How can i avoid using prooph's event sourcing? - prooph

Concept of Event Sourcing in my mind is that Event Sourcing is related to Domain layer which can't be coupled with Infrastructure layer. so I will not use prooph/event-sourcing component and this is why Prooph's team will not maintain event-sourcing component. (this article metioned)
Question is coming, Aggregate, DomainEvent and so on is belong to Domain layer, they are put in event-sourcing component. Event store is belong to Infrastructure layer, so i can use prooph/event-store component directly. However, I found class Prooph\EventSourcing\Aggregate\AggregateRepository is used in prooph/event-store-symfony-bundle, why does AggregateRepository is put in event sourcing? I consider Repository to Infrastructure conecrning, event store symfony bundle shouldn't use event sourcing component any more and Repository also shouldn't be put in event sourcing.
That's confusing me. so I can't use prooph/event-store now.
How do you think?

A repository is the link between the domain model and infrastructure. It's put into the event sourcing component because the event store does not care about aggregates and how they are organized at all. The event store manages streams of events. Only the repository puts that into shape. It uses the event stream capabilities of the even store to manage event history of aggregates. Hence, the repository is also your responsibility. You're right that a new version of the symfony bundle should no longer include a repository implementation but only provide prooph/event-store. That's not done yet. In fact, prooph/event-sourcing is maintained until end of 2019 so we are not in a hurry.
Anyway, I highly recommend to take a look at Event Machine. At the moment it is based on prooph/event-sourcing, service-bus and event-store, but already provides an abstraction layer and a way to fully decouple the domain model and other parts of your system from prooph and Event Machine itself. Just do the tutorial to learn more about it (takes 4-6 hours).


How to introduce application-wide context object?

I need to make several properties accessible from application's business layer. Those are some ids and common settings. Most of them are valid only through request-response lifespan.
This is a web application (ASP.NET Web Forms to be specific) with dependency injection set up.
Currently those properties are passed through method parameters directly to business layer's services. That works but is not very efficient since:
sometimes parameters' values need to be passed deeper obscuring the readability a bit
some properties should be lazy resolved, and this should be done only once per request
retrieving properties which are resolved by touching a database can be confusing for new developers (there is not unified way of doing this)
some services are constructed by a factory which enriches them with some config parameters
I was thinking about introducing an application context interface, with an implementation in the main project, which would be created on every request. It could be injected to the services directly making them parametrized automatically and independently (services won't need the factory anymore).
Is it how this problem should be tackled or maybe there are some other options?
One option I don't like here is that it might bond the main particle with business layer which is not a perfect example of The Clean Architecture.
Id say you solution is a very common one - inject an 'application context' into your classes. One thing I would be careful of though is making sure you are following the Integration Segregation Principle (from SOLID). Dont just start making all your classes expect an application context instance. Instead, design interfaces that split the application context up, and have your classes expect them as dependencies. Your application context will then need to implement all the interfaces.
This is the correct way to do things as it decouples your classes from implementation. Really your classes don't care if their dependency is from one giant application context, they just care about specific methods implemented by it. This will make your code more robust as you will reduce the risk of breaking something if you change the implementation of the application context later on.
Why don't you use some dependency injection container? Your global settings and parameters can be registered to it as pseudo-singletons and then you will be able to neatly request them from any point inside your application.

