No such file or directory error on scp command - unix

Im using codeship for deployment and it provides a way to access the build machine with ssh:
ssh rof# -p 65503
This works fine and I get into the machine. Now I want to copy a file from the remote machine to my local machine. Im trying:
sudo scp -p 65503 -v -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa rof# /
And I get a whole host of errors:
cp: 65503: No such file or directory
cp: -v: No such file or directory
cp: -i: No such file or directory
rof# Permission denied (publickey).
I dont know why it's saying No such file or directory for each argument.
id_rsa exists and is in ~/.ssh/ directory.
The Permission Denied error appears to be a separate issue.
Any ideas?

The first problem I see from looking at the documentation:
man scp:
-P port
Specifies the port to connect to on the remote host. Note that
this option is written with a capital ā€˜Pā€™, because -p is
already reserved for preserving the times and modes of the
-p Preserves modification times, access times, and modes from the
original file.
So scp -p is taken to mean "copy while preserving timestamps" and 65503 is the name of (one of the) source file(s).
Try scp -P 65503 instead.


Not able to mount directory after updating fstab

On a Windows file share I created a folder and shared it with a service account.
I have added a mount point entry to fstab like this:
//server/folder /mnt/folder cifs credentials=/root/creds/creds,noperm
Where the creds file contains credentials for above mentioned service account.
Then run mount -a to activate the mount point.
It gives an error like:
mount error(2): No such file or directory
Refer to the mount.cifs(8) manual page (e.g. man mount.cifs)
Couldn't chdir to /mnt/folder: No such file or directory
I have tried mounting the directory manually and receive the same error.
What the heck am I missing?
Ah. I had not created folder in /mnt/folder on the UNIX side. Did mkdir /mnt/folder.
I was then able to see folder in /mnt but it was empty.
Did a mount -a and can now see the contents of the Windows share in /mnt/folder
I seems like I had to do mount -a from /etc as when I issued the command from /mnt it just hung for a while until I killed it and then tried from /etc

All files not downloading

I'm using scp to copy files from local to remote,
This is the command I'm using:
scp /usr/viryanet/fmosqa/logs/dbg_a.`date +%Y-%m-%d-%H`_EST.log /usr/viryanet/fmosqa/logs/dbg_b.`date +%Y-%m-%d-%H`_EST.log /usr/viryanet/fmosqa/logs/dbg_c.`date +%Y-%m-%d-%H`_EST.log /usr/viryanet/fmosqa/logs/dbg_d.`date +%Y-%m-%d-%H`_EST.log car02fv#goxsd1671:/home/car02fv/`hostname -s`
scp /usr/viryanet/fmosqa/logs/ +%Y-%m-%d-%H_EST.log /usr/viryanet/fmosqa/logs/ +%Y-%m-%d-%H_EST.log /usr/viryanet/fmosqa/logs/ +%Y-%m-%d-%H_EST.log /usr/viryanet/fmosqa/logs/ +%Y-%m-%d-%H_EST.log car02fv#goxsd1671:/home/car02fv/
/home/car02fv/hostname -s this will throw an error like "No such file or directory".If you want to copy all files in hostname directory then create directory on remote system explicitely using mkdir hostname -s and then use your scp command to copy all files to remote system.

rsync command is giving error No such file or directory (2)

