Populate the cloud firestore document containing an array of document references - firebase

I have a collection named campgrounds in which every document contains an array of document reference to the documents in the comments collections.
It looks like this Campground
I'm trying to figure out a way to populate this comments array before sending it to my ejs template.
My code looks like this
app.get("/campgrounds/:docId", function(req, res) {
var docRef = firestore.collection("campgrounds").doc(req.params.docId);
try {
docRef.get().then(doc => {
if (!doc.exists) {
res.send("no such document");
} else {
// res.send(doc.data());
res.render("campground", {
doc: doc.data(),
title: doc.data().title,
id: req.params.docId
} catch (error) {

In your array you store DocumentReferences. If you want to get the data of the corresponding documents in order to include this data in your object you should use Promise.all() to execute the variable number (1 or more) of get() asynchronous operations.
The following should work (not tested at all however):
app.get("/campgrounds/:docId", function(req, res) {
var docRef = firestore.collection("campgrounds").doc(req.params.docId);
try {
var campground = {};
.then(doc => {
if (!doc.exists) {
res.send("no such document");
} else {
campground = {
doc: doc.data(),
title: doc.data().title,
id: req.params.docId
var promises = [];
doc.data().comments.forEach((element, index) => {
return Promise.all(promises);
.then(results => {
var comments = {};
results.forEach((element, index) => {
comments[index] = element.data().title //Let's imagine a comment has a title property
campground.comments = comments;
res.render("campground", campground);
} catch (error) {
Note that with this code you are doing 1 + N queries (N being the length of the comments array). You could denormalize your data and directly store in the campground doc the data of the comments: you would then need only one query.


Would like to update the firestore database of certain document based on an if statement

I'm trying to update certain documents 'avail' field to true only if the toolCount method I applied is more than 1.
Each document is a different tool
I am counting their quantity based on their toolName meaning if I have 2 Screens in toolName field then ++
Img of firebase:
Future countTools() async {
try {
FirebaseFirestore.instance.collection('Tools').get().then((value) {
var toolNamesCounted = Map();
List toolNames = [];
value.docs.forEach((data) {
var doc = data.data();
toolNames.forEach((e) {
if (!toolNamesCounted.containsKey(e)) {
toolNamesCounted[e] = 1;
} else {
toolNamesCounted[e] += 1;
} catch (e) {
You need to collect doc ids with the same field name and best way to update multiple docs is using batched writes
FirebaseFirestore.instance.collection('Tools').get().then((value) {
WriteBatch batch = FirebaseFirestore.instance.batch();
List<dynamic> toolNamesCounted = [];
List<dynamic> toolNames = [];
value.docs.asMap().forEach((i, data) {
var doc = data.data();
'name': doc['toolName'],
'id': value.docs[i].reference.id,
// collect ids if same toolName
toolNames.forEach((e) {
final match = toolNamesCounted.indexWhere((element) => element['name'] == e['name']);
// if found collect ids
if (match >= 0) {
} else {
// if not found add first record
'name': e['name'],
'ids': ['${e['id']}'],
toolNamesCounted.forEach((e) {
// if collected ids array more than 2 add batches
if (e['ids'].length >= 2) {
e['ids'].forEach((e) {
batch.update(FirebaseFirestore.instance.collection('Tools').doc(e), {'avail': true});
// update all the docs

Nodejs Sequelize recursive async/await

I'm struggling with a recursive loop and nested create/select statements. I'm receiving an object from a post request with the following structure:
Wanted behaviour: travel through the structure recursive, add record to Part table, self join with parent part, join with PartLib table, if no match present create PartLib record and match created record. Process next part.
The problem: part 14x10-100 occurs three times in the structure. I want to create a record for part 14x10-100 in the part_lib table and refer to that record three times. What actually happens is that for each 14x10-100 part a corresponding record in the part_lib table is created in stead of one create and two matches. If I run it again it will match like excpected. I suspect I'm lost in the promise/async await parts of the code.
Below the relevant code. I've removed some attribute mappings for readability. My thoughts behind it: I'm not returning new promises like normal in a async function since Sequelize already returns a promise. When creating a part I'm awaiting (or at least I think so) the partLibController calls to ensure that all matching/creating/joining is done before proceeding to the next part in the structure.
Thanks a bunch!!
Recursive loop
function parseChild(child, modelId, parentId, userId, level) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
parent_id: parentId
, name: child.name
}, { id: userId }).then((part) => {
resolve({ child: child, level: level });
if (child.children) {
child.children.forEach(grandChild => {
parseChild(grandChild, modelId, part.part_id, userId, level + '---');
}).catch(error => { console.log(error); });
}).then((obj) => { console.log(`${obj.level} ${obj.child.name}`); });
PartController Create
async function create(partBody, currentUser) {
let { parent_id, name } = partBody;
const match = await partLibController.match(name);
let partLibId = null;
if (match.length == 0) {
const partLib = await partLibController.createFromPart(partBody, currentUser);
partLibId = partLib.part_lib_id;
} else {
partLibId = match[0].dataValues.part_lib_id
return ModelAssembly.create({
parent_id: parent_id
, name: name
, part_lib_id: partLibId
PartLibController Match
function match(name) {
return PartLib.findAll({
where: {
name: name
PartLibController CreateFromPart
function createFromPart(partBody, currentUser) {
let { name } = partBody;
return PartLib.create({
Thanks to AKX I've solved the problem: hero
The problem was in the recursive call itself I suppose but here's the working code:
async function parseChild(child, modelId, parentId, userId, level) {
const body = {
parent_id: parentId
, name: child.name
const ma = await partController.create(body, { id: userId });
if (child.children) {
for (const grandChild of child.children) {
await parseChild(grandChild, modelId, ma.part_id, userId, level + '---');

