Creating a Firebase development environment? - firebase

What's the best way to work with multiple environments/projects on firebase?
I can switch between firebase projects using the the CLI.
I see here how to add environment variables to a firebase project and access them through firebase-functions's .config() method.
Is there a way to do something similar on the client-side when using firebase hosting.
For example: I'm using Algolia to run searches. I have firebase-functions to keep the indexes up to date, and run the searches from the client. Both functions and the hosted content need to point to the right Algolia project depending on the environment. I'd like to tie both configs to the same switch; firebase use staging vs firebase use production, for example. What's the best way to go about that?


Firebase Remote Config - copy to another project

I have two projects for dev and prod. I want to be able to run a script to copy dev config to prod.
Firebase Remote Config has an API for programatically updating Remote Config. But as far as I can tell, you need to init admin with a project-specific service account. It seems like I would need two admin instances, but I'm not sure that's possible?
I'm wondering if someone has done this before and has an example script. Thanks!
See docs:
There is no Firebase Admin SDK for Flutter, so you'll have to implement this on a different platform that is supported. For a list of these platforms and instructions on setting it up, see the documentation on adding Firebase to a server.
For these platforms that the Firebase Admin SDK targets, you can create multiple instances of the FirebaseApp class, and initialize each of them with different credentials and project configuration. For examples of how to do this, see the documentation on initializing multiple apps.

Can you give blanket public access to users in a Firebase project?

I have an open-source project that uses two separate Firebase projects for a test environment and the production one.
Ultimately, I want to have other developers be able to pull down the project and actually be able to run it WITHOUT me needing to give each individual developer access.
I see a number of solutions in this question: How to add collaborators to a Firebase app?. Those all seem to require each person's email.
I understand why it maybe isn't a thing, but I am wondering if there is a way to just give access to everyone for only the test project so that contributing is super low-friction. Something similar to Firestore database rules that allow read/write in a public fashion to get started for testing.
I've tried making a new IAM account in the Google Cloud Console, and I think that partially worked for the Firebase Cloud Functions access to Admin SDK, but my collaborators get hung up trying to run firebase use <test-firebase-project> saying that they don't have access.
I see a lot of other config options for IAM, but nothing sticking out to me for this public access scenario.
Can anyone confirm this either is or isn't a thing?
To add some more detail to my project...
I am using Authentication, Firestore, and Cloud Functions. The only js package I will use is the Auth one, which will be loaded from a CDN (so I believe that doesn't apply to my question).
I want to give access to people to run the Cloud Functions locally. There is a pre-build step that I have made in vanilla Node that calls a Cloud Function (running locally), which uses the Firebase Admin SDK to call my Firestore database. I then write that response to a JSON file that my front end uses.
When my collaborators pull down the project, and install the Firebase CLI, when they try to serve the Cloud Functions locally, they get hit with a "no access" type of error. I was trying to resolve this by adding a service account into the /functions directory, but apparently that didn't help.
My collaborators don't need access to the console at all. I basically just need them to be able to run the Cloud Function locally (and make sure they can't access my production Firebase project).
I am happy to add more detail, but I kind of feel like I am just rambling. Thanks again.
There is no way to grant everyone contributor access to your Firebase console. You will either have add each individual user, or create your own dashboard that uses the API to show the relevant data.

Firebase functions in same project but multiple apps

In same Firebase project I have a node app with several functions and another app with only scheduled functions (because for some reason, I encountered side effects if deployed together in same app).
Each time I deploy the app with only scheduled functions, it tells me that other functions are not present in the source code (obviously) and asks me if I want to delete them.
Is there a way to tag functions as permanent and avoid each time to have to chose to not delete them ?
When you deploy Cloud Functions through the Firebase CLI, it expects that you pass it a index.js/index.ts that contains all the functions for that entire project.
There is no way to tag certain Cloud Functions as permanent. I usually explicitly tell Cloud Functions what functions I'm deploying in situations such as yours, with firebase deploy --only functions:function1,function2.
For more on this option, see the reference documentation on deploying specific functions. The option to group the functions sounds especially useful for your scenario, as you could group them by app.

Firebase deploy after test to production environment

I have created 2 separate projects in Firebase one for the TEST (development) and one for the actual PROD(unction) environment.
I have create a hosting project and am also using Firebase functions that I have successfully deployed and tested on the Firebase TEST project (using the command line as described in the docs).
What is the best / easiest way to now publish to the Firebase PROD project?
Get familiar with the way the Firebase CLI lets you attach a workspace to multiple projects. You can use firebase use --add on the command line to add a project alias, then firebase use [project] to switch between projects for deployment.
You can find the documentation for managing aliases here.

microservice deployment in firebase hosting for an app

I've built an app with polymer 2.0 and polymerfire and deployed it into firebase hosting. This part is smooth.
But I wanted to maintain all my cloud functions as separate modules / separate projects and deploy them independently into firebase hosting. As per the Google IO 2017 talks, it is advised to go microservice style for the cloud functions.
The problem I am facing:
Whenever I deploy an individual module, it erases all the previously deployed cloud functions. Meaning firebase deploy from a project with only firebase functions enabled, will erase all the other cloud functions and deploy the ones declared in this project.
In a nutshell, it looks like I need to create a single monolith with the complete web application, all the cloud functions all in one single fat project and deploy the whole thing. This defeats the point of being microservice style!
Please advise if I am missing something important in the whole setup procedure?
You can deploy/undeploy individual functions with the Firebase tools/CLI version 3.8 or higher by specifying what function(s) to update: firebase deploy --only functions:function1,function2. It will still deploy all the code in your project, since the CLI doesn't "know" what file(s) are needed for each specific function. But it will then only update the function(s) that you specify.