I am trying to transfer a file using in remote desktop which will create the directory tree as well in remote desktop as specified.I am using below command but its not working when directory is not present in remote server.
rsync -avzhe ssh --progress /root/BP/temp/temp.txt root#host2:/root/BP/temp2
Where /root/BP/temp/temp.txt is available in local but /root/BP/temp2 this path is not peresent in remote server.
I am getting below error :
rsync: change_dir#3 "/root/BP" failed: No such file or directory (2)
rsync error: errors selecting input/output files, dirs (code 3) at main.c(625) [Receiver=3.0.9]
rsync: connection unexpectedly closed (9 bytes received so far) [sender]
rsync error: error in rsync protocol data stream (code 12) at io.c(605) [sender=3.0.9]
If you need to move files to a non existent path on the remote server, you must either:
Model the path and file structure locally and sync a common "ancestor".
This is requires only 1 step
Create the missing directories locally and sync them first then sync the files.
This requires 2 steps
To use the OP's specific example of:
rsync -avzhe ssh --progress /root/BP/temp/temp.txt root#host2:/root/BP/temp2
You would instead do:
# assuming that /root already exists on the remote server
mkdir -p /root/BP/temp/or_wherever/BP/temp2
mv /root/BP/temp/temp.txt /root/BP/temp/or_wherever/BP/temp2
rsync -avzhe ssh --progress /root/BP/temp/or_wherever/BP root#host2:/root/
But if for some reason you cannot move the file in question, you must use the second option:
# assuming that /root already exists on the remote server
mkdir -p /root/BP/temp/or_wherever/BP/temp2
# Notice there is no `/` after the `or_wherever/BP` in the next command
rsync -avzhe ssh --progress /root/BP/temp/or_wherever/BP root#host2:/root/
rsync -avzhe ssh --progress /root/BP/temp/temp.txt root#host2:/root/BP/temp2/

What cause the error "Couldn't canonicalise: No such file or directory" in SFTP?

I am trying to use SFTP to upload the entire directory to remote host but I got a error.(I know SCP does work, but I really want to figure out the problem of SFTP.)
I used the command as below:
(echo "put -r LargeFile/"; echo quit)|sftp -vb - username#remotehost:TEST/
But I got the error "Couldn't canonicalise: No such file or directory""Unable to canonicalise path "/home/s1238262/TEST/LargeFile"
I thought it was caused by access rights. So, I opened a SFTP connection to the remote host in interactive mode and tried to create a new directory "LargeFile" in TEST/. And I succeeded. Then, I used the same command as above to uploading the entire directory "LargeFile". I also succeeded. The subdirectories in LargeFile were create or copied automatically.
So, I am confused. It seems only the LargeFile/ directory cannot be created in non-interactive mode. What's wrong with it or my command?
With SFTP you can only copy if the directory exists. So
> mkdir LargeFile
> put -r path_to_large_file/LargeFile
Same as the advice in the link from #Vidhuran but this should save you some reading.
This error could possibly occur because of the -r option. Refer
A better way is through using scp.
scp -r LargeFile/"; echo quit)|sftp -vb - username#remotehost:TEST/
The easiest way for me was to zip my folder on local and simply put
zip -r LargeFile
sftp (or ip of the webserver)
put (it will be on your remote server local directory)
If you are using Ubuntu 14.04, the sftp has a bug. If you have the '/' added to the file name, you will get the Couldn't canonicalize: Failure error.
For example:
sftp> cd my_inbox/ ##will give you an error
sftp> cd my_inbox ##will NOT give you the error
Notice how the forward-slash is missing in the correct request. The forward slash appears when you use the TAB key to auto-populate the names in the path.

How can I configure rsync to create target directory on remote server?

