according to your vector (eg. if you have svm(..., scale = c(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE), ...) the first and third columns are scaled while the second one is not).
What happens during scaling is explained in the third sentence quoted above: "data are scaled [...] to zero mean and unit variance". To do this:
you substract each value of a column by the mean of this column (this is called centering), and
then you divide each value of this column by the columns standard deviation (this is the actual scaling).
You can reproduce the scaling with following example:
# create a data.frame with four variables
# as you can see the difference between each term of aa and bb is one
# and the difference between each term of cc is 21.63 while dd is random
(df <- data.frame(aa = 11:15,
bb = 1:5,
cc = 1:5*21.63,
dd = rnorm(5,12,4.2)))
# then we substract the mean of each column to this colum and
# put everything back together to a data.frame
(df1 <-, function(x) {x-mean(x)})))
# you can observe that now the mean value of each column is 0 and
# that aa==bb because the difference between each term was the same
# now we divide each column by its standard deviation
(df1 <-, function(x) {x/sd(x)})))
# as you can see, the first three columns are now equal because the
# only difference between them was that cc == 21.63*bb
# the data frame df1 is now identical to what you would obtain by
# using the default scaling function `scale`
(df2 <- scale(df))
Scaling is necessary when your columns represent data on different scales. For example, if you wanted to distinguish individuals that are obese from lean ones you could collect their weight, height and waist-to-hip ratio. Weight would probably have values ranging from 50 to 95 kg, while height would be around 175 cm (± 20 cm) and waist-to-hip could range from 0.60 to 0.95. All these measurements are on different scales so that it is difficult to compare them. Scaling the variables solves this problem. Moreover, if one variable reaches high numerical values while the other ones do not, this variable will likely be given more importance during multivariate algorithms. Therefore scaling is advisable in most cases for such methods.
Scaling does affect the mean and the variance of each variable but as it is applied equally to each row (potentially belonging to different classes) this is not a problem.

Calculating HMM observation probability

I'm putting this one in stackoverflow rather than math.stackexchange, seeing as I'm trying a programming approach rather than a math approach.
I have 3 matrices, a transition trans, an emission emiss (or observation error) and a state state.
To go with this, I also have a series of observations obs
My approach is rather simple:
prob = 1 # Probability of sequence is 1 to start with
for o in obs: # For each observation:
p_mult = dot(emiss, state) # Get the probability of each observation,
p_mult = p_mult.get_elem(o)# select the corresponding observation
prob = prob * p_mult # and multiply that with the total probability
state = dot(trans, state) # Last, change the state using the transition matrix
print(prob) # Print answer
Where dot(x,y) is the dot product of two matrices (eg {1x4}*{4x3}->{1x3}) and x.get_elem(y) takes the yth element of the vector x .
For some reason this does not seem to work, as the probabilities I'm calculating is not matching that of others. Can someone give me a hint of what is wrong with this reasoning?

R - linear regression - interpretation of interaction and poly()

I'm a complete beginner with R and I need to perform regressions on some data sets. My problem is, I'm not sure, how to rewrite the model into the mathematical formula.
Most confusing are interactions and poly function.
Can they be understood like a product and a polynomial?
Let's have following model, both a and b are vectors of numbers:
y ~ poly(a, 2):b
Can it be rewritten mathematically like this?
y = a*b + a^2 * b
Example 2
And when I get a following expression from fit summary
poly(a, 2)2:b
is it equal to the following formula?
a^2 * b
Your question has two fold:
what does poly do;
what does : do.
For the first question, I refer you to my answer for a complete explanation of poly. Note that for most users, it is sufficient to know that it generates a design matrix of degree number or columns, each of which being a basis function.
: is not a misery. In your case where b is also a numeric, poly(a, 2):b will return
Xa <- poly(a, 2) # a matrix of two columns
X <- Xa * b # row scaling to Xa by b
So your guess in the question is correct. But note that poly gives you orthogonal polynomial basis, so it is not as same as I(a) and I(a^2). You can set raw = TRUE when calling poly to get ordinary polynomial basis.
Xa has column names. poly(a,2)2 just means the 2nd column of Xa.
Note that when b is a factor, there will be a design matrix, say Xb, for b. Obviously this is a 0-1 binary matrix as factor variables are coded as dummy variables. Then poly(a,2):b forms a row-wise Kronecker product between Xa and Xb. This sounds tricky, but is essentially just pair-wise multiplication between all columns of two matrices. So if Xa has ka columns and Xb has kb columns, the resulting matrix has ka * kb columns. Such mixing is called 'interaction'.
The resulting matrix also has column names. For example, poly(a, 2)2:b3 means the product of the 2nd column of Xa and the dummy column in Xb for the third level of b. I am not saying 'the 3rd column of Xb' as this is false if b is contrasted. Usually a factor will be contrasted so if b has 5 levels, Xb will have 4 columns. Then the dummy column for third level will be the 2nd column of Xb, if the first factor level is the reference level (hence not appearing in Xb).