how to wire-in domain event handlers in multi-layer applications

So my question is very much related to this one: Entity persitance inside Domain Events using a repository and Entity Framework?
EDIT: A much better discussion on the topic is also here: Where to raise persistence-dependent domain events - service, repository, or UI?
However my question is rather more simple and technical, assuming that I'm taking the right approach.
Let's suppose I have the following projects:
MyDomainLayer -> very simple classes, Persitence Ignorance, a.k.a POCOs
MyInfrastructureLayer -> includes code for repositories, Entity Framework
MyApplicationLayer -> includes ASP.Net MVC controllers
MyServicesLayer -> WCF-related code
MyWebApplication -> ASP.Net MVC (Views, Scripts, etc)
When an event is raised (for example a group membership has been granted),
then two things should be done (in two different layers):
To Persist data (insert a new group membership record in the DB)
To Create a notification for the involved users (UI related)
I'll take a simple example of the last reference I wrote in the introduction:
The domain layer has the following code:
public void ChangeStatus(OrderStatus status)
// change status
this.Status = status;
DomainEvent.Raise(new OrderStatusChanged { OrderId = Id, Status = status });
Let's assume the vent handler is in MyApplicationLayer (to be able to talk to the Services Layer).
It has the following code:
DomainEvent.Register<OrderStatusChanged>(x => orderStatusChanged = x);
How does the wire-in happen? I guess is with structuremap, but how does this wire-in code looks exactly?
First, your layering isn't exactly right. Corrections:
Application Layer - ASP.NET MVC controllers are normally thought of as forming an adapter between your application layer and HTTP/HTML. Therefore, the controllers aren't themselves part of the application layer. What belongs in application layer are application services.
MyServicesLayer - WCF-related code. WCF implemented services are adapters in the hexagonal architecture referenced by Dennis Traub.
MyWebApplication - ASP.Net MVC (Views, Scripts, etc). Again, this forms an adapter in a hexagonal architecture. MVC controllers belong here as well - effectively they are implementation detail of this adapter. This layer is very similar to service layer implemented with WCF.
Next, you describe 2 things that should happen in response to an event. Persistence is usually achieved with committing a unit of work within a a transaction, not as a handler in response to an event. Also, notifications should be made after persistence is complete, or in other words after the transaction is committed. This is best done in an eventually consistent manner that is outside of the unit of work that generated the domain event in the first place.
For specifics on how to implement a domain event pub/sub system take a look here.
My first recommendation, get rid of the notion of Layers and make yourself familiar with the concept of a Hexagonal Architecture a.k.a. Ports and Adapters.
With this approach it is much easier to understand how the domain model can stay independent of any of the surrounding concerns. Basically that is object-orientation on an architectural level. Layers are procedural.
For your specific problem, you might create a project containing the event handlers that project events into the database. These handlers can have direct access to the database or go through an ORM. You probably won't need any repositories there since the events should contain all information that's needed.

Attaching an event listener to all URLRequest's

We have a flex application that connects to a proxy server which handles authentication. If the authentication has timeout out the proxy server returns a json formatted error string. What I would like to do is inspect every URLRequest response and check if there's an error message and display it in the flex client then redirect back to login screen.
So I'm wondering if its possible to create an event listener to all URLRequests in a global fashion. Without having to search through the project and add some method to each URLRequest. Any ideas if this is possible?
Unless you're only using one service, there is no way to set a global URLRequest handler. If I were you, I'd think more about architecting your application properly by using a delegate and always checking the result through a particular service which is used throughout the app.
J_A_X has some good suggestions, but I'd take it a bit farther. Let me make some assumptions based on the limited information you've provided.
The services are scattered all over your application means that they're actually embedded in multiple Views.
If your services can all be handled by the same handler, you notionally have one service, copied many times.
Despite what you see in the Adobe examples showing their new Service generation code, it's incredibly bad practice to call services directly from Views, in part because of the very problem you are seeing--you can wind up with lots of copies of the same service code littered all over your application.
Depending on how tightly interwoven your application is (believe me, I've inherited some pretty nasty stuff, so I know this might be easier said than done), you may find that the easiest thing is to remove all of those various services and replace them by having all your Views dispatch a bubbling event that gets caught at the top level. At the top level, you respond to that event by calling one instance of your service, which is again handled in one place.
You may or may not choose to wrap that single service in a delegate, but once you have your application archtected in a way where the service is decoupled from your Views, you can make that choice at any time.
Would you be able to extend the class and add an event listener in the object's constructor? I don't like this approach but it could work.
You would just have to search/replace the whole project.