Firestore query with multiple where clauses based on parameters

I want to query a Firestore database with multiple where clauses based on the parameters that are passed in. The following block of code works:
getProducts2(accountId: string, manufacturer?: string, materialType?: string): Promise<Product[]> {
return new Promise<Product[]>((resolve, reject) => {
const productCollection2: AngularFirestoreCollection<FreightRule> = this.afs.collection('products');
const query = productCollection2.ref
.where('materialType', '==', materialType)
.where('manufacturer', '==', manufacturer);
query.get().then(querySnapshot => {
if (querySnapshot.size > 0) {
const data = querySnapshot.docs.map(documentSnapshot => {
return documentSnapshot.data();
}) as Product[];
} //todo else...
But what I really want to do is conditionally include the where clauses based on the optional parameters. The following is what I want, but it doesn't work:
getProducts2(accountId: string, manufacturer?: string, materialType?: string): Promise<Product[]> {
return new Promise<Product[]>((resolve, reject) => {
const productCollection2: AngularFirestoreCollection<FreightRule> = this.afs.collection('products');
const query = productCollection2.ref;
if (manufacturer) {
query.where('manufacturer', '==', manufacturer);
if (materialType) {
query.where('materialType', '==', materialType);
query.get().then(querySnapshot => {
if (querySnapshot.size > 0) {
const data = querySnapshot.docs.map(documentSnapshot => {
return documentSnapshot.data();
}) as Product[];
} //todo else...
While valid, this code just returns all of the products with no filtering.
Is there a way to structure this so I can filter based on the optional parameters?
edit: I realize I can do something like:
let query;
if (manufacturer && materialType) {
query = productCollection2.ref.where(....).where(....)
} else if (manufacturer) {
query = productCollection2.ref.where(....)
} else if (materialType) {
query = productCollection2.ref.where(....)
I was just hoping for something a little more elegant.
Build upon the prior query, don't repeat the prior query:
let query = collection // initial query, no filters
if (condition1) {
// add a filter for condition1
query = query.where(...)
if (condition2) {
// add a filter for condition2
query = query.where(...)
// etc
If using different query structure, You can try below ways:
db.collection("subscriptions").where("email", '==', req.body.email,"&&","subscription_type","==","free").get();
db.collection("subscriptions").where("email", '==', req.body.email).where("subscription_type", '==', 'free111').get();

How do i convert a single json record retrieved from firebase into an array

I am trying to take a single record from firebase to use in vuejs but I cant find out how to convert it to an array, if thats even what i should be doing.
my mutation
GET_CASE(state, caseId) {
state.caseId = caseId;
My action
getCase ({ commit, context }, data) {
return axios.get('http' + data + '.json')
.then(res => {
const convertcase = []
convertcase.push({ data: res.data })
//result below of what is returned from the res.data
// commit('GET_CASE', convertcase)
.catch(e => context.error(e));
I now get the following returned to {{ myCase }}
[ { "data": { case_name: "Broken laptop", case_status: "live", case_summary: "This is some summary content", contact: "", createdBy: "Paul", createdDate: "2018-06-21T15:20:22.932Z", assessor: "Gould", updates: "" } } ]
when all i want to display is Broken Laptop
Example let obj = {a: 1, b: 'a'); let arr = Object.values(obj) // arr = [1, 'a']
async getCase ({ commit, context }, url) {
try {
let { data } = await axios.get(`http${url}.json`)
commit('myMutation', Object.values(data))
} catch (error) {
But as I'm reading your post again, I think you don't want array from object. You want array with one object. So, maybe this is what you want:
async getCase ({ commit, context }, url) {
try {
let { data } = await axios.get(`http${url}.json`)
commit('myMutation', [data])
} catch (error) {
Put this inside / after your .then
Object.keys(data).forEach(function(k, i) {
console.log(k, i);
With a response from Axios, you can get your data as:
Just build JavaScript object holding these properties and pass this object to your mutation. I think it is better than using an array.
const obj = {};
Object.assign(obj, res.data);
commit('GET_CASE', obj)
And in your mutation you do as follows:
mutations: {
GET_CASE (state, payload) {
for (var k in payload) {
if (payload.hasOwnProperty(k)) {
state[k] = payload[k]
Alternatively you can code your store as follows:
state: {
case: {},
getters: {
getCase: state => {
return state.case
mutations: {
GET_CASE (state, payload) {
state.case = payload
and you call the value of a case field form a component as follows:
const case = this.$store.getters.getCase
..... = case.case_name

How to get object by id in the JSON format using angularfire2?

I am looking for simply fetching an object as a JSON, not as an observable.
So far I could:
fbGetCarById(car_id: string){
var car_json;
var car_obs: FirebaseObjectObservable<any>;
car_obs = this.db.object('/cars/'+car_id, { preserveSnapshot: true });
car_obs.subscribe(snapshot => {
car_json = snapshot.val();
return car_json;
However, .subscribe is an async function which does not return the snapshot linearly, so everything ends a mess =/.
How can I simply look for an object and have a simple JSON object as a response?
You could return a Promise.
fbGetCarById(car_id: string):Promise<string>{
const promise = new Promise<string>((resolve,reject)=>{
var car_obs: FirebaseObjectObservable<any>;
car_obs = this.db.object('/cars/'+car_id, { preserveSnapshot: true });
car_obs.subscribe(snapshot => {
return promise;