R, cointegration, multivariate, co.ja(), johansen

I am new to R and cointegration so please have patience with me as I try to explain what it is that I am trying to do. I am trying to find cointegrated variables among 1500-2000 voltage variables in the west power system in Canada/US. THe frequency is hourly (common in power) and cointegrated combinations can be as few as N variables and a maximum of M variables.
I tried to use but here are issues that I ran into:
1) (Johansen) has a limit to the number of variables it can work with
2) appears to force the first variable in the y(t) vector to be the dependent variable (see below).
Eigenvectors, normalised to first column: (These are the cointegration relations)
V1.l2 V2.l2 V3.l2
V1.l2 1.0000000 1.0000000 1.0000000
V2.l2 -0.2597057 -2.3888060 -0.4181294
V3.l2 -0.6443270 -0.6901678 0.5429844
As you can see tries to find linear combinations of the 3 variables but by forcing the coefficient on the first variable (in this case V1) to be 1 (i.e. the dependent variable). My understanding was that would try to find all combinations such that every variable is selected as a dependent variable. You can see the same treatment in the examples given in the documentation for
3) does not appear to find linear combinations of fewer than the number of variables in the y(t) vector. So if there were 5 variables and 3 of them are cointegrated (i.e. V1 ~ V2 + V3) then fails to find this combination. Perhaps I am not using correctly but my expectation was that a cointegrated combination where V1 ~ V2 + V3 is the same as V1 ~ V2 + V3 + 0 x V4 + 0 x V5. In other words the coefficient of the variable that are NOT cointegrated should be zero and should find this type of combination.
I would greatly appreciate some further insight as I am fairly new to R and cointegration and have spent the past 2 months teaching myself.
Thank you.
I have also posted on nabble:
I'm not an expert, but since no one is responding, I'm going to try to take a stab at this one.. EDIT: I noticed that I just answered to a 4 year old question. Hopefully it might still be useful to others in the future.
Your general understanding is correct. I'm not going to go in great detail about the whole procedure but will try to give some general insight. The first thing that the Johansen procedure does is create a VECM out of the VAR model that best corresponds to the data (This is why you need the lag length for the VAR as input to the procedure as well). The procedure will then investigate the non-lagged component matrix of the VECM by looking at its rank: If the variables are not cointegrated then the rank of the matrix will not be significantly different from 0. A more intuitive way of understanding the johansen VECM equations is to notice the comparibility with the ADF procedure for each distinct row of the model.
Furthermore, The rank of the matrix is equal to the number of its eigenvalues (characteristic roots) that are different from zero. Each eigenvalue is associated with a different cointegrating vector, which
is equal to its corresponding eigenvector. Hence, An eigenvalue significantly different
from zero indicates a significant cointegrating vector. Significance of the vectors can be tested with two distinct statistics: The max statistic or the trace statistic. The trace test tests the null hypothesis of less than or equal to r cointegrating vectors against the alternative of more than r cointegrating vectors. In contrast, The maximum eigenvalue test tests the null hypothesis of r cointegrating vectors against the alternative of r + 1 cointegrating vectors.
Now for an example,
# We fit data to a VAR to obtain the optimal VAR length. Use SC information criterion to find optimal model.
varest <- VAR(yourData,p=1,type="const",lag.max=24, ic="SC")
# obtain lag length of VAR that best fits the data
lagLength <- max(2,varest$p)
# Perform Johansen procedure for cointegration
# Allow intercepts in the cointegrating vector: data without zero mean
# Use trace statistic (null hypothesis: number of cointegrating vectors <= r)
res <-,type="trace",ecdet="const",K=lagLength,spec="longrun")
testStatistics <- res#teststat
criticalValues <- res#criticalValues
# chi^2. If testStatic for r<= 0 is greater than the corresponding criticalValue, then r<=0 is rejected and we have at least one cointegrating vector
# We use 90% confidence level to make our decision
if(testStatistics[length(testStatistics)] >= criticalValues[dim(criticalValues)[1],1])
# Return eigenvector that has maximum eigenvalue. Note: we throw away the constant!!
This piece of code checks if there is at least one cointegrating vector (r<=0) and then returns the vector with the highest cointegrating properties or in other words, the vector with the highest eigenvalue (lamda).
Regarding your question: the procedure does not "force" anything. It checks all combinations, that is why you have your 3 different vectors. It is my understanding that the method just scales/normalizes the vector to the first variable.
Regarding your other question: The procedure will calculate the vectors for which the residual has the strongest mean reverting / stationarity properties. If one or more of your variables does not contribute further to these properties then the component for this variable in the vector will indeed be 0. However, if the component value is not 0 then it means that "stronger" cointegration was found by including the extra variable in the model.
Furthermore, you can test test significance of your components. Johansen allows a researcher to test a hypothesis about one or more
coefficients in the cointegrating relationship by viewing the hypothesis as
a restriction on the non-lagged component matrix in the VECM. If there exist r cointegrating vectors, only these linear combinations or linear transformations of them, or combinations of the cointegrating vectors, will be stationary. However, I'm not aware on how to perform these extra checks in R.
Probably, the best way for you to proceed is to first test the combinations that contain a smaller number of variables. You then have the option to not add extra variables to these cointegrating subsets if you don't want to. But as already mentioned, adding other variables can potentially increase the cointegrating properties / stationarity of your residuals. It will depend on your requirements whether or not this is the behaviour you want.
I've been searching for an answer to this and I think I found one so I'm sharing with you hoping it's the right solution.
By using the johansen test you test for the ranks (number of cointegration vectors), and it also returns the eigenvectors, and the alphas and betas do build said vectors.
In theory if you reject r=0 and accept r=1 (value of r=0 > critical value and r=1 < critical value) you would search for the highest eigenvalue and from that build your vector. On this case, if the highest eigenvalue was the first, it would be V1*1+V2*(-0.26)+V3*(-0.64).
This would generate the cointegration residuals for these variables.
Again, I'm not 100%, but preety sure the above is how it works.
Nonetheless, you can always use the cajools function from the urca package to create a VECM automatically. You only need to feed it a cajo object and define the number of ranks (
If someone could confirm / correct this, it would be appreciated.