How to access 'templating' service not in controller

Ok, so the problem is:
I've got some 'order' entity, and it has 'status' property. On changing status, i wanted some other objects to be informed of this event, so i've decided to use Observer pattern. One of the observers notifies clients via email. Now i want to render Email text's from some of the twig templates. As i get from the Book, rendering templates in controllers are done with 'templating' service.
So the question as it follows: How can i access 'templating' service in my Observer class?
I was advised, to implement my Observer as a service, but i'm not sure 'bout that. I've tried to solve this problem, and here is my options:
Use Registry. Solution that is straight and hard as rail. I guess it misses the whole point of DI and Service Container. Huge plus of this solution, is that i can access all common services from any point of my application.
To pass needed services from the context via constructor, or via setters. This is more like in Sf2 spirit. There comes another list of problems, which are not related to this question field.
Use observers as a service. I'm not really sure 'bout this option 'cos, in the book it is written, that service is a common functionality, and i don't think that observing entity with number of discrete properties is a common task.
I'm looking for a Sf2 spirit solution, which will be spread over whole project, so all answers with an explanation are appreciated.
As with any other service in a Symfony2 project, you can access it from within other classes through the dependency injector container. Basically what you would do is register your observer class as a service, and then inject the templating service into your observer service. See the docs for injecting services.
If you're not familiar with how Symfony handles dependency injection, I'd suggest reading that entire chapter of the documentation - it's very helpful. Also, if you want to find all the services that are registered for application, you can use the console command container:debug. You can also append a service name after that to see detailed info about the service.
I read your changes to the question, but still recommend going down the DI route. That is the Symfony2 spirit :) You're worried that your observer isn't common enough to be used as a service, but there's no hard rule saying "You must use this piece of code in X locations in order for it to be 'common'".
Using the DIC comes with another huge benefit - it handles other dependencies for you. Let's say the templating service has 3 services injected into itself. When using the DIC, you don't need to worry about the templating service's dependencies - they are handled for you. All you care about is telling it "inject the templating service into this other service" and Symfony takes care of all the heavy lifting.
If you're really opposed to defining your observer as a service, you can use constructor or setter injection as long as you're within a container-aware context.

The Purpose of a Service Layer and ASP.NET MVC 2

In an effort to understand MVC 2 and attempt to get my company to adopt it as a viable platform for future development, I have been doing a lot of reading lately. Having worked with ASP.NET pretty exclusively for the past few years, I had some catching up to do.
Currently, I understand the repository pattern, models, controllers, data annotations, etc. But there is one thing that is keeping me from completely understanding enough to start work on a reference application.
The first is the Service Layer Pattern. I have read many blog posts and questions here on Stack Overflow, but I still don't completely understand the purpose of this pattern. I watched the entire video series at MVCCentral on the Golf Tracker Application and also looked at the demo code he posted and it looks to me like the service layer is just another wrapper around the repository pattern that doesn't perform any work at all.
I also read this post: and it seemed to somewhat answer my question, however, if you are using data annotations to perform your validation, this seems unnecessary.
I have looked for demonstrations, posts, etc. but I can't seem to find anything that simply explains the pattern and gives me compelling evidence to use it.
Can someone please provide me with a 2nd grade (ok, maybe 5th grade) reason to use this pattern, what I would lose if I don't, and what I gain if I do?
In a MVC pattern you have responsibilities separated between the 3 players: Model, View and Controller.
The Model is responsible for doing the business stuff, the View presents the results of the business (providing also input to the business from the user) while the Controller acts like the glue between the Model and the View, separating the inner workings of each from the other.
The Model is usually backed up by a database so you have some DAOs accessing that. Your business does some...well... business and stores or retrieves data in/from the database.
But who coordinates the DAOs? The Controller? No! The Model should.
Enter the Service layer. The Service layer will provide high service to the controller and will manage other (lower level) players (DAOs, other services etc) behind the scenes. It contains the business logic of your app.
What happens if you don't use it?
You will have to put the business logic somewhere and the victim is usually the controller.
If the controller is web centric it will have to receive its input and provide response as HTTP requests, responses. But what if I want to call my app (and get access to the business it provides) from a Windows application which communicates with RPC or some other thing? What then?
Well, you will have to rewrite the controller and make the logic client agnostic. But with the Service layer you already have that. Yyou don't need to rewrite things.
The service layer provides communication with DTOs which are not tied to a specific controller implementation. If the controller (no matter what type of controller) provides the appropriate data (no mater the source) your service layer will do its thing providing a service to the caller and hiding the caller from all responsibilities of the business logic involved.
I have to say I agree with dpb with the above, the wrapper i.e. Service Layer is reusable, mockable, I am currently in the process of including this layer inside my app... here are some of the issues/ requirements I am pondering over (very quickly :p ) that could be off help to youeself...
1. Multiple portals (e.g. Bloggers portal, client portal, internal portal) which will be needed to be accessed by many different users. They all must be separate ASP.NET MVC Applications (an important requirement)
2. Within the apps themselves some calls to the database will be similar, the methods and the way the data is handled from the Repository layer. Without doubt some controllers from each module/ portal will make exactly or an overloaded version of the same call, hence a possible need for a service layer (code to interfaces) which I will then compile in a separate class project.
3.If I create a separate class project for my service layer I may need to do the same for the Data Layer or combine it with the Service Layer and keep the model away from the Web project itself. At least this way as my project grows I can throw out the data access layer (i.e. LinqToSql -> NHibernate), or a team member can without working on any code in any other project. The downside could be they could blow everything up lol...