I would like to rsync from local computer to server. On a directory that does not exist, and I want rsync to create that directory on the server first.
How can I do that?
If you have more than the last leaf directory to be created, you can either run a separate ssh ... mkdir -p first, or use the --rsync-path trick as explained here :
rsync -a --rsync-path="mkdir -p /tmp/x/y/z/ && rsync" $source user#remote:/tmp/x/y/z/
Or use the --relative option as suggested by Tony. In that case, you only specify the root of the destination, which must exist, and not the directory structure of the source, which will be created:
rsync -a --relative /new/x/y/z/ user#remote:/pre_existing/dir/
This way, you will end up with /pre_existing/dir/new/x/y/z/
And if you want to have "y/z/" created, but not inside "new/x/", you can add ./ where you want --relativeto begin:
rsync -a --relative /new/x/./y/z/ user#remote:/pre_existing/dir/
would create /pre_existing/dir/y/z/.
From the rsync manual page (man rsync):
--mkpath create the destination's path component
--mkpath was added in rsync 3.2.3 (6 Aug 2020).
Assuming you are using ssh to connect rsync, what about to send a ssh command before:
ssh user#server mkdir -p existingdir/newdir
if it already exists, nothing happens
The -R, --relative option will do this.
For example: if you want to backup /var/named/chroot and create the same directory structure on the remote server then -R will do just that.
this worked for me:
rsync /dev/null node:existing-dir/new-dir/
I do get this message :
skipping non-regular file "null"
but I don't have to worry about having an empty directory hanging around.
I don't think you can do it with one rsync command, but you can 'pre-create' the extra directory first like this:
rsync --recursive emptydir/ destination/newdir
where 'emptydir' is a local empty directory (which you might have to create as a temporary directory first).
It's a bit of a hack, but it works for me.
This answer uses bits of other answers, but hopefully it'll be a bit clearer as to the circumstances. You never specified what you were rsyncing - a single directory entry or multiple files.
So let's assume you are moving a source directory entry across, and not just moving the files contained in it.
Let's say you have a directory locally called data/myappdata/ and you have a load of subdirectories underneath this.
You have data/ on your target machine but no data/myappdata/ - this is easy enough:
rsync -rvv /path/to/data/myappdata/ user#host:/remote/path/to/data/myappdata
You can even use a different name for the remote directory:
rsync -rvv --recursive /path/to/data/myappdata user#host:/remote/path/to/data/newdirname
If you're just moving some files and not moving the directory entry that contains them then you would do:
rsync -rvv /path/to/data/myappdata/*.txt user#host:/remote/path/to/data/myappdata/
and it will create the myappdata directory for you on the remote machine to place your files in. Again, the data/ directory must exist on the remote machine.
Incidentally, my use of -rvv flag is to get doubly verbose output so it is clear about what it does, as well as the necessary recursive behaviour.
Just to show you what I get when using rsync (3.0.9 on Ubuntu 12.04)
$ rsync -rvv *.txt user#remote.machine:/tmp/newdir/
opening connection using: ssh -l user remote.machine rsync --server -vvre.iLsf . /tmp/newdir/
user#remote.machine's password:
sending incremental file list
created directory /tmp/newdir
delta-transmission enabled
total: matches=0 hash_hits=0 false_alarms=0 data=0
Hope this clears this up a little bit.
from: /xxx/a/b/c/d/e/1.html
to: user#remote:/pre_existing/dir/b/c/d/e/1.html
cd /xxx/a/ && rsync -auvR b/c/d/e/ user#remote:/pre_existing/dir/
rsync source.pdf user1#
If the target file is fully specified, the directory ~/not-created is not created.
rsync source.pdf user1#
But the target is specified with only a directory, the directory ~/will-be-created is created. / must be followed to let rsync know will-be-created is a directory.
use rsync twice~
1: tranfer a temp file, make sure remote relative directories has been created.
# Dir0/Dir1/Dir2/ is directory that wanted.
rsync -aq /Users/temp/ rsync://remote
2: then you can specify the remote directory for transfer files/directory
rsync -avc /Users/XX/data rsync://remote/Dir0/Dir1/Dir2
# Tips: [SRC] with/without '/' is different
This creates the dir tree /usr/local/bin in the destination and then syncs all containing files and folders recursively:
rsync --archive --include="/usr" --include="/usr/local" --include="/usr/local/bin" --include="/usr/local/bin/**" --exclude="*" user#remote:/ /home/user
Compared to mkdir -p, the dir tree even has the same perms as the source.
If you are using a version or rsync that doesn't have 'mkpath', then --files-from can help. Suppose you need to create 'mysubdir' in the target directory
Create 'filelist.txt' to contain
mkdir -p source_dir/mysubdir/
touch source_dir/mysubdir/dummy
rsync --files-from='filelist.txt' source_dir target_dir
rsync will copy mysubdir/dummy to target_dir, creating mysubdir in the process. Tested with rsync 3.1.3 on Raspberry Pi OS (debian).
